/************************************************************ Copyright 1987, 1998 The Open Group Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE OPEN GROUP BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Except as contained in this notice, the name of The Open Group shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from The Open Group. Copyright 1987 by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts. All Rights Reserved Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of Digital not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission. DIGITAL DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO EVENT SHALL DIGITAL BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. ********************************************************/ /* The panoramix components contained the following notice */ /***************************************************************** Copyright (c) 1991, 1997 Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software. The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Except as contained in this notice, the name of Digital Equipment Corporation shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from Digital Equipment Corporation. ******************************************************************/ /***************************************************************** Copyright 2003-2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, provided that the above copyright notice(s) and this permission notice appear in all copies of the Software and that both the above copyright notice(s) and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR HOLDERS INCLUDED IN THIS NOTICE BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, OR ANY SPECIAL INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. Except as contained in this notice, the name of a copyright holder shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization of the copyright holder. ******************************************************************/ #ifdef HAVE_DIX_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include "misc.h" #include "resource.h" #include #include "windowstr.h" #include "inputstr.h" #include "scrnintstr.h" #include "cursorstr.h" #include "dixstruct.h" #include "globals.h" #include #include "exevents.h" #include "extnsionst.h" #include "dixevents.h" #include "dixgrabs.h" #include "dispatch.h" #define EXTENSION_EVENT_BASE 64 #define NoSuchEvent 0x80000000 /* so doesn't match NoEventMask */ #define StructureAndSubMask ( StructureNotifyMask | SubstructureNotifyMask ) #define AllButtonsMask ( \ Button1Mask | Button2Mask | Button3Mask | Button4Mask | Button5Mask ) #define MotionMask ( \ PointerMotionMask | Button1MotionMask | \ Button2MotionMask | Button3MotionMask | Button4MotionMask | \ Button5MotionMask | ButtonMotionMask ) #define PropagateMask ( \ KeyPressMask | KeyReleaseMask | ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask | \ MotionMask ) #define PointerGrabMask ( \ ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask | \ EnterWindowMask | LeaveWindowMask | \ PointerMotionHintMask | KeymapStateMask | \ MotionMask ) #define AllModifiersMask ( \ ShiftMask | LockMask | ControlMask | Mod1Mask | Mod2Mask | \ Mod3Mask | Mod4Mask | Mod5Mask ) #define AllEventMasks (lastEventMask|(lastEventMask-1)) /* * The following relies on the fact that the ButtonMotionMasks are equal * to the corresponding ButtonMasks from the current modifier/button state. */ #define Motion_Filter(class) (PointerMotionMask | \ (class)->state | (class)->motionMask) #define WID(w) ((w) ? ((w)->drawable.id) : 0) #define XE_KBPTR (xE->u.keyButtonPointer) #define rClient(obj) (clients[CLIENT_ID((obj)->resource)]) _X_EXPORT CallbackListPtr EventCallback; _X_EXPORT CallbackListPtr DeviceEventCallback; #define DNPMCOUNT 8 Mask DontPropagateMasks[DNPMCOUNT]; static int DontPropagateRefCnts[DNPMCOUNT]; #ifdef DEBUG static debug_events = 0; #endif _X_EXPORT InputInfo inputInfo; static struct { QdEventPtr pending, *pendtail; DeviceIntPtr replayDev; /* kludgy rock to put flag for */ WindowPtr replayWin; /* ComputeFreezes */ Bool playingEvents; TimeStamp time; } syncEvents; /* * The window trace information is used to avoid having to compute all the * windows between the root and the current pointer window each time a button * or key goes down. The grabs on each of those windows must be checked. */ static WindowPtr *spriteTrace = (WindowPtr *) NULL; #define ROOT spriteTrace[0] static int spriteTraceSize = 0; static int spriteTraceGood; static struct { CursorPtr current; BoxRec hotLimits; /* logical constraints of hot spot */ Bool confined; /* confined to screen */ RegionPtr hotShape; /* additional logical shape constraint */ BoxRec physLimits; /* physical constraints of hot spot */ WindowPtr win; /* window of logical position */ HotSpot hot; /* logical pointer position */ HotSpot hotPhys; /* physical pointer position */ } sprite; /* info about the cursor sprite */ static void DoEnterLeaveEvents(WindowPtr fromWin, WindowPtr toWin, int mode); static WindowPtr XYToWindow(int x, int y); extern int lastEvent; static Mask lastEventMask; #define CantBeFiltered NoEventMask static Mask filters[128]; static const Mask initialFilters[128] = { NoSuchEvent, /* 0 */ NoSuchEvent, /* 1 */ KeyPressMask, /* KeyPress */ KeyReleaseMask, /* KeyRelease */ ButtonPressMask, /* ButtonPress */ ButtonReleaseMask, /* ButtonRelease */ PointerMotionMask, /* MotionNotify (initial state) */ EnterWindowMask, /* EnterNotify */ LeaveWindowMask, /* LeaveNotify */ FocusChangeMask, /* FocusIn */ FocusChangeMask, /* FocusOut */ KeymapStateMask, /* KeymapNotify */ ExposureMask, /* Expose */ CantBeFiltered, /* GraphicsExpose */ CantBeFiltered, /* NoExpose */ VisibilityChangeMask, /* VisibilityNotify */ SubstructureNotifyMask, /* CreateNotify */ StructureAndSubMask, /* DestroyNotify */ StructureAndSubMask, /* UnmapNotify */ StructureAndSubMask, /* MapNotify */ SubstructureRedirectMask, /* MapRequest */ StructureAndSubMask, /* ReparentNotify */ StructureAndSubMask, /* ConfigureNotify */ SubstructureRedirectMask, /* ConfigureRequest */ StructureAndSubMask, /* GravityNotify */ ResizeRedirectMask, /* ResizeRequest */ StructureAndSubMask, /* CirculateNotify */ SubstructureRedirectMask, /* CirculateRequest */ PropertyChangeMask, /* PropertyNotify */ CantBeFiltered, /* SelectionClear */ CantBeFiltered, /* SelectionRequest */ CantBeFiltered, /* SelectionNotify */ ColormapChangeMask, /* ColormapNotify */ CantBeFiltered, /* ClientMessage */ CantBeFiltered /* MappingNotify */ }; static CARD8 criticalEvents[32] = { 0x7c /* key and button events */ }; void SetMaskForEvent(Mask mask, int event) { if ((event < LASTEvent) || (event >= 128)) FatalError("SetMaskForEvent: bogus event number"); filters[event] = mask; } _X_EXPORT void SetCriticalEvent(int event) { if (event >= 128) FatalError("SetCriticalEvent: bogus event number"); criticalEvents[event >> 3] |= 1 << (event & 7); } static void SyntheticMotion(int x, int y) { xEvent xE; xE.u.keyButtonPointer.rootX = x; xE.u.keyButtonPointer.rootY = y; if (syncEvents.playingEvents) xE.u.keyButtonPointer.time = syncEvents.time.milliseconds; else xE.u.keyButtonPointer.time = currentTime.milliseconds; xE.u.u.type = MotionNotify; (*inputInfo.pointer->public.processInputProc) (&xE, inputInfo.pointer, 1); } static void ConfineToShape(RegionPtr shape, int *px, int *py) { BoxRec box; int x = *px, y = *py; int incx = 1, incy = 1; if (POINT_IN_REGION(shape, x, y, &box)) return; box = *REGION_EXTENTS(shape); /* this is rather crude */ do { x += incx; if (x >= box.x2) { incx = -1; x = *px - 1; } else if (x < box.x1) { incx = 1; x = *px; y += incy; if (y >= box.y2) { incy = -1; y = *py - 1; } else if (y < box.y1) return; /* should never get here! */ } } while (!POINT_IN_REGION(shape, x, y, &box)); *px = x; *py = y; } static void CheckPhysLimits(CursorPtr cursor, Bool generateEvents, Bool confineToScreen, ScreenPtr pScreen) { HotSpot new; if (!cursor) return; new = sprite.hotPhys; if (pScreen) new.pScreen = pScreen; else pScreen = new.pScreen; (*pScreen->CursorLimits) (pScreen, cursor, &sprite.hotLimits, &sprite.physLimits); sprite.confined = confineToScreen; (*pScreen->ConstrainCursor) (pScreen, &sprite.physLimits); if (new.x < sprite.physLimits.x1) new.x = sprite.physLimits.x1; else if (new.x >= sprite.physLimits.x2) new.x = sprite.physLimits.x2 - 1; if (new.y < sprite.physLimits.y1) new.y = sprite.physLimits.y1; else if (new.y >= sprite.physLimits.y2) new.y = sprite.physLimits.y2 - 1; if (sprite.hotShape) ConfineToShape(sprite.hotShape, &new.x, &new.y); if ((pScreen != sprite.hotPhys.pScreen) || (new.x != sprite.hotPhys.x) || (new.y != sprite.hotPhys.y)) { if (pScreen != sprite.hotPhys.pScreen) sprite.hotPhys = new; (*pScreen->SetCursorPosition) (pScreen, new.x, new.y, generateEvents); if (!generateEvents) SyntheticMotion(new.x, new.y); } } static void CheckVirtualMotion(register QdEventPtr qe, register WindowPtr pWin) { if (qe) { sprite.hot.pScreen = qe->pScreen; sprite.hot.x = qe->event->u.keyButtonPointer.rootX; sprite.hot.y = qe->event->u.keyButtonPointer.rootY; pWin = inputInfo.pointer->grab ? inputInfo.pointer->grab->confineTo : NullWindow; } if (pWin) { BoxRec lims; if (sprite.hot.pScreen != pWin->drawable.pScreen) { sprite.hot.pScreen = pWin->drawable.pScreen; sprite.hot.x = sprite.hot.y = 0; } lims = *REGION_EXTENTS(&pWin->borderSize); if (sprite.hot.x < lims.x1) sprite.hot.x = lims.x1; else if (sprite.hot.x >= lims.x2) sprite.hot.x = lims.x2 - 1; if (sprite.hot.y < lims.y1) sprite.hot.y = lims.y1; else if (sprite.hot.y >= lims.y2) sprite.hot.y = lims.y2 - 1; if (wBoundingShape(pWin)) ConfineToShape(&pWin->borderSize, &sprite.hot.x, &sprite.hot.y); if (qe) { qe->pScreen = sprite.hot.pScreen; qe->event->u.keyButtonPointer.rootX = sprite.hot.x; qe->event->u.keyButtonPointer.rootY = sprite.hot.y; } } ROOT = WindowTable[sprite.hot.pScreen->myNum]; } static void ConfineCursorToWindow(WindowPtr pWin, Bool generateEvents, Bool confineToScreen) { ScreenPtr pScreen = pWin->drawable.pScreen; if (syncEvents.playingEvents) { CheckVirtualMotion((QdEventPtr) NULL, pWin); SyntheticMotion(sprite.hot.x, sprite.hot.y); } else { sprite.hotLimits = *REGION_EXTENTS(&pWin->borderSize); sprite.hotShape = wBoundingShape(pWin) ? &pWin->borderSize : NullRegion; CheckPhysLimits(sprite.current, generateEvents, confineToScreen, pScreen); } } _X_EXPORT Bool PointerConfinedToScreen() { return sprite.confined; } static void ChangeToCursor(CursorPtr cursor) { if (cursor != sprite.current) { if ((sprite.current->bits->xhot != cursor->bits->xhot) || (sprite.current->bits->yhot != cursor->bits->yhot)) CheckPhysLimits(cursor, FALSE, sprite.confined, (ScreenPtr) NULL); (*sprite.hotPhys.pScreen->DisplayCursor) (sprite.hotPhys.pScreen, cursor); FreeCursor(sprite.current, (Cursor) 0); sprite.current = cursor; sprite.current->refcnt++; } } /* returns true if b is a descendent of a */ Bool IsParent(register WindowPtr a, register WindowPtr b) { for (b = b->parent; b; b = b->parent) if (b == a) return TRUE; return FALSE; } static void PostNewCursor(void) { WindowPtr win; GrabPtr grab = inputInfo.pointer->grab; if (syncEvents.playingEvents) return; if (grab) { if (grab->cursor) { ChangeToCursor(grab->cursor); return; } if (IsParent(grab->window, sprite.win)) win = sprite.win; else win = grab->window; } else win = sprite.win; for (; win; win = win->parent) if (win->optional && win->optional->cursor != NullCursor) { ChangeToCursor(win->optional->cursor); return; } } _X_EXPORT WindowPtr GetCurrentRootWindow() { return ROOT; } _X_EXPORT WindowPtr GetSpriteWindow() { return sprite.win; } _X_EXPORT CursorPtr GetSpriteCursor() { return sprite.current; } _X_EXPORT void GetSpritePosition(int *px, int *py) { *px = sprite.hotPhys.x; *py = sprite.hotPhys.y; } #define TIMESLOP (5 * 60 * 1000) /* 5 minutes */ static void MonthChangedOrBadTime(register xEvent *xE) { /* If the ddx/OS is careless about not processing timestamped events from * different sources in sorted order, then it's possible for time to go * backwards when it should not. Here we ensure a decent time. */ if ((currentTime.milliseconds - XE_KBPTR.time) > TIMESLOP) currentTime.months++; else XE_KBPTR.time = currentTime.milliseconds; } #define NoticeTime(xE) { \ if ((xE)->u.keyButtonPointer.time < currentTime.milliseconds) \ MonthChangedOrBadTime(xE); \ currentTime.milliseconds = (xE)->u.keyButtonPointer.time; \ lastDeviceEventTime = currentTime; } void NoticeEventTime(register xEvent *xE) { if (!syncEvents.playingEvents) NoticeTime(xE); } /************************************************************************** * The following procedures deal with synchronous events * **************************************************************************/ void EnqueueEvent(xEvent *xE, DeviceIntPtr device, int count) { QdEventPtr tail = *syncEvents.pendtail; QdEventPtr qe; xEvent *qxE; NoticeTime(xE); if (DeviceEventCallback) { DeviceEventInfoRec eventinfo; /* The RECORD spec says that the root window field of motion events * must be valid. At this point, it hasn't been filled in yet, so * we do it here. The long expression below is necessary to get * the current root window; the apparently reasonable alternative * GetCurrentRootWindow()->drawable.id doesn't give you the right * answer on the first motion event after a screen change because * the data that GetCurrentRootWindow relies on hasn't been * updated yet. */ if (xE->u.u.type == MotionNotify) XE_KBPTR.root = WindowTable[sprite.hotPhys.pScreen->myNum]->drawable.id; eventinfo.events = xE; eventinfo.count = count; CallCallbacks(&DeviceEventCallback, (pointer) &eventinfo); } if (xE->u.u.type == MotionNotify) { sprite.hotPhys.x = XE_KBPTR.rootX; sprite.hotPhys.y = XE_KBPTR.rootY; /* do motion compression */ if (tail && (tail->event->u.u.type == MotionNotify) && (tail->pScreen == sprite.hotPhys.pScreen)) { tail->event->u.keyButtonPointer.rootX = sprite.hotPhys.x; tail->event->u.keyButtonPointer.rootY = sprite.hotPhys.y; tail->event->u.keyButtonPointer.time = XE_KBPTR.time; tail->months = currentTime.months; return; } } qe = malloc(sizeof(QdEventRec) + (count * sizeof(xEvent))); if (!qe) return; qe->next = (QdEventPtr) NULL; qe->device = device; qe->pScreen = sprite.hotPhys.pScreen; qe->months = currentTime.months; qe->event = (xEvent *) (qe + 1); qe->evcount = count; for (qxE = qe->event; --count >= 0; qxE++, xE++) *qxE = *xE; if (tail) syncEvents.pendtail = &tail->next; *syncEvents.pendtail = qe; } static void PlayReleasedEvents(void) { QdEventPtr *prev, qe; DeviceIntPtr dev; prev = &syncEvents.pending; while ((qe = *prev)) { if (!qe->device->sync.frozen) { *prev = qe->next; if (*syncEvents.pendtail == *prev) syncEvents.pendtail = prev; if (qe->event->u.u.type == MotionNotify) CheckVirtualMotion(qe, NullWindow); syncEvents.time.months = qe->months; syncEvents.time.milliseconds = qe->event->u.keyButtonPointer.time; (*qe->device->public.processInputProc) (qe->event, qe->device, qe->evcount); free(qe); for (dev = inputInfo.devices; dev && dev->sync.frozen; dev = dev->next); if (!dev) break; /* Playing the event may have unfrozen another device. */ /* So to play it safe, restart at the head of the queue */ prev = &syncEvents.pending; } else prev = &qe->next; } } static void FreezeThaw(register DeviceIntPtr dev, Bool frozen) { dev->sync.frozen = frozen; if (frozen) dev->public.processInputProc = dev->public.enqueueInputProc; else dev->public.processInputProc = dev->public.realInputProc; } void ComputeFreezes() { DeviceIntPtr replayDev = syncEvents.replayDev; int i; WindowPtr w; xEvent *xE; int count; GrabPtr grab; DeviceIntPtr dev; for (dev = inputInfo.devices; dev; dev = dev->next) FreezeThaw(dev, dev->sync.other || (dev->sync.state >= FROZEN)); if (syncEvents.playingEvents || (!replayDev && !syncEvents.pending)) return; syncEvents.playingEvents = TRUE; if (replayDev) { xE = replayDev->sync.event; count = replayDev->sync.evcount; syncEvents.replayDev = (DeviceIntPtr) NULL; w = XYToWindow(XE_KBPTR.rootX, XE_KBPTR.rootY); for (i = 0; i < spriteTraceGood; i++) { if (syncEvents.replayWin == spriteTrace[i]) { if (!CheckDeviceGrabs(replayDev, xE, i + 1, count)) { if (replayDev->focus) DeliverFocusedEvent(replayDev, xE, w, count); else DeliverDeviceEvents(w, xE, NullGrab, NullWindow, replayDev, count); } goto playmore; } } /* must not still be in the same stack */ if (replayDev->focus) DeliverFocusedEvent(replayDev, xE, w, count); else DeliverDeviceEvents(w, xE, NullGrab, NullWindow, replayDev, count); } playmore: for (dev = inputInfo.devices; dev; dev = dev->next) { if (!dev->sync.frozen) { PlayReleasedEvents(); break; } } syncEvents.playingEvents = FALSE; /* the following may have been skipped during replay, so do it now */ if ((grab = inputInfo.pointer->grab) &&grab->confineTo) { if (grab->confineTo->drawable.pScreen != sprite.hotPhys.pScreen) sprite.hotPhys.x = sprite.hotPhys.y = 0; ConfineCursorToWindow(grab->confineTo, TRUE, TRUE); } else ConfineCursorToWindow(WindowTable[sprite.hotPhys.pScreen->myNum], TRUE, FALSE); PostNewCursor(); } void ScreenRestructured(ScreenPtr pScreen) { GrabPtr grab; if ((grab = inputInfo.pointer->grab) &&grab->confineTo) { if (grab->confineTo->drawable.pScreen != sprite.hotPhys.pScreen) sprite.hotPhys.x = sprite.hotPhys.y = 0; ConfineCursorToWindow(grab->confineTo, TRUE, TRUE); } else ConfineCursorToWindow(WindowTable[sprite.hotPhys.pScreen->myNum], TRUE, FALSE); } void CheckGrabForSyncs(register DeviceIntPtr thisDev, Bool thisMode, Bool otherMode) { GrabPtr grab = thisDev->grab; DeviceIntPtr dev; if (thisMode == GrabModeSync) thisDev->sync.state = FROZEN_NO_EVENT; else { /* free both if same client owns both */ thisDev->sync.state = THAWED; if (thisDev->sync.other && (CLIENT_BITS(thisDev->sync.other->resource) == CLIENT_BITS(grab->resource))) thisDev->sync.other = NullGrab; } for (dev = inputInfo.devices; dev; dev = dev->next) { if (dev != thisDev) { if (otherMode == GrabModeSync) dev->sync.other = grab; else { /* free both if same client owns both */ if (dev->sync.other && (CLIENT_BITS(dev->sync.other->resource) == CLIENT_BITS(grab->resource))) dev->sync.other = NullGrab; } } } ComputeFreezes(); } void ActivatePointerGrab(register DeviceIntPtr mouse, register GrabPtr grab, TimeStamp time, Bool autoGrab) { WindowPtr oldWin = (mouse->grab) ? mouse->grab->window : sprite.win; if (grab->confineTo) { if (grab->confineTo->drawable.pScreen != sprite.hotPhys.pScreen) sprite.hotPhys.x = sprite.hotPhys.y = 0; ConfineCursorToWindow(grab->confineTo, FALSE, TRUE); } DoEnterLeaveEvents(oldWin, grab->window, NotifyGrab); mouse->valuator->motionHintWindow = NullWindow; if (syncEvents.playingEvents) mouse->grabTime = syncEvents.time; else mouse->grabTime = time; if (grab->cursor) grab->cursor->refcnt++; mouse->activeGrab = *grab; mouse->grab = &mouse->activeGrab; mouse->fromPassiveGrab = autoGrab; PostNewCursor(); CheckGrabForSyncs(mouse, (Bool) grab->pointerMode, (Bool) grab->keyboardMode); } void DeactivatePointerGrab(register DeviceIntPtr mouse) { GrabPtr grab = mouse->grab; DeviceIntPtr dev; mouse->valuator->motionHintWindow = NullWindow; mouse->grab = NullGrab; mouse->sync.state = NOT_GRABBED; mouse->fromPassiveGrab = FALSE; for (dev = inputInfo.devices; dev; dev = dev->next) { if (dev->sync.other == grab) dev->sync.other = NullGrab; } DoEnterLeaveEvents(grab->window, sprite.win, NotifyUngrab); if (grab->confineTo) ConfineCursorToWindow(ROOT, FALSE, FALSE); PostNewCursor(); if (grab->cursor) FreeCursor(grab->cursor, (Cursor) 0); ComputeFreezes(); } void ActivateKeyboardGrab(register DeviceIntPtr keybd, GrabPtr grab, TimeStamp time, Bool passive) { WindowPtr oldWin; if (keybd->grab) oldWin = keybd->grab->window; else if (keybd->focus) oldWin = keybd->focus->win; else oldWin = sprite.win; if (oldWin == FollowKeyboardWin) oldWin = inputInfo.keyboard->focus->win; if (keybd->valuator) keybd->valuator->motionHintWindow = NullWindow; DoFocusEvents(keybd, oldWin, grab->window, NotifyGrab); if (syncEvents.playingEvents) keybd->grabTime = syncEvents.time; else keybd->grabTime = time; keybd->activeGrab = *grab; keybd->grab = &keybd->activeGrab; keybd->fromPassiveGrab = passive; CheckGrabForSyncs(keybd, (Bool) grab->keyboardMode, (Bool) grab->pointerMode); } void DeactivateKeyboardGrab(register DeviceIntPtr keybd) { GrabPtr grab = keybd->grab; DeviceIntPtr dev; WindowPtr focusWin = keybd->focus ? keybd->focus->win : sprite.win; if (focusWin == FollowKeyboardWin) focusWin = inputInfo.keyboard->focus->win; if (keybd->valuator) keybd->valuator->motionHintWindow = NullWindow; keybd->grab = NullGrab; keybd->sync.state = NOT_GRABBED; keybd->fromPassiveGrab = FALSE; for (dev = inputInfo.devices; dev; dev = dev->next) { if (dev->sync.other == grab) dev->sync.other = NullGrab; } DoFocusEvents(keybd, grab->window, focusWin, NotifyUngrab); ComputeFreezes(); } void AllowSome(ClientPtr client, TimeStamp time, DeviceIntPtr thisDev, int newState) { Bool thisGrabbed, otherGrabbed, othersFrozen, thisSynced; TimeStamp grabTime; DeviceIntPtr dev; thisGrabbed = thisDev->grab && SameClient(thisDev->grab, client); thisSynced = FALSE; otherGrabbed = FALSE; othersFrozen = TRUE; grabTime = thisDev->grabTime; for (dev = inputInfo.devices; dev; dev = dev->next) { if (dev == thisDev) continue; if (dev->grab && SameClient(dev->grab, client)) { if (!(thisGrabbed || otherGrabbed) || (CompareTimeStamps(dev->grabTime, grabTime) == LATER)) grabTime = dev->grabTime; otherGrabbed = TRUE; if (thisDev->sync.other == dev->grab) thisSynced = TRUE; if (dev->sync.state < FROZEN) othersFrozen = FALSE; } else if (!dev->sync.other || !SameClient(dev->sync.other, client)) othersFrozen = FALSE; } if (!((thisGrabbed && thisDev->sync.state >= FROZEN) || thisSynced)) return; if ((CompareTimeStamps(time, currentTime) == LATER) || (CompareTimeStamps(time, grabTime) == EARLIER)) return; switch (newState) { case THAWED: /* Async */ if (thisGrabbed) thisDev->sync.state = THAWED; if (thisSynced) thisDev->sync.other = NullGrab; ComputeFreezes(); break; case FREEZE_NEXT_EVENT: /* Sync */ if (thisGrabbed) { thisDev->sync.state = FREEZE_NEXT_EVENT; if (thisSynced) thisDev->sync.other = NullGrab; ComputeFreezes(); } break; case THAWED_BOTH: /* AsyncBoth */ if (othersFrozen) { for (dev = inputInfo.devices; dev; dev = dev->next) { if (dev->grab && SameClient(dev->grab, client)) dev->sync.state = THAWED; if (dev->sync.other && SameClient(dev->sync.other, client)) dev->sync.other = NullGrab; } ComputeFreezes(); } break; case FREEZE_BOTH_NEXT_EVENT: /* SyncBoth */ if (othersFrozen) { for (dev = inputInfo.devices; dev; dev = dev->next) { if (dev->grab && SameClient(dev->grab, client)) dev->sync.state = FREEZE_BOTH_NEXT_EVENT; if (dev->sync.other && SameClient(dev->sync.other, client)) dev->sync.other = NullGrab; } ComputeFreezes(); } break; case NOT_GRABBED: /* Replay */ if (thisGrabbed && thisDev->sync.state == FROZEN_WITH_EVENT) { if (thisSynced) thisDev->sync.other = NullGrab; syncEvents.replayDev = thisDev; syncEvents.replayWin = thisDev->grab->window; (*thisDev->DeactivateGrab) (thisDev); syncEvents.replayDev = (DeviceIntPtr) NULL; } break; case THAW_OTHERS: /* AsyncOthers */ if (othersFrozen) { for (dev = inputInfo.devices; dev; dev = dev->next) { if (dev == thisDev) continue; if (dev->grab && SameClient(dev->grab, client)) dev->sync.state = THAWED; if (dev->sync.other && SameClient(dev->sync.other, client)) dev->sync.other = NullGrab; } ComputeFreezes(); } break; } } int ProcAllowEvents(register ClientPtr client) { TimeStamp time; DeviceIntPtr mouse = inputInfo.pointer; DeviceIntPtr keybd = inputInfo.keyboard; REQUEST(xAllowEventsReq); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xAllowEventsReq); time = ClientTimeToServerTime(stuff->time); switch (stuff->mode) { case ReplayPointer: AllowSome(client, time, mouse, NOT_GRABBED); break; case SyncPointer: AllowSome(client, time, mouse, FREEZE_NEXT_EVENT); break; case AsyncPointer: AllowSome(client, time, mouse, THAWED); break; case ReplayKeyboard: AllowSome(client, time, keybd, NOT_GRABBED); break; case SyncKeyboard: AllowSome(client, time, keybd, FREEZE_NEXT_EVENT); break; case AsyncKeyboard: AllowSome(client, time, keybd, THAWED); break; case SyncBoth: AllowSome(client, time, keybd, FREEZE_BOTH_NEXT_EVENT); break; case AsyncBoth: AllowSome(client, time, keybd, THAWED_BOTH); break; default: client->errorValue = stuff->mode; return BadValue; } return Success; } void ReleaseActiveGrabs(ClientPtr client) { DeviceIntPtr dev; Bool done; /* XXX CloseDownClient should remove passive grabs before * releasing active grabs. */ do { done = TRUE; for (dev = inputInfo.devices; dev; dev = dev->next) { if (dev->grab && SameClient(dev->grab, client)) { (*dev->DeactivateGrab) (dev); done = FALSE; } } } while (!done); } /************************************************************************** * The following procedures deal with delivering events * **************************************************************************/ _X_EXPORT int TryClientEvents(ClientPtr client, xEvent *pEvents, int count, Mask mask, Mask filter, GrabPtr grab) { int type; #ifdef DEBUG if (debug_events) ErrorF("Event([%d, %d], mask=0x%x), client=%d", pEvents->u.u.type, pEvents->u.u.detail, mask, client->index); #endif if ((client) && (client != serverClient) && (!client->clientGone) && ((filter == CantBeFiltered) || (mask & filter))) { if (grab && !SameClient(grab, client)) return -1; /* don't send, but notify caller */ type = pEvents->u.u.type; if (type == MotionNotify) { if (mask & PointerMotionHintMask) { if (WID(inputInfo.pointer->valuator->motionHintWindow) == pEvents->u.keyButtonPointer.event) { #ifdef DEBUG if (debug_events) ErrorF("\n"); fprintf(stderr, "motionHintWindow == keyButtonPointer.event\n"); #endif return 1; /* don't send, but pretend we did */ } pEvents->u.u.detail = NotifyHint; } else { pEvents->u.u.detail = NotifyNormal; } } if (BitIsOn(criticalEvents, type)) { #ifdef SMART_SCHEDULE if (client->smart_priority < SMART_MAX_PRIORITY) client->smart_priority++; #endif SetCriticalOutputPending(); } WriteEventsToClient(client, count, pEvents); #ifdef DEBUG if (debug_events) ErrorF(" delivered\n"); #endif return 1; } else { #ifdef DEBUG if (debug_events) ErrorF("\n"); #endif return 0; } } int DeliverEventsToWindow(register WindowPtr pWin, xEvent *pEvents, int count, Mask filter, GrabPtr grab, int mskidx) { int deliveries = 0, nondeliveries = 0; int attempt; InputClients *other; ClientPtr client = NullClient; Mask deliveryMask = 0; /* If a grab occurs due to a button press, then this mask is the mask of the grab. */ int type = pEvents->u.u.type; /* CantBeFiltered means only window owner gets the event */ if ((filter == CantBeFiltered) || !(type & EXTENSION_EVENT_BASE)) { /* if nobody ever wants to see this event, skip some work */ if (filter != CantBeFiltered && !((wOtherEventMasks(pWin) | pWin->eventMask) & filter)) return 0; if ((attempt = TryClientEvents(wClient(pWin), pEvents, count, pWin->eventMask, filter, grab))) { if (attempt > 0) { deliveries++; client = wClient(pWin); deliveryMask = pWin->eventMask; } else nondeliveries--; } } if (filter != CantBeFiltered) { if (type & EXTENSION_EVENT_BASE) { OtherInputMasks *inputMasks; inputMasks = wOtherInputMasks(pWin); if (!inputMasks || !(inputMasks->inputEvents[mskidx] & filter)) return 0; other = inputMasks->inputClients; } else other = (InputClients *) wOtherClients(pWin); for (; other; other = other->next) { if ((attempt = TryClientEvents(rClient(other), pEvents, count, other->mask[mskidx], filter, grab))) { if (attempt > 0) { deliveries++; client = rClient(other); deliveryMask = other->mask[mskidx]; } else nondeliveries--; } } } if ((type == ButtonPress) && deliveries && (!grab)) { GrabRec tempGrab; tempGrab.device = inputInfo.pointer; tempGrab.resource = client->clientAsMask; tempGrab.window = pWin; tempGrab.ownerEvents = (deliveryMask & OwnerGrabButtonMask) ? TRUE : FALSE; tempGrab.eventMask = deliveryMask; tempGrab.keyboardMode = GrabModeAsync; tempGrab.pointerMode = GrabModeAsync; tempGrab.confineTo = NullWindow; tempGrab.cursor = NullCursor; (*inputInfo.pointer->ActivateGrab) (inputInfo.pointer, &tempGrab, currentTime, TRUE); } else if ((type == MotionNotify) && deliveries) inputInfo.pointer->valuator->motionHintWindow = pWin; if (deliveries) return deliveries; return nondeliveries; } /* If the event goes to dontClient, don't send it and return 0. if send works, return 1 or if send didn't work, return 2. Only works for core events. */ int MaybeDeliverEventsToClient(register WindowPtr pWin, xEvent *pEvents, int count, Mask filter, ClientPtr dontClient) { OtherClients *other; if (pWin->eventMask & filter) { if (wClient(pWin) == dontClient) return 0; return TryClientEvents(wClient(pWin), pEvents, count, pWin->eventMask, filter, NullGrab); } for (other = wOtherClients(pWin); other; other = other->next) { if (other->mask & filter) { if (SameClient(other, dontClient)) return 0; return TryClientEvents(rClient(other), pEvents, count, other->mask, filter, NullGrab); } } return 2; } static void FixUpEventFromWindow(xEvent *xE, WindowPtr pWin, Window child, Bool calcChild) { if (calcChild) { WindowPtr w = spriteTrace[spriteTraceGood - 1]; /* If the search ends up past the root should the child field be set to none or should the value in the argument be passed through. It probably doesn't matter since everyone calls this function with child == None anyway. */ while (w) { /* If the source window is same as event window, child should be none. Don't bother going all all the way back to the root. */ if (w == pWin) { child = None; break; } if (w->parent == pWin) { child = w->drawable.id; break; } w = w->parent; } } XE_KBPTR.root = ROOT->drawable.id; XE_KBPTR.event = pWin->drawable.id; if (sprite.hot.pScreen == pWin->drawable.pScreen) { XE_KBPTR.sameScreen = xTrue; XE_KBPTR.child = child; XE_KBPTR.eventX = XE_KBPTR.rootX - pWin->drawable.x; XE_KBPTR.eventY = XE_KBPTR.rootY - pWin->drawable.y; } else { XE_KBPTR.sameScreen = xFalse; XE_KBPTR.child = None; XE_KBPTR.eventX = 0; XE_KBPTR.eventY = 0; } } int DeliverDeviceEvents(register WindowPtr pWin, register xEvent *xE, GrabPtr grab, register WindowPtr stopAt, DeviceIntPtr dev, int count) { Window child = None; int type = xE->u.u.type; Mask filter = filters[type]; int deliveries = 0; if (type & EXTENSION_EVENT_BASE) { OtherInputMasks *inputMasks; int mskidx = dev->id; inputMasks = wOtherInputMasks(pWin); if (inputMasks && !(filter & inputMasks->deliverableEvents[mskidx])) return 0; while (pWin) { if (inputMasks && (inputMasks->inputEvents[mskidx] & filter)) { FixUpEventFromWindow(xE, pWin, child, FALSE); deliveries = DeliverEventsToWindow(pWin, xE, count, filter, grab, mskidx); if (deliveries > 0) return deliveries; } if ((deliveries < 0) || (pWin == stopAt) || (inputMasks && (filter & inputMasks->dontPropagateMask[mskidx]))) return 0; child = pWin->drawable.id; pWin = pWin->parent; if (pWin) inputMasks = wOtherInputMasks(pWin); } } else { if (!(filter & pWin->deliverableEvents)) return 0; while (pWin) { if ((wOtherEventMasks(pWin) | pWin->eventMask) & filter) { FixUpEventFromWindow(xE, pWin, child, FALSE); deliveries = DeliverEventsToWindow(pWin, xE, count, filter, grab, 0); if (deliveries > 0) return deliveries; } if ((deliveries < 0) || (pWin == stopAt) || (filter & wDontPropagateMask(pWin))) return 0; child = pWin->drawable.id; pWin = pWin->parent; } } return 0; } /* not useful for events that propagate up the tree or extension events */ _X_EXPORT int DeliverEvents(register WindowPtr pWin, register xEvent *xE, int count, register WindowPtr otherParent) { Mask filter; int deliveries; if (!count) return 0; filter = filters[xE->u.u.type]; if ((filter & SubstructureNotifyMask) && (xE->u.u.type != CreateNotify)) xE->u.destroyNotify.event = pWin->drawable.id; if (filter != StructureAndSubMask) return DeliverEventsToWindow(pWin, xE, count, filter, NullGrab, 0); deliveries = DeliverEventsToWindow(pWin, xE, count, StructureNotifyMask, NullGrab, 0); if (pWin->parent) { xE->u.destroyNotify.event = pWin->parent->drawable.id; deliveries += DeliverEventsToWindow(pWin->parent, xE, count, SubstructureNotifyMask, NullGrab, 0); if (xE->u.u.type == ReparentNotify) { xE->u.destroyNotify.event = otherParent->drawable.id; deliveries += DeliverEventsToWindow(otherParent, xE, count, SubstructureNotifyMask, NullGrab, 0); } } return deliveries; } static Bool PointInBorderSize(WindowPtr pWin, int x, int y) { BoxRec box; if (POINT_IN_REGION(&pWin->borderSize, x, y, &box)) return TRUE; return FALSE; } static WindowPtr XYToWindow(int x, int y) { WindowPtr pWin; BoxRec box; spriteTraceGood = 1; /* root window still there */ pWin = ROOT->firstChild; while (pWin) { if ((pWin->mapped) && (x >= pWin->drawable.x - wBorderWidth(pWin)) && (x < pWin->drawable.x + (int) pWin->drawable.width + wBorderWidth(pWin)) && (y >= pWin->drawable.y - wBorderWidth(pWin)) && (y < pWin->drawable.y + (int) pWin->drawable.height + wBorderWidth(pWin)) /* When a window is shaped, a further check * is made to see if the point is inside * borderSize */ && (!wBoundingShape(pWin) || PointInBorderSize(pWin, x, y)) && (!wInputShape(pWin) || POINT_IN_REGION( wInputShape(pWin), x - pWin->drawable.x, y - pWin->drawable.y, &box)) ) { if (spriteTraceGood >= spriteTraceSize) { spriteTraceSize += 10; Must_have_memory = TRUE; /* XXX */ spriteTrace = (WindowPtr *) realloc(spriteTrace, spriteTraceSize * sizeof(WindowPtr)); Must_have_memory = FALSE; /* XXX */ } spriteTrace[spriteTraceGood++] = pWin; pWin = pWin->firstChild; } else pWin = pWin->nextSib; } return spriteTrace[spriteTraceGood - 1]; } static Bool CheckMotion(xEvent *xE) { WindowPtr prevSpriteWin = sprite.win; if (xE && !syncEvents.playingEvents) { if (sprite.hot.pScreen != sprite.hotPhys.pScreen) { sprite.hot.pScreen = sprite.hotPhys.pScreen; ROOT = WindowTable[sprite.hot.pScreen->myNum]; } sprite.hot.x = XE_KBPTR.rootX; sprite.hot.y = XE_KBPTR.rootY; if (sprite.hot.x < sprite.physLimits.x1) sprite.hot.x = sprite.physLimits.x1; else if (sprite.hot.x >= sprite.physLimits.x2) sprite.hot.x = sprite.physLimits.x2 - 1; if (sprite.hot.y < sprite.physLimits.y1) sprite.hot.y = sprite.physLimits.y1; else if (sprite.hot.y >= sprite.physLimits.y2) sprite.hot.y = sprite.physLimits.y2 - 1; if (sprite.hotShape) ConfineToShape(sprite.hotShape, &sprite.hot.x, &sprite.hot.y); sprite.hotPhys = sprite.hot; if ((sprite.hotPhys.x != XE_KBPTR.rootX) || (sprite.hotPhys.y != XE_KBPTR.rootY)) { (*sprite.hotPhys.pScreen->SetCursorPosition) (sprite.hotPhys. pScreen, sprite.hotPhys.x, sprite.hotPhys.y, FALSE); } XE_KBPTR.rootX = sprite.hot.x; XE_KBPTR.rootY = sprite.hot.y; } sprite.win = XYToWindow(sprite.hot.x, sprite.hot.y); #ifdef notyet if (!(sprite.win->deliverableEvents & Motion_Filter(inputInfo.pointer->button)) ! syncEvents.playingEvents) { /* XXX Do PointerNonInterestBox here */ } #endif if (sprite.win != prevSpriteWin) { if (prevSpriteWin != NullWindow) { if (!xE) UpdateCurrentTimeIf(); DoEnterLeaveEvents(prevSpriteWin, sprite.win, NotifyNormal); } PostNewCursor(); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } _X_EXPORT void WindowsRestructured() { (void) CheckMotion((xEvent *) NULL); } void DefineInitialRootWindow(register WindowPtr win) { ScreenPtr pScreen = win->drawable.pScreen; sprite.hotPhys.pScreen = pScreen; sprite.hotPhys.x = pScreen->width / 2; sprite.hotPhys.y = pScreen->height / 2; sprite.hot = sprite.hotPhys; sprite.hotLimits.x2 = pScreen->width; sprite.hotLimits.y2 = pScreen->height; sprite.win = win; sprite.current = wCursor(win); sprite.current->refcnt++; spriteTraceGood = 1; ROOT = win; (*pScreen->CursorLimits) (pScreen, sprite.current, &sprite.hotLimits, &sprite.physLimits); sprite.confined = FALSE; (*pScreen->ConstrainCursor) (pScreen, &sprite.physLimits); (*pScreen->SetCursorPosition) (pScreen, sprite.hot.x, sprite.hot.y, FALSE); (*pScreen->DisplayCursor) (pScreen, sprite.current); } /* * This does not take any shortcuts, and even ignores its argument, since * it does not happen very often, and one has to walk up the tree since * this might be a newly instantiated cursor for an intermediate window * between the one the pointer is in and the one that the last cursor was * instantiated from. */ void WindowHasNewCursor(WindowPtr pWin) { PostNewCursor(); } _X_EXPORT void NewCurrentScreen(ScreenPtr newScreen, int x, int y) { sprite.hotPhys.x = x; sprite.hotPhys.y = y; if (newScreen != sprite.hotPhys.pScreen) ConfineCursorToWindow(WindowTable[newScreen->myNum], TRUE, FALSE); } int ProcWarpPointer(ClientPtr client) { WindowPtr dest = NULL; int x, y; ScreenPtr newScreen; REQUEST(xWarpPointerReq); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xWarpPointerReq); if (stuff->dstWid != None) { dest = SecurityLookupWindow(stuff->dstWid, client, SecurityReadAccess); if (!dest) return BadWindow; } x = sprite.hotPhys.x; y = sprite.hotPhys.y; if (stuff->srcWid != None) { int winX, winY; XID winID = stuff->srcWid; WindowPtr source; source = SecurityLookupWindow(winID, client, SecurityReadAccess); if (!source) return BadWindow; winX = source->drawable.x; winY = source->drawable.y; if (source->drawable.pScreen != sprite.hotPhys.pScreen || x < winX + stuff->srcX || y < winY + stuff->srcY || (stuff->srcWidth != 0 && winX + stuff->srcX + (int) stuff->srcWidth < x) || (stuff->srcHeight != 0 && winY + stuff->srcY + (int) stuff->srcHeight < y) || !PointInWindowIsVisible(source, x, y)) return Success; } if (dest) { x = dest->drawable.x; y = dest->drawable.y; newScreen = dest->drawable.pScreen; } else newScreen = sprite.hotPhys.pScreen; x += stuff->dstX; y += stuff->dstY; if (x < 0) x = 0; else if (x >= newScreen->width) x = newScreen->width - 1; if (y < 0) y = 0; else if (y >= newScreen->height) y = newScreen->height - 1; if (newScreen == sprite.hotPhys.pScreen) { if (x < sprite.physLimits.x1) x = sprite.physLimits.x1; else if (x >= sprite.physLimits.x2) x = sprite.physLimits.x2 - 1; if (y < sprite.physLimits.y1) y = sprite.physLimits.y1; else if (y >= sprite.physLimits.y2) y = sprite.physLimits.y2 - 1; if (sprite.hotShape) ConfineToShape(sprite.hotShape, &x, &y); (*newScreen->SetCursorPosition) (newScreen, x, y, TRUE); } else if (!PointerConfinedToScreen()) { NewCurrentScreen(newScreen, x, y); } return Success; } static Bool BorderSizeNotEmpty(WindowPtr pWin) { if (REGION_NOTEMPTY(&pWin->borderSize)) return TRUE; return FALSE; } /* "CheckPassiveGrabsOnWindow" checks to see if the event passed in causes a passive grab set on the window to be activated. */ static Bool CheckPassiveGrabsOnWindow(WindowPtr pWin, register DeviceIntPtr device, register xEvent *xE, int count) { GrabPtr grab = wPassiveGrabs(pWin); GrabRec tempGrab; xEvent *dxE; if (!grab) return FALSE; tempGrab.window = pWin; tempGrab.device = device; tempGrab.type = xE->u.u.type; tempGrab.detail.exact = xE->u.u.detail; tempGrab.detail.pMask = NULL; tempGrab.modifiersDetail.pMask = NULL; for (; grab; grab = grab->next) { tempGrab.modifierDevice = grab->modifierDevice; if ((device == grab->modifierDevice) && ((xE->u.u.type == KeyPress) )) tempGrab.modifiersDetail.exact = grab->modifierDevice->key->prev_state; else tempGrab.modifiersDetail.exact = grab->modifierDevice->key->state; if (GrabMatchesSecond(&tempGrab, grab) && (!grab->confineTo || (grab->confineTo->realized && BorderSizeNotEmpty(grab->confineTo)))) { (*device->ActivateGrab) (device, grab, currentTime, TRUE); FixUpEventFromWindow(xE, grab->window, None, TRUE); (void) TryClientEvents(rClient(grab), xE, count, filters[xE->u.u.type], filters[xE->u.u.type], grab); if (device->sync.state == FROZEN_NO_EVENT) { if (device->sync.evcount < count) { Must_have_memory = TRUE; /* XXX */ device->sync.event = (xEvent *) realloc(device->sync.event, count * sizeof(xEvent)); Must_have_memory = FALSE; /* XXX */ } device->sync.evcount = count; for (dxE = device->sync.event; --count >= 0; dxE++, xE++) *dxE = *xE; device->sync.state = FROZEN_WITH_EVENT; } return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } /** "CheckDeviceGrabs" handles both keyboard and pointer events that may cause a passive grab to be activated. If the event is a keyboard event, the ancestors of the focus window are traced down and tried to see if they have any passive grabs to be activated. If the focus window itself is reached and it's descendants contain they pointer, the ancestors of the window that the pointer is in are then traced down starting at the focus window, otherwise no grabs are activated. If the event is a pointer event, the ancestors of the window that the pointer is in are traced down starting at the root until CheckPassiveGrabs causes a passive grab to activate or all the windows are tried. PRH */ Bool CheckDeviceGrabs(register DeviceIntPtr device, register xEvent *xE, int checkFirst, int count) { int i; WindowPtr pWin = NULL; FocusClassPtr focus = device->focus; if (((xE->u.u.type == ButtonPress) ) && (device->button->buttonsDown != 1)) return FALSE; i = checkFirst; if (focus) { for (; i < focus->traceGood; i++) { pWin = focus->trace[i]; if (pWin->optional && CheckPassiveGrabsOnWindow(pWin, device, xE, count)) return TRUE; } if ((focus->win == NoneWin) || (i >= spriteTraceGood) || ((i > checkFirst) && (pWin != spriteTrace[i - 1]))) return FALSE; } for (; i < spriteTraceGood; i++) { pWin = spriteTrace[i]; if (pWin->optional && CheckPassiveGrabsOnWindow(pWin, device, xE, count)) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } void DeliverFocusedEvent(DeviceIntPtr keybd, xEvent *xE, WindowPtr window, int count) { WindowPtr focus = keybd->focus->win; int mskidx = 0; if (focus == FollowKeyboardWin) focus = inputInfo.keyboard->focus->win; if (!focus) return; if (focus == PointerRootWin) { DeliverDeviceEvents(window, xE, NullGrab, NullWindow, keybd, count); return; } if ((focus == window) || IsParent(focus, window)) { if (DeliverDeviceEvents(window, xE, NullGrab, focus, keybd, count)) return; } /* just deliver it to the focus window */ FixUpEventFromWindow(xE, focus, None, FALSE); if (xE->u.u.type & EXTENSION_EVENT_BASE) mskidx = keybd->id; (void) DeliverEventsToWindow(focus, xE, count, filters[xE->u.u.type], NullGrab, mskidx); } void DeliverGrabbedEvent(register xEvent *xE, register DeviceIntPtr thisDev, Bool deactivateGrab, int count) { GrabPtr grab = thisDev->grab; int deliveries = 0; DeviceIntPtr dev; xEvent *dxE; if (grab->ownerEvents) { WindowPtr focus; if (thisDev->focus) { focus = thisDev->focus->win; if (focus == FollowKeyboardWin) focus = inputInfo.keyboard->focus->win; } else focus = PointerRootWin; if (focus == PointerRootWin) deliveries = DeliverDeviceEvents(sprite.win, xE, grab, NullWindow, thisDev, count); else if (focus && (focus == sprite.win || IsParent(focus, sprite.win))) deliveries = DeliverDeviceEvents(sprite.win, xE, grab, focus, thisDev, count); else if (focus) deliveries = DeliverDeviceEvents(focus, xE, grab, focus, thisDev, count); } if (!deliveries) { FixUpEventFromWindow(xE, grab->window, None, TRUE); deliveries = TryClientEvents(rClient(grab), xE, count, (Mask) grab->eventMask, filters[xE->u.u.type], grab); if (deliveries && (xE->u.u.type == MotionNotify )) thisDev->valuator->motionHintWindow = grab->window; } if (deliveries && !deactivateGrab && (xE->u.u.type != MotionNotify )) switch (thisDev->sync.state) { case FREEZE_BOTH_NEXT_EVENT: for (dev = inputInfo.devices; dev; dev = dev->next) { if (dev == thisDev) continue; FreezeThaw(dev, TRUE); if ((dev->sync.state == FREEZE_BOTH_NEXT_EVENT) && (CLIENT_BITS(dev->grab->resource) == CLIENT_BITS(thisDev->grab->resource))) dev->sync.state = FROZEN_NO_EVENT; else dev->sync.other = thisDev->grab; } /* fall through */ case FREEZE_NEXT_EVENT: thisDev->sync.state = FROZEN_WITH_EVENT; FreezeThaw(thisDev, TRUE); if (thisDev->sync.evcount < count) { Must_have_memory = TRUE; /* XXX */ thisDev->sync.event = (xEvent *) realloc(thisDev->sync.event, count * sizeof(xEvent)); Must_have_memory = FALSE; /* XXX */ } thisDev->sync.evcount = count; for (dxE = thisDev->sync.event; --count >= 0; dxE++, xE++) *dxE = *xE; break; } } void ProcessKeyboardEvent(register xEvent *xE, register DeviceIntPtr keybd, int count) { int key, bit; BYTE *kptr; int i; CARD8 modifiers; CARD16 mask; GrabPtr grab = keybd->grab; Bool deactivateGrab = FALSE; KeyClassPtr keyc = keybd->key; if (!syncEvents.playingEvents) { NoticeTime(xE); if (DeviceEventCallback) { DeviceEventInfoRec eventinfo; eventinfo.events = xE; eventinfo.count = count; CallCallbacks(&DeviceEventCallback, (pointer) &eventinfo); } } XE_KBPTR.state = (keyc->state | inputInfo.pointer->button->state); XE_KBPTR.rootX = sprite.hot.x; XE_KBPTR.rootY = sprite.hot.y; key = xE->u.u.detail; kptr = &keyc->down[key >> 3]; bit = 1 << (key & 7); modifiers = keyc->modifierMap[key]; #ifdef DEBUG if ((xkbDebugFlags & 0x4) && ((xE->u.u.type == KeyPress) || (xE->u.u.type == KeyRelease))) { ErrorF("CoreProcessKbdEvent: Key %d %s\n", key, (xE->u.u.type == KeyPress ? "down" : "up")); } #endif switch (xE->u.u.type) { case KeyPress: if (*kptr & bit) { /* allow ddx to generate multiple downs */ if (!modifiers) { xE->u.u.type = KeyRelease; (*keybd->public.processInputProc) (xE, keybd, count); xE->u.u.type = KeyPress; /* release can have side effects, don't fall through */ (*keybd->public.processInputProc) (xE, keybd, count); } return; } inputInfo.pointer->valuator->motionHintWindow = NullWindow; *kptr |= bit; keyc->prev_state = keyc->state; for (i = 0, mask = 1; modifiers; i++, mask <<= 1) { if (mask & modifiers) { /* This key affects modifier "i" */ keyc->modifierKeyCount[i]++; keyc->state |= mask; modifiers &= ~mask; } } if (!grab && CheckDeviceGrabs(keybd, xE, 0, count)) { keybd->activatingKey = key; return; } break; case KeyRelease: if (!(*kptr & bit)) /* guard against duplicates */ return; inputInfo.pointer->valuator->motionHintWindow = NullWindow; *kptr &= ~bit; keyc->prev_state = keyc->state; for (i = 0, mask = 1; modifiers; i++, mask <<= 1) { if (mask & modifiers) { /* This key affects modifier "i" */ if (--keyc->modifierKeyCount[i] <= 0) { keyc->state &= ~mask; keyc->modifierKeyCount[i] = 0; } modifiers &= ~mask; } } if (keybd->fromPassiveGrab && (key == keybd->activatingKey)) deactivateGrab = TRUE; break; default: FatalError("Impossible keyboard event"); } if (grab) DeliverGrabbedEvent(xE, keybd, deactivateGrab, count); else DeliverFocusedEvent(keybd, xE, sprite.win, count); if (deactivateGrab) (*keybd->DeactivateGrab) (keybd); } void ProcessPointerEvent(register xEvent *xE, register DeviceIntPtr mouse, int count) { GrabPtr grab = mouse->grab; Bool deactivateGrab = FALSE; ButtonClassPtr butc = mouse->button; if (!syncEvents.playingEvents) NoticeTime(xE) XE_KBPTR.state = (butc->state | ( inputInfo.keyboard->key->state )); { NoticeTime(xE); if (DeviceEventCallback) { DeviceEventInfoRec eventinfo; /* see comment in EnqueueEvents regarding the next three lines */ if (xE->u.u.type == MotionNotify) XE_KBPTR.root = WindowTable[sprite.hotPhys.pScreen->myNum]->drawable.id; eventinfo.events = xE; eventinfo.count = count; CallCallbacks(&DeviceEventCallback, (pointer) &eventinfo); } } if (xE->u.u.type != MotionNotify) { int key; BYTE *kptr; int bit; XE_KBPTR.rootX = sprite.hot.x; XE_KBPTR.rootY = sprite.hot.y; key = xE->u.u.detail; kptr = &butc->down[key >> 3]; bit = 1 << (key & 7); switch (xE->u.u.type) { case ButtonPress: mouse->valuator->motionHintWindow = NullWindow; if (!(*kptr & bit)) butc->buttonsDown++; butc->motionMask = ButtonMotionMask; *kptr |= bit; if (xE->u.u.detail == 0) return; if (xE->u.u.detail <= 5) butc->state |= (Button1Mask >> 1) << xE->u.u.detail; filters[MotionNotify] = Motion_Filter(butc); if (!grab) if (CheckDeviceGrabs(mouse, xE, 0, count)) return; break; case ButtonRelease: mouse->valuator->motionHintWindow = NullWindow; if (*kptr & bit) --butc->buttonsDown; if (!butc->buttonsDown) butc->motionMask = 0; *kptr &= ~bit; if (xE->u.u.detail == 0) return; if (xE->u.u.detail <= 5) butc->state &= ~((Button1Mask >> 1) << xE->u.u.detail); filters[MotionNotify] = Motion_Filter(butc); if (!butc->state && mouse->fromPassiveGrab) deactivateGrab = TRUE; break; default: FatalError("bogus pointer event from ddx"); } } else if (!CheckMotion(xE)) return; if (grab) DeliverGrabbedEvent(xE, mouse, deactivateGrab, count); else DeliverDeviceEvents(sprite.win, xE, NullGrab, NullWindow, mouse, count); if (deactivateGrab) (*mouse->DeactivateGrab) (mouse); } #define AtMostOneClient \ (SubstructureRedirectMask | ResizeRedirectMask | ButtonPressMask) void RecalculateDeliverableEvents(pWin) WindowPtr pWin; { OtherClients *others; WindowPtr pChild; pChild = pWin; while (1) { if (pChild->optional) { pChild->optional->otherEventMasks = 0; for (others = wOtherClients(pChild); others; others = others->next) { pChild->optional->otherEventMasks |= others->mask; } } pChild->deliverableEvents = pChild->eventMask | wOtherEventMasks(pChild); if (pChild->parent) pChild->deliverableEvents |= (pChild->parent->deliverableEvents & ~wDontPropagateMask(pChild) & PropagateMask); if (pChild->firstChild) { pChild = pChild->firstChild; continue; } while (!pChild->nextSib && (pChild != pWin)) pChild = pChild->parent; if (pChild == pWin) break; pChild = pChild->nextSib; } } /** * * \param value must conform to DeleteType */ int OtherClientGone(pointer value, XID id) { OtherClientsPtr other, prev; WindowPtr pWin = (WindowPtr) value; prev = 0; for (other = wOtherClients(pWin); other; other = other->next) { if (other->resource == id) { if (prev) prev->next = other->next; else { if (!(pWin->optional->otherClients = other->next)) CheckWindowOptionalNeed(pWin); } free(other); RecalculateDeliverableEvents(pWin); return (Success); } prev = other; } FatalError("client not on event list"); /*NOTREACHED*/ return -1; /* make compiler happy */ } int EventSelectForWindow(register WindowPtr pWin, register ClientPtr client, Mask mask) { Mask check; OtherClients *others; if (mask & ~AllEventMasks) { client->errorValue = mask; return BadValue; } check = (mask & AtMostOneClient); if (check & (pWin->eventMask | wOtherEventMasks(pWin))) { /* It is illegal for two different clients to select on any of the events for AtMostOneClient. However, it is OK, for some client to continue selecting on one of those events. */ if ((wClient(pWin) != client) && (check & pWin->eventMask)) return BadAccess; for (others = wOtherClients(pWin); others; others = others->next) { if (!SameClient(others, client) && (check & others->mask)) return BadAccess; } } if (wClient(pWin) == client) { check = pWin->eventMask; pWin->eventMask = mask; } else { for (others = wOtherClients(pWin); others; others = others->next) { if (SameClient(others, client)) { check = others->mask; if (mask == 0) { FreeResource(others->resource, RT_NONE); return Success; } else others->mask = mask; goto maskSet; } } check = 0; if (!pWin->optional && !MakeWindowOptional(pWin)) return BadAlloc; others = malloc(sizeof(OtherClients)); if (!others) return BadAlloc; others->mask = mask; others->resource = FakeClientID(client->index); others->next = pWin->optional->otherClients; pWin->optional->otherClients = others; if (!AddResource(others->resource, RT_OTHERCLIENT, (pointer) pWin)) return BadAlloc; } maskSet: if ((inputInfo.pointer->valuator->motionHintWindow == pWin) && (mask & PointerMotionHintMask) && !(check & PointerMotionHintMask) && !inputInfo.pointer->grab) inputInfo.pointer->valuator->motionHintWindow = NullWindow; RecalculateDeliverableEvents(pWin); return Success; } int EventSuppressForWindow(register WindowPtr pWin, register ClientPtr client, Mask mask, Bool *checkOptional) { int i, free; if (mask & ~PropagateMask) { client->errorValue = mask; return BadValue; } if (pWin->dontPropagate) DontPropagateRefCnts[pWin->dontPropagate]--; if (!mask) i = 0; else { for (i = DNPMCOUNT, free = 0; --i > 0;) { if (!DontPropagateRefCnts[i]) free = i; else if (mask == DontPropagateMasks[i]) break; } if (!i && free) { i = free; DontPropagateMasks[i] = mask; } } if (i || !mask) { pWin->dontPropagate = i; if (i) DontPropagateRefCnts[i]++; if (pWin->optional) { pWin->optional->dontPropagateMask = mask; *checkOptional = TRUE; } } else { if (!pWin->optional && !MakeWindowOptional(pWin)) { if (pWin->dontPropagate) DontPropagateRefCnts[pWin->dontPropagate]++; return BadAlloc; } pWin->dontPropagate = 0; pWin->optional->dontPropagateMask = mask; } RecalculateDeliverableEvents(pWin); return Success; } static WindowPtr CommonAncestor(register WindowPtr a, register WindowPtr b) { for (b = b->parent; b; b = b->parent) if (IsParent(b, a)) return b; return NullWindow; } static void EnterLeaveEvent(int type, int mode, int detail, register WindowPtr pWin, Window child) { xEvent event; DeviceIntPtr keybd = inputInfo.keyboard; WindowPtr focus; DeviceIntPtr mouse = inputInfo.pointer; GrabPtr grab = mouse->grab; Mask mask; if ((pWin == mouse->valuator->motionHintWindow) && (detail != NotifyInferior)) mouse->valuator->motionHintWindow = NullWindow; if (grab) { mask = (pWin == grab->window) ? grab->eventMask : 0; if (grab->ownerEvents) mask |= EventMaskForClient(pWin, rClient(grab)); } else { mask = pWin->eventMask | wOtherEventMasks(pWin); } if (mask & filters[type]) { event.u.u.type = type; event.u.u.detail = detail; event.u.enterLeave.time = currentTime.milliseconds; event.u.enterLeave.rootX = sprite.hot.x; event.u.enterLeave.rootY = sprite.hot.y; /* Counts on the same initial structure of crossing & button events! */ FixUpEventFromWindow(&event, pWin, None, FALSE); /* Enter/Leave events always set child */ event.u.enterLeave.child = child; event.u.enterLeave.flags = event.u.keyButtonPointer.sameScreen ? ELFlagSameScreen : 0; event.u.enterLeave.state = keybd->key->state | mouse->button->state; event.u.enterLeave.mode = mode; focus = keybd->focus->win; if ((focus != NoneWin) && ((pWin == focus) || (focus == PointerRootWin) || IsParent(focus, pWin))) event.u.enterLeave.flags |= ELFlagFocus; if (grab) (void) TryClientEvents(rClient(grab), &event, 1, mask, filters[type], grab); else (void) DeliverEventsToWindow(pWin, &event, 1, filters[type], NullGrab, 0); } if ((type == EnterNotify) && (mask & KeymapStateMask)) { xKeymapEvent ke; memmove((char *) &ke.map[0], (char *) &keybd->key->down[1], 31); ke.type = KeymapNotify; if (grab) (void) TryClientEvents(rClient(grab), (xEvent *) &ke, 1, mask, KeymapStateMask, grab); else (void) DeliverEventsToWindow(pWin, (xEvent *) &ke, 1, KeymapStateMask, NullGrab, 0); } } static void EnterNotifies(WindowPtr ancestor, WindowPtr child, int mode, int detail) { WindowPtr parent = child->parent; if (ancestor == parent) return; EnterNotifies(ancestor, parent, mode, detail); EnterLeaveEvent(EnterNotify, mode, detail, parent, child->drawable.id); } static void LeaveNotifies(WindowPtr child, WindowPtr ancestor, int mode, int detail) { WindowPtr pWin; if (ancestor == child) return; for (pWin = child->parent; pWin != ancestor; pWin = pWin->parent) { EnterLeaveEvent(LeaveNotify, mode, detail, pWin, child->drawable.id); child = pWin; } } static void DoEnterLeaveEvents(WindowPtr fromWin, WindowPtr toWin, int mode) { if (fromWin == toWin) return; if (IsParent(fromWin, toWin)) { EnterLeaveEvent(LeaveNotify, mode, NotifyInferior, fromWin, None); EnterNotifies(fromWin, toWin, mode, NotifyVirtual); EnterLeaveEvent(EnterNotify, mode, NotifyAncestor, toWin, None); } else if (IsParent(toWin, fromWin)) { EnterLeaveEvent(LeaveNotify, mode, NotifyAncestor, fromWin, None); LeaveNotifies(fromWin, toWin, mode, NotifyVirtual); EnterLeaveEvent(EnterNotify, mode, NotifyInferior, toWin, None); } else { /* neither fromWin nor toWin is descendent of the other */ WindowPtr common = CommonAncestor(toWin, fromWin); /* common == NullWindow ==> different screens */ EnterLeaveEvent(LeaveNotify, mode, NotifyNonlinear, fromWin, None); LeaveNotifies(fromWin, common, mode, NotifyNonlinearVirtual); EnterNotifies(common, toWin, mode, NotifyNonlinearVirtual); EnterLeaveEvent(EnterNotify, mode, NotifyNonlinear, toWin, None); } } static void FocusEvent(DeviceIntPtr dev, int type, int mode, int detail, register WindowPtr pWin) { xEvent event; event.u.focus.mode = mode; event.u.u.type = type; event.u.u.detail = detail; event.u.focus.window = pWin->drawable.id; (void) DeliverEventsToWindow(pWin, &event, 1, filters[type], NullGrab, 0); if ((type == FocusIn) && ((pWin->eventMask | wOtherEventMasks(pWin)) & KeymapStateMask)) { xKeymapEvent ke; memmove((char *) &ke.map[0], (char *) &dev->key->down[1], 31); ke.type = KeymapNotify; (void) DeliverEventsToWindow(pWin, (xEvent *) &ke, 1, KeymapStateMask, NullGrab, 0); } } /* * recursive because it is easier * no-op if child not descended from ancestor */ static Bool FocusInEvents(DeviceIntPtr dev, WindowPtr ancestor, WindowPtr child, WindowPtr skipChild, int mode, int detail, Bool doAncestor) { if (child == NullWindow) return ancestor == NullWindow; if (ancestor == child) { if (doAncestor) FocusEvent(dev, FocusIn, mode, detail, child); return TRUE; } if (FocusInEvents(dev, ancestor, child->parent, skipChild, mode, detail, doAncestor)) { if (child != skipChild) FocusEvent(dev, FocusIn, mode, detail, child); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /* dies horribly if ancestor is not an ancestor of child */ static void FocusOutEvents(DeviceIntPtr dev, WindowPtr child, WindowPtr ancestor, int mode, int detail, Bool doAncestor) { WindowPtr pWin; for (pWin = child; pWin != ancestor; pWin = pWin->parent) FocusEvent(dev, FocusOut, mode, detail, pWin); if (doAncestor) FocusEvent(dev, FocusOut, mode, detail, ancestor); } void DoFocusEvents(DeviceIntPtr dev, WindowPtr fromWin, WindowPtr toWin, int mode) { int out, in; /* for holding details for to/from PointerRoot/None */ int i; if (fromWin == toWin) return; out = (fromWin == NoneWin) ? NotifyDetailNone : NotifyPointerRoot; in = (toWin == NoneWin) ? NotifyDetailNone : NotifyPointerRoot; /* wrong values if neither, but then not referenced */ if ((toWin == NullWindow) || (toWin == PointerRootWin)) { if ((fromWin == NullWindow) || (fromWin == PointerRootWin)) { if (fromWin == PointerRootWin) FocusOutEvents(dev, sprite.win, ROOT, mode, NotifyPointer, TRUE); /* Notify all the roots */ for (i = 0; i < screenInfo.numScreens; i++) FocusEvent(dev, FocusOut, mode, out, WindowTable[i]); } else { if (IsParent(fromWin, sprite.win)) FocusOutEvents(dev, sprite.win, fromWin, mode, NotifyPointer, FALSE); FocusEvent(dev, FocusOut, mode, NotifyNonlinear, fromWin); /* next call catches the root too, if the screen changed */ FocusOutEvents(dev, fromWin->parent, NullWindow, mode, NotifyNonlinearVirtual, FALSE); } /* Notify all the roots */ for (i = 0; i < screenInfo.numScreens; i++) FocusEvent(dev, FocusIn, mode, in, WindowTable[i]); if (toWin == PointerRootWin) (void) FocusInEvents(dev, ROOT, sprite.win, NullWindow, mode, NotifyPointer, TRUE); } else { if ((fromWin == NullWindow) || (fromWin == PointerRootWin)) { if (fromWin == PointerRootWin) FocusOutEvents(dev, sprite.win, ROOT, mode, NotifyPointer, TRUE); for (i = 0; i < screenInfo.numScreens; i++) FocusEvent(dev, FocusOut, mode, out, WindowTable[i]); if (toWin->parent != NullWindow) (void) FocusInEvents(dev, ROOT, toWin, toWin, mode, NotifyNonlinearVirtual, TRUE); FocusEvent(dev, FocusIn, mode, NotifyNonlinear, toWin); if (IsParent(toWin, sprite.win)) (void) FocusInEvents(dev, toWin, sprite.win, NullWindow, mode, NotifyPointer, FALSE); } else { if (IsParent(toWin, fromWin)) { FocusEvent(dev, FocusOut, mode, NotifyAncestor, fromWin); FocusOutEvents(dev, fromWin->parent, toWin, mode, NotifyVirtual, FALSE); FocusEvent(dev, FocusIn, mode, NotifyInferior, toWin); if ((IsParent(toWin, sprite.win)) && (sprite.win != fromWin) && (!IsParent(fromWin, sprite.win)) && (!IsParent(sprite.win, fromWin))) (void) FocusInEvents(dev, toWin, sprite.win, NullWindow, mode, NotifyPointer, FALSE); } else if (IsParent(fromWin, toWin)) { if ((IsParent(fromWin, sprite.win)) && (sprite.win != fromWin) && (!IsParent(toWin, sprite.win)) && (!IsParent(sprite.win, toWin))) FocusOutEvents(dev, sprite.win, fromWin, mode, NotifyPointer, FALSE); FocusEvent(dev, FocusOut, mode, NotifyInferior, fromWin); (void) FocusInEvents(dev, fromWin, toWin, toWin, mode, NotifyVirtual, FALSE); FocusEvent(dev, FocusIn, mode, NotifyAncestor, toWin); } else { /* neither fromWin or toWin is child of other */ WindowPtr common = CommonAncestor(toWin, fromWin); /* common == NullWindow ==> different screens */ if (IsParent(fromWin, sprite.win)) FocusOutEvents(dev, sprite.win, fromWin, mode, NotifyPointer, FALSE); FocusEvent(dev, FocusOut, mode, NotifyNonlinear, fromWin); if (fromWin->parent != NullWindow) FocusOutEvents(dev, fromWin->parent, common, mode, NotifyNonlinearVirtual, FALSE); if (toWin->parent != NullWindow) (void) FocusInEvents(dev, common, toWin, toWin, mode, NotifyNonlinearVirtual, FALSE); FocusEvent(dev, FocusIn, mode, NotifyNonlinear, toWin); if (IsParent(toWin, sprite.win)) (void) FocusInEvents(dev, toWin, sprite.win, NullWindow, mode, NotifyPointer, FALSE); } } } } int SetInputFocus(ClientPtr client, DeviceIntPtr dev, Window focusID, CARD8 revertTo, Time ctime, Bool followOK) { FocusClassPtr focus; WindowPtr focusWin; int mode; TimeStamp time; UpdateCurrentTime(); if ((revertTo != RevertToParent) && (revertTo != RevertToPointerRoot) && (revertTo != RevertToNone) && ((revertTo != RevertToFollowKeyboard) || !followOK)) { client->errorValue = revertTo; return BadValue; } time = ClientTimeToServerTime(ctime); if ((focusID == None) || (focusID == PointerRoot)) focusWin = (WindowPtr) (long) focusID; else if ((focusID == FollowKeyboard) && followOK) focusWin = inputInfo.keyboard->focus->win; else if (!(focusWin = SecurityLookupWindow(focusID, client, SecurityReadAccess))) return BadWindow; else { /* It is a match error to try to set the input focus to an unviewable window. */ if (!focusWin->realized) return (BadMatch); } focus = dev->focus; if ((CompareTimeStamps(time, currentTime) == LATER) || (CompareTimeStamps(time, focus->time) == EARLIER)) return Success; mode = (dev->grab) ? NotifyWhileGrabbed : NotifyNormal; if (focus->win == FollowKeyboardWin) DoFocusEvents(dev, inputInfo.keyboard->focus->win, focusWin, mode); else DoFocusEvents(dev, focus->win, focusWin, mode); focus->time = time; focus->revert = revertTo; if (focusID == FollowKeyboard) focus->win = FollowKeyboardWin; else focus->win = focusWin; if ((focusWin == NoneWin) || (focusWin == PointerRootWin)) focus->traceGood = 0; else { int depth = 0; WindowPtr pWin; for (pWin = focusWin; pWin; pWin = pWin->parent) depth++; if (depth > focus->traceSize) { focus->traceSize = depth + 1; Must_have_memory = TRUE; /* XXX */ focus->trace = (WindowPtr *) realloc(focus->trace, focus->traceSize * sizeof(WindowPtr)); Must_have_memory = FALSE; /* XXX */ } focus->traceGood = depth; for (pWin = focusWin, depth--; pWin; pWin = pWin->parent, depth--) focus->trace[depth] = pWin; } return Success; } int ProcSetInputFocus(client) ClientPtr client; { REQUEST(xSetInputFocusReq); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xSetInputFocusReq); return SetInputFocus(client, inputInfo.keyboard, stuff->focus, stuff->revertTo, stuff->time, FALSE); } int ProcGetInputFocus(ClientPtr client) { xGetInputFocusReply rep = {0}; /* REQUEST(xReq); */ FocusClassPtr focus = inputInfo.keyboard->focus; REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xReq); rep.type = X_Reply; rep.length = 0; rep.sequenceNumber = client->sequence; if (focus->win == NoneWin) rep.focus = None; else if (focus->win == PointerRootWin) rep.focus = PointerRoot; else rep.focus = focus->win->drawable.id; rep.revertTo = focus->revert; WriteReplyToClient(client, sizeof(xGetInputFocusReply), &rep); return Success; } int ProcGrabPointer(ClientPtr client) { xGrabPointerReply rep; DeviceIntPtr device = inputInfo.pointer; GrabPtr grab; WindowPtr pWin, confineTo; CursorPtr cursor, oldCursor; REQUEST(xGrabPointerReq); TimeStamp time; REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xGrabPointerReq); UpdateCurrentTime(); if ((stuff->pointerMode != GrabModeSync) && (stuff->pointerMode != GrabModeAsync)) { client->errorValue = stuff->pointerMode; return BadValue; } if ((stuff->keyboardMode != GrabModeSync) && (stuff->keyboardMode != GrabModeAsync)) { client->errorValue = stuff->keyboardMode; return BadValue; } if ((stuff->ownerEvents != xFalse) && (stuff->ownerEvents != xTrue)) { client->errorValue = stuff->ownerEvents; return BadValue; } if (stuff->eventMask & ~PointerGrabMask) { client->errorValue = stuff->eventMask; return BadValue; } pWin = SecurityLookupWindow(stuff->grabWindow, client, SecurityReadAccess); if (!pWin) return BadWindow; if (stuff->confineTo == None) confineTo = NullWindow; else { confineTo = SecurityLookupWindow(stuff->confineTo, client, SecurityReadAccess); if (!confineTo) return BadWindow; } if (stuff->cursor == None) cursor = NullCursor; else { cursor = (CursorPtr) SecurityLookupIDByType(client, stuff->cursor, RT_CURSOR, SecurityReadAccess); if (!cursor) { client->errorValue = stuff->cursor; return BadCursor; } } /* at this point, some sort of reply is guaranteed. */ time = ClientTimeToServerTime(stuff->time); rep.type = X_Reply; rep.sequenceNumber = client->sequence; rep.length = 0; grab = device->grab; if ((grab) && !SameClient(grab, client)) rep.status = AlreadyGrabbed; else if ((!pWin->realized) || (confineTo && !(confineTo->realized && BorderSizeNotEmpty(confineTo)))) rep.status = GrabNotViewable; else if (device->sync.frozen && device->sync.other && !SameClient(device->sync.other, client)) rep.status = GrabFrozen; else if ((CompareTimeStamps(time, currentTime) == LATER) || (CompareTimeStamps(time, device->grabTime) == EARLIER)) rep.status = GrabInvalidTime; else { GrabRec tempGrab; oldCursor = NullCursor; if (grab) { if (grab->confineTo && !confineTo) ConfineCursorToWindow(ROOT, FALSE, FALSE); oldCursor = grab->cursor; } tempGrab.cursor = cursor; tempGrab.resource = client->clientAsMask; tempGrab.ownerEvents = stuff->ownerEvents; tempGrab.eventMask = stuff->eventMask; tempGrab.confineTo = confineTo; tempGrab.window = pWin; tempGrab.keyboardMode = stuff->keyboardMode; tempGrab.pointerMode = stuff->pointerMode; tempGrab.device = device; (*device->ActivateGrab) (device, &tempGrab, time, FALSE); if (oldCursor) FreeCursor(oldCursor, (Cursor) 0); rep.status = GrabSuccess; } WriteReplyToClient(client, sizeof(xGrabPointerReply), &rep); return Success; } int ProcChangeActivePointerGrab(ClientPtr client) { DeviceIntPtr device = inputInfo.pointer; GrabPtr grab = device->grab; CursorPtr newCursor, oldCursor; REQUEST(xChangeActivePointerGrabReq); TimeStamp time; REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xChangeActivePointerGrabReq); if (stuff->eventMask & ~PointerGrabMask) { client->errorValue = stuff->eventMask; return BadValue; } if (stuff->cursor == None) newCursor = NullCursor; else { newCursor = (CursorPtr) SecurityLookupIDByType(client, stuff->cursor, RT_CURSOR, SecurityReadAccess); if (!newCursor) { client->errorValue = stuff->cursor; return BadCursor; } } if (!grab) return Success; if (!SameClient(grab, client)) return Success; time = ClientTimeToServerTime(stuff->time); if ((CompareTimeStamps(time, currentTime) == LATER) || (CompareTimeStamps(time, device->grabTime) == EARLIER)) return Success; oldCursor = grab->cursor; grab->cursor = newCursor; if (newCursor) newCursor->refcnt++; PostNewCursor(); if (oldCursor) FreeCursor(oldCursor, (Cursor) 0); grab->eventMask = stuff->eventMask; return Success; } int ProcUngrabPointer(ClientPtr client) { DeviceIntPtr device = inputInfo.pointer; GrabPtr grab; TimeStamp time; REQUEST(xResourceReq); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xResourceReq); UpdateCurrentTime(); grab = device->grab; time = ClientTimeToServerTime(stuff->id); if ((CompareTimeStamps(time, currentTime) != LATER) && (CompareTimeStamps(time, device->grabTime) != EARLIER) && (grab) && SameClient(grab, client)) (*device->DeactivateGrab) (device); return Success; } int GrabDevice(register ClientPtr client, register DeviceIntPtr dev, unsigned this_mode, unsigned other_mode, Window grabWindow, unsigned ownerEvents, Time ctime, Mask mask, CARD8 *status) { WindowPtr pWin; GrabPtr grab; TimeStamp time; UpdateCurrentTime(); if ((this_mode != GrabModeSync) && (this_mode != GrabModeAsync)) { client->errorValue = this_mode; return BadValue; } if ((other_mode != GrabModeSync) && (other_mode != GrabModeAsync)) { client->errorValue = other_mode; return BadValue; } if ((ownerEvents != xFalse) && (ownerEvents != xTrue)) { client->errorValue = ownerEvents; return BadValue; } pWin = SecurityLookupWindow(grabWindow, client, SecurityReadAccess); if (!pWin) return BadWindow; time = ClientTimeToServerTime(ctime); grab = dev->grab; if (grab && !SameClient(grab, client)) *status = AlreadyGrabbed; else if (!pWin->realized) *status = GrabNotViewable; else if ((CompareTimeStamps(time, currentTime) == LATER) || (CompareTimeStamps(time, dev->grabTime) == EARLIER)) *status = GrabInvalidTime; else if (dev->sync.frozen && dev->sync.other && !SameClient(dev->sync.other, client)) *status = GrabFrozen; else { GrabRec tempGrab; tempGrab.window = pWin; tempGrab.resource = client->clientAsMask; tempGrab.ownerEvents = ownerEvents; tempGrab.keyboardMode = this_mode; tempGrab.pointerMode = other_mode; tempGrab.eventMask = mask; tempGrab.device = dev; (*dev->ActivateGrab) (dev, &tempGrab, time, FALSE); *status = GrabSuccess; } return Success; } int ProcGrabKeyboard(ClientPtr client) { xGrabKeyboardReply rep; REQUEST(xGrabKeyboardReq); int result; REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xGrabKeyboardReq); result = GrabDevice(client, inputInfo.keyboard, stuff->keyboardMode, stuff->pointerMode, stuff->grabWindow, stuff->ownerEvents, stuff->time, KeyPressMask | KeyReleaseMask, &rep.status); if (result != Success) return result; rep.type = X_Reply; rep.sequenceNumber = client->sequence; rep.length = 0; WriteReplyToClient(client, sizeof(xGrabKeyboardReply), &rep); return Success; } int ProcUngrabKeyboard(ClientPtr client) { DeviceIntPtr device = inputInfo.keyboard; GrabPtr grab; TimeStamp time; REQUEST(xResourceReq); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xResourceReq); UpdateCurrentTime(); grab = device->grab; time = ClientTimeToServerTime(stuff->id); if ((CompareTimeStamps(time, currentTime) != LATER) && (CompareTimeStamps(time, device->grabTime) != EARLIER) && (grab) && SameClient(grab, client)) (*device->DeactivateGrab) (device); return Success; } int ProcQueryPointer(ClientPtr client) { xQueryPointerReply rep; WindowPtr pWin, t; REQUEST(xResourceReq); DeviceIntPtr mouse = inputInfo.pointer; REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xResourceReq); pWin = SecurityLookupWindow(stuff->id, client, SecurityReadAccess); if (!pWin) return BadWindow; if (mouse->valuator->motionHintWindow) MaybeStopHint(mouse, client); memset(&rep, 0, sizeof(xQueryPointerReply)); rep.type = X_Reply; rep.sequenceNumber = client->sequence; rep.mask = mouse->button->state | inputInfo.keyboard->key->state; rep.length = 0; rep.root = (ROOT)->drawable.id; rep.rootX = sprite.hot.x; rep.rootY = sprite.hot.y; rep.child = None; if (sprite.hot.pScreen == pWin->drawable.pScreen) { rep.sameScreen = xTrue; rep.winX = sprite.hot.x - pWin->drawable.x; rep.winY = sprite.hot.y - pWin->drawable.y; for (t = sprite.win; t; t = t->parent) if (t->parent == pWin) { rep.child = t->drawable.id; break; } } else { rep.sameScreen = xFalse; rep.winX = 0; rep.winY = 0; } WriteReplyToClient(client, sizeof(xQueryPointerReply), &rep); return (Success); } void InitEvents() { int i; sprite.hot.pScreen = sprite.hotPhys.pScreen = (ScreenPtr) NULL; inputInfo.numDevices = 0; inputInfo.devices = (DeviceIntPtr) NULL; inputInfo.off_devices = (DeviceIntPtr) NULL; inputInfo.keyboard = (DeviceIntPtr) NULL; inputInfo.pointer = (DeviceIntPtr) NULL; memcpy(filters, initialFilters, 128 * sizeof(Mask)); if (spriteTraceSize == 0) { spriteTraceSize = 32; spriteTrace = malloc(32 * sizeof(WindowPtr)); if (!spriteTrace) FatalError("failed to allocate spriteTrace"); } spriteTraceGood = 0; lastEventMask = OwnerGrabButtonMask; filters[MotionNotify] = PointerMotionMask; sprite.win = NullWindow; sprite.current = NullCursor; sprite.hotLimits.x1 = 0; sprite.hotLimits.y1 = 0; sprite.hotLimits.x2 = 0; sprite.hotLimits.y2 = 0; sprite.confined = FALSE; syncEvents.replayDev = (DeviceIntPtr) NULL; syncEvents.replayWin = NullWindow; while (syncEvents.pending) { QdEventPtr next = syncEvents.pending->next; free(syncEvents.pending); syncEvents.pending = next; } syncEvents.pendtail = &syncEvents.pending; syncEvents.playingEvents = FALSE; syncEvents.time.months = 0; syncEvents.time.milliseconds = 0; /* hardly matters */ currentTime.months = 0; currentTime.milliseconds = GetTimeInMillis(); lastDeviceEventTime = currentTime; for (i = 0; i < DNPMCOUNT; i++) { DontPropagateMasks[i] = 0; DontPropagateRefCnts[i] = 0; } } void CloseDownEvents(void) { free(spriteTrace); spriteTrace = NULL; spriteTraceSize = 0; } int ProcSendEvent(ClientPtr client) { WindowPtr pWin; WindowPtr effectiveFocus = NullWindow; /* only set if dest==InputFocus */ REQUEST(xSendEventReq); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xSendEventReq); /* The client's event type must be a core event type or one defined by an extension. */ if (!((stuff->event.u.u.type > X_Reply && stuff->event.u.u.type < LASTEvent) || (stuff->event.u.u.type >= EXTENSION_EVENT_BASE && stuff->event.u.u.type < (unsigned) lastEvent))) { client->errorValue = stuff->event.u.u.type; return BadValue; } if (stuff->event.u.u.type == ClientMessage && stuff->event.u.u.detail != 8 && stuff->event.u.u.detail != 16 && stuff->event.u.u.detail != 32) { client->errorValue = stuff->event.u.u.detail; return BadValue; } if (stuff->eventMask & ~AllEventMasks) { client->errorValue = stuff->eventMask; return BadValue; } if (stuff->destination == PointerWindow) pWin = sprite.win; else if (stuff->destination == InputFocus) { WindowPtr inputFocus = inputInfo.keyboard->focus->win; if (inputFocus == NoneWin) return Success; /* If the input focus is PointerRootWin, send the event to where the pointer is if possible, then perhaps propogate up to root. */ if (inputFocus == PointerRootWin) inputFocus = ROOT; if (IsParent(inputFocus, sprite.win)) { effectiveFocus = inputFocus; pWin = sprite.win; } else effectiveFocus = pWin = inputFocus; } else pWin = SecurityLookupWindow(stuff->destination, client, SecurityReadAccess); if (!pWin) return BadWindow; if ((stuff->propagate != xFalse) && (stuff->propagate != xTrue)) { client->errorValue = stuff->propagate; return BadValue; } stuff->event.u.u.type |= 0x80; if (stuff->propagate) { for (; pWin; pWin = pWin->parent) { if (DeliverEventsToWindow(pWin, &stuff->event, 1, stuff->eventMask, NullGrab, 0)) return Success; if (pWin == effectiveFocus) return Success; stuff->eventMask &= ~wDontPropagateMask(pWin); if (!stuff->eventMask) break; } } else (void) DeliverEventsToWindow(pWin, &stuff->event, 1, stuff->eventMask, NullGrab, 0); return Success; } int ProcUngrabKey(ClientPtr client) { REQUEST(xUngrabKeyReq); WindowPtr pWin; GrabRec tempGrab; DeviceIntPtr keybd = inputInfo.keyboard; REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xUngrabKeyReq); pWin = SecurityLookupWindow(stuff->grabWindow, client, SecurityReadAccess); if (!pWin) return BadWindow; if (((stuff->key > keybd->key->curKeySyms.maxKeyCode) || (stuff->key < keybd->key->curKeySyms.minKeyCode)) && (stuff->key != AnyKey)) { client->errorValue = stuff->key; return BadValue; } if ((stuff->modifiers != AnyModifier) && (stuff->modifiers & ~AllModifiersMask)) { client->errorValue = stuff->modifiers; return BadValue; } tempGrab.resource = client->clientAsMask; tempGrab.device = keybd; tempGrab.window = pWin; tempGrab.modifiersDetail.exact = stuff->modifiers; tempGrab.modifiersDetail.pMask = NULL; tempGrab.modifierDevice = inputInfo.keyboard; tempGrab.type = KeyPress; tempGrab.detail.exact = stuff->key; tempGrab.detail.pMask = NULL; if (!DeletePassiveGrabFromList(&tempGrab)) return (BadAlloc); return (Success); } int ProcGrabKey(ClientPtr client) { WindowPtr pWin; REQUEST(xGrabKeyReq); GrabPtr grab; DeviceIntPtr keybd = inputInfo.keyboard; REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xGrabKeyReq); if ((stuff->ownerEvents != xTrue) && (stuff->ownerEvents != xFalse)) { client->errorValue = stuff->ownerEvents; return (BadValue); } if ((stuff->pointerMode != GrabModeSync) && (stuff->pointerMode != GrabModeAsync)) { client->errorValue = stuff->pointerMode; return BadValue; } if ((stuff->keyboardMode != GrabModeSync) && (stuff->keyboardMode != GrabModeAsync)) { client->errorValue = stuff->keyboardMode; return BadValue; } if (((stuff->key > keybd->key->curKeySyms.maxKeyCode) || (stuff->key < keybd->key->curKeySyms.minKeyCode)) && (stuff->key != AnyKey)) { client->errorValue = stuff->key; return BadValue; } if ((stuff->modifiers != AnyModifier) && (stuff->modifiers & ~AllModifiersMask)) { client->errorValue = stuff->modifiers; return BadValue; } pWin = SecurityLookupWindow(stuff->grabWindow, client, SecurityReadAccess); if (!pWin) return BadWindow; grab = CreateGrab(client->index, keybd, pWin, (Mask) (KeyPressMask | KeyReleaseMask), (Bool) stuff->ownerEvents, (Bool) stuff->keyboardMode, (Bool) stuff->pointerMode, keybd, stuff->modifiers, KeyPress, stuff->key, NullWindow, NullCursor); if (!grab) return BadAlloc; return AddPassiveGrabToList(grab); } int ProcGrabButton(ClientPtr client) { WindowPtr pWin, confineTo; REQUEST(xGrabButtonReq); CursorPtr cursor; GrabPtr grab; REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xGrabButtonReq); if ((stuff->pointerMode != GrabModeSync) && (stuff->pointerMode != GrabModeAsync)) { client->errorValue = stuff->pointerMode; return BadValue; } if ((stuff->keyboardMode != GrabModeSync) && (stuff->keyboardMode != GrabModeAsync)) { client->errorValue = stuff->keyboardMode; return BadValue; } if ((stuff->modifiers != AnyModifier) && (stuff->modifiers & ~AllModifiersMask)) { client->errorValue = stuff->modifiers; return BadValue; } if ((stuff->ownerEvents != xFalse) && (stuff->ownerEvents != xTrue)) { client->errorValue = stuff->ownerEvents; return BadValue; } if (stuff->eventMask & ~PointerGrabMask) { client->errorValue = stuff->eventMask; return BadValue; } pWin = SecurityLookupWindow(stuff->grabWindow, client, SecurityReadAccess); if (!pWin) return BadWindow; if (stuff->confineTo == None) confineTo = NullWindow; else { confineTo = SecurityLookupWindow(stuff->confineTo, client, SecurityReadAccess); if (!confineTo) return BadWindow; } if (stuff->cursor == None) cursor = NullCursor; else { cursor = (CursorPtr) SecurityLookupIDByType(client, stuff->cursor, RT_CURSOR, SecurityReadAccess); if (!cursor) { client->errorValue = stuff->cursor; return BadCursor; } } grab = CreateGrab(client->index, inputInfo.pointer, pWin, (Mask)stuff->eventMask, (Bool)stuff->ownerEvents, (Bool)stuff->keyboardMode, (Bool)stuff->pointerMode, inputInfo.keyboard, stuff->modifiers, ButtonPress, stuff->button, confineTo, cursor); if (!grab) return BadAlloc; return AddPassiveGrabToList(grab); } int ProcUngrabButton(ClientPtr client) { REQUEST(xUngrabButtonReq); WindowPtr pWin; GrabRec tempGrab; REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xUngrabButtonReq); if ((stuff->modifiers != AnyModifier) && (stuff->modifiers & ~AllModifiersMask)) { client->errorValue = stuff->modifiers; return BadValue; } pWin = SecurityLookupWindow(stuff->grabWindow, client, SecurityReadAccess); if (!pWin) return BadWindow; tempGrab.resource = client->clientAsMask; tempGrab.device = inputInfo.pointer; tempGrab.window = pWin; tempGrab.modifiersDetail.exact = stuff->modifiers; tempGrab.modifiersDetail.pMask = NULL; tempGrab.modifierDevice = inputInfo.keyboard; tempGrab.type = ButtonPress; tempGrab.detail.exact = stuff->button; tempGrab.detail.pMask = NULL; if (!DeletePassiveGrabFromList(&tempGrab)) return (BadAlloc); return (Success); } void DeleteWindowFromAnyEvents(WindowPtr pWin, Bool freeResources) { WindowPtr parent; DeviceIntPtr mouse = inputInfo.pointer; DeviceIntPtr keybd = inputInfo.keyboard; FocusClassPtr focus = keybd->focus; OtherClientsPtr oc; GrabPtr passive; /* Deactivate any grabs performed on this window, before making any input focus changes. */ if (mouse->grab && ((mouse->grab->window == pWin) || (mouse->grab->confineTo == pWin))) (*mouse->DeactivateGrab) (mouse); /* Deactivating a keyboard grab should cause focus events. */ if (keybd->grab && (keybd->grab->window == pWin)) (*keybd->DeactivateGrab) (keybd); /* If the focus window is a root window (ie. has no parent) then don't delete the focus from it. */ if ((pWin == focus->win) && (pWin->parent != NullWindow)) { int focusEventMode = NotifyNormal; /* If a grab is in progress, then alter the mode of focus events. */ if (keybd->grab) focusEventMode = NotifyWhileGrabbed; switch (focus->revert) { case RevertToNone: DoFocusEvents(keybd, pWin, NoneWin, focusEventMode); focus->win = NoneWin; focus->traceGood = 0; break; case RevertToParent: parent = pWin; do { parent = parent->parent; focus->traceGood--; } while (!parent->realized /* This would be a good protocol change -- windows being reparented during SaveSet processing would cause the focus to revert to the nearest enclosing window which will survive the death of the exiting client, instead of ending up reverting to a dying window and thence to None */ #ifdef NOTDEF || clients[CLIENT_ID(parent->drawable.id)]->clientGone #endif ); DoFocusEvents(keybd, pWin, parent, focusEventMode); focus->win = parent; focus->revert = RevertToNone; break; case RevertToPointerRoot: DoFocusEvents(keybd, pWin, PointerRootWin, focusEventMode); focus->win = PointerRootWin; focus->traceGood = 0; break; } } if (mouse->valuator->motionHintWindow == pWin) mouse->valuator->motionHintWindow = NullWindow; if (freeResources) { if (pWin->dontPropagate) DontPropagateRefCnts[pWin->dontPropagate]--; while ((oc = wOtherClients(pWin))) FreeResource(oc->resource, RT_NONE); while ((passive = wPassiveGrabs(pWin))) FreeResource(passive->resource, RT_NONE); } } /** * Call this whenever some window at or below pWin has changed geometry */ _X_EXPORT void CheckCursorConfinement(WindowPtr pWin) { GrabPtr grab = inputInfo.pointer->grab; WindowPtr confineTo; if (grab && (confineTo = grab->confineTo)) { if (!BorderSizeNotEmpty(confineTo)) (*inputInfo.pointer->DeactivateGrab) (inputInfo.pointer); else if ((pWin == confineTo) || IsParent(pWin, confineTo)) ConfineCursorToWindow(confineTo, TRUE, TRUE); } } Mask EventMaskForClient(WindowPtr pWin, ClientPtr client) { OtherClientsPtr other; if (wClient(pWin) == client) return pWin->eventMask; for (other = wOtherClients(pWin); other; other = other->next) { if (SameClient(other, client)) return other->mask; } return 0; } int ProcRecolorCursor(ClientPtr client) { CursorPtr pCursor; int nscr; ScreenPtr pscr; Bool displayed; REQUEST(xRecolorCursorReq); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xRecolorCursorReq); pCursor = (CursorPtr) SecurityLookupIDByType(client, stuff->cursor, RT_CURSOR, SecurityWriteAccess); if (!pCursor) { client->errorValue = stuff->cursor; return (BadCursor); } pCursor->foreRed = stuff->foreRed; pCursor->foreGreen = stuff->foreGreen; pCursor->foreBlue = stuff->foreBlue; pCursor->backRed = stuff->backRed; pCursor->backGreen = stuff->backGreen; pCursor->backBlue = stuff->backBlue; for (nscr = 0; nscr < screenInfo.numScreens; nscr++) { pscr = screenInfo.screens[nscr]; displayed = (pscr == sprite.hotPhys.pScreen); (*pscr->RecolorCursor) (pscr, pCursor, (pCursor == sprite.current) && displayed); } return (Success); } _X_EXPORT void WriteEventsToClient(ClientPtr pClient, int count, xEvent *events) { xEvent eventTo, *eventFrom; int i; if (!pClient || pClient == serverClient || pClient->clientGone) return; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) if ((events[i].u.u.type & 0x7f) != KeymapNotify) events[i].u.u.sequenceNumber = pClient->sequence; if (EventCallback) { EventInfoRec eventinfo; eventinfo.client = pClient; eventinfo.events = events; eventinfo.count = count; CallCallbacks(&EventCallback, (pointer) &eventinfo); } if (pClient->swapped) { for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { eventFrom = &events[i]; /* Remember to strip off the leading bit of type in case this event was sent with "SendEvent." */ (*EventSwapVector[eventFrom->u.u.type & 0177]) (eventFrom, &eventTo); (void) WriteToClient(pClient, sizeof(xEvent), (char *) &eventTo); } } else { (void) WriteToClient(pClient, count * sizeof(xEvent), (char *) events); } }