// // SuperTuxKart - a fun racing game with go-kart // Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Glenn De Jonghe // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 // of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. #include "online/servers_manager.hpp" #include "config/user_config.hpp" #include "network/stk_host.hpp" #include "utils/translation.hpp" #include "utils/time.hpp" #include #include #include #define SERVER_REFRESH_INTERVAL 5.0f namespace Online { static ServersManager* manager_singleton(NULL); ServersManager* ServersManager::get() { if (manager_singleton == NULL) manager_singleton = new ServersManager(); return manager_singleton; } // get // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void ServersManager::deallocate() { delete manager_singleton; manager_singleton = NULL; } // deallocate // ===========================================================-============= ServersManager::ServersManager() { m_last_load_time.setAtomic(0.0f); m_joined_server.setAtomic(NULL); } // ServersManager // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ServersManager::~ServersManager() { cleanUpServers(); MutexLocker(m_joined_server); delete m_joined_server.getData(); } // ~ServersManager // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** Removes all stored server information. After this call the list of * servers can be refreshed. */ void ServersManager::cleanUpServers() { if(m_joined_server.getAtomic()!=NULL) { // m_joinsed_server is a pointer into the m_server structure, // we can not modify this data structure while this pointer exists. Log::warn("ServersManager", "Server cleanUp while being already " "connected to a server."); return; } m_sorted_servers.lock(); m_sorted_servers.getData().clearAndDeleteAll(); m_sorted_servers.unlock(); m_mapped_servers.lock(); m_mapped_servers.getData().clear(); m_mapped_servers.unlock(); } // cleanUpServers // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Returns a WAN update-list-of-servers request. It queries the * STK server for an up-to-date list of servers. */ XMLRequest* ServersManager::getWANRefreshRequest() const { // ======================================================================== /** A small local class that triggers an update of the ServersManager * when the request is finished. */ class WANRefreshRequest : public XMLRequest { public: WANRefreshRequest() : XMLRequest(/*manage_memory*/false, /*priority*/100) {} // -------------------------------------------------------------------- virtual void callback() { ServersManager::get()->refresh(isSuccess(), getXMLData()); } // callback // -------------------------------------------------------------------- }; // RefreshRequest // ======================================================================== XMLRequest* request = new WANRefreshRequest(); request->setApiURL(API::SERVER_PATH, "get-all"); return request; } // getWANRefreshRequest // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Returns a LAN update-list-of-servers request. It uses UDP broadcasts * to find LAN servers, and waits for a certain amount of time fr * answers. */ XMLRequest* ServersManager::getLANRefreshRequest() const { /** A simple class that uses LAN broadcasts to find local servers. * It is based on XML request, but actually does not use any of the * XML/HTTP based infrastructure, but implements the same interface. * This way the already existing request thread can be used. */ class LANRefreshRequest : public XMLRequest { public: /** High priority for this request. */ LANRefreshRequest() : XMLRequest(false, 100) {m_success = false;} // -------------------------------------------------------------------- virtual ~LANRefreshRequest() {} // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Get the downloaded XML tree. * \pre request has to be executed. * \return get the complete result from the request reply. */ virtual const XMLNode * getXMLData() const { assert(hasBeenExecuted()); return NULL; } // getXMLData // -------------------------------------------------------------------- virtual void prepareOperation() OVERRIDE { } // prepareOperation // -------------------------------------------------------------------- virtual void operation() { Network *broadcast = new Network(1, 1, 0, 0); NetworkString s(std::string("stk-server")); TransportAddress broadcast_address(-1, 2757); broadcast->sendRawPacket(s.getBytes(), s.size(), broadcast_address); Log::info("ServersManager", "Sent broadcast message."); const int LEN=2048; char buffer[LEN]; // Wait for up to 0.5 seconds to receive an answer from // any local servers. double start_time = StkTime::getRealTime(); const double DURATION = 1.0; while(StkTime::getRealTime() - start_time < DURATION) { TransportAddress sender; int len = broadcast->receiveRawPacket(buffer, LEN, &sender, 1); if(len>0) { NetworkString s(buffer, len); uint8_t name_len = s.getUInt8(0); std::string name = s.getString(1, name_len); irr::core::stringw name_w = StringUtils::utf8_to_wide(name.c_str()); uint8_t max_players = s.getUInt8(1+name_len ); uint8_t players = s.getUInt8(1+name.size()+1); uint32_t my_ip = s.getUInt32(1+name.size()+2); uint32_t my_port = s.getUInt16(1+name.size()+6); ServersManager::get() ->addServer(new Server(name_w, /*lan*/true, max_players, players, sender) ); m_success = true; } // if received_data } // while still waiting } // operation // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** This function is necessary, otherwise the XML- and HTTP-Request * functions are called, which will cause a crash. */ virtual void afterOperation() OVERRIDE {} // -------------------------------------------------------------------- }; // LANRefreshRequest // ======================================================================== return new LANRefreshRequest(); } // getLANRefreshRequest // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Factory function to create either a LAN or a WAN update-of-server * requests. The current list of servers is also cleared/ */ XMLRequest* ServersManager::getRefreshRequest(bool request_now) { if (StkTime::getRealTime() - m_last_load_time.getAtomic() < SERVER_REFRESH_INTERVAL) { // Avoid too frequent refreshing return NULL; } if(m_joined_server.getAtomic()!=NULL) { // m_joinsed_server is a pointer into the m_server structure, // we can not modify this data structure while this pointer exists. Log::warn("ServersManager", "Server refresh while being already " "connected to a server."); return NULL; } cleanUpServers(); XMLRequest *request = STKHost::isWAN() ? getWANRefreshRequest() : getLANRefreshRequest(); if (request_now) RequestManager::get()->addRequest(request); return request; } // getRefreshRequest // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Callback from the refresh request. * \param success If the refresh was successful. * \param input The XML data describing the server. */ void ServersManager::refresh(bool success, const XMLNode *input) { if (!success) { Log::error("Server Manager", "Could not refresh server list"); return; } const XMLNode *servers_xml = input->getNode("servers"); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < servers_xml->getNumNodes(); i++) { addServer(new Server(*servers_xml->getNode(i), /*is_lan*/false)); } m_last_load_time.setAtomic((float)StkTime::getRealTime()); } // refresh // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- const Server* ServersManager::getQuickPlay() const { if (m_sorted_servers.getData().size() > 0) return getServerBySort(0); return NULL; } // getQuickPlay // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Sets a pointer to the server to which this client is connected. From now * on the list of servers must not be modified (else this pointer might * become invalid). */ void ServersManager::setJoinedServer(uint32_t id) { { MutexLocker(m_joined_server); delete m_joined_server.getData(); } { MutexLocker(m_mapped_servers); m_joined_server.getData() = m_mapped_servers.getData().at(id); } } // setJoinedServer // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Unsets the server to which this client is connected. */ void ServersManager::unsetJoinedServer() { MutexLocker(m_joined_server); delete m_joined_server.getData(); m_joined_server.getData() = NULL; } // unsetJoinedServer // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Adds a server to the list of known servers. * \param server The server to add. */ void ServersManager::addServer(Server *server) { m_sorted_servers.lock(); m_sorted_servers.getData().push_back(server); m_sorted_servers.unlock(); m_mapped_servers.lock(); m_mapped_servers.getData()[server->getServerId()] = server; m_mapped_servers.unlock(); } // addServer // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- int ServersManager::getNumServers() const { MutexLocker(m_sorted_servers); return m_sorted_servers.getData().size(); } // getNumServers // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- const Server* ServersManager::getServerBySort(int index) const { MutexLocker(m_sorted_servers); return m_sorted_servers.getData().get(index); } // getServerBySort // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ const Server* ServersManager::getServerByID(uint32_t id) const { MutexLocker(m_mapped_servers); return m_mapped_servers.getData().at(id); } // getServerByID // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Server* ServersManager::getJoinedServer() const { return m_joined_server.getAtomic(); } // getJoinedServer // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ServersManager::sort(bool sort_desc) { MutexLocker(m_sorted_servers); m_sorted_servers.getData().insertionSort(0, sort_desc); } // sort } // namespace Online