#!/bin/es fn interval{ n=`{date|sed -ne 's^.*[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]:\([0-9][0-9]\).*^\1^p'} sleep `{expr - 60 `{expr % $n 60}} } # Display Time using 24h notation. fn clock{ date|sed -ne 's^.*\([0-9][0-9]\):\([0-9][0-9]\):[0-9][0-9].*^\1\2^p' } # Acquire the name of the current machine's primary interface. fn iface_get{ if{~ $HOSTNAME speculatores} {printf wlp2s0}\ {printf eno1} } # Acquire the IP of the current connection. Needs to be made portable. fn ip{ x=`{ifconfig wlp2s0|sed -ne 's^.*addr:\([0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\).*^\1^p'} if{~ `{route|sed 3!d|cut -b1-7} 'default'} {if {!~ $x ''} {printf %s $x}\ {printf %s 'G/W'} }\ {printf N/A} } # Display the current battery capacity and status fn pwr{ if{~ `{cat /sys/class/power_supply/BAT1/status} 'Discharging'}\ {printf --%s%% `{cat /sys/class/power_supply/BAT1/capacity}}\ {printf ++%s%% `{cat /sys/class/power_supply/BAT1/capacity}} } fn tmp_helper{ snarf 'http://wttr.in/?format=3' -|sed -ne \ 's^.*\(.[0-9][0-9]*.C\)^\1^p' > $FXDE_DIR/fxde-core/info/temp touch $FXDE_DIR/fxde-core/info/timepiece } fn tmp{ ival=120 # If we've rolled over into a second minute and timepiece does not exist... if {`{expr % `{expr - $ival `{expr \* `{date|cut -d':' -f2} 60}} 60}&&\ ! test -e $FXDE_DIR/fxde-core/info/timepiece} {printf UPD tmp_helper}\ {test -e $FXDE_DIR/fxde-core/info/timepiece && ! `{expr % `{expr - 120 `{expr \* `{date|cut -d':' -f2} 60}} 1200}} {rm $FXDE_DIR/fxde-core/info/timepiece}\ {test -s $FXDE_DIR/fxde-core/info/temp} {cat $FXDE_DIR/fxde-core/info/temp}\ {printf CND} } fn curdesk iter {if{~ $wm shod}{if {~ `{lsd|sed $iter!d|cut -b1} '*'}{printf %i $iter}{curdesk `{expr + 1 $iter}}}{printf %s N/A}} while {true}{ printf '%%{l}[ %s | %%{A:xcalendar:}%s%%{A} | %s | %s ]\n' `{pwr} `{clock} `{ip} `{curdesk 1} sleep 1 }