This file lists potential improvements for future versions of se. - Remove code not related to supporting *nix - Remove any non-portable (ideally POSIX but de facto works too) code - Remove any code not related specifically to editing (email notifs, etc) - Adjust line-editing to be more intuitive (maybe use a simple line-edit library) - Figure out why there appears to be a line limit on current file. Fix. - Revert autotools build to makefile-based. [DONE - 2022/2/8] OLD SE TODO FOLLOWS. ENCLOSED IN BRACKETS ARE NEW NOTES. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Documentation: - tutorial (like vimtutor or `C-h t` in emacs) [not necessary] - texinfo manual [use mandoc] Port to the following operating systems: - FreeDOS [just no] (this is a high cost, low reward target, but it might be an interesting platform to support). Other Improvements: - Better usage() output with useful explainations. - add a test suite (should be easy since we have scriptse already).