diff --git a/data/gui/init_android.stkgui b/data/gui/init_android.stkgui
index 6e565b836..81d9c13c9 100644
--- a/data/gui/init_android.stkgui
+++ b/data/gui/init_android.stkgui
@@ -2,18 +2,21 @@
     <div x="2%" y="2%" width="96%" height="96%" layout="vertical-row" >
-        <spacer height="2%" width="25"/>
-        <box width="100%" height="75%" padding="10" layout="vertical-row">
-            <bright width="100%" text="Select a type of control that you prefer" align="center" text_align="left" />
+        <box width="100%" height="80%" padding="10" layout="vertical-row">
+            <bright width="100%" text="Select a type of control that you prefer" align="center" text_align="left" word_wrap="true"/>
-            <spacer height="15%" width="10"/>
+            <spacer height="7%" width="10"/>
-            <ribbon id="control_type" height="60%" width="100%" align="center">
+            <ribbon id="control_type" proportion="1" width="100%" align="center">
                 <icon-button id="accelerometer" width="fit" height="fit" icon="gui/difficulty_medium.png"
                         I18N="Control type" text="Accelerometer"/>
                 <icon-button id="steering_wheel" width="fit" height="fit" icon="gui/difficulty_hard.png"
                         I18N="Control type"  text="Steering wheel"/>
+            <spacer height="12%" width="10"/>
+            <label width="100%" text="You can change it later in touch device settings." text_align="left" word_wrap="true"/>
         <spacer height="7%" width="10"/>