/* omega copyright (C) by Laurence Raphael Brothers, 1987,1988,1989 */ /* guild2.c */ /* L_ functions */ /* These functions implement the various guilds. */ /* They are all l_ functions since they are basically activated*/ /* at some site or other. */ #include "glob.h" void l_thieves_guild(void) { int fee,count,i,number,done=FALSE,dues=1000; char c,action; pob lockpick; print1("You have penetrated to the Lair of the Thieves' Guild."); if (! nighttime()) print2("There aren't any thieves around in the daytime."); else { if ((Player.rank[THIEVES]==TMASTER) && (Player.level > Shadowlordlevel) && find_and_remove_item(OB_JUSTICIAR_BADGE,-1)) { print2("You nicked the Justiciar's Badge!"); morewait(); print1("The Badge is put in a place of honor in the Guild Hall."); print2("You are now the Shadowlord of the Thieves' Guild!"); morewait(); print1("Who says there's no honor among thieves?"); strcpy(Shadowlord,Player.name); Shadowlordlevel = Player.level; morewait(); Shadowlordbehavior = fixnpc(4); save_hiscore_npc(7); clearmsg(); print1("You learn the Spell of Shadowform."); Spells[S_SHADOWFORM].known = TRUE; morewait(); clearmsg(); Player.rank[THIEVES]=SHADOWLORD; Player.maxagi += 2; Player.maxdex += 2; Player.agi += 2; Player.dex += 2; } while (! done) { menuclear(); if (Player.rank[THIEVES] == 0) menuprint("a: Join the Thieves' Guild.\n"); else menuprint("b: Raise your Guild rank.\n"); menuprint("c: Get an item identified.\n"); if (Player.rank[THIEVES] > 0) menuprint("d: Fence an item.\n"); menuprint("ESCAPE: Leave this Den of Iniquity."); showmenu(); action = mgetc(); if (action == ESCAPE) done = TRUE; else if (action == 'a') { done = TRUE; if (Player.rank[THIEVES]> 0) print2("You are already a member!"); else if (Player.alignment > 10) print2("You are too lawful to be a thief!"); else { dues += dues*(12-Player.dex)/9; dues += Player.alignment*5; dues = max(100,dues); clearmsg(); mprint("Dues are"); mnumprint(dues); mprint(" Au. Pay it? [yn] "); if (ynq1() =='y') { if (Player.cash < dues) { print1("You can't cheat the Thieves' Guild!"); print2("... but the Thieves' Guild can cheat you...."); Player.cash = 0; } else { print1("Shadowlord "); nprint1(Shadowlord); print2("enters your name into the roll of the Guild."); morewait(); clearmsg(); print1("As a special bonus, you get a free lockpick."); print2("You are taught the spell of Object Detection."); morewait(); Spells[S_OBJ_DET].known = TRUE; lockpick = ((pob) checkmalloc(sizeof(objtype))); *lockpick = Objects[OB_LOCK_PICK]; /* lock pick */ gain_item(lockpick); Player.cash -= dues; dataprint(); Player.guildxp[THIEVES]=1; Player.rank[THIEVES]=TMEMBER; Player.maxdex++;Player.dex++;Player.agi++;Player.maxagi++; } } } } else if (action == 'b') { if (Player.rank[THIEVES]==0) print2("You are not even a member!"); else if (Player.rank[THIEVES]==SHADOWLORD) print2("You can't get any higher than this!"); else if (Player.rank[THIEVES]==TMASTER) { if (Player.level <= Shadowlordlevel) print2("You are not experienced enough to advance."); else print2("You must bring back the Justiciar's Badge!"); } else if (Player.rank[THIEVES]==THIEF) { if (Player.guildxp[THIEVES] < 4000) print2("You are not experienced enough to advance."); else { print1("You are now a Master Thief of the Guild!"); print2("You are taught the Spell of Apportation."); morewait(); print1("To advance to the next level you must return with"); print2("the badge of the Justiciar (cursed be his name)."); morewait(); clearmsg(); print1("The Justiciar's office is just south of the gaol."); Spells[S_APPORT].known = TRUE; Player.rank[THIEVES]=TMASTER; Player.maxagi++; Player.maxdex++; Player.agi++; Player.dex++; } } else if (Player.rank[THIEVES]==ATHIEF) { if (Player.guildxp[THIEVES] < 1500) print2("You are not experienced enough to advance."); else { print1("You are now a ranking Thief of the Guild!"); print2("You learn the Spell of Invisibility."); Spells[S_INVISIBLE].known = TRUE; Player.rank[THIEVES]=THIEF; Player.agi++; Player.maxagi++; } } else if (Player.rank[THIEVES]==TMEMBER) { if (Player.guildxp[THIEVES] < 400) print2("You are not experienced enough to advance."); else { print1("You are now an Apprentice Thief!"); print2("You are taught the Spell of Levitation."); Spells[S_LEVITATE].known = TRUE; Player.rank[THIEVES]=ATHIEF; Player.dex++; Player.maxdex++; } } } else if (action == 'c') { if (Player.rank[THIEVES]==0) { print1("RTG, Inc, Appraisers. Identification Fee: 50Au/item."); fee = 50; } else { fee = 5; print1("The fee is 5Au per item."); } print2("Identify one item, or all possessions? [ip] "); if ((char) mcigetc()=='i') { if (Player.cash < fee) print2("Try again when you have the cash."); else { Player.cash -= fee; dataprint(); identify(0); } } else { count = 0; for(i=1;iknown < 2) count++; for(i=0;iknown < 2) count++; clearmsg(); print1("The fee will be: "); mnumprint(max(count*fee,fee)); nprint1("Au. Pay it? [yn] "); if (ynq1()=='y') { if (Player.cash < max(count*fee,fee)) print2("Try again when you have the cash."); else { Player.cash -= max(count*fee,fee); dataprint(); identify(1); } } } } else if (action == 'd') { if (Player.rank[THIEVES]==0) print2("Fence? Who said anything about a fence?"); else { print1("Fence one item or go through pack? [ip] "); if ((char) mcigetc()=='i') { i = getitem(NULL_ITEM); if ((i==ABORT) || (Player.possessions[i] == NULL)) print2("Huh, Is this some kind of set-up?"); else if (Player.possessions[i]->blessing < 0) print2("I don't want to buy a cursed item!"); else { clearmsg(); print1("I'll give you "); mlongprint(2 * item_value(Player.possessions[i]) / 3); nprint1("Au each. OK? [yn] "); if (ynq1() == 'y') { number = getnumber(Player.possessions[i]->number); if ((number >= Player.possessions[i]->number) && Player.possessions[i]->used) { Player.possessions[i]->used = FALSE; item_use(Player.possessions[i]); } Player.cash += number*2*item_value(Player.possessions[i])/3; /* Fenced artifacts could turn up anywhere, really... */ if (Objects[Player.possessions[i]->id].uniqueness > UNIQUE_UNMADE) Objects[Player.possessions[i]->id].uniqueness = UNIQUE_UNMADE; dispose_lost_objects(number,Player.possessions[i]); dataprint(); } else print2("Hey, gimme a break, it was a fair price!"); } } else { for(i=0;iblessing > -1) { clearmsg(); print1("Sell "); nprint1(itemid(Player.pack[i])); nprint1(" for "); mlongprint(2*item_value(Player.pack[i])/3); nprint1("Au each? [ynq] "); if ((c=ynq1())=='y') { number = getnumber(Player.pack[i]->number); Player.cash += 2*number * item_value(Player.pack[i]) / 3; Player.pack[i]->number -= number; if (Player.pack[i]->number < 1) { /* Fenced an artifact? You just might see it again. */ if (Objects[Player.pack[i]->id].uniqueness > UNIQUE_UNMADE) Objects[Player.pack[i]->id].uniqueness = UNIQUE_UNMADE; free((char *)Player.pack[i]); Player.pack[i] = NULL; } dataprint(); } else if (c=='q') break; } } fixpack(); } } } } } xredraw(); } void l_college(void) { char action; int done=FALSE,enrolled = FALSE; print1("The Collegium Magii. Founded 16937, AOF."); if (nighttime()) print2("The Registration desk is closed at night...."); else { while (! done) { if ((Player.rank[COLLEGE]==MAGE) && (Player.level > Archmagelevel) && find_and_remove_item(CORPSEID,EATER)) { print1("You brought back the heart of the Eater of Magic!"); morewait(); print1("The Heart is sent to the labs for analysis."); print2("The Board of Trustees appoints you Archmage!"); morewait(); clearmsg(); strcpy(Archmage,Player.name); Archmagelevel = Player.level; Player.rank[COLLEGE] = ARCHMAGE; Player.maxiq += 5; Player.iq += 5; Player.maxpow += 5; Player.pow += 5; morewait(); Archmagebehavior = fixnpc(4); save_hiscore_npc(9); } menuclear(); menuprint("May we help you?\n\n"); menuprint("a: Enroll in the College.\n"); menuprint("b: Raise your College rank.\n"); menuprint("c: Do spell research.\n"); menuprint("ESCAPE: Leave these hallowed halls.\n"); showmenu(); action = mgetc(); if (action == ESCAPE) done = TRUE; else if (action == 'a') { if (Player.rank[COLLEGE] > 0) print2("You are already enrolled!"); else if (Player.iq < 13) print2("Your low IQ renders you incapable of being educated."); else if (Player.rank[CIRCLE] > 0) print2("Sorcery and our Magic are rather incompatible, no?"); #ifdef INCLUDE_MONKS else if (Player.rank[MONKS] > 0) print2("Meditation will not leave you enough time for studies."); #endif else { if (Player.iq > 17) { print2("You are given a scholarship!"); morewait(); enrolled=TRUE; } else { print1("Tuition is 1000Au. "); nprint1("Pay it? [yn] "); if (ynq1() =='y') { if (Player.cash < 1000) print2("You don't have the funds!"); else { Player.cash -= 1000; enrolled = TRUE; dataprint(); } } } if (enrolled) { print1("Archmage "); nprint1(Archmage); nprint1(" greets you and congratulates you on your acceptance."); print2("You are now enrolled in the Collegium Magii!"); morewait(); print1("You are now a Novice."); print2("You may research 1 spell, for your intro class."); Spellsleft = 1; Player.rank[COLLEGE] = INITIATE; Player.guildxp[COLLEGE] = 1; Player.maxiq += 1; Player.iq += 1; Player.maxpow += 1; Player.pow += 1; } } } else if (action == 'b') { if (Player.rank[COLLEGE] == 0) print2("You have not even been initiated, yet!"); else if (Player.rank[COLLEGE]==ARCHMAGE) print2("You are at the pinnacle of mastery in the Collegium."); else if (Player.rank[COLLEGE]==MAGE) { if (Player.level <= Archmagelevel) print2("You are not experienced enough to advance."); else print2("You must return with the heart of the Eater of Magic!"); } else if (Player.rank[COLLEGE]==PRECEPTOR) { if (Player.guildxp[COLLEGE] < 4000) print2("You are not experienced enough to advance."); else { print1("You are now a Mage of the Collegium Magii!"); print2("You may research 6 spells for postdoctoral research."); Spellsleft += 6; morewait(); print1("To become Archmage, you must return with the"); print2("heart of the Eater of Magic"); morewait(); clearmsg(); print1("The Eater may be found on a desert isle somewhere."); Player.rank[COLLEGE] = MAGE; Player.maxiq += 2; Player.iq += 2; Player.maxpow += 2; Player.pow += 2; } } else if (Player.rank[COLLEGE]==STUDENT) { if (Player.guildxp[COLLEGE] < 1500) print2("You are not experienced enough to advance."); else { print1("You are now a Preceptor of the Collegium Magii!"); print2("You are taught the basics of ritual magic."); morewait(); clearmsg(); print1("Your position allows you to research 4 spells."); Spellsleft +=4; Spells[S_RITUAL].known = TRUE; Player.rank[COLLEGE] = PRECEPTOR; Player.maxiq += 1; Player.iq += 1; Player.maxpow += 1; Player.pow += 1; } } else if (Player.rank[COLLEGE]==NOVICE) { if (Player.guildxp[COLLEGE] < 400) print2("You are not experienced enough to advance."); else { print1("You are now a Student at the Collegium Magii!"); print2("You are taught the spell of identification."); morewait(); clearmsg(); print1("Thesis research credit is 2 spells."); Spellsleft+=2; Spells[S_IDENTIFY].known = TRUE; Player.rank[COLLEGE] = STUDENT; Player.maxiq += 1; Player.iq += 1; Player.maxpow += 1; Player.pow += 1; } } } else if (action == 'c') { clearmsg(); if (Spellsleft > 0) { print1("Research permitted: "); mnumprint(Spellsleft); nprint1(" Spells."); morewait(); } if (Spellsleft < 1) { print1("Extracurricular Lab fee: 2000 Au. "); nprint1("Pay it? [yn] "); if (ynq1()=='y') { if (Player.cash < 2000) print1("Try again when you have the cash."); else { Player.cash -= 2000; dataprint(); Spellsleft = 1; } } } if (Spellsleft > 0) { learnspell(0); Spellsleft--; } } } } xredraw(); } #ifdef INCLUDE_MONKS void l_monastery(void) { char action; int done=FALSE,enrolled = FALSE; print1("Tholian Monastery of Rampart. Founded 12031, AOF."); print2("Welcome to our humble hovel."); if (nighttime()) print2("The monastery doors are sealed until dawn."); else { while (! done) { menuclear(); menuprint("Find your True Course:\n\n"); menuprint("a: Discover the Way.\n"); menuprint("b: Meditate on the Path.\n"); menuprint("c: Meditate on Knowledge.\n"); menuprint("d: Take an extended Meditation.\n"); menuprint("ESCAPE: Re-enter the World.\n"); showmenu(); action = mgetc(); if (action == ESCAPE) { done = TRUE; calc_melee(); } else if (action == 'a') { if (Player.rank[MONKS] > 0) print2("You are already initiated, Brother."); else if (Player.con < 13) print2("Your body is too fragile to walk the Path, child."); else if (Player.pow < 13) print2("Your mind is too fragile to follow the Path, child."); else if (Player.rank[COLLEGE] > 0) print2("The Collegium has corruputed your spirit, child."); else if (Player.rank[CIRCLE] > 0) print2("The Circle has corruputed your spirit, child."); else { if (Player.pow > 17) { print2("Your spirit is strong. You may study the Path with us."); morewait(); enrolled=TRUE; } else { print1("A substantial cash sacrifice will cleanse your spirit.. "); print2("Donate your worldly goods? [yn] "); if (ynq1() =='y') { if (Player.cash < 1000) { /* WDT HACK! I'd rather the monks have some other * criteria for joining. */ print2("You have not much to give."); } else { Player.cash = 0; enrolled = TRUE; dataprint(); } } } if (enrolled) { print1("Grandmaster "); nprint1(Grandmaster); nprint1(" welcomes you to the Brotherhood."); print2("You are now a Tholian Monk trainee!"); morewait(); print2("You may study the Way with us."); Studiesleft = 1; Player.rank[MONKS] = MONK_TRAINEE; Player.guildxp[MONKS] = 1; Player.maxpow += 1; Player.pow += 1; } } } else if (action == 'b') { if (Player.rank[MONKS] == 0) print2("You are not yet initiated, child."); else if (Player.rank[MONKS]==MONK_GRANDMASTER) print2("Your advancement lies within, Grandmaster."); else if (Player.rank[MONKS]==MONK_MASTER_TEARS) { if (Player.level <= Grandmasterlevel) print2("Seek more experience, Master."); else if ((Player.rank[MONKS]==MONK_MASTER_TEARS) && (Player.level > Grandmasterlevel) && find_and_remove_item(CORPSEID,EATER)) { print1("You brought back the heart of the Eater of Magic!"); morewait(); print1("The Heart is sent to the placed in the kitchen cauldron."); print2("The Grandmaster steps down. You are the new Grandmaster."); morewait(); clearmsg(); strcpy(Grandmaster,Player.name); Grandmasterlevel = Player.level; Player.rank[MONKS] = MONK_GRANDMASTER; Player.maxhp += (Player.maxpow * 3); Player.maxiq += 5; Player.iq+= 5; Player.maxpow += 3; Player.pow += 3; Player.maxstr += 3; Player.str += 3; morewait(); Grandmasterbehavior = fixnpc(4); save_hiscore_npc(16); } else print2("You must return with the heart of the Eater of Magic!"); } else if (Player.rank[MONKS]==MONK_MASTER_PAINS) { if (Player.guildxp[MONKS] < 40000) print2("Seek more experience, Master."); else { print1("You have travelled far, Master."); print2("You are now Master of Tears."); Studiesleft += 6; morewait(); print1("To become Grandmaster, you must return with the"); print2("heart of the Eater of Magic"); morewait(); clearmsg(); print1("The Eater may be found on a desert isle somewhere."); Spells[S_REGENERATE].known = TRUE; Player.rank[MONKS] = MONK_MASTER_TEARS; Player.maxhp += (Player.maxpow * 2); Player.maxpow += 2; Player.pow += 2; Player.maxstr += 2; Player.str += 2; Player.maxagi += 2; Player.agi += 2; } } else if (Player.rank[MONKS]==MONK_MASTER_SIGHS) { if (Player.guildxp[MONKS] < 15000) print2("Seek more experience, Master."); else { print1("The Path is long, Master."); print2("You are now Master of Pain."); morewait(); print1("You feel enlightened."); morewait(); clearmsg(); Studiesleft +=4; Spells[S_RITUAL].known = TRUE; Spells[S_RESTORE].known = TRUE; Player.status[ILLUMINATION] = 1500; /* enlightened */ Player.rank[MONKS] = MONK_MASTER_PAINS; Player.maxhp += Player.maxpow; Player.maxcon += 1; Player.con += 1; Player.maxdex += 2; Player.dex += 2; } } else if (Player.rank[MONKS]==MONK_MASTER) { if (Player.guildxp[MONKS] < 9000) print2("Seek more experience, Master."); else { print1("Drink, weary Master."); print2("You are now Master of Sighs."); morewait(); clearmsg(); Studiesleft +=2; Spells[S_HASTE].known = TRUE; Player.rank[MONKS] = MONK_MASTER_SIGHS; Player.maxhp += Player.maxpow; Player.maxcon += 1; Player.con += 1; Player.maxiq += 2; Player.iq += 2; } } else if (Player.rank[MONKS]==MONK_MONK) { if (Player.guildxp[MONKS] < 3000) print2("Seek more experience, Brother."); else { print1("A thousand steps on the path, Brother."); print2("You are now a Master."); morewait(); clearmsg(); Studiesleft +=2; Spells[S_HEAL].known = TRUE; Player.rank[MONKS] = MONK_MASTER; Player.maxhp += Player.maxpow; Player.maxcon += 1; Player.con += 1; Player.maxpow += 2; Player.pow += 5; /* [sic] */ } } else if (Player.rank[MONKS]==MONK_TRAINEE) { if (Player.guildxp[MONKS] < 1500) print2("Seek more experience, Brother."); else { print1("You have sought wisdom, Brother."); print2("You are now a Tholian Monk."); morewait(); clearmsg(); Studiesleft +=2; Spells[S_CURE].known = TRUE; Player.rank[MONKS] = MONK_MONK; Player.maxhp += Player.maxpow; Player.maxcon += 1; Player.con += 1; Player.maxpow += 1; Player.pow += 1; } } } else if (action == 'c') { clearmsg(); if (Studiesleft > 0) { print1("Studies permitted: "); mnumprint(Studiesleft); nprint1(" Studies."); morewait(); } if (Studiesleft < 1) { print1("Sacrifice clears a cluttered heart. "); nprint1("Donate your worldly cash? [yn] "); if (ynq1()=='y') { if (Player.cash < 2000) { if ( Player.rank[MONKS] >= MONK_GRANDMASTER ) print2("You have not much to give, Grandmaster."); else if ( Player.rank[MONKS] >= MONK_MASTER ) print2("You have not much to give, Master."); else print2("You have not much to give, Brother."); } else { Player.cash = 0; dataprint(); Studiesleft = 1; } } } if (Studiesleft > 0) { learnspell(0); Studiesleft--; } } else if (action == 'd') { if (Player.rank[MONKS] < MONK_MASTER) { clearmsg(); print1("Only Masters can achieve extended meditation, child."); print2(" "); } else { int i = 0; clearmsg(); print1("Seeking inner truth..."); morewait(); clearmsg(); morewait(); toggle_item_use(TRUE); Player.cash = 0; Player.hp = Player.maxhp; Player.str = Player.maxstr; Player.agi = Player.maxagi; Player.con = Player.maxcon; Player.dex = Player.maxdex; Player.iq = Player.maxiq; Player.pow = Player.maxpow; for (i=0;i Primelevel) && find_and_remove_item(CORPSEID,LAWBRINGER)) { print2("You obtained the Crown of the Lawgiver!"); morewait(); print1("The Crown is ritually sacrificed to the Lords of Chaos."); print2("You are now the Prime Sorceror of the Inner Circle!"); strcpy(Prime,Player.name); Primelevel = Player.level; morewait(); Primebehavior = fixnpc(4); save_hiscore_npc(10); clearmsg(); print1("You learn the Spell of Disintegration!"); morewait(); clearmsg(); Spells[S_DISINTEGRATE].known = TRUE; Player.rank[CIRCLE] = PRIME; Player.maxpow += 10; Player.pow += 10; } menuclear(); menuprint("May we help you?\n\n"); menuprint("a: Become an Initiate of the Circle.\n"); menuprint("b: Raise your rank in the Circle.\n"); menuprint("c: Restore mana points\n"); menuprint("ESCAPE: Leave these Chambers of Power.\n"); showmenu(); action = mgetc(); if (action == ESCAPE) done = TRUE; else if (action == 'a') { if (Player.rank[CIRCLE] > 0) print2("You are already an initiate!"); else if (Player.alignment > 0) print2("You may not join -- you reek of Law!"); else if (Player.rank[COLLEGE] > 0) print2("Foolish Mage! You don't have the right attitude to Power!"); #ifdef INCLUDE_MONKS else if (Player.rank[MONKS] > 0) print2("Stupid monk. Go Meditate on this!"); #endif else { fee = 3000; fee += Player.alignment*100; fee += fee*(12 - Player.pow)/9; fee = max(100,fee); clearmsg(); mprint("For you, there is an initiation fee of"); mnumprint(fee); mprint(" Au."); print2("Pay it? [yn] "); if (ynq2() =='y') { if (Player.cash < fee) print3("Try again when you have the cash!"); else { print1("Prime Sorceror "); nprint1(Prime); print2("conducts your initiation into the circle of novices."); morewait(); clearmsg(); print1("You learn the Spell of Magic Missiles."); Spells[S_MISSILE].known = TRUE; Player.cash -= fee; dataprint(); Player.rank[CIRCLE] = INITIATE; Player.guildxp[CIRCLE] = 1; Player.maxpow++; Player.pow++; } } } } else if (action == 'b') { if (Player.rank[CIRCLE] == 0) print2("You have not even been initiated, yet!"); else if (Player.alignment > -1) { print1("Ahh! You have grown too lawful!!!"); print2("You are hereby blackballed from the Circle!"); Player.rank[CIRCLE] = -1; morewait(); clearmsg(); print1("A pox upon thee!"); if (! Player.immunity[INFECTION]) Player.status[DISEASED]+=100; print2("And a curse on your possessions!"); morewait(); clearmsg(); acquire(-1); clearmsg(); enchant(-1); bless(-1); print3("Die, false sorceror!"); p_damage(25,UNSTOPPABLE,"a sorceror's curse"); done = TRUE; } else if (Player.rank[CIRCLE]==PRIME) print2("You are at the pinnacle of mastery in the Circle."); else if (Player.rank[CIRCLE]==HIGHSORCEROR) { if (Player.level <= Primelevel) print2("You are not experienced enough to advance."); else print2("You must return with the Crown of the LawBringer!"); } else if (Player.rank[CIRCLE]==SORCEROR) { if (Player.guildxp[CIRCLE] < 4000) print2("You are not experienced enough to advance."); else { print1("You are now a High Sorceror of the Inner Circle!"); print2("You learn the Spell of Disruption!"); morewait(); clearmsg(); print1("To advance you must return with the LawBringer's Crown!"); print2("The LawBringer resides on Star Peak."); Spells[S_DISRUPT].known = TRUE; Player.rank[CIRCLE] = HIGHSORCEROR; Player.maxpow += 5; Player.pow += 5; } } else if (Player.rank[CIRCLE]==ENCHANTER) { if (Player.guildxp[CIRCLE] < 1500) print2("You are not experienced enough to advance."); else { print1("You are now a member of the Circle of Sorcerors!"); print2("You learn the Spell of Ball Lightning!"); Spells[S_LBALL].known = TRUE; Player.rank[CIRCLE] = SORCEROR; Player.maxpow += 2; Player.pow+=2; } } else if (Player.rank[CIRCLE]==INITIATE) { if (Player.guildxp[CIRCLE] < 400) print2("You are not experienced enough to advance."); else { print1("You are now a member of the Circle of Enchanters!"); print2("You learn the Spell of Firebolts."); Spells[S_FIREBOLT].known = TRUE; Player.rank[CIRCLE] = ENCHANTER; Player.maxpow+=2; Player.pow+=2; } } } else if (action == 'c') { done = TRUE; fee = Player.level*100; if (Player.rank[CIRCLE]) fee = fee / 2; clearmsg(); print1("That will be: "); mnumprint(fee); nprint1("Au. Pay it? [yn] "); if (ynq1()=='y') { if (Player.cash < fee) print2("Begone, deadbeat, or face the wrath of the Circle!"); else { Player.cash -= fee; total = calcmana(); while (Player.mana < total) { Player.mana++; dataprint(); } print2("Have a sorcerous day, now!"); } } else print2("Be seeing you!"); } } xredraw(); } void l_order(void) { pob newitem; pml ml; print1("The Headquarters of the Order of Paladins."); morewait(); if ((Player.rank[ORDER]==PALADIN) && (Player.level > Justiciarlevel) && gamestatusp(GAVE_STARGEM) && Player.alignment > 300) { print1("You have succeeded in your quest!"); morewait(); print1("The previous Justiciar steps down in your favor."); print2("You are now the Justiciar of Rampart and the Order!"); strcpy(Justiciar,Player.name); for (ml = Level->mlist; ml && (ml->m->id != HISCORE_NPC || ml->m->aux2 != 15); ml = ml->next) /* just scan for current Justicar */; if (ml) { m_remove(ml->m); /* signals "death" -- no credit to player, though */ } Justiciarlevel = Player.level; morewait(); Justiciarbehavior = fixnpc(4); save_hiscore_npc(15); clearmsg(); print1("You are awarded a blessed shield of deflection!"); morewait(); newitem = ((pob) checkmalloc(sizeof(objtype))); *newitem = Objects[OB_DEFLECT]; /* shield of deflection */ newitem->blessing = 9; gain_item(newitem); morewait(); Player.rank[ORDER] = JUSTICIAR; Player.maxstr += 5; Player.str += 5; Player.maxpow += 5; Player.pow += 5; } if (Player.alignment < 1) { if (Player.rank[ORDER] > 0) { print1("You have been tainted by chaos!"); print2("You are stripped of your rank in the Order!"); morewait(); Player.rank[ORDER]= -1; send_to_jail(); } else print1("Get thee hence, minion of chaos!"); } else if (Player.rank[ORDER] == -1) print1("Thou again? Get thee hence, minion of chaos!"); else if (Player.rank[ORDER] == 0) { if (Player.rank[ARENA] != 0) print1("We do not accept bloodstained gladiators into our Order."); else if (Player.rank[LEGION] != 0) print1("Go back to your barracks, mercenary!"); else { print1("Dost thou wish to join our Order? [yn] "); if (ynq1()=='y') { print1("Justiciar "); nprint1(Justiciar); nprint1(" welcomes you to the Order."); print2("'Mayest thou always follow the sublime path of Law.'"); morewait(); print1("You are now a Gallant in the Order."); print2("You are given a horse and a blessed spear."); morewait(); Player.rank[ORDER] = GALLANT; Player.guildxp[ORDER] = 1; setgamestatus(MOUNTED); newitem = ((pob) checkmalloc(sizeof(objtype))); *newitem = Objects[OB_SPEAR]; /* spear */ newitem->blessing = 9; newitem->plus = 1; newitem->known = 2; gain_item(newitem); } } } else { print1("'Welcome back, Paladin.'"); if (!gamestatusp(MOUNTED)) { print2("You are given a new steed."); setgamestatus(MOUNTED); } morewait(); clearmsg(); if ((Player.hp < Player.maxhp) || (Player.status[DISEASED]) || (Player.status[POISONED])) print1("Your wounds are treated by a medic."); cleanse(0); Player.hp = Player.maxhp; if ( Player.food <= 40 ) { Player.food = 40; print2("You get a hot meal from the refectory."); } morewait(); clearmsg(); if (Player.rank[ORDER]==PALADIN) { if (Player.level <= Justiciarlevel) print2("You are not experienced enough to advance."); else if (Player.alignment < 300) print2("You are not sufficiently Lawful as yet to advance."); else print2("You must give the Star Gem to the LawBringer."); } else if (Player.rank[ORDER]==CHEVALIER) { if (Player.guildxp[ORDER] < 4000) print2("You are not experienced enough to advance."); else if (Player.alignment < 200) print2("You are not sufficiently Lawful as yet to advance."); else { print1("You are made a Paladin of the Order!"); print2("You learn the Spell of Heroism and get Mithril Plate!"); morewait(); newitem = ((pob) checkmalloc(sizeof(objtype))); *newitem = Objects[OB_MITHRIL_PLATE]; /* mithril plate armor */ newitem->blessing = 9; newitem->known = 2; gain_item(newitem); morewait(); clearmsg(); print1("To advance you must rescue the Star Gem and return it"); print2("to its owner, the LawBringer, who resides on Star Peak."); morewait(); print1("The Star Gem was stolen by the cursed Prime Sorceror,"); print2("whose headquarters may be found beyond the Astral Plane."); morewait(); print1("The Oracle will send you to the Astral Plane if you"); print2("prove yourself worthy to her."); morewait(); Spells[S_HERO].known = TRUE; Player.rank[ORDER] = PALADIN; } } else if (Player.rank[ORDER]==GUARDIAN) { if (Player.guildxp[ORDER] < 1500) print2("You are not experienced enough to advance."); else if (Player.alignment < 125) print2("You are not yet sufficiently Lawful to advance."); else { Player.rank[ORDER] = CHEVALIER; print1("You are made a Chevalier of the Order!"); print2("You are given a Mace of Disruption!"); morewait(); clearmsg(); newitem = ((pob) checkmalloc(sizeof(objtype))); *newitem = Objects[OB_MACE_DISRUPT]; /* mace of disruption */ newitem->known = 2; gain_item(newitem); } } else if (Player.rank[ORDER]==GALLANT) { if (Player.guildxp[ORDER] < 400) print2("You are not experienced enough to advance."); else if (Player.alignment < 50) print2("You are not Lawful enough to advance."); else { print1("You are made a Guardian of the Order of Paladins!"); print2("You are given a Holy Hand Grenade (of Antioch)."); morewait(); print1("You hear a nasal monotone in the distance...."); print2("'...and the number of thy counting shall be 3...'"); morewait(); clearmsg(); Player.rank[ORDER] = GUARDIAN; newitem = ((pob) checkmalloc(sizeof(objtype))); *newitem = Objects[OB_ANTIOCH]; /* holy hand grenade. */ newitem->known = 2; gain_item(newitem); } } } showflags(); }