package handshake import ( "errors" "fmt" "" "" "" "" ) type extensionHandlerClient struct { ourParams *TransportParameters paramsChan chan<- TransportParameters origConnID protocol.ConnectionID initialVersion protocol.VersionNumber supportedVersions []protocol.VersionNumber version protocol.VersionNumber logger utils.Logger } var _ tlsExtensionHandler = &extensionHandlerClient{} // newExtensionHandlerClient creates a new extension handler for the client. func newExtensionHandlerClient( params *TransportParameters, origConnID protocol.ConnectionID, initialVersion protocol.VersionNumber, supportedVersions []protocol.VersionNumber, version protocol.VersionNumber, logger utils.Logger, ) (tlsExtensionHandler, <-chan TransportParameters) { // The client reads the transport parameters from the Encrypted Extensions message. // The paramsChan is used in the session's run loop's select statement. // We have to use an unbuffered channel here to make sure that the session actually processes the transport parameters immediately. paramsChan := make(chan TransportParameters) return &extensionHandlerClient{ ourParams: params, paramsChan: paramsChan, origConnID: origConnID, initialVersion: initialVersion, supportedVersions: supportedVersions, version: version, logger: logger, }, paramsChan } func (h *extensionHandlerClient) GetExtensions(msgType uint8) []qtls.Extension { if messageType(msgType) != typeClientHello { return nil } h.logger.Debugf("Sending Transport Parameters: %s", h.ourParams) return []qtls.Extension{{ Type: quicTLSExtensionType, Data: (&clientHelloTransportParameters{ InitialVersion: h.initialVersion, Parameters: *h.ourParams, }).Marshal(), }} } func (h *extensionHandlerClient) ReceivedExtensions(msgType uint8, exts []qtls.Extension) error { if messageType(msgType) != typeEncryptedExtensions { return nil } var found bool eetp := &encryptedExtensionsTransportParameters{} for _, ext := range exts { if ext.Type != quicTLSExtensionType { continue } if err := eetp.Unmarshal(ext.Data); err != nil { return err } found = true } if !found { return errors.New("EncryptedExtensions message didn't contain a QUIC extension") } // check that the negotiated_version is the current version if eetp.NegotiatedVersion != h.version { return qerr.Error(qerr.VersionNegotiationMismatch, "current version doesn't match negotiated_version") } // check that the current version is included in the supported versions if !protocol.IsSupportedVersion(eetp.SupportedVersions, h.version) { return qerr.Error(qerr.VersionNegotiationMismatch, "current version not included in the supported versions") } // if version negotiation was performed, check that we would have selected the current version based on the supported versions sent by the server if h.version != h.initialVersion { negotiatedVersion, ok := protocol.ChooseSupportedVersion(h.supportedVersions, eetp.SupportedVersions) if !ok || h.version != negotiatedVersion { return qerr.Error(qerr.VersionNegotiationMismatch, "would have picked a different version") } } params := eetp.Parameters // check that the server sent a stateless reset token if len(params.StatelessResetToken) == 0 { return errors.New("server didn't sent stateless_reset_token") } // check the Retry token if !h.origConnID.Equal(params.OriginalConnectionID) { return fmt.Errorf("expected original_connection_id to equal %s, is %s", h.origConnID, params.OriginalConnectionID) } h.logger.Debugf("Received Transport Parameters: %s", ¶ms) h.paramsChan <- params return nil }