omega wizard's guide. OMEGA MAINTENANCE ================= There should be little need for the wizard to actively maintain the game. But..... After years of play, the file omega.log may get unwieldy and overlarge. This file can simply be truncated as follows. Log records are now one line at a time, so just delete as many lines as you like, making sure there are no blank lines, and that the file ends on an end of line. You can even remove omega.log completely as long as you replace it with a null file of the same name. If you opt to make omega not setuid, omega.log must be publically writeable. The file omega.hi is a high score list. This file can't be truncated or removed, but you can edit it as you feel to be appropriate. If you look in file.c you can figure out what those numbers in the file actually mean; usually one is NPC level and one is NPC behavior, but some entries have another entry such as alignment. The distribution comes with a "safety" version of the original high score file; if anything happens to the original you can just copy omegahi.bak to omega.hi. Again, people running omega not setuid must make sure omega.hi has public write access. If you don't run omega suid, anyone can mung the log and hiscore files simply by writing to them. In my opinion, people who hack score files can very easily be taken care of by deleting their accounts; if that doesn't work, shoot them. WIZARD MODE =========== If you are the WIZARD as defined in defs.h, you can enter wizard mode by hitting ^g. If you ever set wizard mode, your high scores and npc will not be saved. In wizard mode, ^x gives you a wish. ^w draws the current level, ^k allows you to set an arbitrary game status bit, meanings of the bits are given in defs.h. The possible wishes are listed in scroll3.txt, and the code for them is in effect1.c I've added some additional utilities to the Wizard mode - ^w in the city also marks all locations as visited, so you can Move to them, and wishing for Location allows you to go to an arbitrary environment number - not very useful except for debugging, really...