variable "compartment_name" { description = "The name of the compartment." type = string } variable "tenancy_ocid" { description = "The OCID of the tenancy." type = string } variable "user_ocid" { description = "The OCID of the user." type = string } variable "vm_image_ocid_x86_64" { description = "The OCID of the VM image to be deployed (x86_64)." type = string } variable "vm_image_ocid_ampere" { description = "The OCID of the VM image to be deployed (ampere)." type = string } variable "vm_name" { description = "Name of the tf-playground virtual machine." type = string } variable "region" { description = "The name of the cloud region." type = string default = "eu-frankfurt-1" } variable "fingerprint" { description = "The fingerprint of the private key." type = string } variable "private_key_path" { description = "The location of the private key." type = string } variable "ssh_public_key" { description = "The fingerprint of your SSH public key." type = string } variable "ssh_allow_range" { description = "A CIDR block that you trust. Only this address range may SSH to your instance(s)." type = string default = "" } variable "go_live" { description = "A value of 'true' opens port 80 and 443 to all traffic from the internet." type = bool default = false } variable "tags" { description = "Freeform tags." type = map(any) }