SuperTuxKart - 0.4 RC 1 ===================== Super TuxKart is fun kart racing game. Project Leaders ----------------- Joerg Henrichs (hiker) Eduardo Hernandez Munoz (coz) Additional coding -------------------- Robert Schuster - user settings updates - input handling - SDL port - bug fixes Paul Elms (scifly) - bug fixes - change resoluton gui Hans Dzaack (Hans the farmer) - physics tuning Maik Semder (Ikework) - Bugfixes Stephan Wiefling - Menu sounds Canarix - User interface - Testing Damien - Ogg vorbis support Patrick Ammann - bug fixes, code cleanup - OpenAL support Artists --------------- SuperTuxKart Music Theme - Weirwood Additional music - Weirwood - Lukas Siewert (Dr.Sternhagel) - Paul Esra Martin (P@ule) - Asha B. - ??? (KingArthur's Castle) 3D track improvements (Shifting Sands, Lighthouse) - Marianne Gagnon (auria) Island track creation - Johannes Sjolund 2D art - Canarix Wilber kart - Marianne Gagnon (auria) Hexley the platypus creation - Frederico de Oliveira Linhares Support for OS-X ---------------- Port and package creation: - Florian, -Nuke-, TinGamer and Xeno74 Additional artwork/documentation: - Cherryprice, -Nuke-, and Xeno74 Support for Mac-Linux-PPC ------------------------- Port and package creation: - Xeno74 Playtester ---------- - Constantin Pelikan - Too many friendly people at the Games4Mac Forum to list them all ( Donations --------- - Michael Roessner Previous releases ================= Game of the Month group: ---------------------------- Ingo Ruhnke Matthias Braun James Gregory Jacob Persson Paul Carley Craig Keogh Pascal Giard Caleb Sawtell Ricardo Cruz Oliver Jeeves Jacob Persson Willian Padovani Germano Original Tuxkart Design: -------------------------- Steve Baker Models and Track Design: ---------------------------- Original TuxKart models: Steve Baker, Oliver Baker New SuperTuxKart models: Ingo Ruhnke Music: ------- Matt Thomas