// From paper http://graphics.cs.williams.edu/papers/AlchemyHPG11/ // and improvements here http://graphics.cs.williams.edu/papers/SAOHPG12/ uniform sampler2D ntex; uniform sampler2D dtex; uniform sampler2D noise_texture; uniform vec4 samplePoints[16]; #ifdef UBO_DISABLED uniform mat4 ViewMatrix; uniform mat4 ProjectionMatrix; uniform mat4 InverseViewMatrix; uniform mat4 InverseProjectionMatrix; #else layout (std140) uniform MatrixesData { mat4 ViewMatrix; mat4 ProjectionMatrix; mat4 InverseViewMatrix; mat4 InverseProjectionMatrix; mat4 ShadowViewProjMatrixes[4]; }; #endif in vec2 uv; out float AO; const float sigma = 1.; const float tau = 7.; const float beta = 0.0001; const float epsilon = .00001; const float radius = 2.; const float k = 1.5; #define SAMPLES 16 const float invSamples = 1. / SAMPLES; vec3 DecodeNormal(vec2 n); vec4 getPosFromUVDepth(vec3 uvDepth, mat4 InverseProjectionMatrix); void main(void) { vec4 cur = texture(ntex, uv); float curdepth = texture(dtex, uv).x; vec4 FragPos = getPosFromUVDepth(vec3(uv, curdepth), InverseProjectionMatrix); // get the normal of current fragment vec3 ddx = dFdx(FragPos.xyz); vec3 ddy = dFdy(FragPos.xyz); vec3 norm = normalize(cross(ddy, ddx)); // Workaround for nvidia and skyboxes float len = dot(vec3(1.0), abs(cur.xyz)); if (len < 0.2 || curdepth > 0.9955) discard; int x = int(1024. * uv.x), y = int(1024. * uv.y); float r = radius / FragPos.z; float phi = 30. * (x ^ y) + 10. * x * y; float bl = 0.0; for(int i = 0; i < SAMPLES; ++i) { float alpha = (i + .5) * invSamples; float theta = 2. * 3.14 * tau * alpha + phi; float h = r * alpha; vec2 occluder_uv = h * vec2(cos(theta), sin(theta)); occluder_uv += uv; if (occluder_uv.x < 0. || occluder_uv.x > 1. || occluder_uv.y < 0. || occluder_uv.y > 1.) continue; float m = round(log2(h)) + 6.; float occluderFragmentDepth = textureLod(dtex, occluder_uv, m).x; vec4 OccluderPos = getPosFromUVDepth(vec3(occluder_uv, occluderFragmentDepth), InverseProjectionMatrix); vec3 vi = (OccluderPos - FragPos).xyz; bl += max(0, dot(vi, norm) - FragPos.z * beta) / (dot(vi, vi) + epsilon); } AO = max(pow(1.0 - 2. * sigma * bl * invSamples, k), 0.); }