using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows.Forms; using CsvHelper; using GreatHomeChildcare.Models; //REF: // namespace GreatHomeChildcare { public partial class frmReports : Form { //globals for cheap access. SqliteDataAccess SqliteDataAccess = new SqliteDataAccess(); List AllChildren = new List(); const string UNIXEPOCH = "1970-01-01"; const string DATE_TO_STRING = "yyyy-MM-dd"; public frmReports() { InitializeComponent(); } private void frmReports_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { /* The columns are there for us in the designer view. * Realistically we won't need them as the dgv is * programatically bound to a data source. */ dgvReports.Columns.Clear(); //cannot select from a future date. this.dtpFrom.MaxDate = DateTime.Now; //Ensure the To date is not before the From date. this.dtpTo.MinDate = this.dtpFrom.Value; this.dtpTo.MaxDate = DateTime.Now; LoadFilterComboBox(); RefreshReportDgv(); } private void LoadFilterComboBox() { Child everyoneSelection = new Child(); /* cheap hack since you can't add an item to * a combobox that has existing databinding. */ = 0; everyoneSelection.DisplayName = "Everyone"; AllChildren = SqliteDataAccess.GetAllChildren(); AllChildren.Insert(0, everyoneSelection); cbChildPicker.DataSource = AllChildren; } /* Updates the on-screen display datagridview * upon selecting a new child from the drop-down box. */ private void cbChildPicker_SelectionChangeCommitted(object sender, EventArgs e) { RefreshReportDgv(); } //DTP shenanigans ref stackexchange private void dtpFrom_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Update the to date, but not before the From date. dtpTo.MinDate = dtpFrom.Value; } private void dtpFrom_DropDown(object sender, EventArgs e) { dtpFrom.ValueChanged -= dtpFrom_ValueChanged; } private void dtpFrom_CloseUp(object sender, EventArgs e) { dtpFrom.ValueChanged += dtpFrom_ValueChanged; dtpFrom_ValueChanged(sender, e); RefreshReportDgv(); } private void dtpTo_CloseUp(object sender, EventArgs e) { RefreshReportDgv(); } //Refresh the datagrid view. private void RefreshReportDgv() { dgvReports.DataSource = null; dgvReports.Rows.Clear(); //First do the everyone case. if(cbChildPicker.Text == "Everyone") { List lstRs = new List(); foreach (DateTime day in EachDay(dtpFrom.Value, dtpTo.Value)) { //Double loop here is the only way I can think about it. foreach (Child child in AllChildren) { //Repeat of the code of an individual child. ReportScreen rs = new ReportScreen(); rs = ReportChildDay(child, day); if (rs != null) { //push older events to the bottom. lstRs.Insert(0, rs); } }//foreach child }//foreach day //Load the datagrid. dgvReports.DataSource = lstRs; }// end everyone else //load an individual child { Child child = (Child)cbChildPicker.SelectedItem; List lstRs = new List(); foreach (DateTime day in EachDay(dtpFrom.Value, dtpTo.Value)) { ReportScreen rs = new ReportScreen(); rs = ReportChildDay(child, day); if(rs != null) { //push older events to the bottom. lstRs.Insert(0, rs); } } //Load the datagrid. dgvReports.DataSource = lstRs; } //end else individual child } /* Gets sign/in out data for a single child given a single day. * INPUT: child, day * OUTPUT: reportscreen datatype class. */ private ReportScreen ReportChildDay(Child child, DateTime day) { ReportScreen rs = new ReportScreen(); AttendenceSingleInOutData in_data = new AttendenceSingleInOutData(); AttendenceSingleInOutData out_data = new AttendenceSingleInOutData(); in_data = SqliteDataAccess.GetAttendenceByStatusForChildByDay(child, "in", day.ToString(DATE_TO_STRING)); out_data = SqliteDataAccess.GetAttendenceByStatusForChildByDay(child, "out", day.ToString(DATE_TO_STRING)); if (in_data == null) return null; rs.ChildName = $"{in_data.ChildLastName}, {in_data.ChildFirstName}"; rs.in_time = DateTime.Parse(in_data.timestamp); rs.GuardianInName = $"{in_data.GuardianLastName}, {in_data.GuardianLastName}"; if (out_data != null) //Student's been checked out, display that data. { rs.out_time = DateTime.Parse(out_data.timestamp); rs.GuardianOutName = $"{out_data.GuardianLastName}, {out_data.GuardianFirstName}"; } else //Student has not been checked out yet. { rs.out_time = DateTime.Parse(UNIXEPOCH); rs.GuardianOutName = String.Empty; } if (rs.out_time != DateTime.Parse(UNIXEPOCH)) //check for null out_time. { TimeSpan duration = rs.out_time.Subtract(rs.in_time); rs.Duration = duration.ToString(); } return rs; } // public IEnumerable EachDay(DateTime from, DateTime thru) { for (var day = from.Date; day.Date <= thru.Date; day = day.AddDays(1)) yield return day; } private void btnSavetoCSV_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //If nothing's shown on screen, there's nothing to save. if(dgvReports.Rows.Count < 1) { MessageBox.Show("There are no reports for that time frame. Choose another time frame and try again.", "Great Home Childcare", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.None); return; } //Build the default filename saveFileDialogReport.FileName = DateTime.Now.ToString("yy.MM.dd") + "-report.csv"; if (saveFileDialogReport.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK && saveFileDialogReport.FileName != "") { string filename = saveFileDialogReport.FileName; List lstReport = new List(); lstReport = GenerateReport(); //Now with that monkey business out of the way //let's get on with actually saving the file. TextWriter textWriter = new StreamWriter(filename); CsvWriter csvWriter = new CsvWriter(textWriter); csvWriter.WriteRecords(lstReport); textWriter.Close(); MessageBox.Show("Report Saved", "Great Home Childcare", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.None); } } private List GenerateReport() { List lstReport = new List(); //First do the everyone case. if (cbChildPicker.Text == "Everyone") { /* This is basically the same code as ReportChildDay, * but the query we are executing is different along with the datatype. */ foreach (DateTime day in EachDay(dtpFrom.Value, dtpTo.Value)) { List dayRd = new List(); dayRd = SqliteDataAccess.GetReportData(day.ToString(DATE_TO_STRING), null); lstReport.AddRange(dayRd); } } else //an individual child was selected. { Child child = (Child)cbChildPicker.SelectedItem; foreach (DateTime day in EachDay(dtpFrom.Value, dtpTo.Value)) { List dayRd = new List(); dayRd = SqliteDataAccess.GetReportData(day.ToString(DATE_TO_STRING), child); lstReport.AddRange(dayRd); } } return lstReport; } private void btnPrint_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //If nothing's shown on screen, there's nothing to print. if (dgvReports.Rows.Count < 1) { MessageBox.Show("There are no reports for that time frame. Choose another time frame and try again.", "Great Home Childcare", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.None); return; } //TODO: figure out a way to actually implement printing. It's one of the toolbox things. } } }