package encoding import ( "bytes" "crypto/aes" "crypto/cipher" "crypto/md5" "crypto/sha256" "encoding/binary" "hash/fnv" "io" "io/ioutil" "sync" "time" "" vmessaead "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) type sessionId struct { user [16]byte key [16]byte nonce [16]byte } // SessionHistory keeps track of historical session ids, to prevent replay attacks. type SessionHistory struct { sync.RWMutex cache map[sessionId]time.Time task *task.Periodic } // NewSessionHistory creates a new SessionHistory object. func NewSessionHistory() *SessionHistory { h := &SessionHistory{ cache: make(map[sessionId]time.Time, 128), } h.task = &task.Periodic{ Interval: time.Second * 30, Execute: h.removeExpiredEntries, } return h } // Close implements common.Closable. func (h *SessionHistory) Close() error { return h.task.Close() } func (h *SessionHistory) addIfNotExits(session sessionId) bool { h.Lock() if expire, found := h.cache[session]; found && expire.After(time.Now()) { h.Unlock() return false } h.cache[session] = time.Now().Add(time.Minute * 3) h.Unlock() common.Must(h.task.Start()) return true } func (h *SessionHistory) removeExpiredEntries() error { now := time.Now() h.Lock() defer h.Unlock() if len(h.cache) == 0 { return newError("nothing to do") } for session, expire := range h.cache { if expire.Before(now) { delete(h.cache, session) } } if len(h.cache) == 0 { h.cache = make(map[sessionId]time.Time, 128) } return nil } // ServerSession keeps information for a session in VMess server. type ServerSession struct { userValidator *vmess.TimedUserValidator sessionHistory *SessionHistory requestBodyKey [16]byte requestBodyIV [16]byte responseBodyKey [16]byte responseBodyIV [16]byte responseWriter io.Writer responseHeader byte isAEADRequest bool isAEADForced bool } // NewServerSession creates a new ServerSession, using the given UserValidator. // The ServerSession instance doesn't take ownership of the validator. func NewServerSession(validator *vmess.TimedUserValidator, sessionHistory *SessionHistory) *ServerSession { return &ServerSession{ userValidator: validator, sessionHistory: sessionHistory, } } func parseSecurityType(b byte) protocol.SecurityType { if _, f := protocol.SecurityType_name[int32(b)]; f { st := protocol.SecurityType(b) // For backward compatibility. if st == protocol.SecurityType_UNKNOWN { st = protocol.SecurityType_LEGACY } return st } return protocol.SecurityType_UNKNOWN } // DecodeRequestHeader decodes and returns (if successful) a RequestHeader from an input stream. func (s *ServerSession) DecodeRequestHeader(reader io.Reader) (*protocol.RequestHeader, error) { buffer := buf.New() behaviorRand := dice.NewDeterministicDice(int64(s.userValidator.GetBehaviorSeed())) BaseDrainSize := behaviorRand.Roll(3266) RandDrainMax := behaviorRand.Roll(64) + 1 RandDrainRolled := dice.Roll(RandDrainMax) DrainSize := BaseDrainSize + 16 + 38 + RandDrainRolled readSizeRemain := DrainSize drainConnection := func(e error) error { //We read a deterministic generated length of data before closing the connection to offset padding read pattern readSizeRemain -= int(buffer.Len()) if readSizeRemain > 0 { err := s.DrainConnN(reader, readSizeRemain) if err != nil { return newError("failed to drain connection DrainSize = ", BaseDrainSize, " ", RandDrainMax, " ", RandDrainRolled).Base(err).Base(e) } return newError("connection drained DrainSize = ", BaseDrainSize, " ", RandDrainMax, " ", RandDrainRolled).Base(e) } return e } defer func() { buffer.Release() }() if _, err := buffer.ReadFullFrom(reader, protocol.IDBytesLen); err != nil { return nil, newError("failed to read request header").Base(err) } var decryptor io.Reader var vmessAccount *vmess.MemoryAccount user, foundAEAD, errorAEAD := s.userValidator.GetAEAD(buffer.Bytes()) var fixedSizeAuthID [16]byte copy(fixedSizeAuthID[:], buffer.Bytes()) if foundAEAD == true { vmessAccount = user.Account.(*vmess.MemoryAccount) var fixedSizeCmdKey [16]byte copy(fixedSizeCmdKey[:], vmessAccount.ID.CmdKey()) aeadData, shouldDrain, errorReason, bytesRead := vmessaead.OpenVMessAEADHeader(fixedSizeCmdKey, fixedSizeAuthID, reader) if errorReason != nil { if shouldDrain { readSizeRemain -= bytesRead return nil, drainConnection(newError("AEAD read failed").Base(errorReason)) } else { return nil, drainConnection(newError("AEAD read failed, drain skiped").Base(errorReason)) } } decryptor = bytes.NewReader(aeadData) s.isAEADRequest = true } else if !s.isAEADForced && errorAEAD == vmessaead.ErrNotFound { userLegacy, timestamp, valid, userValidationError := s.userValidator.Get(buffer.Bytes()) if !valid || userValidationError != nil { return nil, drainConnection(newError("invalid user").Base(userValidationError)) } user = userLegacy iv := hashTimestamp(md5.New(), timestamp) vmessAccount = userLegacy.Account.(*vmess.MemoryAccount) aesStream := crypto.NewAesDecryptionStream(vmessAccount.ID.CmdKey(), iv[:]) decryptor = crypto.NewCryptionReader(aesStream, reader) } else { return nil, drainConnection(newError("invalid user").Base(errorAEAD)) } readSizeRemain -= int(buffer.Len()) buffer.Clear() if _, err := buffer.ReadFullFrom(decryptor, 38); err != nil { return nil, newError("failed to read request header").Base(err) } request := &protocol.RequestHeader{ User: user, Version: buffer.Byte(0), } copy(s.requestBodyIV[:], buffer.BytesRange(1, 17)) // 16 bytes copy(s.requestBodyKey[:], buffer.BytesRange(17, 33)) // 16 bytes var sid sessionId copy(sid.user[:], vmessAccount.ID.Bytes()) sid.key = s.requestBodyKey sid.nonce = s.requestBodyIV if !s.sessionHistory.addIfNotExits(sid) { if !s.isAEADRequest { drainErr := s.userValidator.BurnTaintFuse(fixedSizeAuthID[:]) if drainErr != nil { return nil, drainConnection(newError("duplicated session id, possibly under replay attack, and failed to taint userHash").Base(drainErr)) } return nil, drainConnection(newError("duplicated session id, possibly under replay attack, userHash tainted")) } else { return nil, newError("duplicated session id, possibly under replay attack, but this is a AEAD request") } } s.responseHeader = buffer.Byte(33) // 1 byte request.Option = bitmask.Byte(buffer.Byte(34)) // 1 byte padingLen := int(buffer.Byte(35) >> 4) request.Security = parseSecurityType(buffer.Byte(35) & 0x0F) // 1 bytes reserved request.Command = protocol.RequestCommand(buffer.Byte(37)) switch request.Command { case protocol.RequestCommandMux: request.Address = net.DomainAddress("") request.Port = 0 case protocol.RequestCommandTCP, protocol.RequestCommandUDP: if addr, port, err := addrParser.ReadAddressPort(buffer, decryptor); err == nil { request.Address = addr request.Port = port } } if padingLen > 0 { if _, err := buffer.ReadFullFrom(decryptor, int32(padingLen)); err != nil { if !s.isAEADRequest { burnErr := s.userValidator.BurnTaintFuse(fixedSizeAuthID[:]) if burnErr != nil { return nil, newError("failed to read padding, failed to taint userHash").Base(burnErr).Base(err) } return nil, newError("failed to read padding, userHash tainted").Base(err) } return nil, newError("failed to read padding").Base(err) } } if _, err := buffer.ReadFullFrom(decryptor, 4); err != nil { if !s.isAEADRequest { burnErr := s.userValidator.BurnTaintFuse(fixedSizeAuthID[:]) if burnErr != nil { return nil, newError("failed to read checksum, failed to taint userHash").Base(burnErr).Base(err) } return nil, newError("failed to read checksum, userHash tainted").Base(err) } return nil, newError("failed to read checksum").Base(err) } fnv1a := fnv.New32a() common.Must2(fnv1a.Write(buffer.BytesTo(-4))) actualHash := fnv1a.Sum32() expectedHash := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(buffer.BytesFrom(-4)) if actualHash != expectedHash { if !s.isAEADRequest { Autherr := newError("invalid auth, legacy userHash tainted") burnErr := s.userValidator.BurnTaintFuse(fixedSizeAuthID[:]) if burnErr != nil { Autherr = newError("invalid auth, can't taint legacy userHash").Base(burnErr) } //It is possible that we are under attack described in return nil, drainConnection(Autherr) } else { return nil, newError("invalid auth, but this is a AEAD request") } } if request.Address == nil { return nil, newError("invalid remote address") } if request.Security == protocol.SecurityType_UNKNOWN || request.Security == protocol.SecurityType_AUTO { return nil, newError("unknown security type: ", request.Security) } return request, nil } // DecodeRequestBody returns Reader from which caller can fetch decrypted body. func (s *ServerSession) DecodeRequestBody(request *protocol.RequestHeader, reader io.Reader) buf.Reader { var sizeParser crypto.ChunkSizeDecoder = crypto.PlainChunkSizeParser{} if request.Option.Has(protocol.RequestOptionChunkMasking) { sizeParser = NewShakeSizeParser(s.requestBodyIV[:]) } var padding crypto.PaddingLengthGenerator if request.Option.Has(protocol.RequestOptionGlobalPadding) { padding = sizeParser.(crypto.PaddingLengthGenerator) } switch request.Security { case protocol.SecurityType_NONE: if request.Option.Has(protocol.RequestOptionChunkStream) { if request.Command.TransferType() == protocol.TransferTypeStream { return crypto.NewChunkStreamReader(sizeParser, reader) } auth := &crypto.AEADAuthenticator{ AEAD: new(NoOpAuthenticator), NonceGenerator: crypto.GenerateEmptyBytes(), AdditionalDataGenerator: crypto.GenerateEmptyBytes(), } return crypto.NewAuthenticationReader(auth, sizeParser, reader, protocol.TransferTypePacket, padding) } return buf.NewReader(reader) case protocol.SecurityType_LEGACY: aesStream := crypto.NewAesDecryptionStream(s.requestBodyKey[:], s.requestBodyIV[:]) cryptionReader := crypto.NewCryptionReader(aesStream, reader) if request.Option.Has(protocol.RequestOptionChunkStream) { auth := &crypto.AEADAuthenticator{ AEAD: new(FnvAuthenticator), NonceGenerator: crypto.GenerateEmptyBytes(), AdditionalDataGenerator: crypto.GenerateEmptyBytes(), } return crypto.NewAuthenticationReader(auth, sizeParser, cryptionReader, request.Command.TransferType(), padding) } return buf.NewReader(cryptionReader) case protocol.SecurityType_AES128_GCM: aead := crypto.NewAesGcm(s.requestBodyKey[:]) auth := &crypto.AEADAuthenticator{ AEAD: aead, NonceGenerator: GenerateChunkNonce(s.requestBodyIV[:], uint32(aead.NonceSize())), AdditionalDataGenerator: crypto.GenerateEmptyBytes(), } return crypto.NewAuthenticationReader(auth, sizeParser, reader, request.Command.TransferType(), padding) case protocol.SecurityType_CHACHA20_POLY1305: aead, _ := chacha20poly1305.New(GenerateChacha20Poly1305Key(s.requestBodyKey[:])) auth := &crypto.AEADAuthenticator{ AEAD: aead, NonceGenerator: GenerateChunkNonce(s.requestBodyIV[:], uint32(aead.NonceSize())), AdditionalDataGenerator: crypto.GenerateEmptyBytes(), } return crypto.NewAuthenticationReader(auth, sizeParser, reader, request.Command.TransferType(), padding) default: panic("Unknown security type.") } } // EncodeResponseHeader writes encoded response header into the given writer. func (s *ServerSession) EncodeResponseHeader(header *protocol.ResponseHeader, writer io.Writer) { var encryptionWriter io.Writer if !s.isAEADRequest { s.responseBodyKey = md5.Sum(s.requestBodyKey[:]) s.responseBodyIV = md5.Sum(s.requestBodyIV[:]) } else { BodyKey := sha256.Sum256(s.requestBodyKey[:]) copy(s.responseBodyKey[:], BodyKey[:16]) BodyIV := sha256.Sum256(s.requestBodyKey[:]) copy(s.responseBodyIV[:], BodyIV[:16]) } aesStream := crypto.NewAesEncryptionStream(s.responseBodyKey[:], s.responseBodyIV[:]) encryptionWriter = crypto.NewCryptionWriter(aesStream, writer) s.responseWriter = encryptionWriter aeadBuffer := bytes.NewBuffer(nil) if s.isAEADRequest { encryptionWriter = aeadBuffer } common.Must2(encryptionWriter.Write([]byte{s.responseHeader, byte(header.Option)})) err := MarshalCommand(header.Command, encryptionWriter) if err != nil { common.Must2(encryptionWriter.Write([]byte{0x00, 0x00})) } if s.isAEADRequest { resph := vmessaead.KDF16(s.responseBodyKey[:], "AEAD Resp Header Len Key") respi := vmessaead.KDF(s.responseBodyIV[:], "AEAD Resp Header Len IV")[:12] aesblock := common.Must2(aes.NewCipher(resph)).(cipher.Block) aeadHeader := common.Must2(cipher.NewGCM(aesblock)).(cipher.AEAD) aeadlenBuf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil) var aeadLen uint16 aeadLen = uint16(aeadBuffer.Len()) common.Must(binary.Write(aeadlenBuf, binary.BigEndian, aeadLen)) sealedLen := aeadHeader.Seal(nil, respi, aeadlenBuf.Bytes(), nil) common.Must2(io.Copy(writer, bytes.NewReader(sealedLen))) resphc := vmessaead.KDF16(s.responseBodyKey[:], "AEAD Resp Header Key") respic := vmessaead.KDF(s.responseBodyIV[:], "AEAD Resp Header IV")[:12] aesblockc := common.Must2(aes.NewCipher(resphc)).(cipher.Block) aeadHeaderc := common.Must2(cipher.NewGCM(aesblockc)).(cipher.AEAD) sealed := aeadHeaderc.Seal(nil, respic, aeadBuffer.Bytes(), nil) common.Must2(io.Copy(writer, bytes.NewReader(sealed))) } } // EncodeResponseBody returns a Writer that auto-encrypt content written by caller. func (s *ServerSession) EncodeResponseBody(request *protocol.RequestHeader, writer io.Writer) buf.Writer { var sizeParser crypto.ChunkSizeEncoder = crypto.PlainChunkSizeParser{} if request.Option.Has(protocol.RequestOptionChunkMasking) { sizeParser = NewShakeSizeParser(s.responseBodyIV[:]) } var padding crypto.PaddingLengthGenerator if request.Option.Has(protocol.RequestOptionGlobalPadding) { padding = sizeParser.(crypto.PaddingLengthGenerator) } switch request.Security { case protocol.SecurityType_NONE: if request.Option.Has(protocol.RequestOptionChunkStream) { if request.Command.TransferType() == protocol.TransferTypeStream { return crypto.NewChunkStreamWriter(sizeParser, writer) } auth := &crypto.AEADAuthenticator{ AEAD: new(NoOpAuthenticator), NonceGenerator: crypto.GenerateEmptyBytes(), AdditionalDataGenerator: crypto.GenerateEmptyBytes(), } return crypto.NewAuthenticationWriter(auth, sizeParser, writer, protocol.TransferTypePacket, padding) } return buf.NewWriter(writer) case protocol.SecurityType_LEGACY: if request.Option.Has(protocol.RequestOptionChunkStream) { auth := &crypto.AEADAuthenticator{ AEAD: new(FnvAuthenticator), NonceGenerator: crypto.GenerateEmptyBytes(), AdditionalDataGenerator: crypto.GenerateEmptyBytes(), } return crypto.NewAuthenticationWriter(auth, sizeParser, s.responseWriter, request.Command.TransferType(), padding) } return &buf.SequentialWriter{Writer: s.responseWriter} case protocol.SecurityType_AES128_GCM: aead := crypto.NewAesGcm(s.responseBodyKey[:]) auth := &crypto.AEADAuthenticator{ AEAD: aead, NonceGenerator: GenerateChunkNonce(s.responseBodyIV[:], uint32(aead.NonceSize())), AdditionalDataGenerator: crypto.GenerateEmptyBytes(), } return crypto.NewAuthenticationWriter(auth, sizeParser, writer, request.Command.TransferType(), padding) case protocol.SecurityType_CHACHA20_POLY1305: aead, _ := chacha20poly1305.New(GenerateChacha20Poly1305Key(s.responseBodyKey[:])) auth := &crypto.AEADAuthenticator{ AEAD: aead, NonceGenerator: GenerateChunkNonce(s.responseBodyIV[:], uint32(aead.NonceSize())), AdditionalDataGenerator: crypto.GenerateEmptyBytes(), } return crypto.NewAuthenticationWriter(auth, sizeParser, writer, request.Command.TransferType(), padding) default: panic("Unknown security type.") } } func (s *ServerSession) DrainConnN(reader io.Reader, n int) error { _, err := io.CopyN(ioutil.Discard, reader, int64(n)) return err }