package all import ( "bytes" "encoding/json" "" "os" "strings" "" "" "" ) var cmdConvert = &base.Command{ CustomFlags: true, UsageLine: "{{.Exec}} convert [c1.json] [.json] [dir1] ...", Short: "Convert config files", Long: ` Convert config files between different formats. Files are merged before convert if multiple assigned. Arguments: -i, -input Specify the input format. Available values: "json", "yaml" Default: "json" -o, -output Specify the output format Available values: "json", "yaml", "protobuf" / "pb" Default: "json" -r Load confdir recursively. Examples: {{.Exec}} {{.LongName}} -output=protobuf config.json (1) {{.Exec}} {{.LongName}} -output=yaml config.json (2) {{.Exec}} {{.LongName}} -input=yaml config.yaml (3) {{.Exec}} {{.LongName}} "path/to/dir" (4) {{.Exec}} {{.LongName}} -i yaml -o protobuf c1.yaml .yaml (5) (1) Convert json to protobuf (2) Convert json to yaml (3) Convert yaml to json (4) Merge json files in dir (5) Merge yaml files and convert to protobuf Use "{{.Exec}} help config-merge" for more information about merge. `, } func init() { cmdConvert.Run = executeConvert // break init loop } var ( inputFormat string outputFormat string confDirRecursively bool ) var formatExtensions = map[string][]string{ "json": {".json", ".jsonc"}, "yaml": {".yaml", ".yml"}, } func setConfArgs(cmd *base.Command) { cmd.Flag.StringVar(&inputFormat, "input", "json", "") cmd.Flag.StringVar(&inputFormat, "i", "json", "") cmd.Flag.StringVar(&outputFormat, "output", "json", "") cmd.Flag.StringVar(&outputFormat, "o", "json", "") cmd.Flag.BoolVar(&confDirRecursively, "r", true, "") } func executeConvert(cmd *base.Command, args []string) { setConfArgs(cmd) cmd.Flag.Parse(args) unnamed := cmd.Flag.Args() inputFormat = strings.ToLower(inputFormat) outputFormat = strings.ToLower(outputFormat) files := resolveFolderToFiles(unnamed, formatExtensions[inputFormat], confDirRecursively) if len(files) == 0 { base.Fatalf("empty config list") } m := mergeConvertToMap(files, inputFormat) var ( out []byte err error ) switch outputFormat { case "json": out, err = json.Marshal(m) if err != nil { base.Fatalf("failed to marshal json: %s", err) } case "yaml": out, err = yaml.Marshal(m) if err != nil { base.Fatalf("failed to marshal json: %s", err) } case "pb", "protobuf": data, err := json.Marshal(m) if err != nil { base.Fatalf("failed to marshal json: %s", err) } r := bytes.NewReader(data) cf, err := serial.DecodeJSONConfig(r) if err != nil { base.Fatalf("failed to decode json: %s", err) } pbConfig, err := cf.Build() if err != nil { base.Fatalf(err.Error()) } out, err = proto.Marshal(pbConfig) if err != nil { base.Fatalf("failed to marshal proto config: %s", err) } default: base.Errorf("invalid output format: %s", outputFormat) base.Errorf("Run '%s help %s' for details.", base.CommandEnv.Exec, cmd.LongName()) base.Exit() } if _, err := os.Stdout.Write(out); err != nil { base.Fatalf("failed to write proto config: %s", err) } }