NDK_PATH=android-ndk-r10e/ # target: all - Default target. Build and create the apk. all: build apk # target: build - Build the native code build: obj/freetype.stamp jni/ifaddrs/ifaddrs.h NDK_CCACHE=ccache ${NDK_PATH}/ndk-build -j3 # target: apk - Make a debug APK apk: ant debug # target: install - Install the debug APK to the plugged device/emulator install: ant installd # target: help - Display callable targets. help: egrep "^# target:" [Mm]akefile run: adb shell am start -n org.supertuxkart.stk/android.app.NativeActivity obj/freetype.stamp: mkdir -p obj/freetype cd jni/freetype && \ ./configure --host=arm-linux-androideabi --prefix=/freetype --without-zlib --with-png=no --with-harfbuzz=no && \ make -j4 && \ make install DESTDIR=`pwd`/../../obj/freetype touch obj/freetype.stamp jni/ifaddrs/ifaddrs.h: cd jni && git clone https://github.com/morristech/android-ifaddrs.git ifaddrs