/** Copyright 2008, 2012 Neil Edelman, distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, see copying.txt This is the main program. I didn't know what to call it. @author Neil @version 1.0; 2016-09-19 Added umask @since 1.0; 2008-03-27 */ #include /* malloc free fgets */ #include /* fprintf FILE */ #include /* strcmp */ #include /* chdir (POSIX, not ANSI) */ #include /* umask */ #include "Files.h" #include "Widget.h" #include "Parser.h" #include "Recursor.h" /* public */ struct Recursor { char *indexString; struct Parser *indexParser; /* depends on indexString */ FILE *sitemap; char *sitemapString; struct Parser *sitemapParser; /* depends on sitemapString */ FILE *newsfeed; char *newsfeedString; struct Parser *newsfeedParser; /* depends on newsfeedString */ }; /* private */ int filter(const struct Files *, const char *fn); int recurse(const struct Files *parent); char *readFile(const char *filename); void usage(const char *programme); /* constants */ static const int versionMajor = 0; static const int versionMinor = 8; static const int granularity = 1024; static const int maxRead = 0x1000; const char *htmlIndex = "index.html"; /* in multiple files */ static const char *xmlSitemap = "sitemap.xml"; static const char *rssNewsfeed = "newsfeed.rss"; static const char *tmplIndex = ".index.html"; static const char *tmplSitemap = ".sitemap.xml"; static const char *tmplNewsfeed= ".newsfeed.rss"; /* in Files.c */ extern const char *dirCurrent; extern const char *dirParent; /* in Widget.c */ extern const char *desc; extern const char *news; /* there can only be one recursor at a time, sorry */ static struct Recursor *r = 0; /* public */ struct Recursor *Recursor(const char *index, const char *map, const char *news) { if(!index || !index || !map || !news) return 0; if(r) { fprintf(stderr, "Recursor: there is already a Recursor.\n"); return 0; } r = malloc(sizeof(struct Recursor)); if(!r) { perror("recursor"); Recursor_(); return 0; } r->indexString = 0; r->indexParser = 0; r->sitemap = 0; r->sitemapString = 0; r->sitemapParser = 0; r->newsfeed = 0; r->newsfeedString = 0; r->newsfeedParser = 0; /* open the files for writing (index is opened multiple times in the directories) */ if(!(r->sitemap = fopen(xmlSitemap, "w"))) perror(xmlSitemap); if(!(r->newsfeed = fopen(rssNewsfeed, "w"))) perror(rssNewsfeed); /* read from the input files */ if( !(r->indexString = readFile(index))) { fprintf(stderr, "Recursor: to make an index, create the file <%s>.\n", index); } if(r->sitemap && !(r->sitemapString = readFile(map))) { fprintf(stderr, "Recursor: to make an sitemap, create the file <%s>.\n", map); } if(r->newsfeed && !(r->newsfeedString = readFile(news))) { fprintf(stderr, "Recursor: to make a newsfeed, create the file <%s>.\n", news); } /* create Parsers attached to them */ if(r->indexString && !(r->indexParser = Parser(r->indexString))) { fprintf(stderr, "Recursor: error generating Parser from <%s>.\n", index); } if(r->sitemapString && !(r->sitemapParser = Parser(r->sitemapString))) { fprintf(stderr, "Recursor: error generating Parser from <%s>.\n", map); } if(r->newsfeedString && !(r->newsfeedParser = Parser(r->newsfeedString))) { fprintf(stderr, "Recursor: error generating Parser from <%s>.\n", news); } /* if theirs no content, we have nothing to do */ if(!r->indexParser && !r->sitemapParser && !r->newsfeedParser) { fprintf(stderr, "Recursor: no Parsers defined, it would be useless to continue.\n"); Recursor_(); return 0; } /* parse the "header," ie, everything up to ~, the second arg is null because we haven't set up the Files, so @files{}, @pwd{}, etc are undefined */ ParserParse(r->sitemapParser, 0, 0, r->sitemap); ParserParse(r->newsfeedParser, 0, 0, r->newsfeed); return r; } void Recursor_(void) { if(!r) return; if(r->sitemapParser && r->sitemap) { ParserParse(r->sitemapParser, 0, -1, r->sitemap); ParserParse(r->sitemapParser, 0, 0, r->sitemap); } if(r->sitemap && fclose(r->sitemap)) perror(xmlSitemap); if(r->newsfeedParser && r->newsfeed) { ParserParse(r->newsfeedParser, 0, -1, r->newsfeed); ParserParse(r->newsfeedParser, 0, 0, r->newsfeed); } if(r->newsfeed && fclose(r->newsfeed)) perror(rssNewsfeed); Parser_(r->indexParser); free(r->indexString); Parser_(r->sitemapParser); free(r->sitemapString); Parser_(r->newsfeedParser); free(r->newsfeedString); free(r); r = 0; } /* entry-point (shouldn't have a prototype) */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { int ret; /* set up; fixme: dangerous! use stdarg, have a -delete, -write, and -help */ if(argc <= 1) { usage(argv[0]); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } fprintf(stderr, "Changing directory to <%s>.\n", argv[1]); if(chdir(argv[1])) { perror(argv[1]); return EXIT_FAILURE; } /* make sure that umask is set so that others can read what we create */ umask(S_IWGRP | S_IWOTH); /* recursing; fixme: this should be configurable */ if(!Recursor(tmplIndex, tmplSitemap, tmplNewsfeed)) return EXIT_FAILURE; ret = recurse(0); Recursor_(); return ret ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE; } /* private */ int filter(const struct Files *files, const char *fn) { char *str, filed[64]; FILE *fd; if(!r) { fprintf(stderr, "Recusor::filter: recursor not initialised.\n"); return 0; } /* *.d[.0]* */ for(str = (char *)fn; (str = strstr(str, desc)); ) { str += strlen(desc); if(*str == '\0' || *str == '.') return 0; } /* *.news$ */ if((str = strstr(fn, news))) { str += strlen(news); if(*str == '\0') { if(WidgetSetNews(fn) && ParserParse(r->newsfeedParser, files, 0, r->newsfeed)) { ParserRewind(r->newsfeedParser); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Recursor::filter: error writing news <%s>.\n", fn); } return 0; } } /* . */ if(!strcmp(fn, dirCurrent)) return 0; /* .. */ if(!strcmp(fn, dirParent) && FilesIsRoot(files)) return 0; /* index.html */ if(!strcmp(fn, htmlIndex)) return 0; /* add .d, check 1 line for \n (hmm, this must be a real time waster) */ if(strlen(fn) > sizeof(filed) - strlen(desc) - 1) { fprintf(stderr, "Recusor::filter: regected '%s' because it was too long (%d.)\n", fn, (int)sizeof(filed)); return 0; } strcpy(filed, fn); strcat(filed, desc); if((fd = fopen(filed, "r"))) { int ch = fgetc(fd); if(ch == '\n' || ch == '\r' || ch == EOF) { fprintf(stderr, "Recursor::filter: '%s' rejected.\n", fn); return 0; } if(fclose(fd)) perror(filed); } return -1; } int recurse(const struct Files *parent) { struct Files *f; char *name; FILE *fp; f = Files(parent, &filter); /* write the index */ if((fp = fopen(htmlIndex, "w"))) { ParserParse(r->indexParser, f, 0, fp); ParserRewind(r->indexParser); fclose(fp); } else perror(htmlIndex); /* sitemap */ ParserParse(r->sitemapParser, f, 0, r->sitemap); ParserRewind(r->sitemapParser); /* recurse */ while(FilesAdvance(f)) { if(!FilesIsDir(f) || !(name = FilesName(f)) || !strcmp(dirCurrent, name) || !strcmp(dirParent, name) || !(name = FilesName(f))) continue; if(chdir(name)) { perror(name); continue; } recurse(f); /* this happens on Windows; I don't know what to do */ if(chdir(dirParent)) perror(dirParent); } Files_(f); return -1; } char *readFile(const char *filename) { char *buf = 0, *newBuf; int bufPos = 0, bufSize = 0, read; FILE *fp; if(!filename) return 0; if(!(fp = fopen(filename, "r"))) { perror(filename); return 0; } for( ; ; ) { newBuf = realloc(buf, (bufSize += granularity) * sizeof(char)); if(!newBuf) { perror(filename); free(buf); return 0; } buf = newBuf; read = fread(buf + bufPos, sizeof(char), granularity, fp); bufPos += read; if(read < granularity) { buf[bufPos] = '\0'; break; } } fprintf(stderr, "Opened '%s' and alloted %d bytes to read %d characters.\n", filename, bufSize, bufPos); if(fclose(fp)) perror(filename); return buf; /** you must free() the memory! */ } void usage(const char *programme) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s \n\n", programme); fprintf(stderr, "Version %d.%d.\n\n", versionMajor, versionMinor); fprintf(stderr, "MakeIndex is a content generator that places a changing\n"); fprintf(stderr, "index.html on all the directories under \n"); fprintf(stderr, "based on a template file in called <%s>.\n", tmplIndex); fprintf(stderr, "It also does some other stuff.\n\n"); fprintf(stderr, "See readme.txt or http://neil.chaosnet.org/ for further info.\n\n"); fprintf(stderr, "MakeIndex Copyright 2008, 2012 Neil Edelman\n"); fprintf(stderr, "This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.\n"); fprintf(stderr, "This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it\n"); fprintf(stderr, "under certain conditions; see gpl.txt.\n\n"); }