//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // FILE: argparser.cpp // AUTHOR: Johannes Winkelmann, jw@tks6.net // COPYRIGHT: (c) 2002 by Johannes Winkelmann // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// using namespace std; #include "argparser.h" /*! Construct a ArgParser object \param argc argument count \param argv argument vector */ ArgParser::ArgParser( int argc, char** argv ) : m_isCommandGiven( false ), m_isTest( false ), m_isAlternateConfigGiven( false ), m_useCache( false ), m_calledAsPrtCache( false ), m_hasFilter( false ), m_noStdConfig( false ), m_writeLog( false ), m_depSort( true ), m_softdeps( false ), m_revdep(false), m_all( false ), m_printPath( false ), m_execPreInstall( false ), m_execPostInstall( false ), m_preferHigher( false ), m_strictDiff( false ), m_sysup( false ), m_group( false ), m_useRegex(false), m_fullPath(false), m_quick(false), m_recursive(false), m_printTree(false), m_alternateConfigFile( "" ), m_pkgmkArgs( "" ), m_pkgaddArgs( "" ), m_pkgrmArgs( "" ), m_filter( "" ), m_sortArgs( "" ), m_commandName( "" ), m_unknownOption( "" ), m_installRoot( "" ), m_ignore( "" ), m_commandType(HELP), m_argc( argc ), m_argv( argv ), m_verbose( 0 ) { } /*! \return true if an alternate configuration file is given */ bool ArgParser::isAlternateConfigGiven() const { return m_isAlternateConfigGiven; } /*! \return true if a command is given */ bool ArgParser::isCommandGiven() const { return m_isCommandGiven; } /*! \return a list of arguments not processed by ArgParser */ const list& ArgParser::otherArgs() const { return m_otherArgs; } /*! \return what command was given */ ArgParser::Type ArgParser::commandType() const { return m_commandType; } /*! \return addtional arguments to pkgmk */ const string& ArgParser::pkgmkArgs() const { return m_pkgmkArgs; } /*! \return addtional arguments to pkgadd */ const string& ArgParser::pkgaddArgs() const { return m_pkgaddArgs; } /*! \return the name of the alternative configuration file */ const string& ArgParser::alternateConfigFile() const { return m_alternateConfigFile; } /*! parse the arguments \return true on success */ bool ArgParser::parse() { const int commandCount = 28; string commands[commandCount] = { "help", "info", "version", "search", "dsearch", "fsearch", "cache", "install", "remove", "current", "isinst", "diff", "path", "printf", "readme", "list", "listinst", "listorphans", "lock", "unlock", "listlocked", "cat", "ls", "edit", "dumpconfig", "dup", "depends", "deptree" }; Type commandID[commandCount] = { HELP, INFO, SHOW_VERSION, SEARCH, DSEARCH, FSEARCH, CREATE_CACHE, INSTALL, REMOVE, CURRENT, ISINST, DIFF, PATH, PRINTF, README, LIST, LISTINST, LISTORPHANS, LOCK, UNLOCK, LISTLOCKED, CAT, LS, EDIT, DUMPCONFIG, DUP, DEPENDS, DEPTREE }; if ( m_argc < 2 ) { return false; } // if called from a symlink ending on prt-cache, use cached // access string app = m_argv[0]; string::size_type pos = app.rfind( "/" ); if ( pos != string::npos ) { app = app.substr( pos ); } if ( app.find( "prt-cache" ) != string::npos ) { m_useCache = true; m_calledAsPrtCache = true; } for ( int i = 1; i < m_argc; ++i ) { if ( m_argv[i][0] == '-' ) { string s = m_argv[i]; if ( s == "-v" ) { m_verbose += 1; } else if ( s == "-vv" ) { m_verbose += 2; } else if ( s == "--test" ) { m_isTest = true; } else if ( s == "--cache" ) { m_useCache = true; } else if ( s == "--depsort" ) { m_depSort = true; } else if ( s == "--nodeps" ) { m_depSort = false; } else if ( s == "--softdeps" ) { m_softdeps = true; } else if ( s == "--all" ) { m_all = true; } else if ( s == "--path" ) { m_printPath = true; } else if ( s == "--log" ) { m_writeLog = true; } else if ( s == "--pre-install" ) { m_execPreInstall = true; } else if ( s == "--post-install" ) { m_execPostInstall = true; } else if ( s == "--install-scripts" ) { m_execPreInstall = true; m_execPostInstall = true; } else if ( s == "--no-std-config" ) { m_noStdConfig = true; } else if ( s == "--prefer-higher" || s == "-ph" ) { m_preferHigher = true; } else if ( s == "--strict-diff" || s == "-sd" ) { m_strictDiff = true; } else if ( s == "--group" || s == "-g" ) { m_group = true; } else if ( s == "--quick" || s == "-Q" ) { m_quick = true; } else if ( s == "--regex" ) { m_useRegex = true; } else if ( s == "--full" ) { m_fullPath = true; } else if ( s == "--recursive" || s == "-R" ) { m_recursive = true; } else if ( s == "--tree" || s == "-T" ) { m_printTree = true; } else if ( s == "-f" ) { m_pkgaddArgs += " " + s; } else if ( s == "-fi" ) { m_pkgaddArgs += " -f"; } else if ( s == "-fr" ) { m_pkgmkArgs += " -f"; } else if ( s == "-if" ) { m_pkgmkArgs += " " + s; } else if ( s == "-uf" ) { m_pkgmkArgs += " " + s; } else if ( s == "-im" ) { m_pkgmkArgs += " " + s; } else if ( s == "-um" ) { m_pkgmkArgs += " " + s; } else if ( s == "-is" ) { m_pkgmkArgs += " " + s; } else if ( s == "-us" ) { m_pkgmkArgs += " " + s; } else if ( s == "-kw" ) { m_pkgmkArgs += " " + s; } else if ( s == "-ns" ) { m_pkgmkArgs += " " + s; } // substrings else if ( s.substr( 0, 8 ) == "--margs=" ) { m_pkgmkArgs += " " + s.substr( 8 ); } else if ( s.substr( 0, 8 ) == "--aargs=" ) { m_pkgaddArgs += " " + s.substr( 8 ); } else if ( s.substr( 0, 8 ) == "--rargs=" ) { m_pkgrmArgs = s.substr( 8 ); } else if ( s.substr( 0, 9 ) == "--filter=" ) { m_filter = s.substr( 9 ); m_hasFilter = true; } else if ( s.substr( 0, 7 ) == "--sort=" ) { m_sortArgs = s.substr( 7 ); } else if ( s.substr( 0, 9 ) == "--config=" ) { m_alternateConfigFile = s.substr( 9 ); m_isAlternateConfigGiven = true; } else if ( s.substr( 0, 16 ) == "--config-append=" ) { m_configData.push_back(make_pair(m_argv[i]+16, CONFIG_APPEND ) ); } else if ( s.substr( 0, 17 ) == "--config-prepend=" ) { m_configData.push_back(make_pair(m_argv[i]+17, CONFIG_PREPEND ) ); } else if ( s.substr( 0, 13 ) == "--config-set=" ) { m_configData.push_back(make_pair(m_argv[i]+13, CONFIG_SET ) ); } else if ( s.substr( 0, 15 ) == "--install-root=" ) { m_installRoot = s.substr(15); } else if ( s.substr( 0, 9 ) == "--ignore=" ) { m_ignore = s.substr(9); } else { m_unknownOption = s; return false; } } else { if (!m_isCommandGiven) { string s = m_argv[i]; if ( s == "grpinst") { m_isCommandGiven = true; m_commandType = INSTALL; m_group = true; cout << "Warning: grpinst is obsolescent"; cout << "; using install --group" << endl; } else if (s == "depinst") { m_isCommandGiven = true; m_commandType = INSTALL; m_depSort = true; } else if (s == "update") { m_isCommandGiven = true; m_commandType = INSTALL; } else if (s == "sysup") { m_isCommandGiven = true; m_commandType = DIFF; m_sysup = true; } else if (s == "quickdiff") { m_isCommandGiven = true; m_commandType = DIFF; m_quick = true; } else if (s == "quickdep") { m_isCommandGiven = true; m_commandType = DEPENDS; m_quick = true; } else if (s == "dependent") { m_isCommandGiven = true; m_commandType = DEPTREE; m_revdep = true; } else { for ( int i = 0; i < commandCount; ++i ) { if ( s == commands[i] ) { m_isCommandGiven = true; m_commandName = s; m_commandType = commandID[i]; break; } } } // first argument must be command if ( !m_isCommandGiven ) { return false; } } else { m_otherArgs.push_back( m_argv[i] ); } } } return m_isCommandGiven; } /*! \return true whether --test has been specified */ bool ArgParser::isTest() const { return m_isTest; } /*! \return the level of verbose: -v -> 1, -vv -> 2 */ int ArgParser::verbose() const { return m_verbose; } /*! \return whether --cache has been specified */ bool ArgParser::useCache() const { return m_useCache; } /*! \return whether prt-get was called as 'prt-cache' or not */ bool ArgParser::wasCalledAsPrtCached() const { return m_calledAsPrtCache; } /*! \return whether prt-get should write to a log file or not */ bool ArgParser::writeLog() const { return m_writeLog; } /*! \return whether there was a --filter argument */ bool ArgParser::hasFilter() const { return m_hasFilter; } /*! \return whether there was a --no-std-config argument */ bool ArgParser::noStdConfig() const { return m_noStdConfig; } /*! \return the --filter="..." string */ const string& ArgParser::filter() const { return m_filter; } /*! \return the --sort="..." string */ const string& ArgParser::sortArgs() const { return m_sortArgs; } bool ArgParser::depSort() const { return m_depSort; } bool ArgParser::followSoftdeps() const { return m_softdeps; } /*! \return whether there was a --all argument */ bool ArgParser::all() const { return m_all; } bool ArgParser::printPath() const { return m_printPath; } bool ArgParser::revdep() const { return m_revdep; } bool ArgParser::quick() const { return m_quick; } bool ArgParser::recursive() const { return m_recursive; } bool ArgParser::printTree() const { return (m_printTree || m_commandName == "deptree"); } const string& ArgParser::commandName() const { return m_commandName; } const string& ArgParser::unknownOption() const { return m_unknownOption; } bool ArgParser::execPreInstall() const { return m_execPreInstall; } bool ArgParser::execPostInstall() const { return m_execPostInstall; } const list< pair > ArgParser::configData() const { return m_configData; } const string& ArgParser::installRoot() const { return m_installRoot; } const string& ArgParser::pkgrmArgs() const { return m_pkgrmArgs; } bool ArgParser::preferHigher() const { return m_preferHigher; } bool ArgParser::strictDiff() const { return m_strictDiff; } bool ArgParser::sysup() const { return m_sysup; } bool ArgParser::group() const { return m_group; } bool ArgParser::useRegex() const { return m_useRegex; } bool ArgParser::fullPath() const { return m_fullPath; } const string& ArgParser::ignore() const { return m_ignore; }