syntax = "proto3"; package v2ray.core.transport.internet.tls; option csharp_namespace = "V2Ray.Core.Transport.Internet.Tls"; option go_package = "tls"; option java_package = "com.v2ray.core.transport.internet.tls"; option java_multiple_files = true; message Certificate { // TLS certificate in x509 format. bytes Certificate = 1; // TLS key in x509 format. bytes Key = 2; enum Usage { ENCIPHERMENT = 0; AUTHORITY_VERIFY = 1; AUTHORITY_ISSUE = 2; } Usage usage = 3; } message Config { // Whether or not to allow self-signed certificates. bool allow_insecure = 1; // List of certificates to be served on server. repeated Certificate certificate = 2; // Override server name. string server_name = 3; // Lists of string as ALPN values. repeated string next_protocol = 4; }