using DBWizard.Models; using System; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace DBWizard { public partial class frmSchoolEditor : Form { public frmSchoolEditor() { InitializeComponent(); } /* Ensure the new school textbox has something in it. * INPUT: no args * OUTPUT: File to disk. */ private void nameTextBox_Validating(object sender, CancelEventArgs e) { TextBox tb = (TextBox)sender; if (!Regex.IsMatch(tb.Text, "[A-Za-z]{2,}")) errorProvider1.SetError(tb, "Enter a value a-z only of length two or longer."); else errorProvider1.SetError(tb, ""); } /* Adds a new school to the SQLite database. * INPUT: string schoolname * OUTPUT: New row to sqlite database */ private void btnAddSchool_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { School NewSchool; SqliteDataAccess SqliteDataAccess2 = new SqliteDataAccess(); // validate the form // Check to see if any control is in error. foreach (Control c in errorProvider1.ContainerControl.Controls) { if (errorProvider1.GetError(c) != "") { MessageBox.Show("School not saved due to errors on the form!", "KentYouthDB", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.None); return; } } //Check to see if the school is already in the database. //if so, do not add the school to the DB again. NewSchool = SqliteDataAccess2.GetSchoolByName(schoolNameTextBox.Text); if(NewSchool != null) { MessageBox.Show("School already exists in the database, not saved.", "KentYouthDB", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.None); return; } //Create a new school object and collect up the data. NewSchool = new School(); = schoolNameTextBox.Text; //insert the new school to the backend db SqliteDataAccess2.InsertNewSchool(NewSchool); //Display a friendly message and cleanup the textbox for any new entry. MessageBox.Show("School added to the database.", "KentYouthDB", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.None); schoolNameTextBox.Text = string.Empty; //Close the form. Close(); } } }