<?xml version="1.0"?>

<!-- For sky particles, the size of the box is ignored -->
<particles emitter="box" box_x="10.0" box_y="0.5" box_z="10.0">

    <spreading angle="3"           />
    <velocity  x="-0.00"
               z="-0.00"             />
    <material  file="gfx_leaf_a.png" clampu="Y" clampv="Y" />
    <!-- Amount of particles emitted per second -->
    <rate      min="2"
               max="5"           />
    <!-- Minimal and maximal lifetime of a particle, in milliseconds. -->
    <lifetime  min="30000"
               max="30000"          />
    <!-- Size of the particles -->
    <size      min="0.40"
               max="0.60"          />
    <color     min="40 40 255"
               max="255 255 255"   />

    <wind      flips="Y"           />
