using Dapper; using DBWizard.Models; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Configuration; using System.Data; using System.Data.SQLite; using System.Linq; namespace DBWizard { class SqliteDataAccess { #region student // ***************** Create ***************** /* Inserts a new student to the SQL database. * INPUT: student * OUTPUT: new row to SQL database, null to program. */ internal void InsertNewStudent(Student stu) { using (IDbConnection cnn = new SQLiteConnection(LoadConnectionString())) { string strQuery = "INSERT INTO STUDENTS (student_id, parent_id, FirstName, LastName, DOB, gender, address, program_id, school_id, GradeLevel, photo)" + "VALUES (@student_id, @parent_id, @FirstName, @LastName, @DOB, @gender, @address, @program_id, @school_id, @GradeLevel, @photo)"; cnn.Execute(strQuery, stu); } } // ***************** Read ***************** /* Gets a list of all students with the provided last name as equality. * INPUT: String last name * OUTPUT List */ public List FindStudentByLastname(string last_name) { //A using statement protects us as a failsafe: it guarantees the connection to the //database will be closed, even in event of an application or computer crash. using (IDbConnection cnn = new SQLiteConnection(LoadConnectionString())) { string strQuery = "SELECT * FROM students WHERE LastName=@LastName"; var output = cnn.Query(strQuery, new { LastName = last_name }); return output.ToList(); } } /* Gets a single student from the db given the db id field. * This function is also usedl used in delete functionality of Form1.cs * INPUT: integer database id * OUTPUT: student */ public Student GetStudentByDbID(int dbid_in) { /* protect query from 0 or negative indexes. * this is needed when creating a new student * as dbid_in will be zero. */ if (dbid_in < 1) return null; using (IDbConnection cnn = new SQLiteConnection(LoadConnectionString())) { string strQuery = "SELECT * FROM students WHERE id=@id"; Student stu_out = cnn.Query(strQuery, new { id = dbid_in }).Single(); return stu_out; } } //Can also be used for search function, but currently unused. //TODO: cleanup if we decide not to use this. public List FindStudentByStudentId(string studentid_in) { using (IDbConnection cnn = new SQLiteConnection(LoadConnectionString())) { string strQuery = "SELECT * FROM students WHERE student_id=@studentid"; var output = cnn.Query(strQuery, new { studentid = studentid_in }); return output.ToList(); } } // ***************** Update ***************** /* Updates an individual student in the DB. * Needs to do field mapping in the Execute call because * the photo field can be null or not null, and * the conditional operator can be used to change the query on the fly. * * INPUT: Student * OUTPUT: Data to SQL Database, void to program */ internal void UpdateStudent(Student stu) { using (IDbConnection cnn = new SQLiteConnection(LoadConnectionString())) { string strQuery = "UPDATE Students SET student_id = @student_id, FirstName = @First_Name, " + "LastName = @Last_Name, DOB = @_dob, Gender = @_gender, Address = @_address, program_id=@_program_id, " + "school_id=@_school_id, GradeLevel = @Grade_Level, Photo = @_photo " + "WHERE id = @_id;"; cnn.Execute(strQuery, new { _id =, student_id = stu.student_id, First_Name = stu.FirstName, Last_Name = stu.LastName, _dob = stu.DOB, _gender = stu.gender, _address = stu.address, _program_id = stu.program_id, _school_id = stu.school_id, Grade_Level = stu.GradeLevel, _photo = ?? null }); } } // ***************** Delete ***************** /* Deletes a student record from the database. * INPUT: student * OUTPUT: void */ internal void DeleteStudent(Student stu_in) { //protect query from 0 or negative indexes. if ( <= 0) return; using (IDbConnection cnn = new SQLiteConnection(LoadConnectionString())) { string strQuery = "DELETE FROM STUDENTS WHERE id=@id;"; cnn.Execute(strQuery, stu_in); } } #endregion #region parent // ***************** Create ***************** /* Inserts a new parent. * returns parent id as the new row # it just inserted. * INPUT: parent * OUTPUT: int */ internal int InsertNewParent(Parent par) { using (IDbConnection cnn = new SQLiteConnection(LoadConnectionString())) { string strQuery = "INSERT INTO PARENTS (FirstName,LastName,PhoneNumber,EmailAddress)" + "VALUES (@FirstName,@LastName,@PhoneNumber,@EmailAddress);" + "SELECT MAX(parent_id) as parent_id from parents;"; int parent_id_out = cnn.Query(strQuery, par).Single(); return parent_id_out; } } // ***************** Read ***************** /* Gets a single Parent from the db given the parent_id db field. * INPUT: int parent_id * OUTPUT: Parent */ public Parent GetParentByID(int parent_id) { using (IDbConnection cnn = new SQLiteConnection(LoadConnectionString())) { string strQuery = "SELECT * FROM parents WHERE parent_id=@id;"; var output = cnn.Query(strQuery, new { id = parent_id }); var parList = output.ToList(); Parent parent = parList[0]; return parent; } } // ***************** Update ***************** /* Update a parent to the SQL database. * Needs to do the mapping as parent_id is not stored on the parent object of the form. * but it is stored in the student object if the student is found. * * INPUT: Parent * OUTPUT: Data to SQL database, void to program. */ internal void UpdateParent(Parent par) { using (IDbConnection cnn = new SQLiteConnection(LoadConnectionString())) { string strQuery = "UPDATE Parents SET FirstName = @FirstName, LastName = @LastName," + "PhoneNumber = @PhoneNumber, EmailAddress = @EmailAddress " + "WHERE parent_id = @parent_id;"; cnn.Execute(strQuery, par); } } // ***************** Delete ***************** /* Deletes a parent record from the database. * INPUT: Parent * OUTPUT: void */ internal void DeleteParent(Parent par_in) { //protect query from 0 or negative indexes. if (par_in.parent_id <= 0) return; using (IDbConnection cnn = new SQLiteConnection(LoadConnectionString())) { string strQuery = "DELETE FROM Parents WHERE parent_id=@parent_id;"; cnn.Execute(strQuery, par_in); } } #endregion #region Misc /* Returns the list of available programs from the DB to fill the Programs drop-down. * INPUT: no args * OUTPUT: List */ internal List GetPrograms() { using (IDbConnection cnn = new SQLiteConnection(LoadConnectionString())) { string strQuery = "SELECT name FROM programs;"; var output = cnn.Query(strQuery, new DynamicParameters()); return output.ToList(); } } /* Returns the list of available schools from the DB to fill the Schools drop-down. * INPUT: no args * OUTPUT: List */ internal List GetSchools() { using (IDbConnection cnn = new SQLiteConnection(LoadConnectionString())) { string strQuery = "SELECT name FROM schools;"; var output = cnn.Query(strQuery, new DynamicParameters()); return output.ToList(); } } #endregion #region reports /* Gets a list of all students with the provided program id. * INPUT: String last name * OUTPUT List */ public List GetStudentsByProgram(int program_id_in) { using (IDbConnection cnn = new SQLiteConnection(LoadConnectionString())) { string strQuery = "SELECT * FROM students WHERE program_id=@ProgramID"; var output = cnn.Query(strQuery, new { ProgramID = program_id_in }); return output.ToList(); } } /* Gets a list of all students with the provided school id. * INPUT: String last name * OUTPUT List */ public List GetStudentsBySchool(int school_id_in) { using (IDbConnection cnn = new SQLiteConnection(LoadConnectionString())) { string strQuery = "SELECT * FROM students WHERE school_id=@SchoolID"; var output = cnn.Query(strQuery, new { SchoolID = school_id_in }); return output.ToList(); } } /* Gets a list of all students with the provided school id. * INPUT: String last name * OUTPUT List */ public List GetFullDBDump() { using (IDbConnection cnn = new SQLiteConnection(LoadConnectionString())) { string strQuery = @" SELECT id, student_id, Students.FirstName, Students.LastName, DOB, gender, address, GradeLevel, Parents.FirstName as ParentFirstName, Parents.LastName as ParentLastName, PhoneNumber as ParentPhoneNumber, EmailAddress as ParentEmailAddress, as ProgramName, as SchoolName from students INNER JOIN Parents on Students.parent_id = Parents.parent_id INNER JOIN Programs on Students.program_id = Programs.program_id INNER JOIN Schools on Students.school_id = Schools.school_id "; var output = cnn.Query(strQuery); return output.ToList(); } } #endregion private static string LoadConnectionString(string id = "Default") { return ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[id].ConnectionString; } } //class SqliteDataAccess }