# - Include the VR Juggler runtime files in an installation or built package. # # VRJUGGLERRUNTIME_BUNDLE # VRJUGGLERRUNTIME_BUNDLE_DEBUG - set to yes to include debug dll's as well # # Requires these CMake modules: # FindVRJuggler22 and its dependencies # # Original Author: # 2009-2010 Ryan Pavlik <rpavlik@iastate.edu> <abiryan@ryand.net> # http://academic.cleardefinition.com # Iowa State University HCI Graduate Program/VRAC # # Copyright Iowa State University 2009-2010. # Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. # (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at # http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) if(WIN32) option(VRJUGGLERRUNTIME_BUNDLE "Install a local copy of the VR Juggler runtime files with the project." on) option(VRJUGGLERRUNTIME_BUNDLE_DEBUG "Install the VR Juggler debug runtime files as well." off) mark_as_advanced(VRJUGGLERRUNTIME_BUNDLE_DEBUG) else() # TODO - how to handle when not on Windows? #option(VRJUGGLERRUNTIME_BUNDLE "Install a local copy of the VR Juggler runtime files with the project." off) endif() mark_as_advanced(VRJUGGLERRUNTIME_BUNDLE VRJUGGLERRUNTIME_BUNDLE_DEBUG) if(VRJUGGLERRUNTIME_BUNDLE AND VRJUGGLER22_FOUND) if(WIN32) get_filename_component(_vrjlibdir "${VRJ22_LIBRARY_RELEASE}" PATH) get_filename_component(_vrjroot "${_vrjlibdir}/../" ABSOLUTE) # TODO - make sure gadgeteer and sonix can find their DSO's at runtime... foreach(_dir bin lib) if(VRJUGGLERRUNTIME_BUNDLE_DEBUG) install(DIRECTORY "${_vrjroot}/${_dir}/" DESTINATION bin PATTERN "*.lib" EXCLUDE # exclude static and link libraries PATTERN "*.exe" EXCLUDE # exclude unneeded executables PATTERN "*.py" EXCLUDE # exclude unneeded python executables PATTERN "*.pyc" EXCLUDE # exclude unneeded python executables ) else() install(DIRECTORY ${_vrjroot}/${_dir}/ DESTINATION bin PATTERN "*.lib" EXCLUDE # exclude static and link libraries PATTERN "*.exe" EXCLUDE # exclude unneeded executables PATTERN "*.py" EXCLUDE # exclude unneeded python executables PATTERN "*.pyc" EXCLUDE # exclude unneeded python executables PATTERN "*d.dll" EXCLUDE # exclude debug dll's PATTERN "*-gd-*.dll" EXCLUDE # exclude Boost debug dll's ) endif() endforeach() install(DIRECTORY ${_vrjroot}/share/ DESTINATION share FILES_MATCHING # Runtime files PATTERN "*.dll" PATTERN "*.jar" # Data files PATTERN "*.wav" PATTERN "*.xml" PATTERN "*.xsl" PATTERN "*.xsd" PATTERN "*.flt" PATTERN "*.dat" PATTERN "*.table" # Config files PATTERN "*.jdef" PATTERN "*.jconf" PATTERN "*.cfg" PATTERN "hosts.allow" # Other Files PATTERN "*.txt" PATTERN "COPYING*" PATTERN "ChangeLog" ) endif() endif()