#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os import shutil import sys def traslate_po(po, translation): search = 'msgid "' + translation + '"' idx = po.find(search) if idx == -1: return '' # 9 characters after msgid "xxx" for the translated message begin = idx + len(search) + 9 # Search next " with newline end = po.find('"\n', begin) if end == -1: return '' return po[begin : end] STK_DESCRIPTION = 'A 3D open-source kart racing game' STK_DESKTOP_FILE_P1 = """[Desktop Entry] """ # Split it to avoid SuperTuxKart being translated STK_DESKTOP_FILE_P2 = """Name=SuperTuxKart Icon=supertuxkart """ STK_DESKTOP_FILE_P3 = """#I18N: Generic name in desktop file entry, summary in AppData and short description in Google Play GenericName=""" + STK_DESCRIPTION + """ Exec=supertuxkart Terminal=false StartupNotify=false Type=Application Categories=Game;ArcadeGame; #I18N: Keywords in desktop entry, translators please keep it separated with semicolons Keywords=tux;game;race; PrefersNonDefaultGPU=true """ desktop_file = open('supertuxkart.desktop', 'w') desktop_file.write(STK_DESKTOP_FILE_P1 + STK_DESKTOP_FILE_P3) desktop_file.close() STK_APPDATA_P1 = 'Karts. Nitro. Action! SuperTuxKart is a 3D open-source arcade racer \ with a variety of characters, tracks, and modes to play. \ Our aim is to create a game that is more fun than realistic, \ and provide an enjoyable experience for all ages.' STK_APPDATA_P2 = 'We have several tracks with various themes for players to enjoy, \ from driving underwater, rural farmlands, jungles or even in space! \ Try your best while avoiding other karts as they may overtake you, \ but don\'t eat the bananas! Watch for bowling balls, plungers, bubble gum, \ and cakes thrown by your opponents.' STK_APPDATA_P3 = 'You can do a single race against other karts, \ compete in one of several Grand Prix, \ try to beat the high score in time trials on your own, \ play battle mode against the computer or your friends, \ and more! For a greater challenge, join online and meet players from all over the world \ and prove your racing skills!' # Used in google play only for now STK_APPDATA_P4 = 'This game has no ads.' # Used in google play beta only for now STK_APPDATA_P5 = 'This is an unstable version of SuperTuxKart that contains latest improvements. \ It is released mainly for testing, to make stable STK as good as possible.' STK_APPDATA_P6 = 'This version can be installed in parallel with the stable version on the device.' STK_APPDATA_P7 = 'If you need more stability, consider using the stable version: %s' STK_STABLE_URL = 'https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.supertuxkart.stk' STK_APPDATA_FILE_1 = """ supertuxkart.desktop CC0-1.0 GPL-3.0+ """ # Split it to avoid SuperTuxKart being translated STK_APPDATA_FILE_2 = """ SuperTuxKart """ STK_APPDATA_FILE_3 = """ """ + STK_DESCRIPTION + """

""" + STK_APPDATA_P1 + """

""" + STK_APPDATA_P2 + """

""" + STK_APPDATA_P3 + """

""" STK_APPDATA_FILE_4 = """

""" + STK_APPDATA_P4 + """

""" + STK_APPDATA_P5 + """

""" + STK_APPDATA_P6 + """

""" + STK_APPDATA_P7 + """

""" STK_APPDATA_FILE_5 = """
https://supertuxkart.net/images/8/83/Supertuxkart-0.9.2-screenshot-3.jpg Normal Race https://supertuxkart.net/images/1/1f/Supertuxkart-0.9.2-screenshot-1.jpg Battle https://supertuxkart.net/images/2/2a/Supertuxkart-0.9.2-screenshot-2.jpg Soccer SuperTuxKart Team supertuxkart-devel@lists.sourceforge.net https://supertuxkart.net https://github.com/supertuxkart/stk-code/issues https://supertuxkart.net/Donate https://supertuxkart.net/Community https://supertuxkart.net/Translating_STK mild intense https://blog.supertuxkart.net/2021/09/supertuxkart-13-release.html https://blog.supertuxkart.net/2021/08/supertuxkart-13-release-candiate.html """ STK_APPDATA_FILE_6 = """
""" appdata_file = open('supertuxkart.appdata.xml', 'w') appdata_file.write(STK_APPDATA_FILE_1 + STK_APPDATA_FILE_3 + STK_APPDATA_FILE_4 \ + STK_APPDATA_FILE_5 + STK_APPDATA_FILE_6) appdata_file.close() os.system('xgettext -j -d supertuxkart --add-comments=\"I18N:\" \ -p ./data/po -o supertuxkart.pot \ --package-name=supertuxkart supertuxkart.desktop supertuxkart.appdata.xml') desktop_file = open('supertuxkart.desktop', 'w') desktop_file.write(STK_DESKTOP_FILE_P1 + STK_DESKTOP_FILE_P2 + STK_DESKTOP_FILE_P3) desktop_file.close() appdata = STK_APPDATA_FILE_1 + STK_APPDATA_FILE_2 + STK_APPDATA_FILE_3 # Skip google play message appdata += STK_APPDATA_FILE_5 # Manually copy zh_TW to zh_HK for fallback shutil.copyfile('./data/po/zh_TW.po', './data/po/zh_HK.po') shutil.rmtree('./google_play_msg', ignore_errors = True) lingas = open('./data/po/LINGUAS', 'w') po_list = [f for f in os.listdir('./data/po/') if f.endswith('.po')] po_list.sort(reverse = False); fr_percentage = 0 for po_filename in po_list: po_file = open('./data/po/' + po_filename, 'r') po = po_file.read() po_file.close() # Remove all newlines in msgid po = po.replace('"\n"', '') cur_lang = po_filename.removesuffix('.po') if cur_lang != 'en': lingas.write(cur_lang + '\n') total_str = po.count('msgid "') untranslated_str = po.count('msgstr ""') translated_str = total_str - untranslated_str percentage = int(translated_str / total_str * 100.0) # Special handling for fr_CA, list has been sorted if cur_lang == 'fr': fr_percentage = percentage elif cur_lang == 'fr_CA': percentage = fr_percentage if percentage == 0: continue elif percentage != 100: appdata += ' ' + cur_lang +'\n' else: appdata += ' ' + cur_lang +'\n' if cur_lang != 'fr_CA' and len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1] == '--generate-google-play-msg': desc = traslate_po(po, STK_DESCRIPTION) p1 = traslate_po(po, STK_APPDATA_P1) p2 = traslate_po(po, STK_APPDATA_P2) p3 = traslate_po(po, STK_APPDATA_P3) p4 = traslate_po(po, STK_APPDATA_P4) p5 = traslate_po(po, STK_APPDATA_P5) p6 = traslate_po(po, STK_APPDATA_P6) p7 = traslate_po(po, STK_APPDATA_P7) if desc and p1 and p2 and p3 and p4 and p5 and p6 and p7: os.makedirs('./google_play_msg/' + cur_lang) p7 = p7.replace('%s', STK_STABLE_URL) short = open('./google_play_msg/' + cur_lang + '/short.txt', 'w') short.write(desc) short.close() full = open('./google_play_msg/' + cur_lang + '/full.txt', 'w') full.write(p1 + '\n\n' + p2 + '\n\n' + p3 + '\n\n' + p4) full.close() full_beta = open('./google_play_msg/' + cur_lang + '/full_beta.txt', 'w') full_beta.write(p1 + '\n\n' + p2 + '\n\n' + p3 + '\n\n' + p4 + '\n\n---\n\n' + p5 + '\n\n' + p6 + '\n\n' + p7) full_beta.close() lingas.close() appdata += STK_APPDATA_FILE_6 appdata_file = open('supertuxkart.appdata.xml', 'w') appdata_file.write(appdata) appdata_file.close() os.system('msgfmt --desktop -d data/po --template supertuxkart.desktop -o data/supertuxkart.desktop') os.system('msgfmt --xml -d data/po --template supertuxkart.appdata.xml -o data/supertuxkart.appdata.xml') os.remove('./supertuxkart.desktop') os.remove('./supertuxkart.appdata.xml') os.remove('./data/po/LINGUAS') os.remove('./data/po/zh_HK.po')