# See LICENSE file for copyright and license details. BEGIN { FS = ";" # set up hexadecimal lookup table for(i = 0; i < 16; i++) hex[sprintf("%X",i)] = i; HEADER = "/* Automatically generated by mkrunetype.awk */\n#include <stdlib.h>\n\n#include \"../utf.h\"\n#include \"runetype.h\"\n" HEADER_OTHER = "/* Automatically generated by mkrunetype.awk */\n#include \"../utf.h\"\n#include \"runetype.h\"\n" } $3 ~ /^L/ { alphav[alphac++] = $1; } ($3 ~ /^Z/) || ($5 == "WS") || ($5 == "S") || ($5 == "B") { spacev[spacec++] = $1; } $3 == "Cc" { cntrlv[cntrlc++] = $1; } $3 == "Lu" { upperv[upperc++] = $1; tolowerv[uppercc++] = ($14 == "") ? $1 : $14; } $3 == "Ll" { lowerv[lowerc++] = $1; toupperv[lowercc++] = ($13 == "") ? $1 : $13; } $3 == "Lt" { titlev[titlec++] = $1; } $3 == "Nd" { digitv[digitc++] = $1; } END { system("rm -f isalpharune.c isspacerune.c iscntrlrune.c upperrune.c lowerrune.c istitlerune.c isdigitrune.c"); mkis("alpha", alphav, alphac, "isalpharune.c", q, ""); mkis("space", spacev, spacec, "isspacerune.c", q, ""); mkis("cntrl", cntrlv, cntrlc, "iscntrlrune.c", q, ""); mkis("upper", upperv, upperc, "upperrune.c", tolowerv, "lower"); mkis("lower", lowerv, lowerc, "lowerrune.c", toupperv, "upper"); mkis("title", titlev, titlec, "istitlerune.c", q, ""); mkis("digit", digitv, digitc, "isdigitrune.c", q, ""); system("rm -f isalnumrune.c isblankrune.c isprintrune.c isgraphrune.c ispunctrune.c isxdigitrune.c"); otheris(); } # parse hexadecimal rune index to int function code(s) { x = 0; for(i = 1; i <= length(s); i++) { c = substr(s, i, 1); x = (x*16) + hex[c]; } return x; } # generate 'is<name>rune' unicode lookup function function mkis(name, runev, runec, file, casev, casename) { rune1c = 0; rune2c = 0; rune3c = 0; rune4c = 0; mode = 1; #sort rune groups into singletons, ranges and laces for(j = 0; j < runec; j++) { # range if(code(runev[j+1]) == code(runev[j])+1 && ((length(casev) == 0) || code(casev[j+1]) == code(casev[j])+1) && j+1 < runec) { if (mode == 2) { continue; } else if (mode == 3) { rune3v1[rune3c] = runev[j]; rune3c++; } else if (mode == 4) { rune4v1[rune4c] = runev[j]; rune4c++; } mode = 2; rune2v0[rune2c] = runev[j]; if(length(casev) > 0) { case2v[rune2c] = casev[j]; } continue; } # lace 1 if(code(runev[j+1]) == code(runev[j])+2 && ((length(casev) == 0) || (code(casev[j+1]) == code(runev[j+1])+1 && code(casev[j]) == code(runev[j])+1)) && j+1 < runec) { if (mode == 3) { continue; } else if (mode == 2) { rune2v1[rune2c] = runev[j]; rune2c++; } else if (mode == 4) { rune4v1[rune2c] = runev[j]; rune4c++; } mode = 3; rune3v0[rune3c] = runev[j]; continue; } # lace 2 if(code(runev[j+1]) == code(runev[j])+2 && ((length(casev) == 0) || (code(casev[j+1]) == code(runev[j+1])-1 && code(casev[j]) == code(runev[j])-1)) && j+1 < runec) { if (mode == 4) { continue; } else if (mode == 2) { rune2v1[rune2c] = runev[j]; rune2c++; } else if (mode == 3) { rune3v1[rune2c] = runev[j]; rune3c++; } mode = 4; rune4v0[rune4c] = runev[j]; continue; } # terminating case if (mode == 1) { rune1v[rune1c] = runev[j]; if (length(casev) > 0) { case1v[rune1c] = casev[j]; } rune1c++; } else if (mode == 2) { rune2v1[rune2c] = runev[j]; rune2c++; } else if (mode == 3) { rune3v1[rune3c] = runev[j]; rune3c++; } else { #lace 2 rune4v1[rune4c] = runev[j]; rune4c++; } mode = 1; } print HEADER > file; #generate list of laces 1 if(rune3c > 0) { print "static Rune "name"3[][2] = {" > file; for(j = 0; j < rune3c; j++) { print "\t{ 0x"rune3v0[j]", 0x"rune3v1[j]" }," > file; } print "};\n" > file; } #generate list of laces 2 if(rune4c > 0) { print "static Rune "name"4[][2] = {" > file; for(j = 0; j < rune4c; j++) { print "\t{ 0x"rune4v0[j]", 0x"rune4v1[j]" }," > file; } print "};\n" > file; } # generate list of ranges if(rune2c > 0) { if(length(casev) > 0) { print "static Rune "name"2[][3] = {" > file; for(j = 0; j < rune2c; j++) { print "\t{ 0x"rune2v0[j]", 0x"rune2v1[j]", 0x"case2v[j]" }," > file; } } else { print "static Rune "name"2[][2] = {" > file for(j = 0; j < rune2c; j++) { print "\t{ 0x"rune2v0[j]", 0x"rune2v1[j]" }," > file; } } print "};\n" > file; } # generate list of singletons if(rune1c > 0) { if(length(casev) > 0) { print "static Rune "name"1[][2] = {" > file; for(j = 0; j < rune1c; j++) { print "\t{ 0x"rune1v[j]", 0x"case1v[j]" }," > file; } } else { print "static Rune "name"1[] = {" > file; for(j = 0; j < rune1c; j++) { print "\t0x"rune1v[j]"," > file; } } print "};\n" > file; } # generate lookup function print "int\nis"name"rune(Rune r)\n{" > file; if(rune4c > 0 || rune3c > 0) print "\tRune *match;\n" > file; if(rune4c > 0) { print "\tif((match = bsearch(&r, "name"4, nelem("name"4), sizeof *"name"4, &rune2cmp)))" > file; print "\t\treturn !((r - match[0]) % 2);" > file; } if(rune3c > 0) { print "\tif((match = bsearch(&r, "name"3, nelem("name"3), sizeof *"name"3, &rune2cmp)))" > file; print "\t\treturn !((r - match[0]) % 2);" > file; } if(rune2c > 0) { print "\tif(bsearch(&r, "name"2, nelem("name"2), sizeof *"name"2, &rune2cmp))\n\t\treturn 1;" > file; } if(rune1c > 0) { print "\tif(bsearch(&r, "name"1, nelem("name"1), sizeof *"name"1, &rune1cmp))\n\t\treturn 1;" > file; } print "\treturn 0;\n}" > file; # generate case conversion function if(length(casev) > 0) { print "\nint\nto"casename"rune(Rune r)\n{\n\tRune *match;\n" > file; if(rune4c > 0) { print "\tmatch = bsearch(&r, "name"4, nelem("name"4), sizeof *"name"4, &rune2cmp);" > file; print "\tif (match)" > file; print "\t\treturn ((r - match[0]) % 2) ? r : r - 1;" > file; } if(rune3c > 0) { print "\tmatch = bsearch(&r, "name"3, nelem("name"3), sizeof *"name"3, &rune2cmp);" > file; print "\tif (match)" > file; print "\t\treturn ((r - match[0]) % 2) ? r : r + 1;" > file; } if(rune2c > 0) { print "\tmatch = bsearch(&r, "name"2, nelem("name"2), sizeof *"name"2, &rune2cmp);" > file; print "\tif (match)" > file; print "\t\treturn match[2] + (r - match[0]);" > file; } if(rune1c > 0) { print "\tmatch = bsearch(&r, "name"1, nelem("name"1), sizeof *"name"1, &rune1cmp);" > file; print "\tif (match)" > file; print "\t\treturn match[1];" > file; } print "\treturn r;\n}" > file; } } function otheris() { print HEADER_OTHER > "isalnumrune.c"; print "int\nisalnumrune(Rune r)\n{\n\treturn isalpharune(r) || isdigitrune(r);\n}" > "isalnumrune.c"; print HEADER_OTHER > "isblankrune.c"; print "int\nisblankrune(Rune r)\n{\n\treturn r == ' ' || r == '\\t';\n}" > "isblankrune.c"; print HEADER_OTHER > "isprintrune.c"; print "int\nisprintrune(Rune r)\n{\n\treturn !iscntrlrune(r) && (r != 0x2028) && (r != 0x2029) &&" > "isprintrune.c"; print "\t ((r < 0xFFF9) || (r > 0xFFFB));\n}" > "isprintrune.c"; print HEADER_OTHER > "isgraphrune.c"; print "int\nisgraphrune(Rune r)\n{\n\treturn !isspacerune(r) && isprintrune(r);\n}" > "isgraphrune.c"; print HEADER_OTHER > "ispunctrune.c"; print "int\nispunctrune(Rune r)\n{\n\treturn isgraphrune(r) && !isalnumrune(r);\n}" > "ispunctrune.c"; print HEADER_OTHER > "isxdigitrune.c"; print "int\nisxdigitrune(Rune r)\n{\n\treturn (r >= '0' && (r - '0') < 10) || (r >= 'a' && (r - 'a') < 6);\n}" > "isxdigitrune.c"; }