//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // FILE: installtransaction.cpp // AUTHOR: Johannes Winkelmann, jw@tks6.net // COPYRIGHT: (c) 2002 by Johannes Winkelmann // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; #include "installtransaction.h" #include "repository.h" #include "pkgdb.h" #include "stringhelper.h" #include "argparser.h" #include "versioncomparator.h" #include "process.h" #include "configuration.h" #ifdef USE_LOCKING #include "lockfile.h" #endif using namespace StringHelper; const string InstallTransaction::PKGMK_DEFAULT_COMMAND = "/usr/bin/pkgmk"; const string InstallTransaction::PKGADD_DEFAULT_COMMAND = "/usr/bin/pkgadd"; const string InstallTransaction::PKGRM_DEFAULT_COMMAND = "/usr/bin/pkgrm"; /*! Create a nice InstallTransaction \param names a list of port names to be installed \param repo the repository to look for packages \param pkgDB the pkgDB with already installed packages */ InstallTransaction::InstallTransaction( const list& names, const Repository* repo, PkgDB* pkgDB, const Configuration* config ) : m_pkgDB( pkgDB ), m_resolver(), m_repo( repo ), m_depCalced( false ), m_installedPackages(), m_alreadyInstalledPackages(), m_ignoredPackages(), m_depNameList(), m_depList(), m_missingPackages(), m_installErrors(), m_config( config ) { list::const_iterator it = names.begin(); for ( ; it != names.end(); ++it ) { m_packages.push_back( make_pair( *it, m_repo->getPackage( *it ) ) ); } } /*! Create a nice InstallTransaction \param names a list of port names to be installed \param repo the repository to look for packages \param pkgDB the pkgDB with already installed packages */ InstallTransaction::InstallTransaction( const string& name, const Repository* repo, PkgDB* pkgDB, const Configuration* config ) : m_pkgDB( pkgDB ), m_resolver(), m_repo( repo ), m_depCalced( false ), m_installedPackages(), m_alreadyInstalledPackages(), m_ignoredPackages(), m_depNameList(), m_depList(), m_missingPackages(), m_installErrors(), m_config( config ) { m_packages.push_back( make_pair( name, m_repo->getPackage( name ) ) ); } /*! \return packages where building/installation failed */ const list< pair >& InstallTransaction::installError() const { return m_installErrors; } /*! install (commit) a transaction \param parser the argument parser \return returns an InstallResult telling whether installation worked */ InstallTransaction::InstallResult InstallTransaction::install( const ArgParser* parser ) { if ( m_packages.empty() ) { return NO_PACKAGE_GIVEN; } bool update; const string forceRebuild = "-fr"; list ignoredPackages; StringHelper::split(parser->ignore(), ',', ignoredPackages); list< pair >::iterator it = m_packages.begin(); for ( ; it != m_packages.end(); ++it ) { const Package* package = it->second; if (find(ignoredPackages.begin(), ignoredPackages.end(), it->first) != ignoredPackages.end() ) { m_ignoredPackages.push_back(it->first); continue; } if ( package == NULL ) { m_missingPackages.push_back( make_pair( it->first, string("") ) ); if ( parser->group() ) { return PACKAGE_NOT_FOUND; } continue; } // Set the update flag if the package is installed and out of date, // or if the user has forced a rebuild. // Proceed to the next target if package is installed and up to date. if ( m_pkgDB->isInstalled( it->first, false ) ) { VersionComparator::COMP_RESULT rpDiff = VersionComparator::compareVersions( m_repo->getPackageVersion( package->name() ), m_pkgDB->getPackageVersion( package->name() ) ); if ( rpDiff == VersionComparator::EQUAL && parser->pkgmkArgs().find(forceRebuild) == string::npos ) { m_alreadyInstalledPackages.push_back( package->name() ); continue; } else if ( (! m_config->preferHigher()) || parser->strictDiff() || rpDiff == VersionComparator::GREATER || parser->pkgmkArgs().find(forceRebuild) != string::npos ) { update = true; } else { continue; } } InstallTransaction::InstallResult result; InstallInfo info( package->hasReadme() ); if ( parser->isTest() ) { info.preState = ( package->hasPreInstall() && (parser->execPreInstall() || m_config->runScripts()) ) ? DEFERRED : NONEXISTENT; info.postState = ( package->hasPostInstall() && (parser->execPostInstall() || m_config->runScripts()) ) ? DEFERRED : NONEXISTENT; m_installedPackages.push_back( make_pair( package->path() + "/" + package->name(), info)); continue; } if ((result = installPackage( package, parser, update, info )) == SUCCESS) { m_installedPackages.push_back( make_pair( package->path() + "/" + package->name(), info)); } else { // log failures and pkgdest errors are critical, // don't proceed to the next install target if encountered if ( result == LOG_DIR_FAILURE || result == LOG_FILE_FAILURE || result == NO_LOG_FILE || result == CANT_LOCK_LOG_FILE || result == PKGDEST_ERROR ) { return result; } m_installErrors.push_back( make_pair(package->path() + "/" + package->name(), info) ); if ( parser->group() ) { return PKGMK_FAILURE; } } } return SUCCESS; } /*! Install a single package \param package the package to be installed \param parser the argument parser to be used \param update whether this is an update transaction \param info store pre and post install information */ InstallTransaction::InstallResult InstallTransaction::installPackage( const Package* package, const ArgParser* parser, bool update, InstallTransaction::InstallInfo& info ) const { InstallTransaction::InstallResult result = SUCCESS; #ifdef USE_LOCKING LockFile lockFile; #endif int fdlog = -1; string logFile = ""; string timestamp; string commandName = "prt-get"; if ( parser->wasCalledAsPrtCached() ) { commandName = "prt-cache"; } // - initial information about the package to be built string message; message = commandName + ": "; if (update) { message += "updating "; } else { message += "installing "; } message += package->path() + "/" + package->name(); cout << message << endl; if ( m_config->writeLog() ) { logFile = m_config->logFilePattern(); if ( logFile == "" ) { return NO_LOG_FILE; } StringHelper::replaceAll( logFile, "%n", package->name() ); StringHelper::replaceAll( logFile, "%p", package->path() ); StringHelper::replaceAll( logFile, "%v", package->version() ); StringHelper::replaceAll( logFile, "%r", package->release() ); #ifdef USE_LOCKING lockFile.setFile( logFile ); if ( !lockFile.lockWrite() ) { cout << "here" << logFile << endl; return CANT_LOCK_LOG_FILE; } #endif size_t pos = logFile.find_last_of( "/" ); if ( pos != string::npos ) { if ( !Repository::createOutputDir( logFile.substr( 0, pos ) ) ) { return LOG_DIR_FAILURE; } } if ( !m_config->appendLog() ) { unlink( logFile.c_str() ); } fdlog = open( logFile.c_str(), O_APPEND | O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, 0666 ); if ( fdlog == -1 ) { return LOG_FILE_FAILURE; } write( fdlog, message.c_str(), message.length()); write( fdlog, "\n", 1); time_t startTime; time(&startTime); timestamp = ctime(&startTime); timestamp = commandName + ": starting build " + timestamp; write( fdlog, timestamp.c_str(), timestamp.length()); } string portdir = package->path() + "/" + package->name(); chdir( portdir.c_str() ); string runscriptCommand = "/bin/sh"; if (m_config->runscriptCommand() != "") { runscriptCommand = m_config->runscriptCommand(); } if (parser->installRoot() != "") { runscriptCommand = "chroot " + parser->installRoot() + " " + runscriptCommand; } // -- pre-install struct stat statData; struct stat fstatData; if ((parser->execPreInstall() || m_config->runScripts()) && stat((parser->installRoot() + portdir + "/pre-install").c_str(), &statData) == 0) { Process preProc( runscriptCommand, portdir + "/pre-install", fdlog ); if (preProc.executeShell()) { info.preState = FAILED; } else { info.preState = EXEC_SUCCESS; } } // -- build string pkgdest = m_config->packageDir(); string builtPkg = package->name() + "#" + package->version() + "-" + package->release() + ".pkg.tar." + m_config->compressionMode(); string builtPkgPath = ( pkgdest != "" ) ? pkgdest + "/" + builtPkg : portdir + "/" + builtPkg ; string cmd = PKGMK_DEFAULT_COMMAND; if (m_config->makeCommand() != "") { cmd = m_config->makeCommand(); } // skip the build if a package exists newer than Pkgfile // (e.g., created by running pkgmk manually) if ( stat(builtPkgPath.c_str(), &statData) + stat((portdir + "/Pkgfile").c_str(), &fstatData) == 0) { time_t pkgMtime = statData.st_mtime; time_t pfMtime = fstatData.st_mtime; if ( difftime(pkgMtime,pfMtime) > 0 ) { cmd = "/bin/true"; } } string args = "-d " + parser->pkgmkArgs(); Process makeProc( cmd, args, fdlog ); if ( makeProc.executeShell() ) { result = PKGMK_FAILURE; } else { string message = ( pkgdest == "" ) ? "" : commandName + ": Using PKGMK_PACKAGE_DIR " + pkgdest; if (parser->verbose() > 0) { cout << message << endl; } if ( m_config->writeLog() ) { write( fdlog, message.c_str(), message.length() ); write( fdlog, "\n", 1 ); } } // no need to chdir if we provide absolute paths to pkgadd cmd = PKGADD_DEFAULT_COMMAND; if (m_config->addCommand() != "") { cmd = m_config->addCommand(); } args = ""; if (parser->installRoot() != "") { args = "-r " + parser->installRoot() + " "; } if ( update ) { args += "-u "; } if ( !parser->pkgaddArgs().empty() ) { args += parser->pkgaddArgs() + " "; } args += builtPkgPath; // - inform the user about what's happening string fullCommand = commandName + ": " + cmd + args; string summary; if (update) { string from = m_pkgDB->getPackageVersion(package->name()); string to = m_repo->getPackageVersion(package->name()); if (from == to) { summary = commandName + ": " + "reinstalling " + package->name() + " " + to; } else { summary = commandName + ": " + "updating " + package->name() + " from " + from + " to " + to; } } else { summary = commandName + ": " + "installing " + package->name() + " " + package->version() + "-" + package->release(); } // - print and log cout << summary << endl; if (parser->verbose() > 0) { cout << fullCommand << endl; } if ( m_config->writeLog() ) { time_t endTime; time(&endTime); timestamp = ctime(&endTime); timestamp = commandName + ": build done " + timestamp; write( fdlog, summary.c_str(), summary.length() ); write( fdlog, "\n", 1 ); write( fdlog, fullCommand.c_str(), fullCommand.length() ); write( fdlog, "\n", 1 ); write( fdlog, timestamp.c_str(), timestamp.length()); write( fdlog, "\n", 1 ); } Process installProc( cmd, args, fdlog ); if ( installProc.executeShell() ) { result = PKGADD_FAILURE; } else { // exec post install if ((parser->execPostInstall() || m_config->runScripts() ) && stat((parser->installRoot() + portdir + "/post-install").c_str(), &statData) == 0) { Process postProc( runscriptCommand, portdir + "/post-install", fdlog ); if (postProc.executeShell()) { info.postState = FAILED; } else { info.postState = EXEC_SUCCESS; } } } if ( m_config->writeLog() ) { #ifdef USE_LOCKING lockFile.unlock(); #endif // Close logfile close ( fdlog ); if (m_config->removeLogOnSuccess() && !m_config->appendLog() && result == SUCCESS) { unlink(logFile.c_str()); } } return result; } /*! Calculate dependencies for this transaction \return true on success */ bool InstallTransaction::calculateDependencies() { if ( m_depCalced ) { return true; } m_depCalced = true; if ( m_packages.empty() ) { return false; } list>::const_iterator it = m_packages.begin(); for ( ; it != m_packages.end(); ++it ) { const Package* package = it->second; if ( package ) { checkDependencies( false, package ); } } list indexList; if ( ! m_resolver.resolve( indexList ) ) { m_depCalced = false; return false; } list::iterator lit = indexList.begin(); for ( ; lit != indexList.end(); ++lit ) { m_depNameList.push_back( m_depList[*lit] ); } return true; } /*! recursive method to calculate dependencies \param greedy (=true if any soft dependencies took us to the current node) \param package, package for which we want to calculate dependencies \param depends, index of the package \a package depends on (-1 for none) */ void InstallTransaction::checkDependencies( bool greedy, const Package* package, int depends ) { int index = -1; bool newPackage = true; for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < m_depList.size(); ++i ){ if ( m_depList[i] == package->name() ) { index = i; newPackage = false; break; } } if ( index == -1 ) { index = m_depList.size(); if ( ( not greedy ) or (isRequired( package->name() )) ) { m_depList.push_back( package->name() ); } } // did we already visit the current node when walking the tree? // return to the caller if such a cycle is detected for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < treeWalk.size(); ++i) { if ( treeWalk[i] == package->name() ) { return; } } treeWalk.push_back(package->name()); if ( depends == -1 ) { // this just adds index to the dependency resolver m_resolver.addDependency( index, index ); } else { m_resolver.addDependency( index, depends ); } if ( newPackage ) { if ( !package->dependencies().empty() ) { list deps; split( package->dependencies(), ',', deps ); list::iterator it = deps.begin(); for ( ; it != deps.end(); ++it ) { string dep = *it; if ( dep.empty() ) { continue; } const Package* p = m_repo->getPackage( dep ); if ( p ) { checkDependencies( greedy, p, index ); } else { m_missingPackages. push_back( make_pair( dep, package->name() ) ); } } } if ( (m_config->followSoftdeps()) and (!package->optionals().empty()) ) { list optionals; split( package->optionals(), ',', optionals ); list::iterator it = optionals.begin(); for ( ; it != optionals.end(); ++it ) { string softdep = *it; if ( softdep.empty() ) { continue; } if ( isRequired(softdep) ) { const Package* p = m_repo->getPackage( softdep ); if ( p ) { checkDependencies( true, p, index ); } else { m_missingPackages. push_back( make_pair( softdep, package->name() ) ); } } } } } // reset the tree traversal history treeWalk.pop_back(); } /*! Method to determine whether a soft dependency should be part of the transaction */ bool InstallTransaction::isRequired(const string &pname) { list>::iterator it = m_packages.begin(); for ( ; it != m_packages.end(); ++it ) { if ( pname == it->first ) { return true; } } return false; } /*! This method returns a list of packages which should be installed to meet the requirements for the packages to be installed. Includes the packages to be installed. The packages are in the correct order, packages to be installed first come first :-) \return a list of packages required for the transaction */ const list& InstallTransaction::dependencies() const { return m_depNameList; } /*! This method returns a list of packages which could not be installed because they could not be found in the ports tree. The return value is a pair, \a pair.first is package name and \a pair.second is the package requiring \a pair.first. \return packages missing in the ports tree */ const list< pair >& InstallTransaction::missing() const { return m_missingPackages; } /*! \return packages which were requested to be installed but are already installed */ const list& InstallTransaction::alreadyInstalledPackages() const { return m_alreadyInstalledPackages; } /*! \return the packages which were installed in this transaction */ const list< pair >& InstallTransaction::installedPackages() const { return m_installedPackages; } /*! calculate dependendencies for this package */ bool InstallTransaction::calcDependencies( ) { if ( m_packages.empty() ) { cout << "No packages given for this transaction" << endl; return false; } bool validPackages = false; list< pair >::iterator it = m_packages.begin(); for ( ; it != m_packages.end(); ++it ) { if ( it->second ) { validPackages = true; } else { // Note: moved here from calculateDependencies m_missingPackages.push_back( make_pair( it->first, string("") ) ); } } if ( validPackages and (!calculateDependencies()) ) { cout << "Could not resolve dependencies for this transaction" << endl; return false; } return true; } const list& InstallTransaction::ignoredPackages() const { return m_ignoredPackages; }