# zs - ⚡️ Zen Static site generator zs is an extremely minimal static site generator written in Go. [![Build Status](https://ci.mills.io/api/badges/prologic/zs/status.svg)](https://ci.mills.io/prologic/zs) Table of Contents: - [zs - ⚡️ Zen Static site generator](#zs----zen-static-site-generator) * [Quick Start](#quick-start) * [Features](#features) * [Installation](#installation) * [Ideology](#ideology) * [Configuration](#configuration) * [Configuration file](#configuration-file) * [Extensions (Markdown)](#extensions-markdown) * [Plugins](#plugins) * [Include](#include) * [RSS](#rss) * [Hooks](#hooks) * [Command line usage](#command-line-usage) * [zs Users](#zs-users) * [Frequently Asked Questions](#frequently-asked-questions) * [How do I link to other pages?](#how-do-i-link-to-other-pages) * [License](#license) ## Quick Start ```console go install go.mills.io/zs@latest mkdir .zs && cat > .zs/layout.html < {{ title }} {{ content }} EOF cat > index.md <" \ "$title" \ "http://zserge.com/$url" \ "$desc" \ "$(date --date @$timestamp -R)" \ "http://zserge.com/$url" \ "" fi done | sort -r -n | cut -d' ' -f2- ``` Looking for more plugins? Check out the [contrib/plugins](https://git.mills.io/prologic/zs/src/branch/main/contrib/plugins) collection! ## Hooks There are two special plugin names that are executed every time the build happens: - `prehook` -- executed before the build - `posthook` -- executed after the build You must have `prehook` for `posthook` to work correctly, and `posthook` will only run if a file has been modified. You can use these to customize the build before and after. For example you can use the `posthook` to minify CSS or Javascript files. `.zs/posthook`: ```bash #!/bin/sh minify -o "$ZS_OUTDIR/css/fa.min.css" "$ZS_OUTDIR/css/fa.css" minify -o "$ZS_OUTDIR/css/site.min.css" "$ZS_OUTDIR/css/site.css" ``` Looking for more hooks? Check out the [contrib/hooks](https://git.mills.io/prologic/zs/src/branch/main/contrib/hooks) collection! ## Command line usage - `zs build` re-builds your site. - `zs build ` re-builds one file and prints resulting content to stdout. - `zs watch` rebuilds your site every time you modify any file. - `zs serve` rebuilds your site and serve it on the network. - `zs var [var1 var2...]` prints a list of variables defined in the header of a given markdown file, or the values of certain variables (even if it's an empty string). For full usage see `zs --help`: ```console $ zs --help zs is an extremely minimal static site generator written in Go. - Keep your texts in markdown, or HTML format right in the main directory of your blog/site. - Keep all service files (extensions, layout pages, deployment scripts etc) in the .zs subdirectory. - Define variables in the header of the content files using YAML front matter: - Use placeholders for variables and plugins in your markdown or html files, e.g. {{ title }} or {{ command arg1 arg2 }}. - Write extensions in any language you like and put them into the .zs sub-directory. - Everything the extensions prints to stdout becomes the value of the placeholder. Usage: zs [command] Available Commands: build Builds the whole site or a single file completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell help Help about any command serve Serves the site and rebuilds automatically var Display variables for the specified file watch Watches for file changes and rebuilds modified files Flags: -c, --config string config file (default: .zs/config.yml) -D, --debug enable debug logging $($ZS_DEBUG) -d, --description string site description ($ZS_DESCRIPTION) -e, --extensions strings override and enable specific extensions (default [table,linkify,highlighting,fences,footnote,cjk,d2,embed,wikilink,tasklist,definitionlist,anchor,strikethrough,typography]) -h, --help help for zs -k, --keywords string site keywords ($ZS_KEYWORDS) -p, --production enable production mode ($ZS_PRODUCTION) -t, --title string site title ($ZS_TITLE) -v, --version version for zs Use "zs [command] --help" for more information about a command. ``` ## zs Users Here's a few sites that use `zs` today: - https://yarn.social -- Landing page of the decentralized microBlogging ecosystem. - https://salty.im -- Landing page of the e2e encrypted IndieWeb inspired messaging protocol. - https://zs.mills.io -- zs starter template demo. - https://prologic.shortcircuit.net.au -- Home page of James Mills / prologic (author of zs) Want to add your site here? File an issue or submit a pull-request! ## Frequently Asked Questions ### How do I link to other pages? Easy! Just write a normal HTML link using an `title` tag or a Markdown link using the normal `[title](/other.html)` syntax. ## License `zs` is licensed under the terms of the [MIT License](/LICENSE) and was originally forked from [zserge/zs](https://github.com/zserge/zs) also licensed under the terms of the [MIT License](/LICENSE.old). ---- [goldmark]: https://github.com/yuin/goldmark [anchor]: https://github.com/abhinav/goldmark-anchor [d2]: https://github.com/FurqanSoftware/goldmark-d2 [embed]: https://github.com/13rac1/goldmark-embed [fences]: https://github.com/stefanfritsch/goldmark-fences [highlighting]: https://github.com/yuin/goldmark-highlighting [wikilink]: https://github.com/abhinav/goldmark-wikilink