# Description: notetaking and PDF annotation software # URL: https://github.com/xournalpp/xournalpp # Maintainer: John McQuah, jmcquah at disroot dot org # Depends on: libsndfile libzip lua poppler portaudio-cpp # Optional: gpgme texlive name=xournalpp version=1.2.3 release=1 source=(https://github.com/$name/$name/archive/v$version/$name-$version.tar.gz # and a patch from Alpine Linux to accommodate MUSL builds no-execinfo.patch) build() { # fail the build if dependencies are not met [ -e /usr/include/poppler/glib/poppler.h ] || \ { echo "Rebuild poppler with glib present; otherwise xournalpp will not work."; exit 1; } prt-get isinst glibc || patch -Np1 -d $name-$version < no-execinfo.patch cmake -S $name-$version -B build -G Ninja \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="/usr" \ -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS="$CFLAGS" \ -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="$CXXFLAGS" \ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ninja -C build -j ${JOBS-1} DESTDIR=$PKG ninja -C build install rm -rf $PKG/usr/share/locale find $PKG -name README.md -delete }