// From paper http://graphics.cs.williams.edu/papers/AlchemyHPG11/ // and improvements here http://graphics.cs.williams.edu/papers/SAOHPG12/ uniform sampler2D dtex; uniform float radius; uniform float k; uniform float sigma; out float AO; const float tau = 7.; const float beta = 0.002; const float epsilon = .00001; #define SAMPLES 16 const float invSamples = 0.0625; // 1. / SAMPLES vec3 getXcYcZc(int x, int y, float zC) { // We use perspective symetric projection matrix hence P(0,2) = P(1, 2) = 0 float xC= (2. * (float(x)) / u_screen.x - 1.) * zC / u_projection_matrix[0][0]; float yC= (2. * (float(y)) / u_screen.y - 1.) * zC / u_projection_matrix[1][1]; return vec3(xC, yC, zC); } void main(void) { vec2 uv = gl_FragCoord.xy / u_screen; float lineardepth = textureLod(dtex, uv, 0.).x; int x = int(gl_FragCoord.x), y = int(gl_FragCoord.y); vec3 FragPos = getXcYcZc(x, y, lineardepth); // get the normal of current fragment vec3 ddx = dFdx(FragPos); vec3 ddy = dFdy(FragPos); vec3 norm = normalize(cross(ddy, ddx)); float r = radius / FragPos.z; float phi = 3. * float((x ^ y) + x * y); float bl = 0.0; float m = log2(r) + 6. + log2(invSamples); float theta = mod(2. * 3.14 * tau * .5 * invSamples + phi, 6.283185307179586); vec2 rotations = vec2(cos(theta), sin(theta)) * u_screen; vec2 offset = vec2(cos(invSamples), sin(invSamples)); for(int i = 0; i < SAMPLES; ++i) { float alpha = (float(i) + .5) * invSamples; rotations = vec2(rotations.x * offset.x - rotations.y * offset.y, rotations.x * offset.y + rotations.y * offset.x); float h = r * alpha; vec2 localoffset = h * rotations; m = m + .5; ivec2 ioccluder_uv = ivec2(x, y) + ivec2(localoffset); if (ioccluder_uv.x < 0 || ioccluder_uv.x > int(u_screen.x) || ioccluder_uv.y < 0 || ioccluder_uv.y > int(u_screen.y)) continue; float LinearoccluderFragmentDepth = textureLod(dtex, vec2(ioccluder_uv) / u_screen, max(m, 0.)).x; vec3 OccluderPos = getXcYcZc(ioccluder_uv.x, ioccluder_uv.y, LinearoccluderFragmentDepth); vec3 vi = OccluderPos - FragPos; bl += max(0., dot(vi, norm) - FragPos.z * beta) / (dot(vi, vi) + epsilon); } AO = max(pow(1.0 - min(2. * sigma * bl * invSamples, 0.99), k), 0.); }