package udp import ( "" "" ) // Payload represents a single UDP payload. type Payload struct { payload *buf.Buffer source net.Destination originalDest net.Destination } // PayloadHandler is function to handle Payload. type PayloadHandler func(payload *buf.Buffer, source net.Destination, originalDest net.Destination) type HubOption func(h *Hub) func HubCapacity(cap int) HubOption { return func(h *Hub) { h.capacity = cap } } func HubReceiveOriginalDestination(r bool) HubOption { return func(h *Hub) { h.recvOrigDest = r } } type Hub struct { conn *net.UDPConn callback PayloadHandler capacity int recvOrigDest bool } func ListenUDP(address net.Address, port net.Port, callback PayloadHandler, options ...HubOption) (*Hub, error) { udpConn, err := net.ListenUDP("udp", &net.UDPAddr{ IP: address.IP(), Port: int(port), }) if err != nil { return nil, err } newError("listening UDP on ", address, ":", port).WriteToLog() hub := &Hub{ conn: udpConn, capacity: 256, callback: callback, recvOrigDest: false, } for _, opt := range options { opt(hub) } if hub.recvOrigDest { rawConn, err := udpConn.SyscallConn() if err != nil { return nil, newError("failed to get fd").Base(err) } err = rawConn.Control(func(fd uintptr) { if err := SetOriginalDestOptions(int(fd)); err != nil { newError("failed to set socket options").Base(err).WriteToLog() } }) if err != nil { return nil, newError("failed to control socket").Base(err) } } c := make(chan *Payload, hub.capacity) go hub.start(c) go hub.process(c) return hub, nil } // Close implements net.Listener. func (h *Hub) Close() error { h.conn.Close() return nil } func (h *Hub) WriteTo(payload []byte, dest net.Destination) (int, error) { return h.conn.WriteToUDP(payload, &net.UDPAddr{ IP: dest.Address.IP(), Port: int(dest.Port), }) } func (h *Hub) process(c <-chan *Payload) { for p := range c { h.callback(p.payload, p.source, p.originalDest) } } func (h *Hub) start(c chan<- *Payload) { defer close(c) oobBytes := make([]byte, 256) for { buffer := buf.New() var noob int var addr *net.UDPAddr err := buffer.AppendSupplier(func(b []byte) (int, error) { n, nb, _, a, e := ReadUDPMsg(h.conn, b, oobBytes) noob = nb addr = a return n, e }) if err != nil { newError("failed to read UDP msg").Base(err).WriteToLog() buffer.Release() break } payload := &Payload{ payload: buffer, } payload.source = net.UDPDestination(net.IPAddress(addr.IP), net.Port(addr.Port)) if h.recvOrigDest && noob > 0 { payload.originalDest = RetrieveOriginalDest(oobBytes[:noob]) if payload.originalDest.IsValid() { newError("UDP original destination: ", payload.originalDest).AtDebug().WriteToLog() } else { newError("failed to read UDP original destination").WriteToLog() } } select { case c <- payload: default: } } } // Addr implements net.Listener. func (h *Hub) Addr() net.Addr { return h.conn.LocalAddr() }