/* omega copyright (C) by Laurence Raphael Brothers, 1987,1988,1989 */ /* site1.c */ /* 1st half of site functions and aux functions to them */ #ifndef MSDOS_SUPPORTED_ANTIQUE #include #endif #include "glob.h" void l_armorer(void) { int done = FALSE; char action; if (hour() == 12) print3("Unfortunately, this is Julie's lunch hour -- try again later."); else if (nighttime()) print3("It seems that Julie keeps regular business hours."); else { while (! done) { clearmsg(); print1("Julie's: Buy Armor, Weapons, or Leave [a,w,ESCAPE] "); action = mgetc(); if (action == 'a') buyfromstock(ARMORID,10); else if (action == 'w') buyfromstock(WEAPONID,23); else done = TRUE; } } xredraw(); } void buyfromstock(int base, int numitems) { int i; char item; pob newitem; print2("Purchase which item? [ESCAPE to quit] "); menuclear(); for(i=0;i= 'a'+numitems))) item = mgetc(); if (item != ESCAPE) { i = item - 'a'; newitem = ((pob) checkmalloc(sizeof(objtype))); *newitem = Objects[base+i]; newitem->known = 2; clearmsg(); print1("I can let you have it for "); mlongprint(2*true_item_value(newitem)); nprint1("Au. Buy it? [yn] "); if (ynq1() == 'y') { if (Player.cash < 2*true_item_value(newitem)) { print2("Why not try again some time you have the cash?"); free_obj( newitem, TRUE ); } else { Player.cash -= 2*true_item_value(newitem); dataprint(); gain_item(newitem); } } else free_obj( newitem, TRUE ); } } void l_club(void) { char response; print1("Rampart Explorers' Club."); if (! gamestatusp(CLUB_MEMBER)) { if (Player.level < 2) print3("Only reknowned adventurers need apply."); else { print2("Dues are 100Au. Pay it? [yn] "); if (ynq2()=='y') { if (Player.cash < 100) print3("Beat it, or we'll blackball you!"); else { print1("Welcome to the club! You are taught the spell of Return."); print2("When cast on the first level of a dungeon it"); morewait(); clearmsg(); print1("will transport you down to the lowest level"); print2("you have explored, and vice versa."); Spells[S_RETURN].known = TRUE; Player.cash -= 100; setgamestatus(CLUB_MEMBER); } } else print2("OK, but you're missing out on our benefits...."); } } else { print2("Shop at the club store or listen for rumors [sl] "); do response = (char) mcigetc(); while ((response != 's') && (response != 'l') && (response != ESCAPE)); if (response == 'l') { if (club_hinthour == hour()) print2("You don't hear anything useful."); else { print1("You overhear a conversation...."); hint(); club_hinthour = hour(); } } else if (response == 's') { buyfromstock(OB_KEY,2); xredraw(); } else if (response == ESCAPE) print2("Be seeing you, old chap!"); } } void l_gym(void) { int done=TRUE; int trained=0; clearmsg(); do { print1("The Rampart Gymnasium"); if ((Gymcredit > 0) || (Player.rank[ARENA])) { nprint1("-- Credit: "); mlongprint(Gymcredit); nprint1("Au."); } done = FALSE; menuclear(); menuprint("Train for 2000 Au. Choose:\n"); menuprint("\na: work out in the weight room"); menuprint("\nb: use our gymnastics equipment"); menuprint("\nc: take our new anaerobics course"); menuprint("\nd: enroll in dance lessons."); menuprint("\nESCAPE: Leave this place."); showmenu(); switch(mgetc()) { case 'a': gymtrain(&(Player.maxstr),&(Player.str)); break; case 'b': gymtrain(&(Player.maxdex),&(Player.dex)); break; case 'c': gymtrain(&(Player.maxcon),&(Player.con)); break; case 'd': gymtrain(&(Player.maxagi),&(Player.agi)); break; case ESCAPE: clearmsg(); if (trained == 0) print1("Well, it's your body you're depriving!"); else if (trained < 3) print1("You towel yourself off, and find the exit."); else print1("A refreshing bath, and you're on your way."); done = TRUE; break; default: trained--; break; } trained++; } while (! done); xredraw(); calc_melee(); } void l_healer(void) { print1("Rampart Healers. Member RMA."); morewait(); clearmsg(); print1("a: Heal injuries (50 crowns)"); print2("b: Cure disease (250 crowns)"); print3("ESCAPE: Leave these antiseptic alcoves."); switch((char) mcigetc()) { case 'a': healforpay(); break; case 'b': cureforpay(); break; default: print3("OK, but suppose you have Acute Satyriasis?"); break; } } void statue_random(int x, int y) { pob item; int i,j; switch(random_range(difficulty()+4)-1) { case 0: case 1: print1("The statue crumbles with a clatter of gravel."); Level->site[x][y].locchar = RUBBLE; Level->site[x][y].p_locf = L_RUBBLE; plotspot(x, y, TRUE); lset(x, y, CHANGED); break; case 2: print1("The statue stoutly resists your attack."); break; case 3: print1("The statue crumbles with a clatter of gravel."); Level->site[x][y].locchar = RUBBLE; Level->site[x][y].p_locf = L_RUBBLE; plotspot(x, y, TRUE); lset(x, y, CHANGED); make_site_treasure(x,y,difficulty()); break; case 4: print1("The statue hits you back!"); p_damage(random_range(difficulty()*5),NORMAL_DAMAGE,"a statue"); break; case 5: print1("The statue looks slightly pained. It speaks:"); morewait(); clearmsg(); hint(); break; case 6: /* WDT MARK! Why is this testing for '==' city? Shouldn't * it be '!='? */ /* DAG reply: no, == CITY is fine. A down staircase in Rampart is just an alternate entrance to the sewers. But a down staircase elsewhere (like a village) is not valid, so is prevented by this check */ if ( ((Current_Environment == Current_Dungeon) && (Level->depth < MaxDungeonLevels)) || (Current_Environment == E_CITY)) { print1("You hear the whirr of some mechanism."); print2("The statue glides smoothly into the floor!"); /* WDT HACK: I shouldn't be making this choice on a level * where no stairs can be (or perhaps I should, and I should * implement a bonus level!). */ /* DAG -- added level test above, to skip this case if at bottom * might be cleaner to do something else... but this should prevent * the chance of crashing at least. Maybe stairs up as first rev?*/ Level->site[x][y].locchar = STAIRS_DOWN; Level->site[x][y].p_locf = L_NO_OP; lset(x, y, CHANGED|STOPS); } break; case 7: print1("The statue was covered with contact cement!"); print2("You can't move...."); Player.status[IMMOBILE]+=random_range(6)+2; break; case 8: print1("A strange radiation emanates from the statue!"); dispel(-1); break; case 9: /* I think this is particularly evil. Heh heh. */ if (Player.possessions[O_WEAPON_HAND] != NULL) { print1("Your weapon sinks deeply into the statue and is sucked away!"); item = Player.possessions[O_WEAPON_HAND]; conform_lost_object(Player.possessions[O_WEAPON_HAND]); item->blessing = -1-abs(item->blessing); drop_at(x,y,item); } break; case 10: print1("The statue extends an arm. Beams of light illuminate the level!"); for(j=0;jlevel_length;j++) for(i=0;ilevel_width;i++) { lset(i,j,SEEN); if (loc_statusp(i,j,SECRET)) { lreset(i,j,SECRET); lset(i,j,CHANGED); } } show_screen(); break; default: l_statue_wake(); break; } } void l_statue_wake(void) { int i; int x=Player.x,y=Player.y; for(i=0;i<9;i++) wake_statue(x+Dirs[0][i],y+Dirs[1][i],TRUE); } void wake_statue(int x, int y, int first) { int i; pml tml; if (Level->site[x][y].locchar == STATUE) { if (! first) mprint("Another statue awakens!"); else mprint("A statue springs to life!"); Level->site[x][y].locchar = FLOOR; lset(x, y, CHANGED); tml = ((pml) checkmalloc(sizeof(mltype))); tml->m = (Level->site[x][y].creature = m_create(x,y,0,difficulty()+1)); m_status_set(Level->site[x][y].creature,HOSTILE); tml->next = Level->mlist; Level->mlist = tml; for(i=0;i<8;i++) wake_statue(x+Dirs[0][i],y+Dirs[1][i],FALSE); } } void l_casino(void) { int i,done = FALSE,a,b,c,match; char response; print1("Rampart Mithril Nugget Casino."); if (random_range(10)==1) print2("Casino closed due to Grand Jury investigation."); else { while (! done) { morewait(); clearmsg(); print1("a: Drop 100Au in the slots."); print2("b: Risk 1000Au at roulette."); print3("ESCAPE: Leave this green baize hall."); response = (char) mcigetc(); if (response == 'a') { if (Player.cash < 100) print3("No credit, jerk."); else { Player.cash -= 100; dataprint(); for(i=0;i<20;i++) { if (i==19) sleep(1); else usleep(250000); a = random_range(10); b = random_range(10); c = random_range(10); clearmsg1(); mprint(slotstr(a)); mprint(slotstr(b)); mprint(slotstr(c)); } if (winnings > 0) do { a = random_range(10); b = random_range(10); c = random_range(10); } while ((a==b) || (a == c) || (b == c)); else { a = random_range(10); b = random_range(10); c = random_range(10); } clearmsg(); mprint(slotstr(a)); mprint(slotstr(b)); mprint(slotstr(c)); if ((a==b) && (a==c)) { print3("Jackpot Winner!"); winnings += (a+2)*(b+2)*(c+2)*5; Player.cash += (a+2)*(b+2)*(c+2)*5; dataprint(); } else if (a==b) { print3("Winner!"); Player.cash += (a+2)*(b+2)*5; dataprint(); winnings += (a+2)*(b+2)*5; } else if (a==c) { print3("Winner!"); Player.cash += (a+2)*(c+2)*5; dataprint(); winnings += (a+2)*(c+2)*5; } else if (c==b) { print3("Winner!"); Player.cash += (c+2)*(b+2)*5; dataprint(); winnings += (c+2)*(b+2)*5; } else { print3("Loser!"); winnings -= 100; } } } else if (response == 'b') { if (Player.cash < 1000) mprint("No credit, jerk."); else { Player.cash -= 1000; dataprint(); print1("Red or Black? [rb]"); do response = (char) mcigetc(); while ((response != 'r') && (response != 'b')); match = (response == 'r' ? 0 : 1); for(i=0;i<20;i++) { if (i==19) sleep(1); else usleep(250000); a = random_range(37); b = a % 2; if (a == 0) print1(" 0 "); else if (a==1) print1(" 0 - 0 "); else { print1(( b == 0) ? "Red ": "Black "); mnumprint(a-1); } } if (winnings > 0) do { a = random_range(37); b = a % 2; } while (b == match); else { a = random_range(37); b = a % 2; } if (a == 0) print1(" 0 "); else if (a==1) print1(" 0 - 0 "); else { print1((b == 0) ? "Red ": "Black "); mnumprint(a-1); } if ((a > 1) && (b == match)){ print3(" Winner!"); winnings += 1000; Player.cash += 2000; dataprint(); } else { print3(" Loser!"); winnings -= 1000; dataprint(); } } } else done = TRUE; } } } void l_commandant (void) { int num; pob food; print1("Commandant Sonder's Rampart-fried Lyzzard partes. Open 24 hrs."); print2("Buy a bucket! Only 5 Au. Make a purchase? [yn] "); if ('y' == ynq2()) { clearmsg(); num = (int)parsenum("How many?"); if (num < 1) print3("Cute. Real cute."); else if (num*5 > Player.cash) print3("No handouts here, mac!"); else { Player.cash -= num*5; food = (pob)checkmalloc(sizeof(objtype)); *food = Objects[OB_RATION]; /* food ration */ food->number = num; if (1 == num) print2("There you go, mac! One Lyzzard Bucket, coming up."); else if (2 == num) print2("Here you are! A couple of Lyzzard Buckets, steamin' hot."); else print2("A passel of Lyzzard Buckets, for your pleasure."); morewait(); gain_item(food); } } else print2("Don't blame the Commandant if you starve!"); } void l_diner(void) { print1("The Rampart Diner. All you can eat, 25Au."); print2("Place an order? [yn] "); if (ynq2()=='y') { if (Player.cash < 25) mprint("TANSTAAFL! Now git!"); else { Player.cash -= 25; dataprint(); Player.food = 44; foodcheck(); } } } void l_crap(void) { print1("Les Crapeuleaux. (****) "); if ((hour() < 17) || (hour() > 23)) print2 ("So sorry, we are closed 'til the morrow..."); else { print2("May I take your order? [yn] "); if (ynq2()=='y') { if (Player.cash < 1000) print2("So sorry, you have not the funds for dinner."); else { print2("Hope you enjoyed your tres expensive meal, m'sieur..."); Player.cash -= 1000; dataprint(); Player.food += 8; foodcheck(); } } } } void l_tavern(void) { char response; print1("The Centaur and Nymph -- J. Riley, prop."); if (nighttime()) { menuclear(); menuprint("Riley says: Whataya have?\n\n"); menuprint("a: Pint of Riley's ultra-dark 1Au\n"); menuprint("b: Shot of Tullimore Dew 10Au\n"); menuprint("c: Round for the House. 100Au\n"); menuprint("d: Bed and Breakfast. 25Au\n"); menuprint("ESCAPE: Leave this comfortable haven.\n"); showmenu(); do response = (char) mcigetc(); while ((response != 'a') && (response != 'b') && (response != 'c') && (response != 'd') && (response != ESCAPE)); /* menuclear(); */ switch (response) { case 'a': if (Player.cash < 1) print2("Aw hell, have one on me."); else { Player.cash -= 1; Time += 10; timeprint(); dataprint(); if (tavern_hinthour == -1) /* first time... */ { print1("A seedy looking character approaches you."); if (Player.rank[THIEVES] > 0 ) { nprint1(" He appears to recognise you, somehow."); if (! CitySiteList[L_BROTHEL-CITYSITEBASE][0]) { print2("He nudge-nudges you, and says, 'You should visit the House of the Eclipse'"); CitySiteList[L_BROTHEL-CITYSITEBASE][0] = TRUE; } else print2("He says, 'Did you enjoy your visit to the House of the Eclipse?', wink-wink."); morewait(); } else { print2("He offers to sell you some information for 10Au."); nprint2("Do you pay him? [yn]"); if ( ynq2() == 'y' ) { /*clearmsg();*/ if ( Player.cash < 10 ) { print1("'You loser.'"); print2("He steals the rest of your money."); Player.cash = 0; } else { Player.cash -= 10; print1("He tells you how to find the thieves's guild"); print2("and how to find the House of the Eclipse."); CitySiteList[L_BROTHEL-CITYSITEBASE][0] = TRUE; CitySiteList[L_THIEVES_GUILD-CITYSITEBASE][0] = TRUE; } dataprint(); } } tavern_hinthour = hour(); } else /* not first time visit */ if (tavern_hinthour!=hour()) { if (random_range(3)) { print1("You overhear a rumor..."); hint(); } else print1("You don't hear much of interest."); tavern_hinthour = hour(); } else print1("You just hear the same conversations again."); } Time += 20; break; case 'b': if (Player.cash < 10) print2("I don't serve the Dew on no tab, buddy!"); else { Player.cash -= 10; print1("Ahhhhh...."); if (Player.status[POISONED] || Player.status[DISEASED]) print2("Phew! That's, er, smooth stuff!"); Player.status[POISONED] = 0; Player.status[DISEASED] = 0; Time +=5; showflags(); } break; case 'c': if (Player.cash < 100) { print1("Whatta feeb!"); print2("Outta my establishment.... Now!"); p_damage(random_range(20),UNSTOPPABLE,"Riley's right cross"); morewait(); } else { Player.cash -= 100; dataprint(); print1("'What a guy!'"); morewait(); print2("'Hey, thanks, fella.'"); morewait(); print3("'Make mine a double...'"); morewait(); clearmsg(); switch(random_range(4)) { case 0: print1("'You're a real pal. Say, have you heard.... "); hint(); break; case 1: print1("A wandering priest of Dionysus blesses you..."); if ((Player.patron == ODIN) || (Player.patron == ATHENA)) Player.alignment++; else if ((Player.patron == HECATE) || (Player.patron == SET)) Player.alignment--; else if (Player.alignment > 0) Player.alignment--; else Player.alignment++; break; case 2: print1("A thirsty bard promises to put your name in a song!"); gain_experience(20); break; case 3: print1("Riley draws you a shot of his 'special reserve'"); print2("Drink it [yn]?"); if (ynq2()=='y') { if (Player.con < random_range(20)) { print1(" Quite a kick!"); print2("You feel a fiery warmth in your tummy...."); Player.con++; Player.maxcon++; } else print2("You toss it back nonchalantly."); } } } Time += 30; break; case 'd': if (Player.cash < 25) print2("Pay in advance, mac!"); else { Player.cash -= 25; print2("How about a shot o' the dew for a nightcap?"); morewait(); Time += (6+random_range(4)) * 60; Player.status[POISONED] = 0; Player.status[DISEASED] = 0; Player.food = 40; /* reduce temporary stat gains to max stat levels */ toggle_item_use(TRUE); Player.str = min(Player.str,Player.maxstr); Player.con = min(Player.con,Player.maxcon); Player.agi = min(Player.agi,Player.maxagi); Player.dex = min(Player.dex,Player.maxdex); Player.iq = min(Player.iq,Player.maxiq); Player.pow = min(Player.pow,Player.maxpow); toggle_item_use(FALSE); timeprint(); dataprint(); showflags(); print1("The next day....."); if (hour() > 10) print2("Oh my! You overslept!"); } break; default: print2("So? Just looking? Go on!"); break; } } else print2("The pub don't open til dark, fella."); xredraw(); } void l_alchemist(void) { int i,done=FALSE,mlevel; char response; pob obj; print1("Ambrosias' Potions et cie."); if (nighttime()) print2("Ambrosias doesn't seem to be in right now."); else while (! done){ morewait(); clearmsg(); print1("a: Sell monster components."); print2("b: Pay for transformation."); print3("ESCAPE: Leave this place."); response = (char) mcigetc(); if (response == 'a') { clearmsg(); done = TRUE; i = getitem(CORPSE); if ((i != ABORT) && (Player.possessions[i] != NULL)){ obj = Player.possessions[i]; if (Monsters[obj->charge].transformid == -1) { print1("I don't want such a thing."); if (obj->basevalue > 0) print2("You might be able to sell it to someone else, though."); } else { clearmsg(); print1("I'll give you "); mnumprint(obj->basevalue/3); nprint1("Au for it. Take it? [yn] "); if (ynq1()=='y') { Player.cash += (obj->basevalue/3); conform_lost_objects(1,obj); } else print2("Well, keep the smelly old thing, then!"); } } else print2("So nu?"); } else if (response == 'b') { clearmsg(); done = TRUE; i = getitem(CORPSE); if ((i != ABORT) && (Player.possessions[i] != NULL)){ obj = Player.possessions[i]; if (Monsters[obj->charge].transformid == -1) print1("Oy vey! You want me to transform such a thing?"); else { mlevel = Monsters[obj->charge].level; print1("It'll cost you "); mnumprint(max(10,obj->basevalue*2)); nprint1("Au for the transformation. Pay it? [yn] "); if (ynq1()=='y') { if (Player.cash < max(10,obj->basevalue*2)) print2("You can't afford it!"); else { print1("Voila! A tap of the Philosopher's Stone..."); Player.cash -= max(10,obj->basevalue*2); *obj = Objects[Monsters[obj->charge].transformid]; if ((obj->id >= STICKID) && (obj->id < STICKID+NUMSTICKS)) obj->charge = 20; if (obj->plus == 0) obj->plus = mlevel; if (obj->blessing == 0) obj->blessing = 1; } } else print2("I don't need your business, anyhow."); } } else print2("So nu?"); } else done = TRUE; } } void l_dpw(void) { print1("Rampart Department of Public Works."); if (Date - LastDay < 7) print2("G'wan! Get a job!"); else if (Player.cash < 100) { morewait(); if ('y' == cinema_confirm("The clerk hands you government aid applications.")) { print1("Well, ok, but spend it wisely."); morewait(); print1("Please enter your name for our records:"); strcpy(Str1, msgscanstring()); if (Str1[0] >= 'a' && Str1[0] <= 'z') Str1[0] += 'A' - 'a'; if (Str1[0] == '\0') print1("Maybe you should come back when you've learned to write."); else if (strcmp(Player.name,Str1) != 0) { print3("Aha! Welfare Fraud! It's off to gaol for you, lout!"); morewait(); send_to_jail(); } else { print2("Here's your handout, layabout!"); LastDay = Date; Player.cash = 99; dataprint(); } } } else print2("You're too well off for us to help you!"); } void l_library(void) { char response; int studied=FALSE; int done=FALSE,fee = 1000; print1("Rampart Public Library."); if (nighttime()) print2("CLOSED"); else { morewait(); print1("Library Research Fee: 1000Au."); if (Player.maxiq < 18) { print2("The Rampart student aid system has arranged a grant!"); morewait(); clearmsg(); print1("Your revised fee is: "); mnumprint(fee=max(50,1000-(18-Player.maxiq)*125)); nprint1("Au."); } morewait(); while(! done) { print1("Pay the fee? [yn] "); if (ynq1()=='y') { if (Player.cash < fee) { print2("No payee, No studee."); done = TRUE; } else { Player.cash -= fee; do { studied = TRUE; dataprint(); menuclear(); menuprint("Peruse a scroll:\n"); menuprint("a: Omegan Theology\n"); menuprint("b: Guide to Rampart\n"); menuprint("c: High Magick\n"); menuprint("d: Odd Uncatalogued Document\n"); menuprint("e: Attempt Advanced Research\n"); menuprint("ESCAPE: Leave this font of learning.\n"); showmenu(); response = (char) mcigetc(); if (response == 'a') { print1("You unfurl an ancient, yellowing scroll..."); morewait(); theologyfile(); } else if (response == 'b') { print1("You unroll a slick four-color document..."); morewait(); cityguidefile(); } else if (response == 'c') { print1("This scroll is written in a strange magical script..."); morewait(); wishfile(); } else if (response == 'd') { print1("You find a strange document, obviously misfiled"); print2("under the heading 'acrylic fungus painting technique'"); morewait(); adeptfile(); } else if (response == 'e') { if (random_range(30) > Player.iq) { print2("You feel more knowledgeable!"); Player.iq++; Player.maxiq++; dataprint(); if (Player.maxiq < 19 && fee != max(50,1000-(18-Player.maxiq)*125)) { morewait(); clearmsg(); print1("Your revised fee is: "); mnumprint(fee=max(50,1000-(18-Player.maxiq)*125)); nprint1("Au."); morewait(); } } else { clearmsg1(); print1("You find advice in an ancient tome: "); morewait(); hint(); morewait(); } } else if (response == ESCAPE) { done = TRUE; print1("That was an expensive browse..."); } else studied = FALSE; } while (!studied); } xredraw(); } else { done = TRUE; if (studied) print2("Come back anytime we're open, 7am to 8pm."); else print2("You philistine!"); } } } } void l_pawn_shop(void) { int i,j,k,limit,number,done = FALSE; char item,action; if (nighttime()) print1("Shop Closed: Have a Nice (K)Night"); else { limit = min(5,Date-Pawndate); Pawndate = Date; for(k=0;kid].uniqueness > UNIQUE_UNMADE) Objects[Pawnitems[0]->id].uniqueness = UNIQUE_UNMADE; /* could turn up anywhere, really :) */ free_obj( Pawnitems[0], TRUE ); Pawnitems[0] = NULL; } for (i=0;iknown = 2; } while ((Pawnitems[i]->objchar == CASH) || (Pawnitems[i]->objchar == ARTIFACT) || (true_item_value(Pawnitems[i]) <= 0)); } while (! done) { print1("Knight's Pawn Shop:"); print2("Buy item, Sell item, sell Pack contents, Leave [b,s,p,ESCAPE] "); menuclear(); for(i=0;i= 'a' + PAWNITEMS))) item = (char) mcigetc(); if (item != ESCAPE) { i = item - 'a'; if (Pawnitems[i] == NULL) print3("No such item!"); else if (true_item_value(Pawnitems[i]) <= 0) { print1("Hmm, how did that junk get on my shelves?"); print2("I'll just remove it."); free_obj( Pawnitems[i], TRUE ); Pawnitems[i] = NULL; } else { clearmsg(); print1("The low, low, cost is: "); mlongprint(Pawnitems[i]->number*true_item_value(Pawnitems[i])); nprint1(" Buy it? [ynq] "); if (ynq1() == 'y') { if (Player.cash < Pawnitems[i]->number * true_item_value(Pawnitems[i])) { print2("No credit! Gwan, Beat it!"); morewait(); } else { Player.cash -= Pawnitems[i]->number* true_item_value(Pawnitems[i]); Objects[Pawnitems[i]->id].known = 1; gain_item(Pawnitems[i]); Pawnitems[i] = NULL; } } } } } else if (action == 's') { menuclear(); i = getitem_prompt("Sell which item: ", NULL_ITEM); if ((i != ABORT) && (Player.possessions[i] != NULL)) { if (cursed(Player.possessions[i])) { print1("No loans on cursed items! I been burned before...."); morewait(); } else if (true_item_value(Player.possessions[i]) <= 0) { print1("That looks like a worthless piece of junk to me."); morewait(); } else { clearmsg(); print1("You can get "); mlongprint(item_value(Player.possessions[i]) / 2); nprint1("Au each. Sell [yn]? "); if (ynq1() == 'y') { number = getnumber(Player.possessions[i]->number); if ((number >= Player.possessions[i]->number) && Player.possessions[i]->used) { Player.possessions[i]->used = FALSE; item_use(Player.possessions[i]); } Player.cash += number * item_value(Player.possessions[i]) / 2; free_obj( Pawnitems[0], TRUE ); for(j=0;jnumber = number; Pawnitems[PAWNITEMS - 1]->known = 2; dispose_lost_objects(number,Player.possessions[i]); dataprint(); } } } } else if (action == 'p') { for(i=0;iblessing > -1 && true_item_value(Player.pack[i]) > 0) { clearmsg(); print1("Sell "); nprint1(itemid(Player.pack[i])); nprint1(" for "); mlongprint(item_value(Player.pack[i])/2); nprint1("Au each? [yn] "); if (ynq1()=='y') { number = getnumber(Player.pack[i]->number); if (number > 0) { Player.cash += number * item_value(Player.pack[i]) / 2; free_obj( Pawnitems[0], TRUE ); for(j=0;jnumber = number; Pawnitems[PAWNITEMS - 1]->known = 2; Player.pack[i]->number -= number; if (Player.pack[i]->number < 1) { free_obj( Player.pack[i], TRUE ); Player.pack[i] = NULL; } dataprint(); } } } } fixpack(); } } } calc_melee(); xredraw(); }