/* @license 2020 Neil Edelman, distributed under the terms of the [MIT License](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). @subtitle To string trait Interface defined by box. Requires `[_]_to_string` be declared as a to_string_fn>. @param[TO_STRING_LEFT, TO_STRING_RIGHT] 7-bit characters, defaults to '(' and ')'. @param[TO_STRING_EXTERN, TO_STRING_INTERN] Normally the space to put the temporary strings is static, one per file. With this, it's possible to have a global storage to save space: have one file have `TO_STRING_INTERN` as the first box, the other files `TO_STRING_EXTERN`. This is unsynchronized. @fixme `extern` untested. @std C89 */ #if !defined(BOX_TYPE) || !defined(BOX_CONTENT) || !defined(BOX_) \ || !defined(BOX_MAJOR_NAME) || !defined(BOX_MINOR_NAME) \ || defined(STR_) || defined(STREXTERN_) #error Unexpected preprocessor symbols. #endif #if defined(TO_STRING_H) \ && (defined(TO_STRING_EXTERN) || defined(TO_STRING_INTERN)) /* */ #endif /* !not --> */ #ifndef TO_STRING_H /* */ #else /* ntern --> */ #endif /* idempotent --> */ #ifndef TO_STRING_LEFT #define TO_STRING_LEFT '(' #endif #ifndef TO_STRING_RIGHT #define TO_STRING_RIGHT ')' #endif #ifndef BOX_TRAIT_NAME /* */ typedef BOX_TYPE PSTR_(box); #ifdef BOX_KEY typedef BOX_KEY PSTR_(key); #error #endif typedef BOX_CONTENT PSTR_(element); #if 0 /* */ /** : print the contents of `box` in a static string buffer of 256 bytes, with limitations of only printing 4 things in a single sequence point. @return Address of the static buffer. @order \Theta(1) @allow */ static const char *STR_(to_string)(const PSTR_(box) *const box) { const char comma = ',', space = ' ', ellipsis[] = "…", left = TO_STRING_LEFT, right = TO_STRING_RIGHT; const size_t ellipsis_len = sizeof ellipsis - 1; char *const buffer = to_string_buffers[to_string_buffer_i++], *b = buffer; size_t advance; PSTR_(element) *v; struct BOX_(iterator) it; int is_sep = 0; /* Minimum size: "(" "XXXXXXXXXXX" "," "…" ")" "\0". */ assert(box && !(to_string_buffers_no & (to_string_buffers_no - 1)) && to_string_buffer_size >= 1 + 11 + 1 + ellipsis_len + 1 + 1); /* Advance the buffer for next time. */ to_string_buffer_i &= to_string_buffers_no - 1; { /* We do not modify `box`, but the compiler doesn't know that. */ PSTR_(box) *promise_box; memcpy(&promise_box, &box, sizeof box); it = BOX_(begin)(promise_box); } *b++ = left; while(BOX_(next)(&it, &v)) { STRCALL_(to_string)(v, (char (*)[12])b); /* Paranoid about '\0'; wastes 1 byte of 12, but otherwise confusing. */ for(advance = 0; *b != '\0' && advance < 11; b++, advance++); is_sep = 1, *b++ = comma, *b++ = space; /* Greedy typesetting: enough for "XXXXXXXXXXX" "," "…" ")" "\0". */ if((size_t)(b - buffer) > to_string_buffer_size - 11 - 1 - ellipsis_len - 1 - 1) { if(BOX_(next)(&it, 0)) goto ellipsis; else break; } } if(is_sep) b -= 2; *b++ = right; goto terminate; ellipsis: b--; memcpy(b, ellipsis, ellipsis_len), b += ellipsis_len; *b++ = right; terminate: *b++ = '\0'; assert(b - buffer <= to_string_buffer_size); return buffer; } static void PSTR_(unused_to_string_coda)(void); static void PSTR_(unused_to_string)(void) { STR_(to_string)(0); PSTR_(unused_to_string_coda)(); } static void PSTR_(unused_to_string_coda)(void) { PSTR_(unused_to_string)(); } #undef STR_ #undef STRCALL_ #ifdef TO_STRING_EXTERN #undef TO_STRING_EXTERN #endif #ifdef TO_STRING_INTERN #undef TO_STRING_INTERN #endif #undef TO_STRING_LEFT #undef TO_STRING_RIGHT