#!/bin/bash # # (C) 2013 Lauri Kasanen, under the GPLv3 # (C) 2014-2015 Odd0002, under the GPLv3 # # Script to optimize the data, currently PNG, JPEG, B3DZ. # experimental B3D to B3DZ compression added, not enabled by default # Run it before making a release, and after adding new data. #Takes 30+ minutes, depending on your cpu or compression options. # Spaces in filenames are supported. #define number of threads threads=$(nproc) # Start checks #if you do not want to use a program, set the variable for it to false here jpegtran=true advdef=true advzip=true optipng=true #WARNING! SETTING TO TRUE MAY POSSIBLY INCREASE LOAD TIMES ON A SLOW CPU (UNTESTED) OR LEAD TO FILE NOT FOUND ERRORS WHEN RUNNING SUPERTUXKART! compress_b3d=false #--------------------------------------------------------- # Begin main code #Check for reqired programs; if a program is not available, disable it or quit the program #TODO: make awk optional if [ ! $(which awk) ] then echo "Please install awk. It is required by this program. \nQuitting..." exit 1 fi #check for jpegtran if [ ! $(which jpegtran) ] then echo "jpegtran not installed, therefore it will not be used. It is included in the package \"libjpeg-progs\"."; jpegtran=false sleep 2 fi #check for advdef if [ ! $(which advdef) ] then echo "advdef is not installed, therefore it will not be used. It is included in the package \"advancecomp\"."; advdef=false sleep 2 fi #check for advzip if [ ! $(which advzip) ] then echo "advzip is not installed, therefore it will not be used. It is included in the package \"advancecomp\"."; advzip=false sleep 2 fi #check for optipng if [ ! $(which optipng) ] then echo "optipng is not installed, therefore it will not be used."; optipng=false sleep 2 fi # Defines #Internal Field Seperator IFS=" " export LANG=C # Go #store disk usage of files beforehand BEFORE=`du -sk | awk '{print $1}'` #functions for xargs multithreading, used instead of GNU parallel for cross-compatibility #TODO: let next set of optimization scripts run if one set is stuck on a single file at the end to decrease total runtime #optimize PNG's optimpng () { for arg; do optipng -quiet -o3 "$arg" #level 3 = 16 trials, which according to http://optipng.sourceforge.net/pngtech/optipng.html (retrieved October 2014) should be satisfactory for all users done } export -f optimpng #compress PNG in-stream data comprpng () { for arg; do advdef -z4 "$arg" done } export -f comprpng #optimize and recompress jpeg files (losslessly) optimjpg () { for arg; do jpegtran -optimize -copy none -outfile "$arg".$$ "$arg" mv "$arg".$$ "$arg" done } export -f optimjpg #recompress b3dz files recomprb3dz () { for arg; do advzip -z4 "$arg" done } export -f recomprb3dz #END MULTITHREADING FUNCTIONS #lossless png image optimization if [ "$optipng" = true ]; then find . -path .svn -prune -o -name "*.png" -print0 | xargs -0 -n 1 -P "$threads" bash -c 'optimpng "$@"' -- #multithread the png optimization else echo "optipng not installed. Ignoring commands using optipng..."; sleep 1 fi #in-stream data/png compression if [ "$advdef" = true ]; then find . -path .svn -prune -o -name "*.png" -print0 | xargs -0 -n 1 -P "$threads" bash -c 'comprpng "$@"' -- #multithread image compression else echo "advdef is not installed. Ignoring commands using advdef..."; sleep 1 fi #lossless jpeg optimization/recompression if [ "$jpegtran" = true ]; then find . -path .svn -prune -o -name "*.jpg" -print0 | xargs -0 -n 1 -P "$threads" bash -c 'optimjpg "$@"' -- #multithread jpg compression and optimization else echo "jpegtran not installed. Ignoring commands using jpegtran..."; sleep 1 fi #b3dz to b3dz compression #WARNING: BETA, MAY CAUSE MISSING FILE WARNINGS! if [ "$compress_b3d" = true ]; then for xmls in $(find . -name "*.xml"); do sed 's/b3d/b3dz/g' "$xmls" > "$xmls".$$ mv "$xmls".$$ "$xmls" #echo "$xmls" sed 's/b3dzz/b3dz/g' "$xmls" > "$xmls".$$ mv "$xmls".$$ "$xmls" sed 's/b3dzz/b3dz/g' "$xmls" > "$xmls".$$ mv "$xmls".$$ "$xmls" done find . -name "*.b3d" -execdir zip '{}.zip' '{}' \; for b3dzip in $(find -name "*.b3d.zip"); do b3dz="${b3dzip%.zip}" #echo "$b3dz" mv "$b3dzip" "${b3dz}z" done find . -type d -name "models" -prune -o -name "*.b3d" -print0 | xargs -0 rm else echo "b3d to b3dz compression disabled. Ignoring actions..."; sleep 1 fi #b3dz file stream compression if [ "$advzip" = true ]; then find . -path .svn -prune -o -name "*.b3dz" -print0 | xargs -0 -n 1 -P "$threads" bash -c 'recomprb3dz "$@"' -- #multithread b3dz recompression else echo "advzip not installed. Ignoring commands using advzip..."; sleep 1 fi # Add optimizations for other types if necessary # get and store new disk usage info AFTER=`du -sk | awk '{print $1}'` # Print stats out echo $BEFORE $AFTER | awk '{print "Size before: " $1/1024 "mb; Size after: " $2/1024 "mb" }' echo $BEFORE $AFTER | awk '{print "Saved " (1-($2/$1)) * 100 "%" }'