//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // FILE: package.cpp // AUTHOR: Johannes Winkelmann, jw@tks6.net // COPYRIGHT: (c) 2002 by Johannes Winkelmann // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include #include #include using namespace std; #include "package.h" #include "stringhelper.h" using namespace StringHelper; /*! Create a package, which is not yet fully initialized, This is interesting in combination with the lazy initialization */ Package::Package( const string& name, const string& path ) : m_loaded( false ) { m_data = new PackageData( name, path ); } /*! Create a fully initialized package. Most interesting when created from a cache file */ Package::Package( const string& name, const string& path, const string& version, const string& release, const string& description, const string& dependencies, const string& url, const string& packager, const string& maintainer, const string& hasReadme, const string& hasPreInstall, const string& hasPostInstall) : m_loaded( true ) { m_data = new PackageData( name, path, version, release, description, dependencies, url, packager, maintainer, hasReadme, hasPreInstall, hasPostInstall ); } Package::~Package() { delete m_data; } /*! \return the name of this package */ const string& Package::name() const { return m_data->name; } /*! \return the path to this package */ const string& Package::path() const { return m_data->path; } /*! \return the version of this package */ const string& Package::version() const { load(); return m_data->version; } /*! \return the release number of this package */ const string& Package::release() const { load(); return m_data->release; } /*! \return the description field of this package */ const string& Package::description() const { load(); return m_data->description; } /*! \return the dependency line of this package */ const string& Package::dependencies() const { load(); return m_data->depends; } /*! \return the url of this package */ const string& Package::url() const { load(); return m_data->url; } /*! \return the packager of this package */ const string& Package::packager() const { load(); return m_data->packager; } /*! \return the maintainer of this package */ const string& Package::maintainer() const { load(); return m_data->maintainer; } /*! \return whether or not this package has a readme file */ const bool Package::hasReadme() const { load(); return m_data->hasReadme; } /*! \return a typically formatted version-release string */ string Package::versionReleaseString() const { load(); return m_data->versionReleaseString; } const bool Package::hasPreInstall() const { return m_data->hasPreInstall; } const bool Package::hasPostInstall() const { return m_data->hasPostInstall; } /*! load from Pkgfile */ void Package::load() const { if ( m_loaded ) { return; } m_loaded = true; string fileName = m_data->path + "/" + m_data->name + "/Pkgfile"; // c IO is about four times faster then fstream :-( FILE* fp = fopen( fileName.c_str(), "r" ); if ( fp == NULL ) { return; } const int length = BUFSIZ; char input[length]; string line; time_t timeNow; time(&timeNow); struct utsname unameBuf; if (uname(&unameBuf) != 0) { unameBuf.release[0] = '\0'; } while ( fgets( input, length, fp ) ) { line = stripWhiteSpace( input ); if ( line.substr( 0, 8 ) == "version=" ) { m_data->version = getValueBefore( getValue( line, '=' ), '#' ); m_data->version = stripWhiteSpace( m_data->version ); expandShellCommands(m_data->version, timeNow, unameBuf); } else if ( line.substr( 0, 8 ) == "release=" ) { m_data->release = getValueBefore( getValue( line, '=' ), '#' ); m_data->release = stripWhiteSpace( m_data->release ); } else if ( line[0] == '#' ) { while ( !line.empty() && ( line[0] == '#' || line[0] == ' ' || line[0] == '\t' ) ) { line = line.substr( 1 ); } string::size_type pos = line.find( ':' ); if ( pos != string::npos ) { if ( startsWithNoCase( line, "desc" ) ) { m_data->description = stripWhiteSpace( getValue( line, ':' ) ); } else if ( startsWithNoCase( line, "pack" ) ) { m_data->packager = stripWhiteSpace( getValue( line, ':' ) ); } else if ( startsWithNoCase( line, "maint" ) ) { m_data->maintainer = stripWhiteSpace( getValue( line, ':' ) ); } else if ( startsWithNoCase( line, "url" ) ) { m_data->url = stripWhiteSpace( getValue( line, ':' ) ); } else if ( startsWithNoCase( line, "dep" ) ) { string depends = stripWhiteSpace( getValue( line, ':' ) ); StringHelper::replaceAll( depends, " ", "," ); StringHelper::replaceAll( depends, ",,", "," ); // TODO: decide which one to use #if 0 // remove commented out packages list deps = StringHelper::split( depends, ',' ); list::iterator it = deps.begin(); for ( ; it != deps.end(); ++it ) { if ( (*it)[0] == '#' ) { cerr << "Commented dep: " << *it << endl; } else { if ( it != deps.begin() ) { m_data->depends += ","; } m_data->depends += *it; } } #else m_data->depends = depends; #endif } } } } fclose( fp ); m_data->generateVersionReleaseString(); string file = m_data->path + "/" + m_data->name + "/README"; struct stat buf; if ( stat( file.c_str(), &buf ) != -1) { m_data->hasReadme = true; } file = m_data->path + "/" + m_data->name + "/pre-install"; if ( stat( file.c_str(), &buf ) != -1) { m_data->hasPreInstall = true; } file = m_data->path + "/" + m_data->name + "/post-install"; if ( stat( file.c_str(), &buf ) != -1) { m_data->hasPostInstall = true; } } void Package::setDependencies( const std::string& dependencies ) { m_data->depends = dependencies; } PackageData::PackageData( const string& name_, const string& path_, const string& version_, const string& release_, const string& description_, const string& dependencies_, const string& url_, const string& packager_, const string& maintainer_, const string& hasReadme_, const string& hasPreInstall_, const string& hasPostInstall_ ) : name( name_ ), path( path_ ), version( version_ ), release( release_ ), description( description_ ), depends( dependencies_ ), url( url_ ), packager( packager_ ), maintainer( maintainer_ ) { generateVersionReleaseString(); hasReadme = ( stripWhiteSpace( hasReadme_ ) == "yes" ); hasPreInstall = ( stripWhiteSpace( hasPreInstall_ ) == "yes" ); hasPostInstall = ( stripWhiteSpace( hasPostInstall_ ) == "yes" ); } void PackageData::generateVersionReleaseString() { versionReleaseString = version + "-" + release; } void Package::expandShellCommands(std::string& input, const time_t& timeNow, const struct utsname unameBuf) { // TODO: consider dropping either of the tagsets, depending on feedback static const int TAG_COUNT = 2; string startTag[TAG_COUNT] = { "`", "$(" }; string endTag[TAG_COUNT] = { "`", ")" }; for (int i = 0; i < TAG_COUNT; ++i) { string::size_type pos, dpos = 0; int len; pos = 0; while ((pos = input.find(startTag[i], pos)) != string::npos) { len = input.length(); if (unameBuf.release) { input = replaceAll(input, startTag[i] + "uname -r" + endTag[i], unameBuf.release); } dpos = input.find(startTag[i] + "date"); if (dpos != string::npos) { // NOTE: currently only works for one date pattern string::size_type startpos, endpos; endpos = input.find(endTag[i], dpos+1); startpos = input.find('+', dpos+1); string format = input.substr(startpos+1, endpos-startpos-1); // support date '+...' and date "+..." int len = format.length(); if (format[len-1] == '\'' || format[len-1] == '"') { format = format.substr(0, len-1); } char timeBuf[32]; strftime(timeBuf, 32, format.c_str(), localtime(&timeNow)); input = input.substr(0, dpos) + timeBuf + input.substr(endpos+1); } ++pos; } } }