OMEGA OVERVIEW ============== omega is a complex rogue-style game of dungeon exploration. Unlike other such games, there are a number of ways to "win", depending on various actions taken during play. The ways you can get your name on the hiscore board include becoming the highest ranked head of a guild, sect, college, etc., as well as gaining the most points figured from possessions and experience. The game (via the oracle) may impose some structure on your exploration, but you need not follow all of the oracle's advice. There *is* a "total winner" status, by the way. omega offers a richness of playing detail that goes beyond a simple game like rogue. However, the majority of gameplay is very similar to rogue, hack, ultrarogue, larn, and other such games. The player is represented by the highlighted "@" symbol, objects and terrain features are represented by non-alphabetic symbols, monsters are represented by the various upper and lower case letters, and other humans are represented by a non-highlighted "@". It is recommended that the novice read the man pages for rogue or some other such game and perhaps play a few games before playing omega. omega currently consists of a countryside in which are sited a city, various villages, several dungeons, and some "special" sites, such as the temple HQ's of the various priesthoods. The game starts in the city of Rampart, where all the guilds have headquarters. As a dungeon is explored, all generated levels are saved in memory. However, only one dungeon is "remembered" at a time, so if you enter two dungeons, the first will be forgotten (it will be regenerated should you wish to enter it again). However, if a dungeon is "completed", this fact will be remembered, basically meaning that the unique monster at the bottom will not be regenerated if you've killed him already. You will first want to explore the city of Rampart. Although the architecture and important sites remain the same from game to game, details such as the precise position of certain shops, etc. will change. Rampart is relatively safe if you don't wander into places that are obviously dangerous or do things like breaking and entering. If you are reckless, it is quite possible to get killed before ever finding the dungeons. The 'M' command now allows you to return immediately to any establishment you have already visited that game, and is preset to "know" the permanent locations of Rampart. Many Rampart establishments are only open in the daytime, but some are only active at night. Due to the stringent anti-crime measures taken by the Duke, it is usually safe to sleep in the streets. You will find it far more rewarding, however, to rent or purchase your own lodgings, if you can afford them. The point of omega, though, is dungeon exploration. There are a number of dungeons hidden about the countryside. These dungeons are at different levels of difficulty and have various idiosyncratic differences. The easiest are the Caves of the Goblin King, which is due south of Rampart, in the nearby mountains. The caves must be searched for with 's' command unless you are lucky enough to move directly onto them.