using Dapper; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Configuration; using System.Data; using System.Data.SQLite; using System.Linq; using GreatHomeChildcare.Models; /* REFERENCES: */ namespace GreatHomeChildcare { class SqliteDataAccess { #region child // ***************** Create ***************** /* Inserts a new child to the database. * INPUT child * OUTPUT new row to SQL database, void to program. */ internal void InsertNewChild(Child child) { using (IDbConnection cnn = new SQLiteConnection(LoadConnectionString())) { string strQuery = "INSERT INTO Children (FirstName, LastName, DOB, address, race, gender, photo)" + "VALUES (@FirstName, @LastName, @DOB, @address, @race, @gender, @photo);"; cnn.Execute(strQuery, child); } } // ***************** Read ******************* /* Gets a child's photo from the DB given a child id. * INPUT: child * OUTPUT: byte[] */ internal byte[] GetChildPhoto(Child child) { using (IDbConnection cnn = new SQLiteConnection(LoadConnectionString())) { string strQuery = "SELECT photo FROM Children WHERE id = @id;"; byte[] output = cnn.Query(strQuery, child).SingleOrDefault(); return output; } } /* Gets the next available child_id from the sqlite database. * INPUT: void * OUTPUT: integer */ internal int GetNextChildID() { using (IDbConnection cnn = new SQLiteConnection(LoadConnectionString())) { string strQuery = "SELECT seq FROM sqlite_sequence WHERE name = 'Children';"; int output = cnn.Query(strQuery).SingleOrDefault(); output++; return output; } } /* Gets a single child from the sqlite database * provided an id number. * INPUT: integer id * OUTPUT: Child object */ internal Child GetChildByID(int id_in) { using (IDbConnection cnn = new SQLiteConnection(LoadConnectionString())) { string strQuery = "SELECT * FROM Children WHERE id=@id"; Child output = cnn.Query(strQuery, new { id = id_in }).SingleOrDefault(); return output; } } /* Gets all children from the sqlite database. * INPUT: void * OUTPUT: list of Child objects */ internal List GetAllChildren() { using (IDbConnection cnn = new SQLiteConnection(LoadConnectionString())) { string strQuery = "SELECT * FROM Children ORDER BY LastName ASC"; var output = cnn.Query(strQuery); return output.ToList(); } } // ***************** Update ***************** /* Updates an individual child in the DB. * Needs to do field mapping in the Execute call because * the photo field can be null or not null, and * the conditional operator can be used to change the query on the fly. * * INPUT: Child * OUTPUT: Data to SQL Database, void to program */ internal void UpdateChild(Child child) { using (IDbConnection cnn = new SQLiteConnection(LoadConnectionString())) { string strQuery = "UPDATE Children SET FirstName = @First_Name, LastName = @Last_Name, " + "DOB = @_dob, address = @_address, race = @_race, gender = @_gender, photo = @_photo " + "WHERE id = @_id;"; cnn.Execute(strQuery, new { _id =, First_Name = child.FirstName, Last_Name = child.LastName, _dob = child.DOB, _address = child.address, _race = child.race, _gender = child.gender, _photo = ?? null }); } } internal void AddWebCamPhoto(Child child) { using (IDbConnection cnn = new SQLiteConnection(LoadConnectionString())) { string strQuery = "UPDATE Children SET photo = @_photo WHERE id = @_id;"; cnn.Execute(strQuery, new { _id =, _photo = ?? null }); } } // ***************** Delete ***************** /* Deletes a child from the database. * INPUT: child * OUTPUT: void */ internal void DeleteChild(Child child_in) { using (IDbConnection cnn = new SQLiteConnection(LoadConnectionString())) { string strQuery = "DELETE FROM Children WHERE id = @id;"; cnn.Execute(strQuery, child_in); } } #endregion #region guardian // ***************** Create ***************** internal void InsertNewGuardian(Guardian guardian_in) { using (IDbConnection cnn = new SQLiteConnection(LoadConnectionString())) { string strQuery = "INSERT INTO Guardians (FirstName, LastName, PhoneNumber, EmailAddress, PinNumber, IsAdmin)" + "VALUES (@FirstName, @LastName, @PhoneNumber, @EmailAddress, @PinNumber, @IsAdmin);"; cnn.Execute(strQuery, guardian_in); } } // ***************** Read ***************** /* Gets a list of orphaned guardians * after a child has been deleted. * INPUT: void * OUTPUT: list of guardian objects or null. */ internal List GetOrphanedGuardians() { using (IDbConnection cnn = new SQLiteConnection(LoadConnectionString())) { string sqlQuery = "SELECT * FROM Guardians " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN Authorized_Guardians " + "ON = Authorized_Guardians.guardian_id " + "WHERE Authorized_Guardians.child_id IS NULL;"; var output = cnn.Query(sqlQuery); return output.ToList(); } } /* Gets a single guardian from the DB given db id. * INPUT: integer * OUTPUT Guardian object or null */ internal Guardian GetGuardianById(int id_in) { using (IDbConnection cnn = new SQLiteConnection(LoadConnectionString())) { string sqlQuery = "SELECT * FROM Guardians WHERE id=@id;"; Guardian output = cnn.Query(sqlQuery, new { id = id_in }).SingleOrDefault(); return output; } } /* Gets all guardians from the DB. * INPUT: void * OUTPUT: list of guardian objects. */ internal List GetAllGuardians() { using (IDbConnection cnn = new SQLiteConnection(LoadConnectionString())) { string strQuery = "SELECT * FROM Guardians ORDER BY LastName ASC;"; var output = cnn.Query(strQuery); return output.ToList(); } } /* Gets all guardians for a single child. * INPUT: Child * OUTPUT: List of guardian object. */ internal List GetGuardiansByChild(Child child_in) { using (IDbConnection cnn = new SQLiteConnection(LoadConnectionString())) { string strQuery = "SELECT * FROM Guardians WHERE id IN (SELECT guardian_id FROM Authorized_Guardians WHERE child_id = @id)"; var output = cnn.Query(strQuery, child_in); return output.ToList(); } } /* Gets a Guardian by a distinct pin number. Distinctness enforced elsewhere. * INPUT: integer pin# * OUTPUT: Guardian object */ internal Guardian GetGuardianByPin(int guardian_pin_in) { using (IDbConnection cnn = new SQLiteConnection(LoadConnectionString())) { string strQuery = "SELECT * FROM Guardians WHERE PinNumber = @pin_in"; Guardian guardian = cnn.Query(strQuery, new { pin_in = guardian_pin_in }).SingleOrDefault(); return guardian; } } // ***************** Update ***************** internal void UpdateGuardian(Guardian guardian_in) { using (IDbConnection cnn = new SQLiteConnection(LoadConnectionString())) { string strQuery = "UPDATE Guardians SET FirstName = @FirstName, LastName = @LastName, " + "PhoneNumber = @PhoneNumber, EmailAddress = @EmailAddress, PinNumber = @PinNumber, " + "isAdmin = @isAdmin WHERE id=@id"; cnn.Execute(strQuery, guardian_in); } } // ***************** Delete ***************** internal void DeleteGuardian(Guardian guardian_in) { using (IDbConnection cnn = new SQLiteConnection(LoadConnectionString())) { string strQuery = "DELETE FROM Guardians WHERE id = @id;"; cnn.Execute(strQuery, guardian_in); } } #endregion #region authorized_guardians // ***************** Create ***************** /* Add a guardian as an authorized_guardian of a specific child. * INPUT: child, guardian * OUTPUT: void to program, new row in authorized_guardian table of sql db. */ internal void AddNewGuardianToChild(Child child_in, Guardian guardian_in) { using (IDbConnection cnn = new SQLiteConnection(LoadConnectionString())) { string strQuery = "INSERT INTO Authorized_Guardians (child_id, guardian_id) VALUES (@_child_id, @_guardian_id);"; cnn.Execute(strQuery, new { _child_id =, _guardian_id = }); } } // ***************** Read ***************** /* Check for octomom. * INPUT: Guardian * OUTPUT: integer Count of children per guardian. */ internal int CheckForOctomom(Guardian guardian_in) { using (IDbConnection cnn = new SQLiteConnection(LoadConnectionString())) { string strQuery = "SELECT COUNT(child_id) from Authorized_Guardians WHERE guardian_id = @id;"; int output = cnn.Query(strQuery, guardian_in).SingleOrDefault(); return output; } } /* Gets a list of all children per a specific guardian. * INPUT: Guardian * OUTPUT: List of Child object. */ internal List GetChildrenByGuardian(Guardian guardian_in) { //TODO: Remove once valid login check is implemented. if (guardian_in == null) return null; using (IDbConnection cnn = new SQLiteConnection(LoadConnectionString())) { string strQuery = @" SELECT, Children.FirstName, Children.LastName, DOB, address, race, gender, photo FROM Children INNER JOIN Authorized_Guardians on Children.ID = Authorized_Guardians.child_id INNER JOIN Guardians on Authorized_Guardians.guardian_id = WHERE = @id "; var output = cnn.Query(strQuery,guardian_in); return output.ToList(); } } // ***************** Update ***************** // ***************** Delete ***************** internal void RemoveGuardianFromAllChildren(Guardian guardian_in) { using (IDbConnection cnn = new SQLiteConnection(LoadConnectionString())) { string strQuery = "DELETE FROM Authorized_Guardians WHERE guardian_id = @id;"; cnn.Execute(strQuery, guardian_in); } } #endregion #region attendance // ***************** Create ***************** /* Creates a new entry in the attendence table each time * a child is signed in our out of the system. * Does --NOT-- need an Update function as the system * is designed to keep track of --all-- times a child * is signed in or out, and by which guardian. * INPUTS: child, guardian * OUTPUT: none to program, new row to sql db. */ internal void SignChildInOut(Child child_in, Guardian guardian_in) { Attendance strStudentStatus = GetChildSignInOut(child_in); using (IDbConnection cnn = new SQLiteConnection(LoadConnectionString())) { string strInOut = string.Empty; if (strStudentStatus != null) { strInOut = (strStudentStatus.in_out == "in" ? "out" : "in"); } else { //Happens when a new child is added to the DB and they //don't have any existing status. We will sign them in. strInOut = "in"; } string strQuery = "INSERT INTO Attendence(child_id, guardian_id,in_out) VALUES(@child_id, @guardian_id, @in_out)"; cnn.Execute(strQuery, new { child_id =, guardian_id =, in_out = strInOut }); } } // ***************** Read ***************** /* gets a single child in/out status. * INPUT Child * OUTPUT string "in" or "out", plus the timestamp. */ internal Attendance GetChildSignInOut(Child child_in) { using (IDbConnection cnn = new SQLiteConnection(LoadConnectionString())) { //Select only the latest attendence data for this student. string strQuery = "SELECT in_out,timestamp FROM Attendence WHERE child_id=@id AND id = (SELECT MAX(id) FROM Attendence WHERE child_id = @id)"; Attendance output = cnn.Query(strQuery, child_in).SingleOrDefault(); return output; } } // ***************** Update ***************** // ***************** Delete ***************** internal void DeleteAttendenceForGuardian(Guardian for_guardian) { using (IDbConnection cnn = new SQLiteConnection(LoadConnectionString())) { string strQuery = "DELETE FROM Attendence WHERE guardian_id = @id;"; cnn.Execute(strQuery, for_guardian); } } #endregion #region misc // ***************** Create ***************** // ***************** Read ******************* /* Checks to see if this is the first time the application has run. * by counting the number of admins in the guardian table. * INPUT: void from program, count of guardians from db. * OUTPUT: integer */ internal int GetNumAdmins() { using (IDbConnection cnn = new SQLiteConnection(LoadConnectionString())) { string strQuery = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Guardians WHERE isAdmin = 1"; int num_admins = cnn.Query(strQuery).SingleOrDefault(); return num_admins; } } // ***************** Update ***************** // ***************** Delete ***************** internal void DeleteAttendenceForChild(Child child_in) { using (IDbConnection cnn = new SQLiteConnection(LoadConnectionString())) { string strQuery = "DELETE FROM Attendence WHERE child_id=@id;"; cnn.Execute(strQuery, child_in); } } #endregion #region reports // ***************** Create ***************** // ***************** Read ******************* /* Gets the first "in" or last "out" attendence for a child given a date string. * INPUTS: child, "in"/"out", date short string as YYYY-MM-DD * hardest ef'in query ever, took 2 hours to write/debug wtf was going wrong, * don't put your parameters 'in between', it doesn't work. */ internal AttendenceSingleInOutData GetAttendenceByStatusForChildByDay(Child child_in, string in_out, string shortDateString) { using (IDbConnection cnn = new SQLiteConnection(LoadConnectionString())) { //Must wildcard for the like operator shortDateString += "%"; string minMax = in_out == "out" ? "max" : "min"; string strQuery = "SELECT Children.FirstName as ChildFirstName, Children.LastName as ChildLastName, in_out, " + "Guardians.FirstName as GuardianFirstName, Guardians.LastName as GuardianLastName, timestamp " + "FROM Attendence " + "INNER JOIN Children on Attendence.child_id = " + "INNER JOIN Guardians on Attendence.guardian_id = " + "WHERE = (SELECT " + minMax + "( FROM Attendence WHERE child_id = @_child_id AND in_out = @_in_out AND timestamp LIKE @_timestamp);"; var output = cnn.Query(strQuery, new { _child_id =, _in_out = in_out, _timestamp = shortDateString }).SingleOrDefault(); return output; } } /* Gets all report data for a specific date. * The reports form iterates through this. * input: date short string as YYYY-MM-DD * output: List */ internal ListGetReportData(string shortDateString, Child child) { using (IDbConnection cnn = new SQLiteConnection(LoadConnectionString())) { //Must wildcard for the like operator shortDateString += "%"; string strQuery = string.Empty; if (child == null) { strQuery = "SELECT Children.FirstName as ChildFirstName, Children.LastName as ChildLastName, in_out, " + "Guardians.FirstName as GuardianFirstName, Guardians.LastName as GuardianLastName, timestamp " + "FROM Attendence " + "INNER JOIN Children on Attendence.child_id = " + "INNER JOIN Guardians on Attendence.guardian_id = " + "WHERE timestamp LIKE @_timestamp;"; var output = cnn.Query(strQuery, new { _timestamp = shortDateString, }); return output.ToList(); } else { strQuery = "SELECT Children.FirstName as ChildFirstName, Children.LastName as ChildLastName, in_out, " + "Guardians.FirstName as GuardianFirstName, Guardians.LastName as GuardianLastName, timestamp " + "FROM Attendence " + "INNER JOIN Children on Attendence.child_id = " + "INNER JOIN Guardians on Attendence.guardian_id = " + "WHERE timestamp LIKE @_timestamp " + "AND child_id = @_child_id;"; var output = cnn.Query(strQuery, new { _timestamp = shortDateString, _child_id = }); return output.ToList(); } } } // ***************** Update ***************** // ***************** Delete ***************** #endregion // Gets the connection string to the db and returns it to the program. private static string LoadConnectionString(string id = "Default") { return ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[id].ConnectionString; } } }