# - try to find VR Juggler-related packages (combined finder) # VRJUGGLER_INCLUDE_DIRS, include search paths # VRJUGGLER_LIBRARIES, the libraries to link against # VRJUGGLER_ENVIRONMENT # VRJUGGLER_RUNTIME_LIBRARY_DIRS # VRJUGGLER_CXX_FLAGS # VRJUGGLER_DEFINITIONS # VRJUGGLER_FOUND, If false, do not try to use VR Juggler. # # Components available to search for (uses "VRJOGL" by default): # VRJOGL # VRJ # Gadgeteer # JCCL # VPR # Sonix # Tweek # # Additionally, a full setup requires these packages and their Find_.cmake scripts # CPPDOM # GMTL # # Optionally uses Flagpoll (and FindFlagpoll.cmake) # # Notes on components: # - All components automatically include their dependencies. # - If you do not specify a component, VRJOGL (the OpenGL view manager) # will be used by default. # - Capitalization of component names does not matter, but it's best to # pretend it does and use the above capitalization. # - Since this script calls find_package for your requested components and # their dependencies, you can use any of the variables specified in those # files in addition to the "summary" ones listed here, for more finely # controlled building and linking. # # This CMake script requires all of the Find*.cmake scripts for the # components listed above, as it is only a "meta-script" designed to make # using those scripts more developer-friendly. # # Useful configuration variables you might want to add to your cache: # (CAPS COMPONENT NAME)_ROOT_DIR - A directory prefix to search # (a path that contains include/ as a subdirectory) # # The VJ_BASE_DIR environment variable is also searched (preferentially) # when seeking any of the above components, as well as Flagpoll, CPPDOM, # and Boost (from within VPR), so most sane build environments should # "just work." # # IMPORTANT: Note that you need to manually re-run CMake if you change # this environment variable, because it cannot auto-detect this change # and trigger an automatic re-run. # # Original Author: # 2009-2010 Ryan Pavlik <rpavlik@iastate.edu> <abiryan@ryand.net> # http://academic.cleardefinition.com # Iowa State University HCI Graduate Program/VRAC # Updated for VR Juggler 3.0 by: # Brandon Newendorp <brandon@newendorp.com> # # Copyright Iowa State University 2009-2010. # Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. # (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at # http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) include(CleanLibraryList) include(CleanDirectoryList) include(FindPackageMessage) if(NOT VRJUGGLER_ROOT_DIR) file(TO_CMAKE_PATH "$ENV{VJ_BASE_DIR}" VRJUGGLER_ROOT_DIR) endif() set(VRJUGGLER_ROOT_DIR "${VRJUGGLER_ROOT_DIR}" CACHE PATH "Additional root directory to search for VR Juggler and its dependencies.") if(NOT VRJUGGLER_ROOT_DIR) file(TO_CMAKE_PATH "$ENV{VJ_BASE_DIR}" VRJUGGLER30_ROOT_DIR) endif() # Default required components if(NOT VRJuggler_FIND_COMPONENTS) set(VRJuggler_FIND_COMPONENTS vrjogl) endif() if(VRJuggler30_FIND_QUIETLY) set(_FIND_FLAGS "QUIET") else() set(_FIND_FLAGS "") endif() set(VRJUGGLER_FIND_22 TRUE) set(VRJUGGLER_FIND_30 TRUE) if(VRJuggler_FIND_VERSION) if(VRJuggler_FIND_VERSION_EXACT) if(VRJuggler_FIND_VERSION MATCHES "2.2" OR VRJuggler_FIND_VERSION MATCHES "22") set(VRJUGGLER_FIND_30 FALSE) elseif(VRJuggler_FIND_VERSION MATCHES "3.0" OR VRJuggler_FIND_VERSION MATCHES "30") set(VRJUGGLER_FIND_22 FALSE) endif() else() if(VRJuggler_FIND_VERSION MATCHES "3.0" OR VRJuggler_FIND_VERSION MATCHES "30") set(VRJUGGLER_FIND_22 FALSE) endif() endif() endif() if(VRJUGGLER_FIND_30) if(NOT VRJUGGLER30_ROOT_DIR) set(VRJUGGLER30_ROOT_DIR ${VRJUGGLER_ROOT_DIR}) endif() find_package(VRJuggler30 COMPONENTS ${VRJuggler_FIND_COMPONENTS}) if(VRJUGGLER30_FOUND) set(VRJUGGLER_FOUND TRUE) set(VRJUGGLER_LIBRARIES ${VRJUGGLER30_LIBRARIES}) set(VRJUGGLER_INCLUDE_DIRS ${VRJUGGLER30_INCLUDE_DIRS}) set(VRJUGGLER_LIBRARY_DIRS ${VRJUGGLER30_LIBRARY_DIRS}) set(VRJUGGLER_ENVIRONMENT ${VRJUGGLER30_ENVIRONMENT}) set(VRJUGGLER_RUNTIME_LIBRARY_DIRS ${VRJUGGLER30_RUNTIME_LIBRARY_DIRS}) set(VRJUGGLER_CXX_FLAGS ${VRJUGGLER30_CXX_FLAGS}) set(VRJUGGLER_DEFINITIONS ${VRJUGGLER30_DEFINITIONS}) set(VRJUGGLER_BUNDLE_PLUGINS ${VRJUGGLER30_BUNDLE_PLUGINS}) set(VRJUGGLER_VJ_BASE_DIR ${VRJUGGLER30_VJ_BASE_DIR}) set(VRJUGGLER_VERSION 3.0) macro(install_vrjuggler_data_files prefix) install_vrjuggler30_data_files("${prefix}" ${ARGN}) endmacro() macro(install_vrjuggler_plugins prefix varForFilenames) install_vrjuggler30_plugins("${prefix}" ${varForFilenames} ${ARGN}) endmacro() endif() endif() if(VRJUGGLER_FIND_22 AND (NOT VRJUGGLER_FOUND)) if(NOT VRJUGGLER22_ROOT_DIR) set(VRJUGGLER22_ROOT_DIR ${VRJUGGLER_ROOT_DIR}) endif() find_package(VRJuggler22 COMPONENTS ${VRJuggler_FIND_COMPONENTS}) if(VRJUGGLER22_FOUND) set(VRJUGGLER_FOUND TRUE) set(VRJUGGLER_LIBRARIES ${VRJUGGLER22_LIBRARIES}) set(VRJUGGLER_INCLUDE_DIRS ${VRJUGGLER22_INCLUDE_DIRS}) set(VRJUGGLER_LIBRARY_DIRS ${VRJUGGLER22_LIBRARY_DIRS}) set(VRJUGGLER_ENVIRONMENT ${VRJUGGLER22_ENVIRONMENT}) set(VRJUGGLER_RUNTIME_LIBRARY_DIRS ${VRJUGGLER22_RUNTIME_LIBRARY_DIRS}) set(VRJUGGLER_CXX_FLAGS ${VRJUGGLER22_CXX_FLAGS}) set(VRJUGGLER_DEFINITIONS ${VRJUGGLER22_DEFINITIONS}) set(VRJUGGLER_BUNDLE_PLUGINS ${VRJUGGLER22_BUNDLE_PLUGINS}) set(VRJUGGLER_VJ_BASE_DIR ${VRJUGGLER22_VJ_BASE_DIR}) set(VRJUGGLER_VERSION 2.2) macro(install_vrjuggler_data_files prefix) install_vrjuggler22_data_files("${prefix}" ${ARGN}) endmacro() macro(install_vrjuggler_plugins prefix varForFilenames) install_vrjuggler22_plugins("${prefix}" ${varForFilenames} ${ARGN}) endmacro() endif() endif() include(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) find_package_handle_standard_args(VRJuggler REQUIRED_VARS VRJUGGLER_LIBRARIES VERSION_VAR VRJUGGLER_VERSION) if(VRJUGGLER_FOUND) mark_as_advanced(VRJUGGLER_ROOT_DIR) # Set generic component variables, like VPR_LIBRARIES if(VRJUGGLER_VERSION VERSION_EQUAL 2.2) set(_components VRJ22 VRJOGL22 VPR20 TWEEK12 SONIX12 JCCL12) else() set(_components VRJ30 VRJOGL30 VPR22 TWEEK14 SONIX14 JCCL14) endif() foreach(comp ${_components}) string(LENGTH "${comp}" len) math(EXPR complen "${len} - 2") string(SUBSTRING "${comp}" 0 ${complen} compshort) set(${compshort}_LIBRARIES ${${comp}_LIBRARIES}) set(${compshort}_INCLUDE_DIRS ${${comp}_INCLUDE_DIRS}) set(${compshort}_LIBRARY_DIRS ${${comp}_LIBRARY_DIRS}) set(${compshort}_CXX_FLAGS ${${comp}_CXX_FLAGS}) endforeach() endif()