# Copied from google/nomulus project as we don't want to import the whole repository. ZIPPER = "@bazel_tools//tools/zip:zipper" def long_path(ctx, file_): """Constructs canonical runfile path relative to TEST_SRCDIR. Args: ctx: A Skylark rule context. file_: A File object that should appear in the runfiles for the test. Returns: A string path relative to TEST_SRCDIR suitable for use in tests and testing infrastructure. """ if file_.short_path.startswith("../"): return file_.short_path[3:] if file_.owner and file_.owner.workspace_root: return file_.owner.workspace_root + "/" + file_.short_path return ctx.workspace_name + "/" + file_.short_path def collect_runfiles(targets): """Aggregates runfiles from targets. Args: targets: A list of Bazel targets. Returns: A list of Bazel files. """ data = depset() for target in targets: if hasattr(target, "runfiles"): data += target.runfiles.files continue if hasattr(target, "data_runfiles"): data += target.data_runfiles.files if hasattr(target, "default_runfiles"): data += target.default_runfiles.files return data def _get_runfiles(target, attribute): runfiles = getattr(target, attribute, None) if runfiles: return runfiles.files return [] def _zip_file(ctx): """Implementation of zip_file() rule.""" for s, d in ctx.attr.mappings.items(): if (s.startswith("/") or s.endswith("/") or d.startswith("/") or d.endswith("/")): fail("mappings should not begin or end with slash") srcs = depset() srcs += ctx.files.srcs srcs += ctx.files.data srcs += collect_runfiles(ctx.attr.data) mapped = _map_sources(ctx, srcs, ctx.attr.mappings) cmd = [ "#!/bin/sh", "set -e", 'repo="$(pwd)"', 'zipper="${repo}/%s"' % ctx.file._zipper.path, 'archive="${repo}/%s"' % ctx.outputs.out.path, 'tmp="$(mktemp -d "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/zip_file.XXXXXXXXXX")"', 'cd "${tmp}"', ] cmd += [ '"${zipper}" x "${repo}/%s"' % dep.zip_file.path for dep in ctx.attr.deps ] cmd += ["rm %s" % filename for filename in ctx.attr.exclude] cmd += [ 'mkdir -p "${tmp}/%s"' % zip_path for zip_path in depset( [ zip_path[:zip_path.rindex("/")] for _, zip_path in mapped if "/" in zip_path ], ) ] cmd += [ 'ln -sf "${repo}/%s" "${tmp}/%s"' % (path, zip_path) for path, zip_path in mapped ] cmd += [ ("find . | sed 1d | cut -c 3- | LC_ALL=C sort" + ' | xargs "${zipper}" cC "${archive}"'), 'cd "${repo}"', 'rm -rf "${tmp}"', ] script = ctx.new_file(ctx.bin_dir, "%s.sh" % ctx.label.name) ctx.file_action(output = script, content = "\n".join(cmd), executable = True) inputs = [ctx.file._zipper] inputs += [dep.zip_file for dep in ctx.attr.deps] inputs += list(srcs) ctx.action( inputs = inputs, outputs = [ctx.outputs.out], executable = script, mnemonic = "zip", progress_message = "Creating zip with %d inputs %s" % ( len(inputs), ctx.label, ), ) return struct(files = depset([ctx.outputs.out]), zip_file = ctx.outputs.out) def _map_sources(ctx, srcs, mappings): """Calculates paths in zip file for srcs.""" # order mappings with more path components first mappings = sorted([ (-len(source.split("/")), source, dest) for source, dest in mappings.items() ]) # get rid of the integer part of tuple used for sorting mappings = [(source, dest) for _, source, dest in mappings] mappings_indexes = range(len(mappings)) used = {i: False for i in mappings_indexes} mapped = [] for file_ in srcs: run_path = long_path(ctx, file_) zip_path = None for i in mappings_indexes: source = mappings[i][0] dest = mappings[i][1] if not source: if dest: zip_path = dest + "/" + run_path else: zip_path = run_path elif source == run_path: if dest: zip_path = dest else: zip_path = run_path elif run_path.startswith(source + "/"): if dest: zip_path = dest + run_path[len(source):] else: zip_path = run_path[len(source) + 1:] else: continue used[i] = True break if not zip_path: fail("no mapping matched: " + run_path) mapped += [(file_.path, zip_path)] for i in mappings_indexes: if not used[i]: fail('superfluous mapping: "%s" -> "%s"' % mappings[i]) return mapped pkg_zip = rule( implementation = _zip_file, attrs = { "out": attr.output(mandatory = True), "srcs": attr.label_list(allow_files = True), "data": attr.label_list(allow_files = True), "deps": attr.label_list(providers = ["zip_file"]), "exclude": attr.string_list(), "mappings": attr.string_dict(), "_zipper": attr.label(default = Label(ZIPPER), single_file = True), }, )