# From Supertuxkart SVN revision $Revision$
# Copyright (C) 2012 Jean-manuel clemencon (samuncle)
# Class used to build the project
from subprocess import check_output
from utils import *

class Build:
    Interface for the builder
    # if an error occured
    __noError = True

    def __init__ (self, buildDir):
        Constructor of the builder class
        self.__buildDir = buildDir

    def make(self, job):
        the make command
        changeDir = Cdir(self.__buildDir)

        # we try to build supertuxkart
            check_output(["make -j" + str(job)], shell=True)
            self.__noError = False
        del changeDir

    def clean(self):
        the clean command
        changeDir = Cdir(self.__buildDir)
        check_output(["make clean"], shell=True)
        del changeDir

    def noError(self):
        return true if no error
        return self.__noError