//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // FILE: stringhelper.cpp // AUTHOR: Johannes Winkelmann, jw@tks6.net // COPYRIGHT: (c) 2002 by Johannes Winkelmann // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "stringhelper.h" #include using namespace std; namespace StringHelper { /*! \param s the string to be searched \param del the delimiter char \return the value after the first occurance of \a del */ string getValue( const string& s, char del ) { string::size_type pos = s.find( del ); if ( pos != string::npos && pos+1 < s.length() ) { return s.substr( pos + 1 ); } return ""; } /*! \param s the string to be searched \param del the delimiter char \return the value before the first occurance of \a del */ string getValueBefore( const string& s, char del ) { string::size_type pos = s.find( del ); if ( pos != string::npos ) { return s.substr( 0, pos ); } return s; } /*! strip whitespace in the beginning and end of string \a s \return a stripped string */ string stripWhiteSpace( const string& s ) { if ( s.empty() ) { return s; } size_t pos = 0; string line = s; size_t len = line.length(); while ( pos < len && isspace( line[pos] ) ) { ++pos; } line.erase( 0, pos ); pos = line.length()-1; while ( pos != (size_t) -1 && isspace( line[pos] ) ) { --pos; } if ( pos != (size_t) -1 ) { line.erase( pos+1 ); } return line; } /*! make sure s1 starts with s2 */ bool startsWith( const string& s, const string& with ) { if (s.length() < with.length()) return false; return s.substr(0, with.length()) == with; } /*! make sure s1 starts with s2 */ bool startsWithNoCase( const string& s1, const string& s2 ) { string::const_iterator p1 = s1.begin(); string::const_iterator p2 = s2.begin(); while ( p1 != s1.end() && p2 != s2.end() ) { if ( toupper( *p1 ) != toupper( *p2 ) ) { return false; } ++p1; ++p2; } if ( p1 == s1.end() && p2 != s2.end() ) { return false; } return true; } /*! Convert a string into a lowercase representation \param s the string to be converted \return a lowercase representation of \a s */ string toLowerCase( const string& s ) { string result = ""; for ( string::size_type i = 0; i < s.length(); ++i ) { result += tolower( s[i] ); } return result; } /*! Convert a string into a uppercase representation \param s the string to be converted \return a uppercase representation of \a s */ string toUpperCase( const string& s ) { string result = ""; for ( string::size_type i = 0; i < s.length(); ++i ) { result += toupper( s[i] ); } return result; } /*! replace all occurances of \a oldString in \a in with \a newString */ string replaceAll( string& in, const string& oldString, const string& newString ) { size_t pos; while ( (pos = in.find( oldString )) != string::npos ) { in = in.replace( pos, oldString.length(), newString ); } return in; } }; // Namespace