This is a modified version of musl libc 1.12 which is able to be compiled with TinyCC on x86_64 machines. Although TinyCC is quite complete as a tiny C compiler,some features are still missing,including: - _Complex types All related to _Complex are removed. - Full GNU-style inline assembly support. The original versions of __syscall4(),__syscall5() and __syscall6() don't work.They are replaced by assembly implemention in /src/internal/x86_64/syscall.S - math library is removed momently. Because some missing floating-point features of TinyCC.I am working on completing. - @PLT dynamic linking function calls are removed. TinyCC does not have the feature.Dynamic linking library(.so) is expected not to work. - fenv library is removed momently. I am working on adding the missing fp instructions to TinyCC. To compile,simply run export CC=tcc # Set the compiler export RANLIB='tcc -r' # Using tcc builtin librarian export AR='tcc -ar' # See above ./configure --target=x86_64 # The script cannot detect the # platform with tcc because of # missing option "-dumpmachine" make # I finish my compiling in 10s with two threads on i7-720QM @ 1.60GHz All modified and addtional files are under MIT License as well. Some changes are made to my TinyCC (This means I may have a different version from yours,so if you fail to compile,try to apply the patches listed in /tcc-patch/,including: - empty_archive.patch Enables TinyCC to generate empty ar archive