OpenCvSharp.Extensions Various binarization methods (ATTENTION : The methods of this class is not implemented in OpenCV) Binarizes by Niblack's method (This is faster but memory-hogging) Input image Output image Window size Adequate coefficient Binarizes by Sauvola's method (This is faster but memory-hogging) Input image Output image Window size Adequate coefficient Adequate coefficient Binarizes by Bernsen's method Input image Output image Window size Adequate coefficient Adequate coefficient Binarizes by Nick's method Input image Output image Window size Adequate coefficient 注目画素の周辺画素の最大値と最小値を求める 画像の画素データ x座標 y座標 周辺画素の探索サイズ。奇数でなければならない 出力される最小値 出力される最大値 static class which provides conversion between System.Drawing.Bitmap and Mat Converts System.Drawing.Bitmap to Mat System.Drawing.Bitmap object to be converted A Mat object which is converted from System.Drawing.Bitmap Converts System.Drawing.Bitmap to Mat System.Drawing.Bitmap object to be converted A Mat object which is converted from System.Drawing.Bitmap Converts Mat to System.Drawing.Bitmap Mat Converts Mat to System.Drawing.Bitmap Mat Pixel Depth Converts Mat to System.Drawing.Bitmap Mat Mat Author: shimat, Gummo (ROI support) Provides information for the platform which the user is using OS type Runtime type