#version 130 uniform sampler2D tex; uniform vec2 screen; uniform vec2 dir; uniform vec2 dir2; in vec2 uv; in vec2 edger_uv; in float camdist; void main() { vec2 tc = uv; vec4 col = vec4(0.0); const float maxlen = 0.02; float horiz = texture2D(tex, tc + dir).x; float vert = texture2D(tex, (tc.yx + dir2) * vec2(0.9)).x; vec2 offset = vec2(horiz, vert); offset *= 2.0; offset -= 1.0; // Fade according to distance to cam float fade = 1.0 - smoothstep(1.0, 100.0, camdist); // Fade according to distance from the edges vec2 edger = edger_uv; const float mindist = 0.1; fade *= smoothstep(0.0, mindist, edger.x) * smoothstep(0.0, mindist, edger.y) * (1.0 - smoothstep(1.0 - mindist, 1.0, edger.x)) * (1.0 - smoothstep(1.0 - mindist, 1.0, edger.y)); offset *= 50.0 * fade * maxlen; col.r = step(offset.x, 0.0) * -offset.x; col.g = step(0.0, offset.x) * offset.x; col.b = step(offset.y, 0.0) * -offset.y; col.a = step(0.0, offset.y) * offset.y; gl_FragColor = col; }