package internet import ( "context" "syscall" "" "" "" ) var ( effectiveListener = DefaultListener{} ) type controller func(network, address string, fd uintptr) error type DefaultListener struct { controllers []controller } func getControlFunc(ctx context.Context, sockopt *SocketConfig, controllers []controller) func(network, address string, c syscall.RawConn) error { return func(network, address string, c syscall.RawConn) error { return c.Control(func(fd uintptr) { if sockopt != nil { if err := applyInboundSocketOptions(network, fd, sockopt); err != nil { newError("failed to apply socket options to incoming connection").Base(err).WriteToLog(session.ExportIDToError(ctx)) } } if err := syscall.SetsockoptInt(int(fd), syscall.SOL_SOCKET, unix.SO_REUSEPORT, 1); err != nil { newError("failed to set SO_REUSEPORT").Base(err).AtWarning() } for _, controller := range controllers { if err := controller(network, address, fd); err != nil { newError("failed to apply external controller").Base(err).WriteToLog(session.ExportIDToError(ctx)) } } }) } } func (dl *DefaultListener) Listen(ctx context.Context, addr net.Addr, sockopt *SocketConfig) (net.Listener, error) { var lc net.ListenConfig lc.Control = getControlFunc(ctx, sockopt, dl.controllers) return lc.Listen(ctx, addr.Network(), addr.String()) } func (dl *DefaultListener) ListenPacket(ctx context.Context, addr net.Addr, sockopt *SocketConfig) (net.PacketConn, error) { var lc net.ListenConfig lc.Control = getControlFunc(ctx, sockopt, dl.controllers) return lc.ListenPacket(ctx, addr.Network(), addr.String()) } // RegisterListenerController adds a controller to the effective system listener. // The controller can be used to operate on file descriptors before they are put into use. // // v2ray:api:beta func RegisterListenerController(controller func(network, address string, fd uintptr) error) error { if controller == nil { return newError("nil listener controller") } effectiveListener.controllers = append(effectiveListener.controllers, controller) return nil }