ACHTUNG! This is my personal set of ports for KISS, a POSIX(ish) meta distribution of *NIX. These packages currently assume a Linux-based system, but support for *BSD will likely arrive in the future. Please report any bugs to me via email; thanks. The mbase directory contains symlinks to packages that I install as my core userspace. The banished directory contains software that has been isolated for whatever reason. May or may not include a "JUSTIFICATION" file to remind myself in the future. Note that not all of the packages in this repo are written by me; some are forked from Core and Community. This is purely a matter of convenience. All packages under mbase have been tested and build on the Haswell microarchitecture using the following CFLAGS (assuming GCC): -pipe Compile in memory -w Suppress errors -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=1 Perform lightweight tests to catch overflows and etc -O2 Standard level of optimization -march=native Compile for the current micro-arch -fasynchronous-unwind-tables Use the DWARF format for unwind tables. Reduces ELF size -momit-leaf-frame-pointer Leave out unneeded pointers -ftree-loop-vectorize Vectorize trees (unsure of the implications, but doesn't appear to cause breakage; will investigate further) -fstack-protector-strong Sacrifice a fair amount of performance in order to protect from stack smashing --param ssp-buffer-size=4 Increase the number of functions under the stack protector -fstack-clash-protection Protect from stack clashing. Will investigate further -fPIE Generate position-independent executables -fPIC Generate position-independent code -Wl,--hash-style=gnu Linker arguments A new subdir, bin, containing binaries built with the above CFLAGS (sans native) will be added in the future. I, however, encourage you to build from source if possible. ________________________________________________________________________________ |/ |\ISS ________________________________________________________________________________ (Un)Official Repositories ________________________________________________________________________________ The unofficial repositories for KISS Linux maintained by Mid Favila. Included in my repo is a snapshot of the community and musl core, xorg, and extra repos as of 2021/7/9, modified to replace the utterly garbage packages that some members had contributed (in blatant violation of guidelines, too!). These were forked due to upstream's insistence on switching from LibreSSL to OpenSSL, and from X11 to Wayland; the former due to Python, and the latter, I'm not quite sure of. Regardless, I dislike these changes. Over time, packages that I'm not willing to maintain will be moved to mid-graveyard; after a few months, they'll be deleted. Any programs that require Python as a build-time dependency will have their scripts rewritten in Common Lisp, or they will be removed. This will happen ASAP. I will also be removing packages that I just flat out don't like. If you want them yourself, then copy them from an old git push. Software that will be removed and never added includes, but is not limited to, the following; -systemd or any of its ilk -OpenSSL or programs that explicitly depend on it -Programs that require a version of Python newer than 3.9 -Programs written with or requiring Rust tooling -Programs written primarily by or for corporations, such as BTRFS utilities (This applies triply to FAGMAN; Facebook, Apple, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and Netflix. I also will not tolerate software related to Tencent or similar organizations) NOTE THAT I AM NOT AFFILIATED WITH THE KISS LINUX ORGANIZATION IN ANY OFFICIAL CAPACITY. THEY ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THESE PACKAGES. DO NOT SUBMIT REPORTS IN #KISSLINUX ON LIBERA.CHAT IF THESE BREAK; EMAIL ME. THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION.