/** @license 2022 Neil Edelman, distributed under the terms of the [MIT License](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). @abstract Stand-alone header <../src/tree.h>; examples <../test/test_tree.c>; article <../doc/tree/tree.pdf>. @subtitle Ordered tree ![Example of an order-3 tree.](../doc/tree/tree.png) A tree> is an ordered set or map contained in a tree. For memory locality, this is implemented B-tree, described in . @param[TREE_NAME, TREE_KEY] `` that satisfies `C` naming conventions when mangled, required, and `TREE_KEY`, a type, key>, whose default is `unsigned int`. `` is private, whose names are prefixed in a manner to avoid collisions. @param[TREE_VALUE] Optional payload to go with the type, value>, thus making it a map instead of a set. @param[TREE_COMPARE] This will define compare>, a compare_fn> that compares keys as integer-types that results in ascending order, `a > b`. If `TREE_COMPARE` is specified, the user most specify their own compare>. @param[TREE_ORDER] Sets the branching factor, or order as , to the range `[3, UINT_MAX+1]`. Default 65 is tuned to an integer to pointer map, and should be okay for most variations. 4 is isomorphic to left-leaning red-black tree, . The above illustration is 5. @param[TREE_DEFAULT] Default trait; a name that satisfies `C` naming conventions when mangled and a value> used in treeget>. @param[TREE_TO_STRING] To string trait `` contained in . Require `[]to_string` be declared as to_string_fn>. @param[TREE_EXPECT_TRAIT, TREE_TRAIT] Named traits are obtained by including `tree.h` multiple times with `TREE_EXPECT_TRAIT` and then subsequently including the name in `TREE_TRAIT`. @fixme merge, difference @std C89 */ #if !defined(TREE_NAME) #error Name undefined. #endif #if defined(TREE_TRAIT) ^ defined(BOX_TYPE) #error TREE_TRAIT name must come after TREE_EXPECT_TRAIT. #endif #if defined(TREE_TEST) && (!defined(TREE_TRAIT) && !defined(TREE_TO_STRING) \ || defined(TREE_TRAIT) && !defined(TREE_HAS_TO_STRING)) #error Test requires to string. #endif #ifndef TREE_H /* */ #ifndef TREE_TRAIT /* */ /* These rules are more lazy than the original so as to not exhibit worst-case behaviour in small trees, as , (lookup is potentially slower after deleting.) In the terminology of , * Every branch has at most `TREE_ORDER == TREE_MAX + 1` children, which is at minimum three. * Every non-root and non-bulk-loaded node has at least `TREE_MIN` keys, (`⎣TREE_MAX/3⎦`.) * Every branch has at least one child, `k`, and contains `k - 1` keys, (this is a consequence of the fact that they are implicitly storing a complete binary sub-tree.) * All leaves are at the maximum depth and height zero; they do'n't carry links to other nodes, (hence, leaf.) In this code, a branch node is a specialization of a (leaf) node with children. One can tell if it's a branch by keeping track of the height. * There are two empty B-trees to facilitate allocation hysteresis between 0 -- 1: idle `{ 0, 0 }`, and `{ garbage leaf, UINT_MAX }`, one could test, `!root || height == UINT_MAX`. * Bulk-loading always is on the right side. */ struct PB_(node) { unsigned size; PB_(key) key[TREE_MAX]; /* Cache-friendly lookup. */ #ifdef TREE_VALUE PB_(value) value[TREE_MAX]; #endif }; /* B-tree branch is a node> and links to `size + 1` nodes. */ struct PB_(branch) { struct PB_(node) base, *child[TREE_ORDER]; }; /** @return Downcasts `as_leaf` to a branch. */ static struct PB_(branch) *PB_(as_branch)(struct PB_(node) *const as_leaf) { return (struct PB_(branch) *)(void *) ((char *)as_leaf - offsetof(struct PB_(branch), base)); } /** @return Downcasts `as_node` to a branch. */ static const struct PB_(branch) *PB_(as_branch_c)(const struct PB_(node) * const as_node) { return (const struct PB_(branch) *)(const void *) ((const char *)as_node - offsetof(struct PB_(branch), base)); } /* Node plus height is a [sub]-tree. */ struct PB_(tree) { struct PB_(node) *node; unsigned height; }; /** To initialize it to an idle state, see tree>, `{0}` (`C99`), or being `static`. ![States.](../doc/tree/states.png) */ struct B_(tree); struct B_(tree) { struct PB_(tree) root; }; /* Address of a specific key by node. Height might not be used, but there's too many structs in this file anyway. */ struct PB_(ref) { struct PB_(node) *node; /* If null, others ignored. */ unsigned height, idx; /* `idx < node.size` means valid. */ }; #ifdef TREE_VALUE /* */ struct PB_(iterator) { struct PB_(tree) *root; struct PB_(ref) ref; int seen; }; /** @return Before the start of `tree`, (can be null.) @implements `begin` */ static struct PB_(iterator) PB_(begin)(struct B_(tree) *const tree) { struct PB_(iterator) it; it.root = tree ? &tree->root : 0; it.ref.height = tree ? tree->root.height : 0; if(tree && tree->root.height != UINT_MAX) for(it.ref.node = tree->root.node; it.ref.height; it.ref.node = PB_(as_branch_c)(it.ref.node)->child[0], it.ref.height--); else it.ref.node = 0; it.ref.idx = 0; it.seen = 0; return it; } /** @return After the end of `tree`, (can be null.) @implements `end` */ static struct PB_(iterator) PB_(end)(struct B_(tree) *const tree) { struct PB_(iterator) it; it.root = tree ? &tree->root : 0; it.ref.height = tree ? tree->root.height : 0; if(tree && tree->root.height != UINT_MAX) for(it.ref.node = tree->root.node; it.ref.height; it.ref.node = PB_(as_branch)(it.ref.node)->child[it.ref.node->size], it.ref.height--); else it.ref.node = 0; it.ref.idx = it.ref.node ? it.ref.node->size : 0; it.seen = 0; return it; } /** @return Whether `it` advances, filling `ref`. @implements `next` */ static int PB_(next)(struct PB_(iterator) *const it, struct PB_(ref) **const ref) { struct PB_(ref) adv; assert(it); if(!it->root || !it->ref.node) return it->seen = 0, 0; if(!it->root->node || it->root->height == UINT_MAX) return it->ref.node = 0, 0; /* Concurrent modification? */ adv = it->ref; /* Shorten keystrokes and work with a copy. */ if(!it->seen && adv.idx < adv.node->size) goto successor; adv.idx++; if(adv.height && adv.idx > adv.node->size) return it->ref.node = 0, 0; /* Concurrent modification? */ while(adv.height) adv.height--, adv.node = PB_(as_branch)(adv.node)->child[adv.idx], adv.idx = 0; if(adv.idx < adv.node->size) goto successor; /* Likely. */ /* Bulk-loading or concurrent modification? */ if(adv.idx > adv.node->size) return it->ref.node = 0, 0; { /* Re-descend; pick the minimum height node that has a next key. */ struct PB_(ref) next; struct PB_(tree) tree = *it->root; unsigned a0; const PB_(key) x = adv.node->key[adv.node->size - 1]; /* Target. */ for(next.node = 0; tree.height; tree.node = PB_(as_branch)(tree.node)->child[a0], tree.height--) { unsigned a1 = tree.node->size; a0 = 0; while(a0 < a1) { const unsigned m = (a0 + a1) / 2; if(B_(compare)(x, tree.node->key[m]) > 0) a0 = m + 1; else a1 = m; } if(a0 < tree.node->size) next.node = tree.node, next.height = tree.height, next.idx = a0; } if(!next.node) return it->seen = 0, 0; /* Off right. */ adv = next; } /* Jumped nodes. */ successor: it->seen = 1; it->ref = adv; if(ref) *ref = &it->ref; return 1; } /** @return Whether `it` recedes, filling `v`. @implements `next` */ static int PB_(previous)(struct PB_(iterator) *const it, struct PB_(ref) **const v) { struct PB_(ref) prd; assert(it); if(!it->root || !it->ref.node) return it->seen = 0, 0; if(!it->root->node || it->root->height == UINT_MAX) return it->ref.node = 0, 0; /* Concurrent modification? */ prd = it->ref; /* Shorten keystrokes and work with a copy. */ if(prd.idx > prd.node->size) prd.idx = prd.node->size; /* Clip. */ if(!it->seen && prd.idx) { prd.idx--; goto predecessor; } while(prd.height) prd.height--, prd.node = PB_(as_branch)(prd.node)->child[prd.idx], prd.idx = prd.node->size; if(prd.idx) { prd.idx--; goto predecessor; } /* Likely. */ { /* Re-descend; pick the minimum height node that has a previous key. */ struct PB_(ref) prev; struct PB_(tree) tree = *it->root; unsigned a0; const PB_(key) x = prd.node->key[0]; /* Target. */ for(prev.node = 0; tree.height; tree.node = PB_(as_branch)(tree.node)->child[a0], tree.height--) { unsigned a1 = tree.node->size; a0 = 0; while(a0 < a1) { const unsigned m = (a0 + a1) / 2; if(B_(compare)(x, tree.node->key[m]) > 0) a0 = m + 1; else a1 = m; } if(a0) prev.node = tree.node, prev.height = tree.height, prev.idx = a0 - 1; } if(!prev.node) return it->seen = 0, 0; /* Off left. */ prd = prev; } /* Jumped nodes. */ predecessor: it->seen = 1; it->ref = prd; if(v) *v = &it->ref; return 1; } /** Finds `idx` of 'greatest lower-bound' (C++ parlance) minorant of `x` in `lo` only in one node at a time. */ static void PB_(node_lb)(struct PB_(ref) *const lo, const PB_(key) x) { unsigned hi = lo->node->size; lo->idx = 0; assert(lo && lo->node && hi); do { const unsigned mid = (lo->idx + hi) / 2; /* Will not overflow. */ if(B_(compare)(x, lo->node->key[mid]) > 0) lo->idx = mid + 1; else hi = mid; } while(lo->idx < hi); } /** Finds `idx` of 'least upper-bound' (C++ parlance) majorant of `x` in `hi` only in one node at a time. */ static void PB_(node_ub)(struct PB_(ref) *const hi, const PB_(key) x) { unsigned lo = 0; assert(hi->node && hi->idx); do { const unsigned mid = (lo + hi->idx) / 2; if(B_(compare)(hi->node->key[mid], x) <= 0) lo = mid + 1; else hi->idx = mid; } while(lo < hi->idx); } /** @return A reference to the element first element at or less than `x` in `tree`, or `node` will be null if the `x` is less than all `tree`. */ static struct PB_(ref) PB_(lookup_left)(const struct PB_(tree) tree, const PB_(key) x) { struct PB_(ref) hi, found; found.node = 0; if(!tree.node) return found; for(hi.node = tree.node, hi.height = tree.height; ; hi.node = PB_(as_branch_c)(hi.node)->child[hi.idx], hi.height--) { if(!(hi.idx = hi.node->size)) continue; PB_(node_ub)(&hi, x); if(hi.idx) { /* Within bounds to record the current predecessor. */ found = hi, found.idx--; /* Equal. */ if(B_(compare)(x, found.node->key[found.idx]) <= 0) break; } if(!hi.height) break; /* Reached the bottom. */ } return found; } /** Iterator version of lookup_left> of `x` in `tree` that goes one-off the end. */ static struct PB_(ref) PB_(ref_left)(const struct PB_(tree) tree, const PB_(key) x) { struct PB_(ref) hi, found; found.node = 0; if(!tree.node) return found; for(hi.node = tree.node, hi.height = tree.height; ; hi.node = PB_(as_branch_c)(hi.node)->child[hi.idx], hi.height--) { if(!(hi.idx = hi.node->size)) continue; PB_(node_ub)(&hi, x); if(hi.idx < hi.node->size) { found = hi; if(hi.idx && B_(compare)(x, found.node->key[found.idx - 1]) <= 0) break; } if(!hi.height) { if(!found.node) found = hi; break; } } return found; } /** @return A reference the element at the greatest lower bound of `x` in `tree`, or if the element doesn't exist, `node` will be null. */ static struct PB_(ref) PB_(lookup_right)(const struct PB_(tree) tree, const PB_(key) x) { struct PB_(ref) lo, found; found.node = 0; if(!tree.node || tree.height == UINT_MAX) return found; for(lo.node = tree.node, lo.height = tree.height; ; lo.node = PB_(as_branch_c)(lo.node)->child[lo.idx], lo.height--) { unsigned hi = lo.node->size; lo.idx = 0; if(!hi) continue; PB_(node_lb)(&lo, x); if(lo.idx < lo.node->size) { found = lo; if(B_(compare)(x, lo.node->key[lo.idx]) > 0) break; } if(!lo.height) break; } return found; } /** Iterator version of lookup_right> of `x` in `tree` that goes one-off the end. */ static struct PB_(ref) PB_(ref_right)(const struct PB_(tree) tree, const PB_(key) x) { struct PB_(ref) lo, found; found.node = 0; if(!tree.node || tree.height == UINT_MAX) return found; for(lo.node = tree.node, lo.height = tree.height; ; lo.node = PB_(as_branch_c)(lo.node)->child[lo.idx], lo.height--) { unsigned hi = lo.node->size; lo.idx = 0; if(!hi) continue; PB_(node_lb)(&lo, x); if(lo.idx < lo.node->size) { found = lo; if(B_(compare)(x, lo.node->key[lo.idx]) > 0) break; } if(!lo.height) { if(!found.node) found = lo; break; } } return found; } /** Finds an exact key `x` in non-empty `tree`. */ static struct PB_(ref) PB_(lookup_find)(const struct PB_(tree) tree, const PB_(key) x) { struct PB_(ref) lo; if(!tree.node || tree.height == UINT_MAX) return lo.node = 0, lo; for(lo.node = tree.node, lo.height = tree.height; ; lo.node = PB_(as_branch_c)(lo.node)->child[lo.idx], lo.height--) { unsigned hi = lo.node->size; lo.idx = 0; if(!hi) continue; PB_(node_lb)(&lo, x); /* Absolutely will not equivalent `x > lo`, investigate? */ if(lo.idx < lo.node->size && B_(compare)(lo.node->key[lo.idx], x) <= 0) break; if(!lo.height) { lo.node = 0; break; } } return lo; } /** Finds lower-bound of key `x` in non-empty `tree` while counting the non-filled `hole` and `is_equal`. */ static struct PB_(ref) PB_(lookup_insert)(struct PB_(tree) tree, const PB_(key) x, struct PB_(ref) *const hole, int *const is_equal) { struct PB_(ref) lo; hole->node = 0; for(lo.node = tree.node, lo.height = tree.height; ; lo.node = PB_(as_branch_c)(lo.node)->child[lo.idx], lo.height--) { unsigned hi = lo.node->size; lo.idx = 0; if(hi < TREE_MAX) *hole = lo; if(!hi) continue; PB_(node_lb)(&lo, x); if(lo.node->size < TREE_MAX) hole->idx = lo.idx; if(lo.idx < lo.node->size && B_(compare)(lo.node->key[lo.idx], x) <= 0) { *is_equal = 1; break; } if(!lo.height) break; } return lo; } /** Finds exact key `x` in non-empty `tree`. If `node` is found, temporarily, the nodes that have `TREE_MIN` keys have `as_branch(node).child[TREE_MAX] = parent` or, for leaves, `leaf_parent`, which must be set. (Patently terrible for running concurrently; hack, would be nice to go down tree maybe.) */ static struct PB_(ref) PB_(lookup_remove)(struct PB_(tree) tree, const PB_(key) x, struct PB_(node) **leaf_parent) { struct PB_(node) *parent = 0; struct PB_(ref) lo; for(lo.node = tree.node, lo.height = tree.height; ; lo.node = PB_(as_branch_c)(lo.node)->child[lo.idx], lo.height--) { unsigned hi = lo.node->size; lo.idx = 0; /* Cannot delete bulk add. */ if(parent && hi < TREE_MIN || !parent && !hi) { lo.node = 0; break; } if(hi <= TREE_MIN) { /* Remember the parent temporarily. */ if(lo.height) PB_(as_branch)(lo.node)->child[TREE_MAX] = parent; else *leaf_parent = parent; } PB_(node_lb)(&lo, x); if(lo.idx < lo.node->size && B_(compare)(lo.node->key[lo.idx], x) <= 0) break; if(!lo.height) { lo.node = 0; break; } /* Was not in. */ parent = lo.node; } return lo; } /** Zeroed data (not all-bits-zero) is initialized. @return An idle tree. @order \Theta(1) @allow */ static struct B_(tree) B_(tree)(void) { struct B_(tree) tree; tree.root.node = 0; tree.root.height = 0; return tree; } /** Private: frees non-empty `tree` and it's children recursively, but doesn't put it to idle or clear pointers. @param[keep] Keep one leaf if non-null. Set to null before. */ static void PB_(clear_r)(struct PB_(tree) tree, struct PB_(node) **const keep) { assert(tree.node); if(!tree.height) { if(keep && !*keep) *keep = tree.node; else free(tree.node); } else { struct PB_(tree) child; unsigned i; child.height = tree.height - 1; for(i = 0; i <= tree.node->size; i++) child.node = PB_(as_branch)(tree.node)->child[i], PB_(clear_r)(child, keep); free(PB_(as_branch)(tree.node)); } } /** Private: `tree` can be null. */ static void PB_(clear)(struct B_(tree) *tree) { struct PB_(node) *one = 0; /* Already not there/idle/empty. */ if(!tree || !tree->root.node || tree->root.height == UINT_MAX) return; PB_(clear_r)(tree->root, &one), assert(one); /* This is a special state where the tree has one leaf, but it is empty. This state exists because it gives hysteresis to 0 -- 1 transition because we have no advanced memory management. */ tree->root.node = one; tree->root.height = UINT_MAX; } /** Returns an initialized `tree` to idle, `tree` can be null. @order \O(|`tree`|) @allow */ static void B_(tree_)(struct B_(tree) *const tree) { if(!tree) return; /* Null. */ if(!tree->root.node) { /* Idle. */ assert(!tree->root.height); } else if(tree->root.height == UINT_MAX) { /* Empty. */ assert(tree->root.node), free(tree->root.node); } else { PB_(clear_r)(tree->root, 0); } *tree = B_(tree)(); } /** Clears `tree`, which can be null, idle, empty, or full. If it is empty or full, it remains active. @order \O(|`tree`|) @allow */ static void B_(tree_clear)(struct B_(tree) *const tree) { PB_(clear)(tree); } /** Private: counts a sub-tree, `tree`. */ static size_t PB_(count_r)(const struct PB_(tree) tree) { size_t c = tree.node->size; if(tree.height) { const struct PB_(branch) *const branch = PB_(as_branch)(tree.node); struct PB_(tree) sub; size_t i; sub.height = tree.height - 1; for(i = 0; i <= tree.node->size; i++) { sub.node = branch->child[i]; c += PB_(count_r)(sub); } } return c; } /** Counts all the keys on `tree`, which can be null. @order \O(|`tree`|) @allow */ static size_t B_(tree_count)(const struct B_(tree) *const tree) { return tree && tree->root.height != UINT_MAX ? PB_(count_r)(tree->root) : 0; } /** @return Is `x` in `tree` (which can be null)? @order \O(\log |`tree`|) @allow */ static int B_(tree_contains)(const struct B_(tree) *const tree, const PB_(key) x) { return tree && PB_(lookup_find)(tree->root, x).node; } /* fixme: entry tree_query -- there is no functionality that returns the key. */ /** @return Get the value of `key` in `tree`, or if no key, `default_value`. The map type is `TREE_VALUE` and the set type is `TREE_KEY`. @order \O(\log |`tree`|) @allow */ static PB_(value) B_(tree_get_or)(const struct B_(tree) *const tree, const PB_(key) key, const PB_(value) default_value) { struct PB_(ref) ref; return tree && tree->root.node && tree->root.height != UINT_MAX && (ref = PB_(lookup_find)(tree->root, key)).node ? *PB_(ref_to_valuep)(ref) : default_value; } /** For example, `tree = { 10 }`, `x = 5 -> default_value`, `x = 10 -> 10`, `x = 11 -> 10`. @return Value in `tree` less-then-or-equal to `x` or `default_value` if `x` is smaller than all in `tree`. @order \O(\log |`tree`|) @allow */ static PB_(value) B_(tree_left_or)(const struct B_(tree) *const tree, const PB_(key) x, const PB_(value) default_value) { struct PB_(ref) ref; return tree && (ref = PB_(lookup_left)(tree->root, x)).node ? (assert(ref.idx < ref.node->size), *PB_(ref_to_valuep)(ref)) : default_value; } /** For example, `tree = { 10 }`, `x = 5 -> 10`, `x = 10 -> 10`, `x = 11 -> default_value`. @return Value in `tree` greater-than-or-equal to `x` or `default_value` if `x` is greater than all in `tree`. @order \O(\log |`tree`|) @allow */ static PB_(value) B_(tree_right_or)(const struct B_(tree) *const tree, const PB_(key) x, const PB_(value) default_value) { struct PB_(ref) ref; return tree && (ref = PB_(lookup_right)(tree->root, x)).node ? *PB_(ref_to_valuep)(ref) : default_value; } #ifdef TREE_VALUE /* */ struct PB_(node) *new_head = 0; struct PB_(ref) add, hole, iterator; assert(root); if(!(add.node = root->node)) goto idle; else if(root->height == UINT_MAX) goto empty; goto descend; idle: /* No reserved memory. */ assert(!add.node && !root->height); if(!(add.node = malloc(sizeof *add.node))) goto catch; root->node = add.node; root->height = UINT_MAX; goto empty; empty: /* Reserved dynamic memory, but tree is empty. */ assert(add.node && root->height == UINT_MAX); add.height = root->height = 0; add.node->size = 0; add.idx = 0; goto insert; descend: /* Record last node that has space. */ { int is_equal = 0; add = PB_(lookup_insert)(*root, key, &hole, &is_equal); if(is_equal) { if(eject) { *eject = add.node->key[add.idx]; add.node->key[add.idx] = key; } #ifdef TREE_VALUE if(value) *value = PB_(ref_to_valuep)(add); #endif return TREE_PRESENT; } } if(hole.node == add.node) goto insert; else goto grow; insert: /* Leaf has space to spare; usually end up here. */ assert(add.node && add.idx <= add.node->size && add.node->size < TREE_MAX); memmove(add.node->key + add.idx + 1, add.node->key + add.idx, sizeof *add.node->key * (add.node->size - add.idx)); #ifdef TREE_VALUE memmove(add.node->value + add.idx + 1, add.node->value + add.idx, sizeof *add.node->value * (add.node->size - add.idx)); #endif add.node->size++; add.node->key[add.idx] = key; #ifdef TREE_VALUE if(value) *value = PB_(ref_to_valuep)(add); #endif return TREE_ABSENT; grow: /* Leaf is full. */ { unsigned new_no = hole.node ? hole.height : root->height + 2; struct PB_(node) **new_next = &new_head, *new_leaf; struct PB_(branch) *new_branch; assert(new_no); /* Allocate new nodes in succession. */ while(new_no != 1) { /* All branches except one. */ if(!(new_branch = malloc(sizeof *new_branch))) goto catch; new_branch->base.size = 0; new_branch->child[0] = 0; *new_next = &new_branch->base, new_next = new_branch->child; new_no--; } /* Last point of potential failure; (don't need to have entry in catch.) */ if(!(new_leaf = malloc(sizeof *new_leaf))) goto catch; new_leaf->size = 0; *new_next = new_leaf; /* Attach new nodes to the tree. The hole is now an actual hole. */ if(hole.node) { /* New nodes are a sub-structure of the tree. */ struct PB_(branch) *holeb = PB_(as_branch)(hole.node); memmove(hole.node->key + hole.idx + 1, hole.node->key + hole.idx, sizeof *hole.node->key * (hole.node->size - hole.idx)); #ifdef TREE_VALUE memmove(hole.node->value + hole.idx + 1, hole.node->value + hole.idx, sizeof *hole.node->value * (hole.node->size - hole.idx)); #endif memmove(holeb->child + hole.idx + 2, holeb->child + hole.idx + 1, sizeof *holeb->child * (hole.node->size - hole.idx)); holeb->child[hole.idx + 1] = new_head; hole.node->size++; } else { /* New nodes raise tree height. */ struct PB_(branch) *const new_root = PB_(as_branch)(new_head); hole.node = new_head, hole.height = ++root->height, hole.idx = 0; new_head = new_root->child[1] = new_root->child[0]; new_root->child[0] = root->node, root->node = hole.node; hole.node->size = 1; } iterator = hole; /* Go down; (as opposed to doing it on paper.) */ goto split; } split: { /* Split between the new and existing nodes. */ struct PB_(node) *sibling; assert(iterator.node && iterator.node->size && iterator.height); sibling = new_head; /*PB_(graph_usual)(tree, "graph/work.gv");*/ /* Descend now while split hasn't happened -- easier. */ new_head = --iterator.height ? PB_(as_branch)(new_head)->child[0] : 0; iterator.node = PB_(as_branch)(iterator.node)->child[iterator.idx]; PB_(node_lb)(&iterator, key); assert(!sibling->size && iterator.node->size == TREE_MAX); /* Atomic. */ /* Expand `iterator`, which is full, to multiple nodes. */ if(iterator.idx < TREE_SPLIT) { /* Descend hole to `iterator`. */ memcpy(sibling->key, iterator.node->key + TREE_SPLIT, sizeof *sibling->key * (TREE_MAX - TREE_SPLIT)); #ifdef TREE_VALUE memcpy(sibling->value, iterator.node->value + TREE_SPLIT, sizeof *sibling->value * (TREE_MAX - TREE_SPLIT)); #endif hole.node->key[hole.idx] = iterator.node->key[TREE_SPLIT - 1]; #ifdef TREE_VALUE hole.node->value[hole.idx] = iterator.node->value[TREE_SPLIT - 1]; #endif memmove(iterator.node->key + iterator.idx + 1, iterator.node->key + iterator.idx, sizeof *iterator.node->key * (TREE_SPLIT - 1 - iterator.idx)); #ifdef TREE_VALUE memmove(iterator.node->value + iterator.idx + 1, iterator.node->value + iterator.idx, sizeof *iterator.node->value * (TREE_SPLIT - 1 - iterator.idx)); #endif if(iterator.height) { struct PB_(branch) *const cb = PB_(as_branch)(iterator.node), *const sb = PB_(as_branch)(sibling); struct PB_(node) *temp = sb->child[0]; memcpy(sb->child, cb->child + TREE_SPLIT, sizeof *cb->child * (TREE_MAX - TREE_SPLIT + 1)); memmove(cb->child + iterator.idx + 2, cb->child + iterator.idx + 1, sizeof *cb->child * (TREE_SPLIT - 1 - iterator.idx)); cb->child[iterator.idx + 1] = temp; } hole = iterator; } else if(iterator.idx > TREE_SPLIT) { /* Descend hole to `sibling`. */ hole.node->key[hole.idx] = iterator.node->key[TREE_SPLIT]; #ifdef TREE_VALUE hole.node->value[hole.idx] = iterator.node->value[TREE_SPLIT]; #endif hole.node = sibling, hole.height = iterator.height, hole.idx = iterator.idx - TREE_SPLIT - 1; memcpy(sibling->key, iterator.node->key + TREE_SPLIT + 1, sizeof *sibling->key * hole.idx); memcpy(sibling->key + hole.idx + 1, iterator.node->key + iterator.idx, sizeof *sibling->key * (TREE_MAX - iterator.idx)); #ifdef TREE_VALUE memcpy(sibling->value, iterator.node->value + TREE_SPLIT + 1, sizeof *sibling->value * hole.idx); memcpy(sibling->value + hole.idx + 1, iterator.node->value + iterator.idx, sizeof *sibling->value * (TREE_MAX - iterator.idx)); #endif if(iterator.height) { struct PB_(branch) *const cb = PB_(as_branch)(iterator.node), *const sb = PB_(as_branch)(sibling); struct PB_(node) *temp = sb->child[0]; memcpy(sb->child, cb->child + TREE_SPLIT + 1, sizeof *cb->child * (hole.idx + 1)); memcpy(sb->child + hole.idx + 2, cb->child + iterator.idx + 1, sizeof *cb->child * (TREE_MAX - iterator.idx)); sb->child[hole.idx + 1] = temp; } } else { /* Equal split: leave the hole where it is. */ memcpy(sibling->key, iterator.node->key + TREE_SPLIT, sizeof *sibling->key * (TREE_MAX - TREE_SPLIT)); #ifdef TREE_VALUE memcpy(sibling->value, iterator.node->value + TREE_SPLIT, sizeof *sibling->value * (TREE_MAX - TREE_SPLIT)); #endif if(iterator.height) { struct PB_(branch) *const cb = PB_(as_branch)(iterator.node), *const sb = PB_(as_branch)(sibling); memcpy(sb->child + 1, cb->child + TREE_SPLIT + 1, sizeof *cb->child * (TREE_MAX - TREE_SPLIT)); } } /* Divide `TREE_MAX + 1` into two trees. */ iterator.node->size = TREE_SPLIT, sibling->size = TREE_MAX - TREE_SPLIT; if(iterator.height) goto split; /* Loop max `\log_{TREE_MIN} size`. */ hole.node->key[hole.idx] = key; #ifdef TREE_VALUE if(value) *value = PB_(ref_to_valuep)(hole); #endif assert(!new_head); return TREE_ABSENT; } catch: /* Didn't work. Reset. */ while(new_head) { struct PB_(branch) *const top = PB_(as_branch)(new_head); new_head = top->child[0]; free(top); } if(!errno) errno = ERANGE; /* Non-POSIX OSs not mandated to set errno. */ return TREE_ERROR; #ifdef TREE_VALUE } #else } #endif #ifdef TREE_VALUE /* */ #ifdef TREE_VALUE /* */ /** Removes `x` from `tree` which must have contents. */ static int PB_(remove)(struct PB_(tree) *const tree, const PB_(key) x) { struct PB_(ref) rm, parent /* Only if `key.size <= TREE_MIN`. */; struct PB_(branch) *parentb; struct { struct PB_(node) *less, *more; } sibling; PB_(key) provisional_x = x; parent.node = 0; assert(tree && tree->node && tree->height != UINT_MAX); /* Traverse down the tree until `key`, leaving breadcrumbs for parents of minimum key nodes. */ if(!(rm = PB_(lookup_remove)(*tree, x, &parent.node)).node) return 0; /* Important when `rm = parent`; `find_idx` later. */ parent.height = rm.height + 1; assert(rm.idx < rm.node->size); if(rm.height) goto branch; else goto upward; branch: { struct { struct PB_(ref) leaf; struct PB_(node) *parent; unsigned top; } pred, succ, chosen; assert(rm.height); /* Predecessor leaf. */ pred.leaf = rm, pred.top = UINT_MAX; do { struct PB_(node) *const up = pred.leaf.node; pred.leaf.node = PB_(as_branch_c)(pred.leaf.node)->child[pred.leaf.idx]; pred.leaf.idx = pred.leaf.node->size; pred.leaf.height--; if(pred.leaf.node->size < TREE_MIN) /* Possible in bulk-add? */ { pred.leaf.node = 0; goto no_pred; } else if(pred.leaf.node->size > TREE_MIN) pred.top = pred.leaf.height; else if(pred.leaf.height) PB_(as_branch)(pred.leaf.node)->child[TREE_MAX] = up; else pred.parent = up; } while(pred.leaf.height); pred.leaf.idx--; no_pred: /* Successor leaf. */ succ.leaf = rm, succ.top = UINT_MAX; succ.leaf.idx++; do { struct PB_(node) *const up = succ.leaf.node; succ.leaf.node = PB_(as_branch_c)(succ.leaf.node)->child[succ.leaf.idx]; succ.leaf.idx = 0; succ.leaf.height--; if(succ.leaf.node->size < TREE_MIN) { succ.leaf.node = 0; goto no_succ; } else if(succ.leaf.node->size > TREE_MIN) succ.top = succ.leaf.height; else if(succ.leaf.height) PB_(as_branch)(succ.leaf.node)->child[TREE_MAX] = up; else succ.parent = up; } while(succ.leaf.height); no_succ: /* Choose the predecessor or successor. */ if(!pred.leaf.node) { assert(succ.leaf.node); chosen = succ; } else if(!succ.leaf.node) { assert(pred.leaf.node); chosen = pred; } else if(pred.leaf.node->size < succ.leaf.node->size) { chosen = succ; } else if(pred.leaf.node->size > succ.leaf.node->size) { chosen = pred; } else if(pred.top > succ.top) { chosen = succ; } else { chosen = pred; } /* Replace `rm` with the predecessor or the successor leaf. */ provisional_x = rm.node->key[rm.idx] = chosen.leaf.node->key[chosen.leaf.idx]; #ifdef TREE_VALUE rm.node->value[rm.idx] = chosen.leaf.node->value[chosen.leaf.idx]; #endif rm = chosen.leaf; if(chosen.leaf.node->size <= TREE_MIN) parent.node = chosen.parent; parent.height = 1; goto upward; } upward: /* The first iteration, this will be a leaf. */ assert(rm.node); if(!parent.node) goto space; assert(rm.node->size <= TREE_MIN); /* Condition on `parent.node`. */ /* Retrieve forgotten information about the index in parent. (This is not as fast at it could be, but holding parent data in minimum keys allows it to be in place, if a hack. We could go down, but new problems arise.) */ PB_(node_lb)(&parent, provisional_x); parentb = PB_(as_branch)(parent.node); assert(parent.idx <= parent.node->size && parentb->child[parent.idx] == rm.node); /* Sibling edges. */ sibling.less = parent.idx ? parentb->child[parent.idx - 1] : 0; sibling.more = parent.idx < parent.node->size ? parentb->child[parent.idx + 1] : 0; assert(sibling.less || sibling.more); /* It's not clear which of `{ <, <= }` would be better. */ if((sibling.more ? sibling.more->size : 0) > (sibling.less ? sibling.less->size : 0)) goto balance_more; else goto balance_less; balance_less: { const unsigned combined = rm.node->size + sibling.less->size; unsigned promote, more, transfer; assert(parent.idx); if(combined < 2 * TREE_MIN + 1) goto merge_less; /* Don't have enough. */ assert(sibling.less->size > TREE_MIN); /* Since `rm.size <= TREE_MIN`. */ promote = (combined - 1 + 1) / 2, more = promote + 1; transfer = sibling.less->size - more; assert(transfer < TREE_MAX && rm.node->size <= TREE_MAX - transfer); /* Make way for the keys from the less. */ memmove(rm.node->key + rm.idx + 1 + transfer, rm.node->key + rm.idx + 1, sizeof *rm.node->key * (rm.node->size - rm.idx - 1)); memmove(rm.node->key + transfer + 1, rm.node->key, sizeof *rm.node->key * rm.idx); rm.node->key[transfer] = parent.node->key[parent.idx - 1]; memcpy(rm.node->key, sibling.less->key + more, sizeof *sibling.less->key * transfer); parent.node->key[parent.idx - 1] = sibling.less->key[promote]; #ifdef TREE_VALUE memmove(rm.node->value + rm.idx + 1 + transfer, rm.node->value + rm.idx + 1, sizeof *rm.node->value * (rm.node->size - rm.idx - 1)); memmove(rm.node->value + transfer + 1, rm.node->value, sizeof *rm.node->value * rm.idx); rm.node->value[transfer] = parent.node->value[parent.idx - 1]; memcpy(rm.node->value, sibling.less->value + more, sizeof *sibling.less->value * transfer); parent.node->value[parent.idx - 1] = sibling.less->value[promote]; #endif if(rm.height) { struct PB_(branch) *const lessb = PB_(as_branch)(sibling.less), *const rmb = PB_(as_branch)(rm.node); unsigned transferb = transfer + 1; /* This is already moved; inefficient. */ memmove(rmb->child + transferb, rmb->child, sizeof *rmb->child * (rm.node->size + 1 - 1)); memcpy(rmb->child, lessb->child + promote + 1, sizeof *lessb->child * transferb); } rm.node->size += transfer; sibling.less->size = promote; goto end; } balance_more: { const unsigned combined = rm.node->size + sibling.more->size; unsigned promote; assert(rm.node->size); if(combined < 2 * TREE_MIN + 1) goto merge_more; /* Don't have enough. */ assert(sibling.more->size > TREE_MIN); /* Since `rm.size <= TREE_MIN`. */ promote = (combined - 1) / 2 - rm.node->size; /* In `more`. Could be +1. */ assert(promote < TREE_MAX && rm.node->size <= TREE_MAX - promote); /* Delete key. */ memmove(rm.node->key + rm.idx, rm.node->key + rm.idx + 1, sizeof *rm.node->key * (rm.node->size - rm.idx - 1)); /* Demote into hole. */ rm.node->key[rm.node->size - 1] = parent.node->key[parent.idx]; /* Transfer some keys from more to child. */ memcpy(rm.node->key + rm.node->size, sibling.more->key, sizeof *sibling.more->key * promote); /* Promote one key from more. */ parent.node->key[parent.idx] = sibling.more->key[promote]; /* Move back in more. */ memmove(sibling.more->key, sibling.more->key + promote + 1, sizeof *sibling.more->key * (sibling.more->size - promote - 1)); #ifdef TREE_VALUE memmove(rm.node->value + rm.idx, rm.node->value + rm.idx + 1, sizeof *rm.node->value * (rm.node->size - rm.idx - 1)); rm.node->value[rm.node->size - 1] = parent.node->value[parent.idx]; memcpy(rm.node->value + rm.node->size, sibling.more->value, sizeof *sibling.more->value * promote); parent.node->value[parent.idx] = sibling.more->value[promote]; memmove(sibling.more->value, sibling.more->value + promote + 1, sizeof *sibling.more->value * (sibling.more->size - promote - 1)); #endif if(rm.height) { struct PB_(branch) *const moreb = PB_(as_branch)(sibling.more), *const rmb = PB_(as_branch)(rm.node); unsigned transferb = promote + 1; /* This is already moved; inefficient. */ memcpy(rmb->child + rm.node->size, moreb->child, sizeof *moreb->child * transferb); memmove(moreb->child, moreb->child + transferb, sizeof *rmb->child * (moreb->base.size + 1 - transferb)); } rm.node->size += promote; sibling.more->size -= promote + 1; goto end; } merge_less: assert(parent.idx && parent.idx <= parent.node->size && parent.node->size && rm.idx < rm.node->size && rm.node->size == TREE_MIN && sibling.less->size == TREE_MIN && sibling.less->size + rm.node->size <= TREE_MAX); /* There are (maybe) two spots that we can merge, this is the less. */ parent.idx--; /* Bring down key from `parent` to append to `less`. */ sibling.less->key[sibling.less->size] = parent.node->key[parent.idx]; /* Copy the keys, leaving out deleted. */ memcpy(sibling.less->key + sibling.less->size + 1, rm.node->key, sizeof *rm.node->key * rm.idx); memcpy(sibling.less->key + sibling.less->size + 1 + rm.idx, rm.node->key + rm.idx + 1, sizeof *rm.node->key * (rm.node->size - rm.idx - 1)); #ifdef TREE_VALUE sibling.less->value[sibling.less->size] = parent.node->value[parent.idx]; memcpy(sibling.less->value + sibling.less->size + 1, rm.node->value, sizeof *rm.node->value * rm.idx); memcpy(sibling.less->value + sibling.less->size + 1 + rm.idx, rm.node->value + rm.idx + 1, sizeof *rm.node->value * (rm.node->size - rm.idx - 1)); #endif if(rm.height) { /* The `parent` links will have one less. Copying twice. */ struct PB_(branch) *const lessb = PB_(as_branch)(sibling.less), *const rmb = PB_(as_branch)(rm.node); memcpy(lessb->child + sibling.less->size + 1, rmb->child, sizeof *rmb->child * rm.node->size); /* _Sic_. */ } sibling.less->size += rm.node->size; /* Remove references to `rm` from `parent`. The parent will have one less link than key (_ie_, an equal number.) This is by design. */ memmove(parentb->child + parent.idx + 1, parentb->child + parent.idx + 2, sizeof *parentb->child * (parent.node->size - parent.idx - 1)); /* This is the same pointer, but future-proof. */ if(rm.height) free(PB_(as_branch)(rm.node)); else free(rm.node); goto ascend; merge_more: assert(parent.idx < parent.node->size && parent.node->size && rm.idx < rm.node->size && rm.node->size == TREE_MIN && sibling.more->size == TREE_MIN && rm.node->size + sibling.more->size <= TREE_MAX); /* Violated bulk? */ /* Remove `rm`. */ memmove(rm.node->key + rm.idx, rm.node->key + rm.idx + 1, sizeof *rm.node->key * (rm.node->size - rm.idx - 1)); /* Bring down key from `parent` to append to `rm`. */ rm.node->key[rm.node->size - 1] = parent.node->key[parent.idx]; /* Merge `more` into `rm`. */ memcpy(rm.node->key + rm.node->size, sibling.more->key, sizeof *sibling.more->key * sibling.more->size); #ifdef TREE_VALUE memmove(rm.node->value + rm.idx, rm.node->value + rm.idx + 1, sizeof *rm.node->value * (rm.node->size - rm.idx - 1)); rm.node->value[rm.node->size - 1] = parent.node->value[parent.idx]; memcpy(rm.node->value + rm.node->size, sibling.more->value, sizeof *sibling.more->value * sibling.more->size); #endif if(rm.height) { /* The `parent` links will have one less. */ struct PB_(branch) *const rmb = PB_(as_branch)(rm.node), *const moreb = PB_(as_branch)(sibling.more); memcpy(rmb->child + rm.node->size, moreb->child, sizeof *moreb->child * (sibling.more->size + 1)); } rm.node->size += sibling.more->size; /* Remove references to `more` from `parent`. The parent will have one less link than key (_ie_, an equal number.) This is by design. */ memmove(parentb->child + parent.idx + 1, parentb->child + parent.idx + 2, sizeof *parentb->child * (parent.node->size - parent.idx - 1)); /* This is the same pointer, but future-proof. */ if(rm.height) free(PB_(as_branch)(sibling.more)); else free(sibling.more); goto ascend; ascend: /* Fix the hole by moving it up the tree. */ rm = parent; if(rm.node->size <= TREE_MIN) { if(!(parent.node = PB_(as_branch)(rm.node)->child[TREE_MAX])) { assert(tree->height == rm.height); } else { parent.height++; } } else { parent.node = 0; } goto upward; space: /* Node is root or has more than `TREE_MIN`; branches taken care of. */ assert(rm.node); assert(rm.idx < rm.node->size); assert(rm.node->size > TREE_MIN || rm.node == tree->node); memmove(rm.node->key + rm.idx, rm.node->key + rm.idx + 1, sizeof *rm.node->key * (rm.node->size - rm.idx - 1)); #ifdef TREE_VALUE memmove(rm.node->value + rm.idx, rm.node->value + rm.idx + 1, sizeof *rm.node->value * (rm.node->size - rm.idx - 1)); #endif if(!--rm.node->size) { assert(rm.node == tree->node); if(tree->height) { tree->node = PB_(as_branch)(rm.node)->child[0]; tree->height--; free(PB_(as_branch)(rm.node)); } else { /* Just deleted the last one. Set flag for zero container. */ tree->height = UINT_MAX; } } goto end; end: return 1; } /** Tries to remove `key` from `tree`. @return Success, otherwise it was not in `tree`. @order \Theta(\log |`tree`|) @allow */ static int B_(tree_remove)(struct B_(tree) *const tree, const PB_(key) key) { return !!tree && !!tree->root.node && tree->root.height != UINT_MAX && PB_(remove)(&tree->root, key); } /* All these are used in clone; it's convenient to use `\O(\log size)` stack space. [existing branches][new branches][existing leaves][new leaves] no */ struct PB_(scaffold) { struct tree_node_count victim, source; size_t no; struct PB_(node) **data; struct { struct PB_(node) **head, **fresh, **iterator; } branch, leaf; }; /** Counts the nodes `no` in `tree` for nodes>. */ static int PB_(nodes_r)(struct PB_(tree) tree, struct tree_node_count *const no) { assert(tree.node && tree.height); if(!++no->branches) return 0; if(tree.height == 1) { /* Overflow; aren't guaranteed against this. */ if(no->leaves + tree.node->size + 1 < no->leaves) return 0; no->leaves += tree.node->size + 1; } else { unsigned i; for(i = 0; i <= tree.node->size; i++) { struct PB_(tree) child; child.node = PB_(as_branch)(tree.node)->child[i]; child.height = tree.height - 1; if(!PB_(nodes_r)(child, no)) return 0; } } return 1; } /** Counts the nodes `no` in `tree`. */ static int PB_(nodes)(const struct B_(tree) *const tree, struct tree_node_count *const no) { assert(tree && no); no->branches = no->leaves = 0; if(!tree->root.node) { /* Idle. */ } else if(tree->root.height == UINT_MAX || !tree->root.height) { no->leaves = 1; } else { /* Complex. */ struct PB_(tree) sub = tree->root; if(!PB_(nodes_r)(sub, no)) return 0; } return 1; } /** `ref` with `sc` work under cannibalize>. */ static void PB_(cannibalize_r)(struct PB_(ref) ref, struct PB_(scaffold) *const sc) { struct PB_(branch) *branch = PB_(as_branch)(ref.node); const int keep_branch = sc->branch.iterator < sc->branch.fresh; assert(ref.node && ref.height && sc); if(keep_branch) *sc->branch.iterator = ref.node, sc->branch.iterator++; if(ref.height == 1) { /* Children are leaves. */ unsigned n; for(n = 0; n <= ref.node->size; n++) { const int keep_leaf = sc->leaf.iterator < sc->leaf.fresh; struct PB_(node) *child = branch->child[n]; if(keep_leaf) *sc->leaf.iterator = child, sc->leaf.iterator++; else free(child); } } else while(ref.idx <= ref.node->size) { struct PB_(ref) child; child.node = PB_(as_branch)(ref.node)->child[ref.idx]; child.height = ref.height - 1; child.idx = 0; PB_(cannibalize_r)(child, sc); ref.idx++; } if(!keep_branch) free(branch); } /** Disassemble `tree` and put in into `sc`. */ static void PB_(cannibalize)(const struct B_(tree) *const tree, struct PB_(scaffold) *const sc) { struct PB_(ref) ref; assert(tree && tree->root.height != UINT_MAX && sc); /* Nothing to cannibalize. */ if(!sc->victim.branches && !sc->victim.leaves) return; assert(tree->root.node); ref.node = tree->root.node, ref.height = tree->root.height, ref.idx = 0; sc->branch.iterator = sc->branch.head; sc->leaf.iterator = sc->leaf.head; if(ref.height) { PB_(cannibalize_r)(ref, sc); } else { /* Just one leaf. */ *sc->leaf.iterator = ref.node; } } /** Do the work of `src` cloned with `sc`. Called from clone>. */ static struct PB_(node) *PB_(clone_r)(struct PB_(tree) src, struct PB_(scaffold) *const sc) { struct PB_(node) *node; if(src.height) { struct PB_(branch) *const srcb = PB_(as_branch)(src.node), *const branch = PB_(as_branch)(node = *sc->branch.iterator++); unsigned i; struct PB_(tree) child; *node = *src.node; /* Copy node. */ child.height = src.height - 1; for(i = 0; i <= src.node->size; i++) { /* Different links. */ child.node = srcb->child[i]; branch->child[i] = PB_(clone_r)(child, sc); } } else { /* Leaves. */ node = *sc->leaf.iterator++; *node = *src.node; } return node; } /** `src` is copied with the cloning scaffold `sc`. */ static struct PB_(tree) PB_(clone)(const struct PB_(tree) *const src, struct PB_(scaffold) *const sc) { struct PB_(tree) sub; assert(src && src->node && sc); /* Go back to the beginning of the scaffold and pick off one by one. */ sc->branch.iterator = sc->branch.head; sc->leaf.iterator = sc->leaf.head; sub.node = PB_(clone_r)(*src, sc); sub.height = src->height; /* Used up all of them. No concurrent modifications, please. */ assert(sc->branch.iterator == sc->leaf.head && sc->leaf.iterator == sc->data + sc->no); return sub; } /** `source` is copied to, and overwrites, `tree`. @param[source] In the case where it's null or idle, if `tree` is empty, then it continues to be. @return Success, otherwise `tree` is not modified. @throws[malloc] @throws[EDOM] `tree` is null. @throws[ERANGE] The size of `source` nodes doesn't fit into `size_t`. @order \O(|`source`| + |`tree`|) time and temporary space. @allow */ static int B_(tree_clone)(struct B_(tree) *const tree, const struct B_(tree) *const source) { struct PB_(scaffold) sc; int success = 1; sc.data = 0; /* Need to keep this updated to catch. */ if(!tree) { errno = EDOM; goto catch; } /* Count the number of nodes and set up to copy. */ if(!PB_(nodes)(tree, &sc.victim) || !PB_(nodes)(source, &sc.source) || (sc.no = sc.source.branches + sc.source.leaves) < sc.source.branches) { errno = ERANGE; goto catch; } /* Overflow. */ if(!sc.no) { PB_(clear)(tree); goto finally; } /* No need to allocate. */ if(!(sc.data = malloc(sizeof *sc.data * sc.no))) { if(!errno) errno = ERANGE; goto catch; } { /* Makes debugging easier; not necessary. */ size_t i; for(i = 0; i < sc.no; i++) sc.data[i] = 0; } { /* Ready scaffold. */ struct tree_node_count need; need.leaves = sc.source.leaves > sc.victim.leaves ? sc.source.leaves - sc.victim.leaves : 0; need.branches = sc.source.branches > sc.victim.branches ? sc.source.branches - sc.victim.branches : 0; sc.branch.head = sc.data; sc.branch.fresh = sc.branch.iterator = sc.branch.head + sc.source.branches - need.branches; sc.leaf.head = sc.branch.fresh + need.branches; sc.leaf.fresh = sc.leaf.iterator = sc.leaf.head + sc.source.leaves - need.leaves; assert(sc.leaf.fresh + need.leaves == sc.data + sc.no); } /* Add new nodes. */ while(sc.branch.iterator != sc.leaf.head) { struct PB_(branch) *branch; if(!(branch = malloc(sizeof *branch))) goto catch; branch->base.size = 0; branch->child[0] = 0; *sc.branch.iterator++ = &branch->base; } while(sc.leaf.iterator != sc.data + sc.no) { struct PB_(node) *leaf; if(!(leaf = malloc(sizeof *leaf))) goto catch; leaf->size = 0; *sc.leaf.iterator++ = leaf; } /* Resources acquired; now we don't care about tree. */ PB_(cannibalize)(tree, &sc); /* The scaffold has the exact number of nodes we need. Overwrite. */ tree->root = PB_(clone)(&source->root, &sc); goto finally; catch: success = 0; if(!sc.data) goto finally; while(sc.leaf.iterator != sc.leaf.fresh) { struct PB_(node) *leaf = *(--sc.leaf.iterator); assert(leaf); free(leaf); } while(sc.branch.iterator != sc.branch.fresh) { struct PB_(branch) *branch = PB_(as_branch)(*(--sc.branch.iterator)); assert(branch); free(branch); } finally: free(sc.data); /* Temporary memory. */ return success; } /** Adding, deleting, or changes in the topology of the tree invalidate it. */ struct B_(tree_iterator); struct B_(tree_iterator) { struct PB_(iterator) _; }; /** @return Cursor before the first element of `tree`. Can be null. @order \Theta(\log |`tree`|) @allow */ static struct B_(tree_iterator) B_(tree_begin)(struct B_(tree) *const tree) { struct B_(tree_iterator) it; it._ = PB_(begin)(tree); return it; } /** @return Cursor after the last element of `tree`. Can be null. @order \Theta(\log |`tree`|) @allow */ static struct B_(tree_iterator) B_(tree_end)(struct B_(tree) *const tree) { struct B_(tree_iterator) it; it._ = PB_(end)(tree); return it; } /** @return Cursor in `tree` such that tree_previous> is the greatest key that is less-than-or-equal to `x`, or, tree_begin> if `x` is less than all in `tree`. @order \Theta(\log |`tree`|) @allow */ static struct B_(tree_iterator) B_(tree_left_previous)(struct B_(tree) *const tree, const PB_(key) x) { struct B_(tree_iterator) cur; if(!tree) return cur._.root = 0, cur; cur._.ref = PB_(ref_left)(tree->root, x); cur._.root = &tree->root; cur._.seen = 0; return cur; } /** @return Cursor in `tree` such that tree_next> is the least key that is greater-than-or-equal to `x`, or, tree_end> if `x` is greater than all in `tree`. @order \Theta(\log |`tree`|) @allow */ static struct B_(tree_iterator) B_(tree_right_next)(struct B_(tree) *const tree, const PB_(key) x) { struct B_(tree_iterator) cur; if(!tree) return cur._.root = 0, cur; cur._.ref = PB_(ref_right)(tree->root, x); cur._.root = &tree->root; cur._.seen = 0; return cur; } #ifdef TREE_VALUE /* */ struct PB_(ref) *r; if(!PB_(next)(&it->_, &r)) return 0; if(k) *k = r->node->key[r->idx]; #ifdef TREE_VALUE if(v) *v = r->node->value + r->idx; #endif return 1; #ifdef TREE_VALUE } #else } #endif #ifdef TREE_VALUE /* */ struct PB_(ref) *r; if(!PB_(previous)(&it->_, &r)) return 0; if(k) *k = r->node->key[r->idx]; #ifdef TREE_VALUE if(v) *v = r->node->value + r->idx; #endif return 1; #ifdef TREE_VALUE } #else } #endif #ifdef TREE_VALUE /* */ enum { TREE_NONODE, TREE_ITERATING, TREE_END } where; PB_(key) anchor; enum tree_result ret; memset(&anchor, 0, sizeof anchor); /* Silence warnings. */ if(!it || !it->_.root) return TREE_ERROR; /* No tree. */ if(it->_.ref.node && it->_.root->height != UINT_MAX) { where = (it->_.ref.idx < it->_.ref.node->size) ? TREE_ITERATING : TREE_END; } else { where = TREE_NONODE; } if(where == TREE_ITERATING) anchor = it->_.ref.node->key[it->_.ref.idx]; /* Should be already. */ if(where == TREE_NONODE || where == TREE_END) it->_.seen = 0; #ifdef TREE_VALUE ret = PB_(update)(it->_.root, key, 0, value); #else ret = PB_(update)(it->_.root, key, 0); #endif if(ret == TREE_ERROR) return TREE_ERROR; assert(it->_.root->height != UINT_MAX); /* Can't be empty. */ switch(where) { case TREE_NONODE: it->_.ref.node = 0; it->_.seen = 0; break; case TREE_ITERATING: it->_.ref = PB_(lookup_right)(*it->_.root, anchor); break; case TREE_END: assert(it->_.root->node); it->_.ref.node = it->_.root->node; it->_.ref.height = it->_.root->height; it->_.ref.idx = it->_.root->node->size; while(it->_.ref.height) { it->_.ref.node = PB_(as_branch_c)(it->_.ref.node)->child[it->_.ref.idx]; it->_.ref.idx = it->_.ref.node->size; it->_.ref.height--; } it->_.seen = 0; break; } return ret; #ifdef TREE_VALUE } #else } #endif /** Removes the last entry returned by a valid `it`. All other iterators on the same object are invalidated, but `cur` is now between on the removed node. @return Success, otherwise `it` is not at a valid element. @order \Theta(\log |`tree`|) */ static int B_(tree_iterator_remove)(struct B_(tree_iterator) *const it) { PB_(key) remove; if(!it || !it->_.seen || !it->_.root || !it->_.ref.node || it->_.root->height == UINT_MAX || it->_.ref.idx >= it->_.ref.node->size || (remove = it->_.ref.node->key[it->_.ref.idx], !PB_(remove)(it->_.root, remove))) return 0; /* tree_begin_at>. */ it->_.ref = PB_(lookup_right)(*it->_.root, remove); it->_.seen = 0; return 1; } static void PB_(unused_base_coda)(void); static void PB_(unused_base)(void) { PB_(key) k; PB_(value) v; memset(&k, 0, sizeof k); memset(&v, 0, sizeof v); B_(tree)(); B_(tree_)(0); B_(tree_clear)(0); B_(tree_count)(0); B_(tree_contains)(0, k); B_(tree_get_or)(0, k, v); B_(tree_left_or)(0, k, v); B_(tree_right_or)(0, k, v); #ifdef TREE_VALUE B_(tree_bulk_add)(0, k, 0); B_(tree_try)(0, k, 0); B_(tree_assign)(0, k, 0, 0); B_(tree_iterator_try)(0, k, 0); B_(tree_next)(0, 0, 0); B_(tree_previous)(0, 0, 0); #else B_(tree_bulk_add)(0, k); B_(tree_try)(0, k); B_(tree_assign)(0, k, 0); B_(tree_iterator_try)(0, k); B_(tree_next)(0, 0); B_(tree_previous)(0, 0); #endif B_(tree_bulk_finish)(0); B_(tree_remove)(0, k); B_(tree_clone)(0, 0); B_(tree_begin)(0); B_(tree_end)(0); B_(tree_left_previous)(0, k); B_(tree_right_next)(0, k); B_(tree_iterator_remove)(0); PB_(unused_base_coda)(); } static void PB_(unused_base_coda)(void) { PB_(unused_base)(); } /* Box override information. */ #define BOX_TYPE struct B_(tree) #define BOX_CONTENT struct PB_(ref) #define BOX_ PB_ #define BOX_MAJOR_NAME tree #define BOX_MINOR_NAME TREE_NAME #endif /* base code --> */ #ifdef TREE_TRAIT /* <-- trait: Will be different on different includes. */ #define BOX_TRAIT_NAME TREE_TRAIT #define PBT_(n) PB_(TREE_CAT(TREE_TRAIT, n)) #define BT_(n) B_(TREE_CAT(TREE_TRAIT, n)) #else /* trait --> */ #ifdef TREE_TO_STRING /* */ #undef PBT_ #undef BT_ #if defined(TREE_TEST) && !defined(TREE_TRAIT) /* */ #ifdef TREE_DEFAULT /* */ #ifdef TREE_EXPECT_TRAIT /* */ #ifdef TREE_TRAIT #undef TREE_TRAIT #undef BOX_TRAIT_NAME #endif