//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // FILE: prtget.cpp // AUTHOR: Johannes Winkelmann, jw@tks6.net // COPYRIGHT: (c) 2002 by Johannes Winkelmann // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; #include #include #include #include #include "prtget.h" #include "repository.h" #include "argparser.h" #include "installtransaction.h" #include "configuration.h" #include "stringhelper.h" #include "versioncomparator.h" #include "file.h" #include "process.h" #include "datafileparser.h" using namespace StringHelper; using VersionComparator::COMP_RESULT; using VersionComparator::GREATER; using VersionComparator::LESS; using VersionComparator::EQUAL; using VersionComparator::UNDEFINED; const string PrtGet::CONF_FILE = SYSCONFDIR"/prt-get.conf"; const string PrtGet::DEFAULT_CACHE_FILE = LOCALSTATEDIR"/lib/pkg/prt-get.cache"; /*! Create a PrtGet object \param parser the argument parser to be used */ PrtGet::PrtGet( const ArgParser* parser ) : m_repo( 0 ), m_config( 0 ), m_currentTransaction( 0 ), m_locker(), m_parser( parser ), m_cacheFile( DEFAULT_CACHE_FILE ), m_returnValue( PG_OK ) { if ( m_parser->wasCalledAsPrtCached() ) { m_appName = "prt-cache"; } else { m_appName = "prt-get"; } m_pkgDB = new PkgDB(m_parser->installRoot()); readConfig(); m_useRegex = m_config->useRegex() || m_parser->useRegex(); } /*! destruct PrtGet object */ PrtGet::~PrtGet() { if ( m_config ) { delete m_config; } if ( m_repo ) { delete m_repo; } delete m_pkgDB; } /*! print version and exit */ void PrtGet::printVersion() { cout << m_appName << " " << VERSION << " by Johannes Winkelmann, jw@tks6.net" << endl; } /*! print version, usage and exit */ void PrtGet::printUsage() { printVersion(); cout << "Usage: " << m_appName << " [options]" << endl; cout << "where commands are:" << endl; cout << "\nINFORMATION" << endl; cout << " help show this help" << endl; cout << " version show the current version" << endl; cout << " list [] show a list of available ports" << endl; cout << " printf print formatted list of available" << " ports" << endl; cout << " listinst [][--depsort] show a list of installed ports" << endl; cout << " listorphans list of ports with no " << "packages depending on them" << endl; cout << " info show info about a port" << endl; cout << " path show path of a port" << endl; cout << " readme show a port's readme file " << "(if it exists)" << endl; cout << " dup Find duplicate ports" << endl; cout << " isinst print whether ports are installed" << endl; cout << " current print installed version of port" << endl; cout << "\nDIFFERENCES / CHECK FOR UPDATES" << endl; cout << " diff list outdated packages (or check " << "args for change)" << endl; cout << " quickdiff same as diff but simple format" << endl; cout << " where opt can be:" << endl; cout << " --all display locked ports too" << endl; cout << " --prefer-higher prefer higher installed " << "versions over lower ports" << endl; cout << " --strict-diff override prefer higher " << "configuration setting" << endl; cout << "\nDEPENDENCIES" << endl; cout << " depends show dependencies for these ports" << endl; cout << " quickdep same as 'depends' but simple format" << endl; cout << " deptree show dependencies tree for " << endl; cout << " dependent [opt] show installed packages which " << "depend on 'port'" << endl; cout << " where opt can be:" << endl; cout << " --all list all dependent packages, not " << "only installed" << endl; cout << " --recursive print recursive listing" << endl; cout << " --tree print recursive tree listing" << endl; cout << "\nSEARCHING" << endl; cout << " search show port names containing 'expr'" << endl; cout << " dsearch show ports containing 'expr' in the " << "name or description" << endl; cout << " fsearch show file names in footprints matching " << "'pattern'" << endl; cout << "\nINSTALL, UPDATE and REMOVAL" << endl; cout << " install [opt] install ports" << endl; cout << " update [opt] update ports" << endl; cout << " grpinst [opt] install ports, stop on error" << endl; cout << " depinst [opt] install ports and their dependencies" << endl; cout << " remove [opt] remove ports" << endl; cout << " where opt can be:" << endl; cout << " -f, -fi force installation" << endl; cout << " -fr force rebuild" << endl; cout << " -uf update footprint" << endl; cout << " -if ignore footprint" << endl; cout << " -um update md5sum" << endl; cout << " -im ignore md5sum" << endl; cout << " -us update signature" << endl; cout << " -is ignore signature" << endl; cout << " --margs= pass 'string' to pkgmk" << endl; cout << " --aargs= pass 'string' to pkgadd" << endl; cout << " --rargs= pass 'string' to pkgrm" << endl; cout << " --test test mode" << endl; cout << " --log write log file"<< endl; cout << " --ignore=" << endl << " Don't install/update those packages"<< endl; cout << " --pre-install execute pre-install script" << endl; cout << " --post-install execute post-install script" << endl; cout << " --install-scripts execute " << "pre-install and post-install script" << endl; cout << "\nSYSTEM UPDATE " << endl; cout << " sysup [opt] update all outdated ports" << endl; cout << " where opt can be:" << endl; cout << " --nodeps don't sort by dependencies" << endl; cout << " --test test mode" << endl; cout << " --log write log file"<< endl; cout << " --prefer-higher prefer higher installed " << "versions over lower ones in ports tree" << endl; cout << " --strict-diff override prefer higher " << "configuration setting" << endl; cout << " lock lock current version " << "of packages" << endl; cout << " unlock unlock packages" << endl; cout << " listlocked list locked packages" << endl; cout << "\nFILE OPERATIONS " << endl; cout << " ls print a listing of the port's" << " directory" << endl; cout << " cat print out 'port/file'" << endl; cout << " edit edit 'port/file'" << endl; cout << "\nGENERAL OPTIONS" << endl; cout << " -v Show version in listing" << endl; cout << " -vv Show version and decription " << "in listing\n" << endl; cout << " --path Print path to port if appropriate (search, list, depends)\n" << endl; cout << " --cache Use a cache file" << endl; cout << " --config= Use alternative " << "configuration file" << endl; cout << " --install-root=.. Use alternative " << "install root directory" << endl; cout << " --no-std-config Don't parse " << "default configuration file" << endl; cout << " --config-prepend=.. Prepend '..' to" << " configuration" << endl; cout << " --config-append=.. Append '..' " << "to configuration" << endl; cout << " --config-set=.. Set configuration " << "data '..',\n" << " overriding config file" << endl; } /*! print list of duplicate packages in the repository */ void PrtGet::listShadowed() { if ( m_parser->useCache() ) { cout << m_appName << ": command 'dup' can't work on a cache" << endl; m_returnValue = PG_GENERAL_ERROR; return; } initRepo( true ); string format = "%p1 %v1 > %p2 %v2\n"; if (m_parser->otherArgs().size() > 0) format = *(m_parser->otherArgs().begin()); else if (m_parser->verbose() > 0) format = "* %n\n %p1 %v1 preceeds over \n %p2 %v2\n"; string output; Package* p1; Package* p2; list >::const_iterator it = m_repo->shadowedPackages().begin(); for ( ; it != m_repo->shadowedPackages().end(); ++it ) { output = format; p1 = it->second; p2 = it->first; StringHelper::replaceAll(output, "%n", p1->name()); StringHelper::replaceAll(output, "%p1", p1->path() + "/" + p1->name()); StringHelper::replaceAll(output, "%p2", p2->path() + "/" + p2->name()); StringHelper::replaceAll(output, "%v1", p1->versionReleaseString()); StringHelper::replaceAll(output, "%v2", p2->versionReleaseString()); StringHelper::replaceAll(output, "\\n", "\n"); cout << output; } } /*! find ports matching a pattern in repository \sa Repository::getMatchingPackages() */ void PrtGet::listPackages() { string arg = "*"; assertMaxArgCount(1); if ( m_parser->otherArgs().size() == 1 ) { arg = *(m_parser->otherArgs().begin()); } initRepo(); list packages; m_repo->getMatchingPackages( arg, packages ); if ( packages.size() ) { list::iterator it = packages.begin(); for ( ; it != packages.end(); ++it ) { if ( m_parser->printPath() ) { cout << (*it)->path() << "/"; } cout << (*it)->name(); if ( m_parser->verbose() > 0 ) { cout << " " << (*it)->version() << "-" << (*it)->release(); } if ( m_parser->verbose() > 1 && !(*it)->description().empty() ) { cout << ": " << (*it)->description(); } cout << endl; } } else { cout << "No matching packages found" << endl; } } /*! search repository for a certain pattern (which is read by the argument parser. \sa Repository::searchMatchingPackages() */ void PrtGet::searchPackages( bool searchDesc ) { assertExactArgCount(1); initRepo(); string arg = *(m_parser->otherArgs().begin()); list packages; m_repo->searchMatchingPackages( arg, packages, searchDesc ); if ( packages.size() ) { list::iterator it = packages.begin(); for ( ; it != packages.end(); ++it ) { if ( m_parser->printPath()) { cout << (*it)->path() << "/"; } cout << (*it)->name(); if ( m_parser->verbose() > 0 ) { cout << " " << (*it)->version() << "-" << (*it)->release(); } if ( m_parser->verbose() > 1 && !(*it)->description().empty() ) { cout << ": " << (*it)->description(); } cout << endl; } } else { m_returnValue = PG_GENERAL_ERROR; cout << "No matching packages found" << endl; } } /*! print info for a package */ void PrtGet::printInfo() { assertExactArgCount(1); initRepo(); string arg = *(m_parser->otherArgs().begin()); const Package* p = m_repo->getPackage( arg ); if ( p ) { cout << "Name: " << p->name() << "\n" << "Path: " << p->path() << "\n" << "Version: " << p->version() << "\n" << "Release: " << p->release() << endl; if ( !p->description().empty() ) { cout << "Description: " << p->description() << endl; } if ( !p->url().empty() ) { cout << "URL: " << p->url() << endl; } if ( !p->packager().empty() ) { cout << "Packager: " << p->packager() << endl; } if ( !p->maintainer().empty() ) { cout << "Maintainer: " << p->maintainer() << endl; } if ( !p->dependencies().empty() ) { cout << "Dependencies: " << p->dependencies() << endl; } // TODO: don't hardcode file names string filesString = ""; if ( p->hasReadme() ) { filesString += "README "; } if ( p->hasPreInstall() ) { filesString += "pre-install "; } if ( p->hasPostInstall() ) { filesString += "post-install "; } if ( filesString.length() > 0 ) { filesString = StringHelper::stripWhiteSpace( filesString ); StringHelper::replaceAll( filesString, " ", "," ); cout << "Files: " << filesString << endl; } if ( m_parser->verbose() > 0 && p->hasReadme()) { cout << "\n-- README ------" << endl; readme(); } } else { cerr << "Package '" << arg << "' not found" << endl; m_returnValue = PG_GENERAL_ERROR; return; } } /*! initialize repository \sa Repository::initFromCache() \sa Repository::initFromFS() */ void PrtGet::initRepo( bool listDuplicate ) { if ( !m_repo ) { m_repo = new Repository(m_useRegex); if ( m_parser->useCache() ) { if (m_config->cacheFile() != "") { m_cacheFile = m_config->cacheFile(); } Repository::CacheReadResult result = m_repo->initFromCache( m_cacheFile ); if ( result == Repository::ACCESS_ERR ) { cerr << "Can't open cache file: " << m_cacheFile << endl; m_returnValue = PG_GENERAL_ERROR; return; } else if ( result == Repository::FORMAT_ERR ) { cerr << "warning: your cache file " << m_cacheFile << " was made with an " << "older version " << "of prt-get." << "\nPlease regenerate it using" << "\n prt-get cache" << endl; m_returnValue = PG_GENERAL_ERROR; return; } struct stat cacheStat; struct stat confStat; stat( m_cacheFile.c_str(), &cacheStat ); stat( CONF_FILE.c_str(), &confStat ); if ( confStat.st_ctime > cacheStat.st_ctime ) { cerr << "Error: " << "Configuration changed after generating cache" << endl; cerr << "regenerate cache using 'prt-get cache'" << endl; m_returnValue = PG_GENERAL_ERROR; return; } if ( !m_parser->wasCalledAsPrtCached() ) { cout << m_appName << ": using cache" << endl; } } else { m_repo->initFromFS( m_config->rootList(), listDuplicate ); } } } /*! print whether a package is installed or not */ void PrtGet::isInstalled() { assertMinArgCount(1); const list& l = m_parser->otherArgs(); list::const_iterator it = l.begin(); for ( ; it != l.end(); ++it ) { bool isAlias = false; string aliasName; if ( m_pkgDB->isInstalled( *it, true, &isAlias, &aliasName ) ) { if (isAlias) { cout << *it << " is provided by package " << aliasName << endl; } else { cout << "package " << *it << " is installed" << endl; } } else { cout << "package " << *it << " is not installed" << endl; m_returnValue = PG_GENERAL_ERROR; } } } /*! list installed packages */ void PrtGet::listInstalled() { assertMaxArgCount(1); string arg = m_useRegex ? ".*" : "*"; if ( m_parser->otherArgs().size() == 1 ) { arg = *(m_parser->otherArgs().begin()); } map l; m_pkgDB->getMatchingPackages( arg, l, m_useRegex ); map::iterator it = l.begin(); if ( l.empty() && m_parser->otherArgs().size() > 0 ) { cerr << m_appName << ": No matching packages found" << endl; m_returnValue = PG_GENERAL_ERROR; return; } if (m_parser->depSort()) { // sort by dependency, without injecting missing ones // calcDependencies chokes on the full list, so go through the // ports one by one initRepo(); map::iterator mit; string name; while (!l.empty()) { mit = l.begin(); name = mit->first; l.erase(mit); InstallTransaction trans( name, m_repo, m_pkgDB, m_config ); InstallTransaction::InstallResult result __attribute__((unused)) = trans.calcDependencies(); const list& depRef = trans.dependencies(); list::const_iterator it = depRef.begin(); for (; it != depRef.end(); ++it) { if (l.find(*it) != l.end()) { cout << *it << endl; l.erase(*it); } } cout << name << endl; } } else { for ( ; it != l.end(); ++it ) { if ( m_parser->verbose() > 1 ) { // warning: will slow down the process... initRepo(); } cout << it->first.c_str(); if ( m_parser->verbose() > 0 ) { cout << " " << it->second.c_str(); } if ( m_parser->verbose() > 1 ) { const Package* p = m_repo->getPackage( it->first ); if ( p ) { cout << " " << p->description(); } } cout << endl; } } } /*! install package \param update whether this is an update operation \param group whether it's a group install (stop on error) */ void PrtGet::install( bool update, bool group, bool dependencies ) { assertMinArgCount(1); // this can be done without initRepo() const list& args = m_parser->otherArgs(); list::const_iterator it = args.begin(); if ( args.size() == 1 ) { for ( ; it != args.end(); ++it ) { string s = *it; if ( !update && m_pkgDB->isInstalled( s ) ) { cout << "package " << s << " is installed" << endl; m_returnValue = PG_GENERAL_ERROR; return; } else if ( update && !m_pkgDB->isInstalled( s ) ) { // can't upgrade cout << "package " << s << " is not installed" << endl; m_returnValue = PG_GENERAL_ERROR; return; } } } initRepo(); if (dependencies) { // calc dependencies InstallTransaction depTransaction( m_parser->otherArgs(), m_repo, m_pkgDB, m_config ); InstallTransaction::InstallResult result = depTransaction.calcDependencies(); // TODO: code duplication with printDepends! if ( result == InstallTransaction::CYCLIC_DEPEND ) { cerr << "prt-get: cyclic dependencies found" << endl; m_returnValue = PG_GENERAL_ERROR; return; } else if ( result == InstallTransaction::PACKAGE_NOT_FOUND ) { warnPackageNotFound(depTransaction); m_returnValue = PG_GENERAL_ERROR; return; } const list& depRef = depTransaction.dependencies(); list::const_iterator it = depRef.begin(); list deps; for (; it != depRef.end(); ++it) { if (!m_pkgDB->isInstalled(*it)) { deps.push_back(*it); } } InstallTransaction transaction( deps, m_repo, m_pkgDB, m_config ); executeTransaction( transaction, update, group ); } else { InstallTransaction transaction( m_parser->otherArgs(), m_repo, m_pkgDB, m_config ); executeTransaction( transaction, update, group ); } } void PrtGet::executeTransaction( InstallTransaction& transaction, bool update, bool group ) { m_currentTransaction = &transaction; string command[] = { "install", "installed" }; if ( update ) { command[0] = "update"; command[1] = "updated"; } if ( m_parser->isTest() ) { cout << "*** " << m_appName << ": test mode" << endl; } InstallTransaction::InstallResult result = transaction.install( m_parser, update, group ); bool failed = false; // TODO: use switch if ( result == InstallTransaction::PACKAGE_NOT_FOUND ) { cout << m_appName << ": package(s) not found" << endl; } else if ( result == InstallTransaction::PKGMK_EXEC_ERROR ) { cout << m_appName << " couldn't excecute pkgmk " << "(or alternative command). " << "Make sure it's installed properly" << endl; } else if ( result == InstallTransaction::PKGMK_FAILURE ) { cout << m_appName << ": error while " << command[0] << endl; } else if ( result == InstallTransaction::NO_PACKAGE_GIVEN ) { cout << m_appName << ": no package specified for " << command[0] << endl; } else if ( result == InstallTransaction::PKGADD_EXEC_ERROR ) { cout << m_appName << " couldn't excecute pkgadd. " << "Make sure it's installed properly" << endl; } else if ( result == InstallTransaction::PKGDEST_ERROR ) { cout << m_appName << ": error changing to PKGDEST directory " << transaction.getPkgmkPackageDir() << endl; failed = true; } else if ( result == InstallTransaction::PKGADD_FAILURE ) { cout << m_appName << ": error while pkgadding " << endl; } else if ( result == InstallTransaction::LOG_DIR_FAILURE ) { cout << m_appName << ": can't create log file directory " << endl; } else if ( result == InstallTransaction::LOG_FILE_FAILURE ) { cout << m_appName << ": can't create log file" << endl; failed = true; } else if ( result == InstallTransaction::NO_LOG_FILE ) { cout << m_appName << ": no log file specified, but logging enabled" << endl; failed = true; } else if ( result == InstallTransaction::CANT_LOCK_LOG_FILE ) { cout << m_appName << ": can't create lock file for the log file. " << "\nMaybe there's another instance of prt-get using the same " << "file." << "\nIf this is a stale not, please remove " // TODO: file name of lock file << endl; failed = true; } else if ( result != InstallTransaction::SUCCESS ) { cout << m_appName << ": Unknown error " << result << endl; failed = true; } if ( !failed ) { evaluateResult( transaction, update ); if ( m_parser->isTest() ) { cout << "\n*** " << m_appName << ": test mode end" << endl; } } else { m_returnValue = PG_INSTALL_ERROR; } m_currentTransaction = 0; } /*! print dependency listing \param simpleListing Whether it should be in a simple format */ void PrtGet::printDepends( bool simpleListing ) { assertMinArgCount(1); initRepo(); InstallTransaction transaction( m_parser->otherArgs(), m_repo, m_pkgDB, m_config ); InstallTransaction::InstallResult result = transaction.calcDependencies(); if ( result == InstallTransaction::CYCLIC_DEPEND ) { cerr << "prt-get: cyclic dependencies found" << endl; m_returnValue = PG_GENERAL_ERROR; return; } else if ( result == InstallTransaction::PACKAGE_NOT_FOUND ) { warnPackageNotFound(transaction); m_returnValue = PG_GENERAL_ERROR; return; } const list& deps = transaction.dependencies(); if ( simpleListing ) { if ( deps.size() > 0 ) { list::const_iterator it = deps.begin(); for ( ; it != deps.end(); ++it ) { cout << *it << " "; } cout << endl; } } else { if ( deps.size() > 0 ) { cout << "-- dependencies ([i] = installed)" << endl; list::const_iterator it = deps.begin(); bool isAlias; string provider; for ( ; it != deps.end(); ++it ) { isAlias = false; if ( m_pkgDB->isInstalled( *it, true, &isAlias, &provider ) ) { cout << "[i] "; } else { cout << "[ ] "; } if (m_parser->printPath() > 0) { cout << m_repo->getPackage(*it)->path() << "/"; } cout << *it; if (isAlias) { cout << " (provided by " << provider << ")"; } cout << endl; } } else { cout << "No dependencies found" << endl; } const list< pair >& missing = transaction.missing(); if ( missing.size() ) { list< pair >::const_iterator mit = missing.begin(); cout << endl << "-- missing packages" << endl; for ( ; mit != missing.end(); ++mit ) { cout << mit->first; if ( !mit->second.empty() ) { cout << " from " << mit->second; } cout << endl; } } } } /*! read the config file */ void PrtGet::readConfig() { string fName = CONF_FILE; if ( m_parser->isAlternateConfigGiven() ) { fName = m_parser->alternateConfigFile(); } if ( m_config ) { return; // don't initialize twice } m_config = new Configuration( fName, m_parser ); if (!m_parser->noStdConfig()) { if ( !m_config->parse() ) { cerr << "Can't read config file " << fName << ". Exiting" << endl; m_returnValue = PG_GENERAL_ERROR; return; } } const list< pair >& configData = m_parser->configData(); list< pair >::const_iterator it = configData.begin(); for (; it != configData.end(); ++it) { m_config->addConfig(it->first, it->second == ArgParser::CONFIG_SET, it->second == ArgParser::CONFIG_PREPEND); } } /*! print a simple list of port which are installed in a different version than they are in the repository */ void PrtGet::printQuickDiff() { initRepo(); const map& installed = m_pkgDB->installedPackages(); map::const_iterator it = installed.begin(); const Package* p = 0; COMP_RESULT result; for ( ; it != installed.end(); ++it ) { if ( !m_locker.isLocked( it->first ) ) { p = m_repo->getPackage( it->first ); if ( p ) { result = compareVersions(p->versionReleaseString(), it->second); if (result == GREATER) { cout << it->first.c_str() << " "; } // we don't care about undefined diffs here } } } cout << endl; } void PrtGet::printFormattedDiffLine(const string& name, const string& versionInstalled, const string& versionPortsTree, bool isLocked) { cout.setf( ios::left, ios::adjustfield ); cout.width( 20 ); cout.fill( ' ' ); cout << name; cout.width( 20 ); cout.fill( ' ' ); cout << versionInstalled; string locked = ""; if ( isLocked ) { locked = "locked"; } cout.width( 20 ); cout.fill( ' ' ); cout << versionPortsTree << locked << endl; } /*! print an overview of port which are installed in a different version than they are in the repository */ void PrtGet::printDiff() { initRepo(); map< string, string > l; if ( m_parser->otherArgs().size() > 0 ) { expandWildcardsPkgDB( m_parser->otherArgs(), l ); } if ( l.size() < m_parser->otherArgs().size() ) { cerr << "prt-get: no matching installed packages found" << endl; m_returnValue = PG_GENERAL_ERROR; return; } #if 0 // const list& l = m_parser->otherArgs(); // list::const_iterator checkIt = l.begin(); // check whether ports to be checked are installed list< string >::iterator checkIt = l.begin(); for ( ; checkIt != l.end(); ++checkIt ) { if ( ! m_pkgDB->isInstalled( *checkIt ) ) { cerr << "Port not installed: " << *checkIt << endl; m_returnValue = PG_GENERAL_ERROR; return; } } #endif const map& installed = m_pkgDB->installedPackages(); map::const_iterator it = installed.begin(); const Package* p = 0; size_t count = 0; COMP_RESULT result; for ( ; it != installed.end(); ++it ) { p = m_repo->getPackage( it->first ); if ( p ) { if ( l.size() && l.find( it->first ) == l.end() ) { continue; } result = compareVersions( p->versionReleaseString(), it->second ); if (result == GREATER ) { if ( !m_locker.isLocked( it->first ) || m_parser->otherArgs().size() > 0 || m_parser->all() ) { ++count; if ( count == 1 ) { cout << "Differences between installed packages " << "and ports tree:\n" << endl; printFormattedDiffLine("Port", "Installed", "Available in the ports tree", false); cout << endl; } printFormattedDiffLine(it->first, it->second, p->versionReleaseString(), m_locker.isLocked( it->first )); } } else if (result == UNDEFINED) { m_undefinedVersionComp.push_back(make_pair(p, it->second)); } } } if (m_undefinedVersionComp.size()) { cout << "\n\n" << "Undecidable version differences (use --strict-diff)" << endl << endl; printFormattedDiffLine("Port", "Installed", "Available in the ports tree", false); cout << endl; list< pair< const Package*, string > >::iterator it = m_undefinedVersionComp.begin(); const Package* p; for (; it != m_undefinedVersionComp.end(); ++it) { p = it->first; printFormattedDiffLine(p->name(), it->second, p->versionReleaseString(), false); } } if ( count == 0 ) { cout << "No differences found" << endl; } } /*! print path to a port */ void PrtGet::printPath() { assertExactArgCount(1); initRepo(); string arg = *(m_parser->otherArgs().begin()); const Package* p = m_repo->getPackage( arg ); if ( p ) { cout << p->path() << "/" << p->name() << endl; } else { cerr << "Package '" << arg << "' not found" << endl; m_returnValue = PG_GENERAL_ERROR; return; } } /*! helper method to print the result of an InstallTransaction */ void PrtGet::evaluateResult( InstallTransaction& transaction, bool update, bool interrupted ) { int errors = 0; // TODO: this is a duplicate, it's in install() as well string command[] = { "install", "installed" }; if ( update ) { command[0] = "update"; command[1] = "updated"; } const list& ignored = transaction.ignoredPackages(); if ( ignored.size() ) { cout << endl << "-- Packages ignored" << endl; list::const_iterator iit = ignored.begin(); for ( ; iit != ignored.end(); ++iit ) { cout << *iit << endl; } } const list< pair >& missing = transaction.missing(); if ( missing.size() ) { ++errors; cout << endl << "-- Packages not found" << endl; list< pair >::const_iterator mit = missing.begin(); for ( ; mit != missing.end(); ++mit ) { cout << mit->first; if ( mit->second != "" ) { cout << " from " << mit->second; } cout << endl; } } const list< pair >& error = transaction.installError(); if ( error.size() ) { ++errors; cout << endl << "-- Packages where " << command[0] << " failed" << endl; list< pair >::const_iterator eit = error.begin(); for ( ; eit != error.end(); ++eit ) { cout << eit->first; reportPrePost(eit->second); cout << endl; } } const list& already = transaction.alreadyInstalledPackages(); if ( already.size() ) { cout << endl << "-- Packages installed before this run (ignored)" << endl; list::const_iterator ait = already.begin(); bool isAlias; string provider; for ( ; ait != already.end(); ++ait ) { isAlias = false; cout << *ait; m_pkgDB->isInstalled(*ait, true, &isAlias, &provider); if (isAlias) { cout << " (provided by " << provider << ")"; } cout << endl; } } const list< pair >& inst = transaction.installedPackages(); if ( inst.size() ) { cout << endl << "-- Packages " << command[1] << endl; list< pair >::const_iterator iit = inst.begin(); bool atLeastOnePackageHasReadme = false; for ( ; iit != inst.end(); ++iit ) { if (m_parser->printPath()) { // TODO: avoid lookup by tuning // InstallTransaction::installedPackages() const Package* p = m_repo->getPackage(iit->first); if (p) { cout << p->path() << "/"; } } cout << iit->first; if ( iit->second.hasReadme ) { if ( m_config->readmeMode() == Configuration::COMPACT_README ) { cout << " (README)"; } atLeastOnePackageHasReadme = true; } reportPrePost(iit->second); cout << endl; } // readme's if ( atLeastOnePackageHasReadme ) { if ( m_config->readmeMode() == Configuration::VERBOSE_README ) { cout << endl << "-- " << command[1] << " packages with README files:" << endl; iit = inst.begin(); for ( ; iit != inst.end(); ++iit ) { if ( iit->second.hasReadme ) { cout << iit->first; cout << endl; } } } } } if ( m_undefinedVersionComp.size() ) { cout << endl << "-- Packages with undecidable version " << "difference (use --strict-diff)" << endl; list< pair >::const_iterator uit = m_undefinedVersionComp.begin(); const Package * p; for ( ; uit != m_undefinedVersionComp.end(); ++uit ) { p = uit->first; cout << p->name() << " (" << uit->second << " vs " << p->versionReleaseString() << ")" << endl; } } cout << endl; if ( errors == 0 && !interrupted ) { cout << "prt-get: " << command[1] << " successfully" << endl; } else { m_returnValue = PG_PARTIAL_INSTALL_ERROR; } } void PrtGet::reportPrePost(const InstallTransaction::InstallInfo& info) { if (info.preState != InstallTransaction::NONEXISTENT) { string preString = "failed"; if (info.preState == InstallTransaction::EXEC_SUCCESS) { preString = "ok"; } cout << " [pre: " << preString << "]"; } if ( info.postState != InstallTransaction::NONEXISTENT) { string postString = "failed"; if (info.postState == InstallTransaction::EXEC_SUCCESS){ postString = "ok"; } cout << " [post: " << postString << "]"; } } /*! create a cache */ void PrtGet::createCache() { if ( m_parser->wasCalledAsPrtCached() ) { cerr << m_appName << ": Can't create cache from cache. " << "Use prt-get instead" << endl; m_returnValue = PG_GENERAL_ERROR; return; } initRepo(); if (m_config->cacheFile() != "") { m_cacheFile = m_config->cacheFile(); } Repository::WriteResult result = m_repo->writeCache( m_cacheFile ); if ( result == Repository::DIR_ERR ) { cerr << "Can't create cache directory " << m_cacheFile << endl; m_returnValue = PG_GENERAL_ERROR; return; } if ( result == Repository::FILE_ERR ) { cerr << "Can't open cache file " << m_cacheFile << " for writing" << endl; m_returnValue = PG_GENERAL_ERROR; return; } } /*! \return true if v1 is greater than v2 */ COMP_RESULT PrtGet::compareVersions( const string& v1, const string& v2 ) { if (v1 == v2) { return EQUAL; } if (m_parser->preferHigher() || (m_config->preferHigher() && !m_parser->strictDiff())) { COMP_RESULT result = VersionComparator::compareVersions(v1, v2); return result; } if (v1 != v2) return GREATER; return LESS; } int PrtGet::returnValue() const { return m_returnValue; } /*! print a list of packages available in the repository */ void PrtGet::printf() { map sortedOutput; assertExactArgCount(1); initRepo(); string filter = m_parser->useRegex() ? "." : "*"; if ( m_parser->hasFilter() ) { filter = m_parser->filter(); } list packages; m_repo->getMatchingPackages( filter, packages ); list::const_iterator it = packages.begin(); const string formatString = *(m_parser->otherArgs().begin()); string sortString = StringHelper::stripWhiteSpace( m_parser->sortArgs() ); sortString += "%n"; // make it unique for ( ; it != packages.end(); ++it ) { string output = formatString; string sortkey = sortString; const Package* p = *it; StringHelper::replaceAll( output, "%n", p->name() ); StringHelper::replaceAll( output, "%u", p->url() ); StringHelper::replaceAll( output, "%p", p->path() ); StringHelper::replaceAll( output, "%v", p->version() ); StringHelper::replaceAll( output, "%r", p->release() ); StringHelper::replaceAll( output, "%d", p->description() ); StringHelper::replaceAll( output, "%e", p->dependencies() ); StringHelper::replaceAll( output, "%P", p->packager() ); StringHelper::replaceAll( output, "%M", p->maintainer() ); StringHelper::replaceAll( output, "\\t", "\t" ); StringHelper::replaceAll( output, "\\n", "\n" ); StringHelper::replaceAll( sortkey, "%n", p->name() ); StringHelper::replaceAll( sortkey, "%u", p->url() ); StringHelper::replaceAll( sortkey, "%p", p->path() ); StringHelper::replaceAll( sortkey, "%v", p->version() ); StringHelper::replaceAll( sortkey, "%r", p->release() ); StringHelper::replaceAll( sortkey, "%d", p->description() ); StringHelper::replaceAll( sortkey, "%e", p->dependencies() ); StringHelper::replaceAll( sortkey, "%P", p->packager() ); StringHelper::replaceAll( sortkey, "%M", p->maintainer() ); string isInst = "no"; if ( m_pkgDB->isInstalled( p->name() ) ) { string ip = p->name() + "-" + m_pkgDB->getPackageVersion( p->name() ); if ( ip == p->name() + "-" + p->versionReleaseString() ) { isInst = "yes"; } else { isInst = "diff"; } } StringHelper::replaceAll( output, "%i", isInst ); StringHelper::replaceAll( sortkey, "%i", isInst ); string isLocked = m_locker.isLocked( p->name() ) ? "yes" : "no"; StringHelper::replaceAll( output, "%l", isLocked ); StringHelper::replaceAll( sortkey, "%l", isLocked ); string hasReadme = p->hasReadme() ? "yes" : "no"; StringHelper::replaceAll( output, "%R", hasReadme ); StringHelper::replaceAll( sortkey, "%R", hasReadme ); string hasPreInstall = p->hasPreInstall() ? "yes" : "no"; StringHelper::replaceAll( output, "%E", hasPreInstall ); StringHelper::replaceAll( sortkey, "%E", hasPreInstall ); string hasPostInstall = p->hasPostInstall() ? "yes" : "no"; StringHelper::replaceAll( output, "%O", hasPostInstall ); StringHelper::replaceAll( sortkey, "%O", hasPostInstall ); sortedOutput[sortkey] = output; } map::iterator sortIt = sortedOutput.begin(); for ( ; sortIt != sortedOutput.end(); ++sortIt ) { if ( StringHelper::stripWhiteSpace(sortIt->second).length() > 0) { cout << sortIt->second; } } } void PrtGet::readme() { assertExactArgCount(1); initRepo(); string arg = *(m_parser->otherArgs().begin()); const Package* p = m_repo->getPackage( arg ); if ( p ) { string file = p->path() + "/" + p->name() + "/README"; printFile(file); } else { cerr << "Package '" << arg << "' not found" << endl; m_returnValue = PG_GENERAL_ERROR; return; } } bool PrtGet::printFile(const string& file) { if (!File::fileExists(file)) { return false; } char* pager = getenv("PAGER"); if (pager) { Process proc(pager, file); proc.executeShell(); } else { FILE* fp = fopen( file.c_str(), "r" ); char buf[255]; if ( fp ) { while ( fgets( buf, 255, fp ) ) { cout << buf; } fclose( fp ); } } return true; } void PrtGet::printDependent() { assertExactArgCount(1); initRepo(); string arg = *(m_parser->otherArgs().begin()); if (m_parser->printTree()) { cout << arg << endl; printDependent(arg, 2); } else { printDependent(arg, 0); } } void PrtGet::printDependent(const string& dep, int level) { map::const_iterator it = m_repo->packages().begin(); static map shownMap; set dependent; for ( ; it != m_repo->packages().end(); ++it ) { // TODO: is the following line needed? const Package* p = it->second; if ( p && p->dependencies().find( dep ) != string::npos ) { list tokens; StringHelper::split( p->dependencies(), ',', tokens ); list::iterator it = find( tokens.begin(), tokens.end(), dep ); if ( it != tokens.end() ) { dependent.insert( p ); } } } // - there are two modes, tree and non-tree recursive mode; in // tree mode, packages are shown multiple times, in non tree // recursive mode they're only printed the first time; this is not // necessarily optimal for rebuilding: // // a -> b -> d // \ ^ // > c / // // trying to rebuild 'd' before 'c' might possibly fail string indent = ""; if (m_parser->printTree()) { for (int i = 0; i < level; ++i) { indent += " "; } } set::iterator it2 = dependent.begin(); for ( ; it2 != dependent.end(); ++it2 ) { const Package* p = *it2; if (m_parser->recursive() && !m_parser->printTree()) { if (shownMap[p->name()]) { continue; } shownMap[p->name()] = true; } if ( m_parser->all() || m_pkgDB->isInstalled( p->name() ) ) { cout << indent << p->name(); if ( m_parser->verbose() > 0 ) { cout << " " << p->versionReleaseString(); } if ( m_parser->verbose() > 1 ) { cout << ": " << p->description(); } cout << endl; if (m_parser->recursive()) { printDependent( p->name(), level+2 ); } } } } void PrtGet::listOrphans() { initRepo(); map installed = m_pkgDB->installedPackages(); map required; map::iterator it = installed.begin(); for (; it != installed.end(); ++it) { list tokens; const Package* p = m_repo->getPackage(it->first); if (p) { StringHelper::split( p->dependencies(), ',', tokens ); list::iterator lit = tokens.begin(); for (; lit != tokens.end(); ++lit) { required[*lit] = true; } } } // - we could store the package pointer in another map to avoid // another getPackage lockup, but it seems better to optimized for // memory since it's only used when called with -vv it = installed.begin(); for (; it != installed.end(); ++it) { if (!required[it->first]) { cout << it->first; if ( m_parser->verbose() > 0 ) { cout << " " << it->second; } if ( m_parser->verbose() > 1 ) { const Package* p = m_repo->getPackage(it->first); if (p) { cout << ": " << p->description(); } } cout << endl; } } } void PrtGet::warnPackageNotFound(InstallTransaction& transaction) { cerr << "The package '"; cerr << transaction.missing().begin()->first; cerr << "' could not be found: " << endl; } void PrtGet::sysup() { // TODO: refactor getDifferentPackages from diff/quickdiff initRepo(); list* target; list packagesToUpdate; list sortedList; const map& installed = m_pkgDB->installedPackages(); map::const_iterator it = installed.begin(); const Package* p = 0; COMP_RESULT result; for ( ; it != installed.end(); ++it ) { if ( !m_locker.isLocked( it->first ) ) { p = m_repo->getPackage( it->first ); if ( p ) { result = compareVersions( p->versionReleaseString(), it->second ); if (result == GREATER ) { packagesToUpdate.push_back( it->first ); } else if (result == UNDEFINED ) { m_undefinedVersionComp.push_back(make_pair(p, it->second)); } } } } if ( packagesToUpdate.empty() ) { cout << "System is up to date" << endl; return; } if ( m_parser->nodeps() ) { target = &packagesToUpdate; } else { // sort by dependency // TODO: refactor code from printDepends InstallTransaction depTrans( packagesToUpdate, m_repo, m_pkgDB, m_config ); InstallTransaction::InstallResult result = depTrans.calcDependencies(); if ( result == InstallTransaction::CYCLIC_DEPEND ) { cerr << "cyclic dependencies" << endl; m_returnValue = PG_GENERAL_ERROR; return; } else if ( result == InstallTransaction::PACKAGE_NOT_FOUND ) { warnPackageNotFound(depTrans); m_returnValue = PG_GENERAL_ERROR; return; } const list& deps = depTrans.dependencies(); if ( deps.size() > 0 ) { list::const_iterator it = deps.begin(); for ( ; it != deps.end(); ++it ) { if ( find( packagesToUpdate.begin(), packagesToUpdate.end(), *it ) != packagesToUpdate.end() ) {; sortedList.push_back( *it ); } } } target = &sortedList; } InstallTransaction transaction( *target, m_repo, m_pkgDB, m_config ); executeTransaction( transaction, true, false ); } void PrtGet::expandWildcardsPkgDB( const list& in, map& target ) { list::const_iterator it = in.begin(); for ( ; it != in.end(); ++it ) { map l; m_pkgDB->getMatchingPackages( *it, l, m_useRegex ); map::iterator iit = l.begin(); for ( ; iit != l.end(); ++iit ) { target[iit->first] = iit->second; } } } void PrtGet::expandWildcardsRepo( const list& in, list& target ) { list::const_iterator it = in.begin(); for ( ; it != in.end(); ++it ) { list l; m_repo->getMatchingPackages( *it, l ); list::iterator iit = l.begin(); for ( ; iit != l.end(); ++iit ) { target.push_back( (*iit)->name() ); } } } void PrtGet::current() { assertExactArgCount(1); const map& installed = m_pkgDB->installedPackages(); map::const_iterator it = installed.begin(); string search = *(m_parser->otherArgs().begin()); for ( ; it != installed.end(); ++it ) { if ( it->first == search ) { cout << it->second.c_str() << endl; return; } } cout << "Package " << search << " not installed" << endl; m_returnValue = 1; } SignalHandler::HandlerResult PrtGet::handleSignal( int signal ) { // TODO: second argument could also be true: // TODO: kill installtransaction cout << "prt-get: interrupted" << endl; if ( m_currentTransaction ) { evaluateResult( *m_currentTransaction, false, true ); } return EXIT; } /*! find files matching a pattern in repository \sa Repository::getMatchingPackages() */ void PrtGet::fsearch() { assertMinArgCount(1); string arg = "*"; if ( m_parser->otherArgs().size() == 1 ) { arg = *(m_parser->otherArgs().begin()); } initRepo(); const map& packages = m_repo->packages(); map::const_iterator it = packages.begin(); bool first = true; for ( ; it != packages.end(); ++it ) { list matches; string fp = it->second->path() + "/" + it->second->name() + "/" + ".footprint"; if ( File::grep( fp, arg, matches, m_parser->fullPath(), m_useRegex)) { if ( matches.size() > 0 ) { if ( first ) { first = false; } else { cout << endl; } cout << "Found in " << it->second->path() << "/" << it->first << ":" << endl; list::iterator it = matches.begin(); for ( ; it != matches.end(); ++it ) { cout << " " << *it << endl; } } } } if ( first ) { m_returnValue = PG_GENERAL_ERROR; } } void PrtGet::setLock( bool lock ) { assertMinArgCount(1); if ( lock ) { initRepo(); } const list& args = m_parser->otherArgs(); list::const_iterator it = args.begin(); for ( ; it != args.end(); ++it ) { if ( lock ) { if (m_pkgDB->isInstalled( *it )) { if (!m_locker.lock( *it )) { cerr << "Already locked: " << *it << endl; m_returnValue = PG_GENERAL_ERROR; } } else { cerr << "Package '" << *it << "' not found" << endl; m_returnValue = PG_GENERAL_ERROR; return; } } else { if ( !m_locker.unlock( *it ) ) { cerr << "Not locked previously: " << *it << endl; m_returnValue = PG_GENERAL_ERROR; return; } } } if (!m_locker.store()) { cerr << "Failed to write lock data" << endl; m_returnValue = PG_GENERAL_ERROR; } } void PrtGet::listLocked() { // shares some code with listInstalled if ( m_locker.openFailed() ) { cerr << "Failed to open lock data file" << endl; m_returnValue = PG_GENERAL_ERROR; } const map& l = m_pkgDB->installedPackages(); if ( l.empty() ) { return; } if ( m_parser->verbose() > 1 ) { // warning: will slow down the process... initRepo(); } const vector& lockedPackages = m_locker.lockedPackages(); vector::const_iterator it = lockedPackages.begin(); for ( ; it != lockedPackages.end(); ++it ) { cout << *it; if ( m_parser->verbose() > 0 ) { cout << " " << m_pkgDB->getPackageVersion(*it); } if ( m_parser->verbose() > 1 ) { const Package* p = m_repo->getPackage( *it ); if ( p ) { cout << ": " << p->description(); } } cout << endl; } } void PrtGet::edit() { assertMinArgCount(1); assertMaxArgCount(2); char* editor = getenv("EDITOR"); if (editor) { initRepo(); list::const_iterator it = m_parser->otherArgs().begin(); string arg = *it; const Package* p = m_repo->getPackage( arg ); if ( p ) { string fileName = "Pkgfile"; if (++it != m_parser->otherArgs().end()) { fileName = *it; } string file = p->path() + "/" + p->name() + "/" + fileName; Process proc(editor, file); m_returnValue = proc.executeShell(); if (m_returnValue) { cerr << "error while execution the editor" << endl; } } else { cerr << "Package '" << arg << "' not found" << endl; m_returnValue = PG_GENERAL_ERROR; return; } } else { cerr << "Environment variable EDITOR not set" << endl;; m_returnValue = PG_GENERAL_ERROR; return; } } void PrtGet::ls() { assertExactArgCount(1); initRepo(); list::const_iterator it = m_parser->otherArgs().begin(); string arg = *it; const Package* p = m_repo->getPackage( arg ); if ( p ) { string dirname = p->path() + "/" + p->name(); DIR* dir = opendir(dirname.c_str()); struct dirent* entry; vector files; while ((entry = readdir(dir))) { string dName = entry->d_name; if (dName != "." && dName != "..") { files.push_back(dName); } } closedir(dir); sort(files.begin(), files.end()); vector::iterator fit = files.begin(); for (; fit != files.end(); ++fit) { if (m_parser->printPath()) { cout << p->path() + "/" +p->name() + "/"; } cout << *fit << endl; } } else { cerr << "Package '" << arg << "' not found" << endl; m_returnValue = PG_GENERAL_ERROR; return; } } void PrtGet::cat() { assertMinArgCount(1); assertMaxArgCount(2); initRepo(); list::const_iterator it = m_parser->otherArgs().begin(); string arg = *it; const Package* p = m_repo->getPackage( arg ); if ( p ) { string fileName = "Pkgfile"; if (++it != m_parser->otherArgs().end()) { fileName = *it; } string file = p->path() + "/" + p->name() + "/" + fileName; if (!printFile(file)) { cerr << "File '" << *it << "' not found" << endl; m_returnValue = PG_GENERAL_ERROR; return; } } else { cerr << "Package '" << arg << "' not found" << endl; m_returnValue = PG_GENERAL_ERROR; return; } } void PrtGet::remove() { assertMinArgCount(1); list removed; list failed; list notInstalled; if ( m_parser->isTest() ) { cout << "*** " << m_appName << ": test mode" << endl; } string command = InstallTransaction::PKGRM_DEFAULT_COMMAND; if (m_config->removeCommand() != "") { command = m_config->removeCommand(); } const list& args = m_parser->otherArgs(); list::const_iterator it = args.begin(); for ( ; it != args.end(); ++it ) { if (m_pkgDB->isInstalled(*it)) { // TODO: prettify string args = ""; if (m_parser->installRoot() != "") { args = "-r " + m_parser->installRoot() + " "; } args += (m_parser->pkgrmArgs() + " " + *it); Process proc(command, args); if (m_parser->isTest() || proc.executeShell() == 0) { removed.push_back(*it); if (m_locker.isLocked(*it)) { m_locker.unlock(*it); m_locker.store(); } } else { failed.push_back(*it); } } else { notInstalled.push_back(*it); } } if ( removed.size() ) { cout << endl << "-- Packages removed" << endl; list::const_iterator it = removed.begin(); for ( ; it != removed.end(); ++it ) { cout << *it << endl; } } if ( failed.size() ) { cout << endl << "-- Packages where removal failed" << endl; list::const_iterator it = failed.begin(); for ( ; it != failed.end(); ++it ) { cout << *it << endl; } } if ( notInstalled.size() ) { cout << endl << "-- Packages which were not installed" << endl; list::const_iterator it = notInstalled.begin(); for ( ; it != notInstalled.end(); ++it ) { cout << *it << endl; } } if ( m_parser->isTest() ) { cout << "*** " << m_appName << ": test mode end" << endl; } } void PrtGet::assertMaxArgCount(size_t count) { if ( m_parser->otherArgs().size() > count ) { argCountFailure(count, "at most"); } } void PrtGet::assertExactArgCount(size_t count) { if ( m_parser->otherArgs().size() != count ) { argCountFailure(count, "exactly"); } } void PrtGet::assertMinArgCount(size_t count) { if ( m_parser->otherArgs().size() < count ) { argCountFailure(count, "at least"); } } void PrtGet::argCountFailure(size_t count, const string& specifier) { cerr << m_appName << " " << m_parser->commandName() << " takes " << specifier << " " << count << (count > 1 ? " arguments" : " argument") << endl; exit(PG_ARG_ERROR); } void PrtGet::printDependTree() { assertExactArgCount(1); initRepo(); list::const_iterator it = m_parser->otherArgs().begin(); string arg = *it; const Package* p = m_repo->getPackage( arg ); if (!p) { cerr << "Package '" << arg << "' not found" << endl; m_returnValue = PG_GENERAL_ERROR; return; } if (p->dependencies().length() > 0) { cout << "-- dependencies ([i] = installed"; if (!m_parser->all()) { cout << ", '-->' = seen before"; } cout << ")" << endl; if ( m_pkgDB->isInstalled( *it ) ) { cout << "[i] "; } else { cout << "[ ] "; } cout << p->name() << endl; printDepsLevel(2, p); } } void PrtGet::printDepsLevel(int indent, const Package* package) { static map shownMap; list deps; StringHelper::split(package->dependencies(), ',', deps); list::iterator it = deps.begin(); bool isAlias = false; string aliasName = ""; for (; it != deps.end(); ++it) { if ( m_pkgDB->isInstalled( *it, true, &isAlias, &aliasName ) ) { cout << "[i] "; } else { cout << "[ ] "; } for (int i = 0; i < indent; ++i) { cout << " "; } cout << *it; if (isAlias) { cout << " (provided by " << aliasName << ")"; } const Package* p = m_repo->getPackage( *it ); if (p) { if (p->dependencies().length() > 0) { map::iterator shownIt = shownMap.find(*it); if (shownIt != shownMap.end()) { cout << " -->" << endl;; } else { cout << endl; printDepsLevel(indent+2, p); if (!m_parser->all()) { shownMap[*it] = true; } } } else { cout << endl; } } else { cout << " (not found in ports tree)" << endl; } } } void PrtGet::dumpConfig() { cout.setf( ios::left, ios::adjustfield ); cout.width( 20 ); cout.fill( ' ' ); cout << "Alias file: " << PkgDB::ALIAS_STORE << endl; if (!m_parser->noStdConfig()) { string fName = CONF_FILE; if ( m_parser->isAlternateConfigGiven() ) { fName = m_parser->alternateConfigFile(); } cout.setf( ios::left, ios::adjustfield ); cout.width( 20 ); cout.fill( ' ' ); cout << "Configuration file: " << fName << endl; } if (m_config->cacheFile() != "") { cout.setf( ios::left, ios::adjustfield ); cout.width( 20 ); cout.fill( ' ' ); cout << "Cache file: " << m_config->cacheFile() << endl; } if (m_config->makeCommand() != "") { cout.setf( ios::left, ios::adjustfield ); cout.width( 20 ); cout.fill( ' ' ); cout << "Make command file: " << m_config->makeCommand() << endl; } if (m_config->addCommand() != "") { cout.setf( ios::left, ios::adjustfield ); cout.width( 20 ); cout.fill( ' ' ); cout << "Add command: " << m_config->addCommand() << endl; } if (m_config->removeCommand() != "") { cout.setf( ios::left, ios::adjustfield ); cout.width( 20 ); cout.fill( ' ' ); cout << "Remove command: " << m_config->removeCommand() << endl; } if (m_config->runscriptCommand() != "") { cout.setf( ios::left, ios::adjustfield ); cout.width( 20 ); cout.fill( ' ' ); cout << "Runscript command: " << m_config->runscriptCommand() << endl; } cout.setf( ios::left, ios::adjustfield ); cout.width( 20 ); cout.fill( ' ' ); cout << "Run scripts: " <<(m_config->runScripts() ? "yes" : "no" ) << endl; cout.setf( ios::left, ios::adjustfield ); cout.width( 20 ); cout.fill( ' ' ); cout << "Keep higher version:" <<(m_config->preferHigher() ? "yes" : "no" ) << endl; cout.setf( ios::left, ios::adjustfield ); cout.width( 20 ); cout.fill( ' ' ); cout << "Readme mode: "; switch (m_config->readmeMode()) { case Configuration::VERBOSE_README: cout << "verbose"; break; case Configuration::COMPACT_README: cout << "compact"; break; case Configuration::NO_README: cout << "off"; break; } cout << endl; cout << endl; if (m_config->logFilePattern() != "") { cout.setf( ios::left, ios::adjustfield ); cout.width( 20 ); cout.fill( ' ' ); cout << "Log file: " << m_config->logFilePattern() << endl; } cout.setf( ios::left, ios::adjustfield ); cout.width( 20 ); cout.fill( ' ' ); cout << " Write log: " << (m_config->writeLog() ? "yes" : "no" ) << endl; cout.setf( ios::left, ios::adjustfield ); cout.width( 20 ); cout.fill( ' ' ); cout << " Append log: " <<(m_config->appendLog() ? "yes" : "no" ) << endl; cout << endl; cout.setf( ios::left, ios::adjustfield ); cout.width( 20 ); cout.fill( ' ' ); cout << "Pkgmk settings: " << m_config->logFilePattern() << endl; cout.setf( ios::left, ios::adjustfield ); cout.width( 20 ); cout.fill( ' ' ); cout << " Package dir: " << InstallTransaction::getPkgmkPackageDir() << endl; cout.setf( ios::left, ios::adjustfield ); cout.width( 20 ); cout.fill( ' ' ); cout << " Compression mode: " << InstallTransaction::getPkgmkCompressionMode() << endl; cout << endl; list< pair >::const_iterator it = m_config->rootList().begin(); cout << "Port " << (m_config->rootList().size() == 1 ? "directory" : "directories") << ": " << endl; for (; it != m_config->rootList().end(); ++it) { cout << " " << it->first; if (it->second != "") { cout << " (" << it->second << ")"; } cout << endl; } }