<?xml version="1.0"?> <!-- List of counters the achievements can query. The format to use is <goal type="name_of_the_counter" value="X"/> where X is the desired value of the counter ;e.g. <won_races value="10"/> WARNING! If a goal node is malformed, it is ignored. ___________________________________________________________________________ S - Logical relations and subgoals When you define multiple goals, the achievement will be completed if they are all met, but they don't need to be met at once. To have more possibilities, you can define subgoals and the logical relationship they need to meet. The available relations are : AND // The subgoals have to be met, but not necessarily at once AND-AT-ONCE // The subgoals have to be met at the same time. OR // One of the subgoal has to be met SUM // The subgoals sum must reach a certain (positive !) number. The format to use for AND, AND-AT-ONCE and OR is : <goal type="AND"> <goal type="name_of_counter" value="X"/> <goal type="name_of_counter" value="Y"/> </goal> For SUM, it is : <goal type="SUM" value="X"> <goal type="name_of_counter" operation="+"/> <goal type="name_of_counter" operation="-"/> </goal> With the value of operation (+ or -) defining if the subgoal is added or subtracted from the total. Sub-goals can also have their own sub-goals, however a AND, AND-AT-ONCE or OR can't have a SUM goal for parent. ___________________________________________________________________________ I - Won races (normal, time-trial, FTL) counters. Require to beat at least 3 AIs in any difficulty. won-races : total number of races won won-normal-races won-tt-races won-ftl-races II - Consecutive won races counters. These counters are reset if a race is restarted, or if a race is lost even if the AI count to increment is not met. cons-won-races cons-won-races-hard // This requires 5+ AIs and expert+ difficulty III - Race started and finished counters, by difficulty (linear races only) easy-started easy-finished medium-started medium-finished hard-started hard-finished best-started best-finished IV - Race started and finished counters, by game mode. Races against a ghost are counted both in the base mode counter, either time-trial or egg hunt, and in their own specific counter. normal-started normal-finished tt-started tt-finished ftl-started ftl-finished three-strikes-started three-strikes-finished soccer-started soccer-finished egg-hunt-started egg-hunt-finished with-ghost-started with-ghost-finished ctf-started ctf-finished ffa-started ffa-finished IV - Counters related to powerup use. The hit counters reference how many times the player kart has hit other karts, not how often it was hit. powerup-used powerup-used-1race bowling-hit bowling-hit-1race swatter-hit swatter-hit-1race all-hits // hits from bowling ball, cake and swatter all-hits-1race hit-same-kart-1race V - Counters related to other race events. banana // counts how many banana the player's kart has hit banana-1race skidding skidding-1race skidding-1lap VI - Per-track counters (at least one track reach the value) race-started race-finished race-won race-finished-reverse race-finished-alone less-laps more-laps twice-laps egg-hunt-started egg-hunt-finished VII - Per-track counters (all non-addon tracks reach the value) race-started-all race-finished-all race-won-all race-finished-reverse-all race-finished-alone-all less-laps-all more-laps-all twice-laps-all // For egg hunts, all non-addon tracks with egg hunt support // must reach the value egg-hunt-started-all egg-hunt-finished-all --> <achievements version="1"> <achievement id="1" name="Christoffel Columbus" description="Play every official track at least once." > <goal type="race-finished-all" value="1"/> </achievement> <achievement id="2" name="Strike!" description="Hit 10 karts with a bowling-ball."> <goal type="bowling-hit" value="10"/> </achievement> <achievement id="3" name="Arch Enemy" description="Hit the same kart at least 5 times in one race."> <goal type="hit-same-kart-1race" value="5"/> </achievement> <achievement id="4" name="Marathoner" description="Finish a race with at least twice the track's default lap number."> <goal type="twice-laps" value="1"/> </achievement> <achievement id="5" name="Skid-row" description="Skid 5 times in a single lap."> <goal type="skidding-1lap" value="5"/> </achievement> <achievement id="6" name="Gold driver" description="Win against at least 3 AIs in normal race, time-trial, and follow the leader."> <goal type="won-normal-races" value="1"/> <goal type="won-tt-races" value="1"/> <goal type="won-ftl-races" value="1"/> </achievement> <achievement id="7" name="Powerup Love" description="Use 10 or more powerups in a race."> <goal type="powerup-used-1race" value="10"/> </achievement> <achievement id="8" name="Unstoppable" description="Win 5 single races in a row against at least 3 AIs. Beware, restarting a race counts as a loss."> <goal type="cons-won-races" value="5"/> </achievement> <achievement id="9" name="Banana Lover" description="Collect at least 5 bananas in one race."> <goal type="banana-1race" value="5"/> </achievement> <achievement id="10" name="It's secret" description="Really ... a secret." secret="yes"> </achievement> <achievement id="11" name="Mosquito Hunter" description="Take your opponents for mosquitos! With the swatter, squash them at least 5 times in a race."> <goal type="swatter-hit-1race" value="5"/> </achievement> <achievement id="12" name="Beyond Luck" description="Win 10 single races in a row in Expert or SuperTux against at least 5 AIs. Beware, restarting a race counts as a loss."> <goal type="cons-won-races-hard" value="10"/> </achievement> </achievements>