syntax = "proto3";

package v2ray.core;
option csharp_namespace = "V2Ray.Core";
option go_package = "";
option java_package = "com.v2ray.core";
option java_multiple_files = true;

import "common/serial/typed_message.proto";
import "transport/config.proto";

// Config is the master config of V2Ray. V2Ray takes this config as input and
// functions accordingly.
message Config {
  // Inbound handler configurations. Must have at least one item.
  repeated InboundHandlerConfig inbound = 1;

  // Outbound handler configurations. Must have at least one item. The first
  // item is used as default for routing.
  repeated OutboundHandlerConfig outbound = 2;

  reserved 3;

  // App is for configurations of all features in V2Ray. A feature must
  // implement the Feature interface, and its config type must be registered
  // through common.RegisterConfig.
  repeated v2ray.core.common.serial.TypedMessage app = 4;

  // Transport settings.
  // Deprecated. Each inbound and outbound should choose their own transport
  // config. Date to remove: 2020-01-13
  v2ray.core.transport.Config transport = 5 [deprecated = true];

  // Configuration for extensions. The config may not work if corresponding
  // extension is not loaded into V2Ray. V2Ray will ignore such config during
  // initialization.
  repeated v2ray.core.common.serial.TypedMessage extension = 6;

// InboundHandlerConfig is the configuration for inbound handler.
message InboundHandlerConfig {
  // Tag of the inbound handler. The tag must be unique among all inbound
  // handlers
  string tag = 1;
  // Settings for how this inbound proxy is handled.
  v2ray.core.common.serial.TypedMessage receiver_settings = 2;
  // Settings for inbound proxy. Must be one of the inbound proxies.
  v2ray.core.common.serial.TypedMessage proxy_settings = 3;

// OutboundHandlerConfig is the configuration for outbound handler.
message OutboundHandlerConfig {
  // Tag of this outbound handler.
  string tag = 1;
  // Settings for how to dial connection for this outbound handler.
  v2ray.core.common.serial.TypedMessage sender_settings = 2;
  // Settings for this outbound proxy. Must be one of the outbound proxies.
  v2ray.core.common.serial.TypedMessage proxy_settings = 3;
  // If not zero, this outbound will be expired in seconds. Not used for now.
  int64 expire = 4;
  // Comment of this outbound handler. Not used for now.
  string comment = 5;