uniform sampler2D ntex; uniform sampler2D dtex; uniform sampler2DArray shadowtex; uniform float split0; uniform float split1; uniform float split2; uniform float splitmax; uniform vec3 direction; uniform vec3 col; uniform float sunangle = .54; in vec2 uv; out vec4 Diff; out vec4 Spec; vec3 DecodeNormal(vec2 n); vec3 getSpecular(vec3 normal, vec3 eyedir, vec3 lightdir, vec3 color, float roughness); vec4 getPosFromUVDepth(vec3 uvDepth, mat4 InverseProjectionMatrix); vec3 getMostRepresentativePoint(vec3 direction, vec3 R, float angularRadius) { vec3 D = direction; float d = cos(angularRadius); float r = sin(angularRadius); float DdotR = dot(D, R); vec3 S = R - DdotR * D; return (DdotR < d) ? normalize(d * D + normalize (S) * r) : R; } float getShadowFactor(vec3 pos, float bias, int index) { vec2 shadowoffset[4] = vec2[]( vec2(-1., -1.), vec2(-1., 1.), vec2(1., -1.), vec2(1., 1.) ); vec4 shadowcoord = (ShadowViewProjMatrixes[index] * InverseViewMatrix * vec4(pos, 1.0)); shadowcoord.xy /= shadowcoord.w; vec2 shadowtexcoord = shadowcoord.xy * 0.5 + 0.5; float z = texture(shadowtex, vec3(shadowtexcoord, float(index))).x; float d = shadowcoord.z; return min(pow(exp(-32. * d) * z, 8.), 1.); } void main() { vec2 uv = gl_FragCoord.xy / screen; float z = texture(dtex, uv).x; vec4 xpos = getPosFromUVDepth(vec3(uv, z), InverseProjectionMatrix); vec3 norm = normalize(DecodeNormal(2. * texture(ntex, uv).xy - 1.)); float roughness =texture(ntex, uv).z; vec3 eyedir = -normalize(xpos.xyz); // Normalized on the cpu vec3 L = direction; float NdotL = max(0., dot(norm, L)); float angle = 3.14 * sunangle / 180.; vec3 R = reflect(-eyedir, norm); vec3 Lightdir = getMostRepresentativePoint(direction, R, angle); vec3 Specular = getSpecular(norm, eyedir, Lightdir, col, roughness) * NdotL; vec3 outcol = NdotL * col; // Shadows float bias = 0.005 * tan(acos(NdotL)); // According to the slope bias = clamp(bias, 0., 0.01); float factor; if (xpos.z < split0) factor = getShadowFactor(xpos.xyz, bias, 0); /* else if (xpos.z < 6.) { float a = getShadowFactor(xpos.xyz, bias, 0), b = getShadowFactor(xpos.xyz, bias, 1); factor = mix(a, b, (xpos.z - 5.)); }*/ else if (xpos.z < split1) factor = getShadowFactor(xpos.xyz, bias, 1); /* else if (xpos.z < 21.) { float a = getShadowFactor(xpos.xyz, bias, 1), b = getShadowFactor(xpos.xyz, bias, 2); factor = mix(a, b, (xpos.z - 20.)); }*/ else if (xpos.z < split2) factor = getShadowFactor(xpos.xyz, bias, 2); /* else if (xpos.z < 55.) { float a = getShadowFactor(xpos.xyz, bias, 2), b = getShadowFactor(xpos.xyz, bias, 3); factor = mix(a, b, (xpos.z - 50.) / 5.); }*/ else if (xpos.z < splitmax) factor = getShadowFactor(xpos.xyz, bias, 3); /* else if (xpos.z < 150.) { factor = mix(getShadowFactor(xpos.xyz, bias, 3), 1., (xpos.z - 145.) / 5.); }*/ else factor = 1.; Diff = vec4(factor * NdotL * col, 1.); Spec = vec4(factor * Specular, 1.); return; }