import xml.dom.minidom import sys import codecs f = open('./data/po/gui_strings.h', 'w') f.write( codecs.BOM_UTF8 ) def traverse(file, node, isChallenge, isGP, isKart, isTrack, isAchievements, level=0): for e in node.childNodes: if e.localName == None: continue #print ' '*level, e.localName comment = None if e.hasAttribute("I18N"): comment = e.getAttribute("I18N") if e.localName == "subtitle" and e.hasAttribute("text") and len(e.getAttribute("text")) > 0: #print "Label=", e.getAttribute("name"), " Comment=", comment line = "" if comment == None: line += "//I18N: Cutscene subtitle from " + file + "\n_(\"" + e.getAttribute("text") + "\")\n\n" else: line += "//I18N: Cutscene subtitle from " + file + "\n//I18N: " + comment + "\n_(\"" + e.getAttribute("text") + "\");\n\n" f.write( line.encode( "utf-8" ) ) if isChallenge or isGP or isKart or isTrack or isAchievements: if isTrack and e.hasAttribute("internal") and e.getAttribute("internal") == "Y": continue if e.hasAttribute("name") and len(e.getAttribute("name")) > 0: #print "Label=", e.getAttribute("name"), " Comment=", comment line = "" if comment == None: line += "//I18N: " + file + "\n_(\"" + e.getAttribute("name") + "\")\n\n" else: line += "//I18N: File : " + file + "\n//I18N: " + comment + "\n_(\"" + e.getAttribute("name") + "\");\n\n" f.write( line.encode( "utf-8" ) ) # challenges and GPs can have a description file; karts don't if e.hasAttribute("description") and len(e.getAttribute("description")) > 0: # print "Label=", e.getAttribute("description"), " Comment=", comment line = "" if comment == None: line += "//I18N: " + file + "\n_(\"" + e.getAttribute("description") + "\")\n\n" else: line += "//I18N: File : " + file + "\n//I18N: " + comment + "\n_(\"" + e.getAttribute("description") + "\");\n\n" f.write( line.encode( "utf-8" ) ) else: if e.hasAttribute("text") and len(e.getAttribute("text")) > 0: # print "Label=", e.getAttribute("text"), " Comment=", comment line = "" if comment == None: line += "//I18N: " + file + "\n_(\"" + e.getAttribute("text").replace("\"", "\\\"") + "\")\n\n" else: line += "//I18N: " + file + "\n//I18N: " + comment + "\n_(\"" + e.getAttribute("text") + "\");\n\n" f.write( line.encode( "utf-8" ) ) # don't recurse in children nodes for karts, they can contain sounds, etc. that should not be translated if not isKart: traverse(file, e, isChallenge, isGP, isKart, isTrack, isAchievements, level+1) filenames = sys.argv[1:] for file in filenames: #print "Parsing", file isChallenge = False isGP = False isKart = False isTrack = False isAchievements = False if file.endswith(".challenge"): isChallenge = True if file.endswith(".grandprix"): isGP = True if file.endswith("kart.xml"): isKart = True if file.endswith("track.xml"): isTrack = True if file.endswith("achievements.xml"): isAchievements = True try: doc = xml.dom.minidom.parse(file) except Exception as ex: print("============================================") print("/!\\ Expat doesn't like ", file, "! Error=", type(ex), " (", ex.args, ")") print("============================================") traverse(file, doc, isChallenge, isGP, isKart, isTrack, isAchievements)